Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1895)
by free Cuba, then all would be age wher. girls are most mischievous well. Otherwise the war will con- —of * course, you ’ know what -u“* age aa(i that is. They tease their mother tinue to rage with all its attendant vi mercifully, and the one especial WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11 DK5 horrors. “I expect that our belligerent thing they terment her most about OREGON. rights will be recognized bv the is her alleged admiration for a M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. United States, and h *r example will handsome middle-aged physician. My friend had a lame shoulder not A Statement Regarding the Aims lie followed by every other Ameri long ago, and on of the girls sug can republic. Ours is the cause of of the Cubans. gested painting it with iodine. All freedom, of justice and of right, three of them helped to do it. and New Mirk. Dec. 6—A special to and I hope at no distant day to see with giggling and tittering and the Herald from reliel headquarters, our flag floating in t>iumph over snickering they did their mother La Matilda plantation, province of our beloved island.” up brown. Next day the shoulder I uerto Principe, (Juba, says: was no better, and the doctor was Both for Appendiciti*. Salvador, Cisneros-Betancourt, . sent for The shoulder was hared the Cuban executive, better known Walcott, N. Y. Dec. 3.—From for his inspection, and much to his as the Marquis of Santa Lucia, who telegrams received here today it ’’s patient’s horrified astonishment, he i* here with hie entire cabinet, has It is well arranged nice, cosy, conifortahle rooms. The cuisine de evident that Mrs. Oliyer Dow, of burst into a laugh. She dismissed iaaued a statement. He says: partmerit is as perfect as ¡tossible for an inland town and guests will I. rather unceremoniously, and Furnaco Village, just north of this him •birs is a republican form of ¿erved with care and attention. town, and her only son, John D. when the girls came in she told government, based on broad demo Dow, of Salida, Cob, were each them of his rudeness. Then an 1 cratic principles and especially oj>erated upon last Wednesday for idea struck her. She took her suited to the Cuban |>e^ple Oui what was supposed to he appendi- handglass to the in'rror a nd looked government was first organised by cilia, ttie or.e at h -r home, the other I at that shoulder. . There in bold the election of four deputies from at a hospital in Colorado Springs, brown iodine was a portrait— each of the fi»e army corps, who Col. Neither was aware that the labeled and surrounded by bleeding gave the matter sound and careful hearts and other St. Valentine's dav other was ill consideration, and decided upon all Mrs. Dow died at 6:40 o’clock emblems—of the doctor, The girls I the details of H h . fir8t forr„ nf or. this morning.never having regained are going to wear their last winter’s i OREGON HUNTINGTON, ganization Cjatn this occasion consciousness, Dr. Benjamin Wil hats again this season. —Washing General Gomez exhibited his true son, of Rochester, performed the ton Post. patriotism and democratic ideas, operation, assisted by Drs. J. N. , giv iiig over, as he did, all the extra Robertson and E. II. Draper, of this ordinary powers with which he had village. When the vermiform ap | been invested upon his first land pendiv was exposed it was found h»g in the country. This single to be perfectly healthy, hut a sec- patriotic act won fer Gomes un tlllVi the VIIE7 Ulf .... . .* . . JondinciMon revealed an linrnenst- bounded res|ieci and ad liniration __ ____ _ ot | tumor. his fellow citizens in the son’s ease, according to • 1 he officers of the present gov J telegraphic message, appendicitis ernment were chosen the asst mbly, which first met for the pur|>ose ami was really the disease but his con for the adoption of a constitution, dition is not stated, though it must and it(is this government which be serious, as it was not thought has appointed as diplomatic agent last to let him know of his mother’s our d< legate plenipotentiary, Thos. death. Neither was it deemed advisable Extrada Palma, who is now in the I nited States. He has, in turn, tn mnke the father, Jasper E Dow. «ppointed our sub-del,-gates toother i aware of his son’s condition. ihr Mirrati! FROM CUBA'S PRESIDENT. This popular Hotel holds itsell in point ol rank equal, il not super ior to anv inland hotel and in fact compares favorably with many railroad houses. • The O. C. CO. í"W»rrr Garry the Largest Stock of Gen eral Merchandise in EASTERN OREGON. I" hey They cRE NOW LOADED WITH F IL ANO Wl TER GOODS They Countries. Had Fun With Mamma. ’Our government will la’t, and! victory will lie with us in the end There is a decided co-lines* I here is no chance for failure Ur have the people of Cuba with the bosom of the family of one Us, ami our treasury is by no means mv best friends here in town. My empty, for the large number of pro .. friend is a widow and her age is — p< ri» owner* of the island are par never mind what—a widow is al ways just the right age. She hie ing taxes to us. three daughters who are just the Many Spaniards, wishing our ^SELLATONE PRICE) Go nd s e Th m or Wiite " hem. tj :T»c:r«A£ST> V "... ¿re»«, :W3GDWCRK' Ä------------ — — III*..' C^JAT. X. * “ „ »»»"«-l«,. M luu - tuc refi SALE 13 Y r, »pert am] protection, ar«' included in this list. • “I am well pleased with the pro gress of the revolution. When I first took up arms against the gov ernment, the Spanish regime tried to ridicule me by raying that an I army ot 13 Iw-ardleM youths would not injure the authorities much. But one month later a Spanish stronghold the village of Alta Gar cia, w.t* captured find laid low, the garrison of 100 men at Elmulet From 300 to 500 Head. Price from $4 00 to $15.00 per Head was overpowered, a government contingent of 100 men was routed At the obi stand South East of the H kkai . p office. Ah Sing’s at l.k latrga. and the Spanish gar assortment of Japanese goods is very fin* and, considering the quality, ri» n at San Mvronimto was oyer very cheap powered. ‘ We were more powerful at the beginning of this war than we were at any p« riod durnig that of lHtkS, while the enemy is all at sea con ohn ohrman rewer cerning our movements and inside methods ••General Campos may have the OF THE FAMOUS idea that he can whip US, or per haps I m will attempt to deceive the Cabana, as be did in IS7S, but in each effort he will b« wonderfmllv On the Corner South of the French Hotel, Main Street mistaken Complete in4e|Mnden<-v JOE GILL - - - - - Proprietor. of Cuba is what we ar« struggling for. and onfno other basis will term« Everybody knows Joe and a hors« under his car« will never suffer of (trace I* arranged if Spain for something to eat onmox. would agree to withdraw her troop« ama. from tb* island and ac< -pt an • ■ y Further Joe is an old stable keepet. having hod several vet- FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. ttkn.ent, the amount to be paid «xpeheucein a first class stable in Corvallis. THOROUGHBRED BUCKS FOR SALE. W, D. Huffman * JAPANESE GOODS AND LAUNDRY. Ore Thorovghbred and High Grade Spanish Merino Bucks. These Bucks are from the Emington Sheep Ranch, Umatilla J R , B KED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. »