Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1895)
BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. DECEMBER 4 1895. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Batterson every day in the year j and tar’ll be no end of public en ■ As I sit on the veranda of the theosiasm!”— Detroit Free Press. „BLI.HBD EVERY WEDNESDAY village tavern and looked about me BY _ i He H<d Talent. I though it one of the most peaceful w. C. BYRD & SON. —------ - --------------- - towns I eveasaw, and said as much p0BLl«HE»S AND PBOPSHTOB,. 1 looking wayfarer to the justice of the peace, who <.c A mouldy knocked at the buck door of a cupied a chair beside me. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: humble dwelling in the suburbs “ Yes, purty peaceful, but ” — he One T»»t ............................ 1.00 jjx Mouths......................... 75 replied as his right hand went slow the other mornin3 and inquired of Threu Mouth! —Get one of I. S. Geer & Co’s —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under HERALD CLUB LIST: the woman who answered the ly back to his pistol pocket. 5,00 taker and cabinet-maker. His work premium purchase tickets. This 5.20 “But what?” I asked. knock: 5.20 “But yo’ don’t want to mix in 3.75 “I)o vou war.t your piano tuned shop is the old restaurant building, firm agrees to give the holder of Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his w<»rk at i such tickets a fine life size Crayon when it cemes off. Yo’r best way to day, ma’am will be io get through that door an’ “We prices to suit the hard times. Cof , Portrait absolutely free of any “Lond sakes ” she replied «»mniesof all the above works can be ex- upstairs, and don’t come down as fins made to ordw. Will take pro i charge, by purchasing $20 worth haven’t any piano.” ^/iJd at leisure In the Heading Room. long as you hear any shoutin'.” “Perhaps thu frescoing in yriur duce partlv for work and balance in of goods for cash at their store. It ‘gW-Publlshers of periodicals are solicited is not necessary that the whole “But I don’t undersand, Judge . parlor n^eds touching up a little.” ca-tb. bi ng rates, a copy of their work for file ’nd V"d the Is there to be any shooting around j amount should be purchased at one Xr st of every half-volume, end t-v o , he suggested. | ,0».». bv advertisement. ¡here?' 1» time, but any amount from 5 cents There ain’t any frescoing in the ‘Sartin to be!’ A good ranch belonging to H. G. to $20 as explained upon the tick- park r.” t ADVERTISING RATES: “When?” A look of deep melancholy settled [ Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 ets. J 6 mo .rsc» 1 wk 2 wk 1 Ulo J 3 ino “Pnrtv quick, I reckon.” miles south east of Burns. This on the face of the tourist ‘10 '»11.00 Jlnch 11.50 »2.50 K>OOJ »1» Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 18.00 12 01 “But what about?” 3.Ü0 4.00 ti. 50 .“I am wry,' he said. “By ranch has about 100 acres of good 1 “ 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 I “ cures colde. croup and whooping 10 00 20 00 32.00 “’Vail,” he drawled as he point doing this kind of work for our meadow land. Price $800 or will I “ 4.50 f. 9 00 00 15.00 28.00 48.00 I 6.00 Sco1, 1 12.00 Iti.00 28.00 48.00 80 00 cough, It is pleasant, safe and re- ed down the street; “d’ ye see that; bet»t people I make mv living. 1 trade for sheep. ? •• ¡20.00 30 00 40 00 60.00 110.00 liable. For Bale by all druggists. onery hawg wailerin’ in the mud ,vaP hoping i mighn be able l»v the B yrd & K ing . dewn there?” ' (exercise of o” » of my callings in JOB WORK I “Y»8, I see a hog,” ■you) tasty dottage to earn my )t »very detcrfption executed with neatne»t i IW •nd despatch, at reasonable rate». Bewar of Ointm nts for Catarrh “He belons to Sam Batterson, | breakfast”— — 1 Pamphlet» P< .»ter». lirculan, I Letter Head», that contain M rcury, Bill Henil», the cooper, and Sam feels mighty xnvelopea, “Lord lot-' you, come right in?” Note Head», Card», TieKeta, lentement», Dodgers, Ete. Memoranda. Invitation«. tender toards that hawg since his corditliy ckjlriined the woman, T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re- wile died. 13 THE BEST. Now, then, d’ye see that opening the dpor wide. You’re a . as mercury will surely destroy the Mrence. in Hi» Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- FIT FOR A KING. < •»rti»iug Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. sense of rmell and completely de pesky dawg up the street by that . greasy fraud and J know it* but . CORDOVAN, FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. shade tree?” , you’ve got t ik?ht, apd I adm re' range the whole system when en 4’3.50 fi NE calf &K ansarml OFFICIAL DIRECTORY • “Yes. I see him.” talent whan ver I irreiet it’ .Aow’l | tering it through the mucous sur ♦ 3A° POLICE, 3 soles . “He belongs» to Joe Stivers, the you have yr ur eggs-—bard or soft faces. Such articles should never <2# *2. WORKINGMEN -EXTRA FINE- national : I be used except on prescriptions harnesssmaker, and Joe thinks 80 boiled?’—Chicago’ Tfibune: Fruiidaat ........................... Grover Cleveland «2.*l?®BOYS’SCIiOQLSliOEl I flce-l'reaideut.........................Aulai StevtiiBon | from reputable physicians, as the much of him that he makes his ■LADIES- Ucretarj of State ..........Walter Q.- Grcshnir. g*2^EsVD°NG0fA. iecre.aryof Treasury............... John G. Carlisle children sleep on the floor that the damage they will do is ten fold to' torretarv of Interior ............ Hoke Smith How to Prevent Croup. }»cr«tary of War ... Dauiel 8. Lamont dawg may have a feather bed all >o the good you can possibly derive ■ END FOR CATALOGUE * jacretary of Navy ............Hilary A. Herbert ■L-DOUGLAS- iacretary of Agriculture. ...J. Sterling Morion hisself. from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure,' In about five minutes that BROCKTON,MASS. utsroey General ................ Richard 8, Olney Over One Million People wear the Croup is a tarror toj’oung mothers manufactured by F. J. Cheney & foatiuaater General............. Wilson 8 Bissell pesky dawg will,sight that onery W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes STATE—OREGON : and to post them concering the | Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer hawg, and tbai'll lie a row. All our shoes are equally satisfactory G. W. McBride. Senator» J. H.Mitchell. ) ‘ The dog will pitch into the hog. cause, first symptoms and treat cury, and is taken int rnally, act They give the best value for the money. They equal custom «hoes in style and tit. »Pinger Hermann ment is the object of this item, ing directly upon the blood and mu Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. vongresstnen..................... I W. R. Ellis ■you mean?” The prices are uniform,—.stamped on sole. Attorney General ... . C. M. ldleman i The origin of croup is a common cous surfaces of the system. In From $■ to $3 saved over other makes. 4uvernor ................ Wm P lx>rd “Sartin to”. itcretary of State If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by . *i K Kincaid cold. Children who are subject ¡to buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure Treaturer.................... R . ..Phil. Metschan “And then?” <upt. Public Iuatruction ............ GM Irwin “Dealors everywhere Wanted, agent to lute Printer.................... R “And then Sam Batterson will it tske cold very easily and croup j you get the genuine. It is taken take exclusive »ale for this vicinity W H Leeds '. Write i R. 8. Bean. The first! idternabv and is made in Toledo, at once. Supreme Judge» ..................... > C. Wolverton pitch inter thedawg, and Joe Stivers is almost sure to follow, ' F. A. Moore will pitch inter Sam Batterson, and svmpton is hoarseness ; this is Boon Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes- NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. JiMrict Judge .. D ... M. D. CLirFOko the fust thing vo’ know the hull followed by a peculiar rouHh cough,. timonials free. •iltrict Attorney ................... C. W. Parri«h. »oint-tiepreseutative (K) ,.O. L. Patterson. town willbepitchin’ into each other. which is easily recognized and will I jfW’Sold by Druggists, price 75c. I»int-Sen»tor.............(R).............A. W.Gowan I As I said befo’ yo’d better keep yo’r i never be forgotten by cue who has | per bottle. COfNTY—HARNEY: I V eves on that deer onlesa vot want heard it. The time to act is when ionnty »jdge C. P. Rutherford.» I F lerk . . . ...... (D).. C. E. Kenyon . to mix in the child first becomes hoarse. If, Treasurer I. 8. Geer ....... JR) iarvevor D . ■ T A.McKinnon w cav L AI i ,TRAUt MARKs^r “But. Judge, why should a little Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is Don’t Tolmeco Spit, or Smoke Your theritf (R)... .........A. Hitting» Life Away. iMt'Mor V COPYRIGHTS. ID).... .8. W. Miller tehool Superintendent (R) ...C ha *. Newel scrap between a dog and a hog lead freely given all tendency to croup _ CAM I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a Rock Inspector ....... H. Turner to”— E’l’HPL aPBwer 411,1 an nonest opinion, write to will soon disappear. Even after is the truthful, startling title of a MUNN Jc CO., who have bad nearly fifty years* ID) I book about No-To-Bac, the harm experience A.B. Marks in the patent business. Communica Commissioner» ... “ Thur gose the pesky dawg! ” ex- the croupy cough has developed it less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In R. R. Sits. iR) Ç formation concerning Patent» and how to ob claimen the Judge, &s he sprang up will prevent the attack. ¡There is that braces up nicotinized nerves, tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan hauniy ü. ». land officb : ical and sclentlflo books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Thomas Jones and started down the steps, draw no danger in giving this remedy for eliminates the nicotine poison, •peclal notice In the MclrntlflT American, and "**lver ........................ A. A. Cowing widely before the public with makes weak men gain strength, out coat to the inventor. ing hie pistol as he went. This splendid paper, it contains nothing injurious. 2S w i® kl T' Illustrated baa by fir tho vigor and manhood. You run no Si’S?4 Circulation of any I made ¡for the door and the scientific work In the Sample copies sent free. or financial risk, asNo-To-^ Bufidin* KdTnan^montbfyj^ . ~!.6O a year. Single stairway and reached my room. SOCIETIES. contains beau- 'Id by druggists every where tu^*piatei e ?n*ooior» e,ran n<j1 mber piK>' .. *? oo'ors, ana Photograph» of new The shooting opened lively and SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 43. nmronfuz. to cure or _________ enabling L’l11’?’! with wlth plans, p •nal>l*nk bull Builders to show the under a guarantee money POU»«», 1 contract». Address M«et» every 1st and 3d Wednesday. was well sustained for about ten | refunded. Book free. Address MUNN A CO, N ew T ohx , 301 B boadwaf . Lucy Rusk, N.G. minutes. When it appeared to be Sterling Remedy Co , New York or M L Lewis, Rec. Sec’y. Chicago. over I descended to the veranda. A. 0. U. W. Hurns Lodge, No. 47 H. M. Horton, Burns. The Judge was just coming up the Meet» every M tnd «h Thursday» ¿uns r. ' g a steps from the street. He had his H M Horton, M. W. J W Bayer, Hec'd «LV. Ï0L2. hat in ¡¡his hand, and there was i H arney lodge , no . 77, i . o o f . blood on bis cheek where a bullet *‘A M A K ES is •’ gi vw inst« n» » 0,1,1 Fellow» H*’>. every Saturday. i r»_ ;e¡ and la an in J'fc ■ grazed it. * P ' j. c. Wooly N. G. Im»ort<T. aud WL o I h J, rival.—. la all kind,of Care fbr Pilon. j W. C. Byrd, Secy. MUSICAL MARCHANDISE, The success of thia Great Cough Cure fa “Wall, it’s all over till next time!” Violin». Guitar», Banjo«, Accordeon», Harmon*. without a parallel in the history of medicine. I he remarked, as he sat down and ex All druggilts era authorised to »all it on a pos *”**» ntl kind»of Strings, etc., etc. harnry post no . «s, g . a . r . Druggist «or innil. ftunnk.: I guarantee, a teal that no other« ra can free. Addrrwt*‘ASA KISIK,” ••eth*uT2iA M Wednesday of each amined his pistle to see how many itive •ucceeafully »tend. That it may become Bar Wlfl, New York CiLy. known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex catridges were left in the cylinder pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into i evary home in the United State» and Caaada. “Anybody killed?” I asked. Burns.Canyon Stage Line If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron “One or two, I reckon, and threo chitis, use It. for It will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use V. ■. MAILS. or four hurt; bus it don't begin to it promptly, and relief ie sure. If you dread H. A. W illiams , contractor. .. . •€»»•— valb : that insidious disease Consumption, use it. be as lively as usual. The pesky Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CUBE, Carrying (J. 8. Mail, and Eastern Oregon Ex pre«, Co’. Expre., * tri vetead departadally, Price 10 eta . . 80 eta . and fl . 00. If your Lungs dawg was shot, however, and now are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous • a..»i’»ÏL*—CA"TOW c , vt : • 4 Depart» daily, except Saaday « daily for Canyon Chy, and intermediate point.. Plaster. Price M eta ~ Joe Stivers will be layin’ fur 8am | gists and Dealers. À Peaceful Town. ABSOLUTELY PURE W. L. D ouglas $3 shoe i T SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. S