Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1895)
Even when the others began to Italian, perhaps, with such a face vs he cauld put into his pictures-, lie alarmed, I felt only anxious to while I was only a' little Yankee hear from Frank, and when they BY MARY KYT’ k DALLAS. ,-*S girl, with cheeks like those of a told me that there were doubts of From The lllustjated HomeGu<st milkmaid, and a little up-tilted the‘ship’s safety. I had none. At CHAPTER I nose, and big, baby eyes, bright last her wreck was seen, and some When I was a little girl I went to enough, to be sure, for 1 had had n.en who had been on board, when a school where children of bolb such a happy life that few tears she went down, were brought in by .sexes were taught. The toys sat had ever dimmed them. But I a steamer, and told their story. on one side, the girls on the other. never regretted that I had chosen When they left the wreck Captain We had very liftle to do with each Frank instead of Harry—not a Fair was still upon her. 8he was other during school hou»s. but after thought like that ever came into fast sinking, but he would not leave its close and on holidays we played my mind. ner until every other soul was together constantly. We had the happiest courtship j saved. For my part I liked none of the hat ever was known. Frank went “Do you think that God would girls as well as I did two of the t > sea, it is true, but voyages desert a brave man like that?’’ I lx»ys, Frank Fair and Harry Myrtle. i were short, and on** day an old cried. "No; he’ll come home yet.” They were not in the hast like each great uncle who had more savings And for davs 1 hoped for news, (other Frank was the son of a until at last a fever fell upon me, It is first class in every respect. The proprietor having lieen raised | sailor's widow, a brown haired than any one ever dreamed of left and at it-» lowest stage I punk into in the busioess knows just haw to conduct it Meat at retail ami whole .black-eyed fella», full of fun and hi.u some money. With it he a strange sort of swoon or trance, in sale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at price» I frolic. Harry was the doctor's son bought part of a vessel, and then which I lay like one dead, for seven as low as you would have to pay ranchers Beef,Pork,Mutton, Sau-age I Wnen wt went out together Frank i>eing captain and ow er, he came <la vs. Indeed, some of those around rtc. K. A. M atthes , Proprietor I wa» always “finding i some bit of boldly to my father and asked him me thought I was dead, and said to one another that it was better that when we might be married. I water to Han his boat t upon, ani Father had alwavs liktd him. it should be thus, for that I would Harry always sat down to sketch and he left it to mother. Mother never be happy again while I lived. Ehose were women who wire them •oiuetbing. lie called it •’drawing had begun to like him also, and selves wido”’s. and knew what it picture.-” then. He had “drawn’ somehow the fact that he had . meant to be left so desolate. I mi- doing all sorts of things—fi.-h- named his vessel the ‘’Dolly Fair,’ TO BE CONTINUED. (ing, reading. picking blnck berries, after his own mother, who was a ' at nn deck at school. I have man} [»lain little woman srnie sons ■ f 11 esc sketch« a now, and 1 have, would have been ashann d of,touched b»»i I»-, th«* little pchoom r that Scientific Americao her. Frank mad«* me, with the coning* Agency for “A go<>d son will make a pool B1ÌWARH is the whole story >f it I ioa silk cord and little silk Bf iMlUtloa traA* husband,” she said, and with that wk> aa4 lab«U. ’ lings, and my mime painted upon about give him a kiss. So we had a I her si«!«*. 1 keep it i under a glass merry weuding-dav and a gay teas«*, and it really is a wonder. lion \v-moon. CAVBATS* Harry's »ketches were wonderful TRADE MARKS* . Before any trouble has come to DKSICN PATENTS* 'for a tin, and when he told rue COPYRIGHTS, etcJ in«* it is hard to believe that it ever For Information and free Handbook write to | that Io' tin ant to be an artist, I was Iff Costs n0 morc <hU1 ot*’CT r*ck><esoda—never spoils MUNN A CO., 361 B hoadwat , N«W YORK. ‘an. I had no fear when the ‘ Dolly Oldeet bureau for securing pateuta In America. ill flour—universally acknowledged purest in the world. »ur< he would be a great one, and Every patent taken out by us Is brought before F ht ” set sail. the public by a notice given free of charge in the *«»l»i so. Made only ky CHURCH A CO., New Tork. Sold by rrtxerg everywhere. I grieved to part with niv hus- Scientific j^ncricnu WtUt> far Arm ud liammor Hook at luAJ* Had poo- m<. >and as I had never grieved before, Largest circulation of any selenUflc paper tn the •»ut 1 felt sure that l.e would come world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man ahould be without it, Weekly, 93.00 a year; »1J0six months. Address MUNN A CO, >ack to me. TUBLiaaiBS. 361 Broadway, New York City. The Vision of a Dream. ARA ANP HA/A^ER SODA ► ► » OCÖOC A Do y ou FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. ONLY TEN CENTS EXTRA. SUSVtS FROM HEADACHE. DYS- ItFSIA M INOIOES1ION. . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES H »•«•*» BIllOUS. COKi YIFATE D, *r kM Ll»m COMFLAINf.................................. TAKE RIPANS TABULES tt pur COMFirilOR IS SALLOW. — ya SUFIll DISIRiM AFIIA U1IH. take RIPANS TABULES F«r OlFtMIVt BRIAEN ALL DISOR DIMS OF IHI ttUMACH. . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES 1» me yearly subscription tn The H ehald together with ten c -nts extri, we will send free a copy of 1’lie World Almanac for 1S95. Single copies may be orde'ed nt this oilier for 2.’» cents R<pant Tabulat Ragalifa M b Syitam and Pratarra tha Health. TO TAKE, QUICK Tt ACT F RIPANS TABULE3 “| : EASY SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S IMLL • »w » a . e****v A COMPLETE rc i I MrniCINE CHEST *•4 • »— — . .... H*»l<l bv PrinW. »»r *ant bv mail or rv.-. |; t <4 prlre. r. vlaUl, IS »-«■lit*. I'»‘ ka«n IS b> a Far Yr*« >«a>*laa *M.ra* Ibr Ussf jVr THF f; PANS CHEMICAL CO io sr» ‘<-r •▼«ircT, - w • a. w 3 y - ». « er - -ZwaNfc « * » * w «r V 'S CD cn I I • <. kr » 8 ? I » ) , right of oh nice, »»niv the engagement | must be a long one, for I was y oui g and Frank pior. Fur ouf parts. >v<> were in no haste, so ’hat we wen fne to lo e each other, anil to look i forward to pissing our lives t<>geth er But I win sorry that mot bei had apokrn of H.irrv a.« nh«t did. 1 ha<l never consider J him any thins but a friend. I A lew days after this, he also I made me an off. r His father in tended to Fend him to I mope t> s’udy, and he wanted niv promise Infor» he went. He said much more than brtiik had lie was more romantic ami Imd read more, > and had a grva% r conintaml of lan guage If l»e really l.’ved Sei«! He did it > rn, < veri that 1 should have to tell I did not care fur him. i did say was; • “! am engaged tc Frank Fair” Not a word u.< re or e word I mml I j Neither «!;•! be answer a word Hr only arose, and birred my hand and • •i t Lis way And when hr wa* gone I «aa sorry fue hm Hoti krewd Frank, and I did nut love him, although I waa of him— | vet) f »,d. aa I tn gl.i have l^u W ’ FOR 1395 I The T ?:t Reference Book Printed. A Volume of over 500 pages >• • It Treats 1,400 topics Endorsed by STATESMEN, EDUCATORS and STUDENTS everywhere. Has Reached Such a State of Per fection That It is a Veritable Encyclopedia of Facts* Statis tics and Events Brought Pnwn to January First, 1800. HE 1895 volume is a whole linrery T in itself. One can hardly think of a question it cannot answer. It tellr all about party platforms, election sta tistics, the new tariff, religions of the earth, population everywhere, state and government statistics* occupations of men, foreign matters, literature, science and education. It » . . . And shortlr / he went Io Italy, Blwi | ba<1 |<lovU h. a««« MXm fiIMi tb<> would SUH hitu teller than I Couid ever have d..ue-< be.unfu| AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK. PRICE, postpaid b mail, 25 CENTS. Address THE WORLD, New York City. I