Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1895)
Persons who sympathize with the M illiam C. Whitney, President afflicted will rejoice with D. E. = Cleveland’s former secretary of the Carr of 1235 Harrison «treet., Kan navy is spoken of as a probable sas City. He is an old sufferer „WMAÏ «««»«« = candidate for President. from inflammatory rheumatism, I but has not heretofore been troubled H.c. bibp ---------------- Editor. I Since his return from Europe, he in this climate. Last winter he seems to invite interviewsand free- went up into Wisconsin, and in con E akthqvakes in Asia and Africa ly expresses himself on the silver sequence has had another attack., attbis time, proves there’s some-' question He differs with the ad- “It came upon me again very acute, thing going on under the crust of ministration and believes in the and severe.” he said. “My joints this planet of ours. But what that restoration of silver, but thinks it swelled and became inflamed; sore something is, is what bothers. should be accomplished through an i to toueh or almost to look at. Up international agreement. Mr. on the urgent request of my mother- I in-law I tried Chamberlain’s Pain' T he new British man-of war, " hitney was absent, in Europe, > Balm to reduce the swelling and , launched a short time since, is at 8’x months and says the silver sen- ' ease the pain, and to uiy agreeable the head of the list of first class t’me,,t is growing rapidly in the , surprise, it did both. I have used j English errisers. Sh*’ in is 531 eet Olu country, euuinry> and ano he ne believes oeiieves it will win three fifty cent bottles and believe only be a short time until a natural it to be the finest thing for rheuma- ■ long, with an indicated horse-power ¡agreement will be accomplished lisin, pains and swelling:- extant. For feale bv druggists. of 25,000. and silver will take its place where If King Solomon was alive he 'it should be. This declaration of T he proposed constitution of I Mr. Whitney is in sharp contrast would now say: “(Jo to the travel L'lili provides for eight jurors in with President Cleveland’s gold ing man, learn his ways, and be I wise.” Mr. C. W. Battell, a Cincin stead of twei ye and in civil cases I monometallic policy. natti traveling man representing' three-fourths can return a verdict Mr. Whitney is a very shrewd the Queen City Printing Ink Co., | and criminal cases the verdict must politician and President Cleveland after suffering intensely for two or he unanimous. knows that through the political three days with lameness of the shoulder, resulting from rheuma shrewdness of Whitney he became tism, completely cured it with two | W’ e gather from the government the nominee for the presidency at applications of Chamberlain’s Pain crop bulleton that the cold weather'the Chicago convention in 1892, Balm. This remedv is gaining a thia spring has done great injury though he did not have a single wide reputation for its prompt curJS of rheumatism, lame back, to *11 kind of crops in portions of vote from his own state. sprain*, swellings, and lameness. Georgia, Alabann, Mississippi,New Whether or not Mr. Whitney is 50 cent bottles are for sale by drug York. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and , playing for the nomination on the gists. other states but the ones named nomu.d * democratic platform in 1896 is now have Buffered most. I only cottj cture still there is. room for thinking •<> ar d his play that Carlisle spent most of »lie month s ver will soon be recognized by of Mav preparing and making i intrrnati« rialagreement is to attract fpeeches in dt fense of tin ad minis the attention of silver men and also tration and inr ceiving the plaudits ' to curry favor with the inonometal- ofclaquers who are under obliga- list believing he will be true to the tion» to Cleveland for federal pat corporations and this proper recog- ronifne, While he was thus engag- nition of silver be brought about by ed the deficit increased $3,286,135, all nations. a ly Li ' / O / n:i 1 Kill This will suit the English Roth making the total deficit from Julv 1,1894, to may 31,1895,$46,757,495 child American corporation, because It ie singular that the head of a it has no idea this international con rotten treasury should strut about ference will ever agree Mr. Whitney says he is a bime the country talking about “sound money.”—Sun, tallist but on an international prin a a ciple which will never materialize. a n <1 v vc J ’• We do not believe the democratic + G overnor Altgeld or 111.,express fLCt- ed the belief that the supreme court party will be caught by such chaff. directly established a verv dangeious pre If the party so far forgets itself as cedent in remanding Debs and his to be governed by anything short of friends in jail. lie sars regarding an unmistakable declaration in the decision that the court trampled favor of the free coinage of silver, Sold by all in Liquid, or in Tow 1er upon the rights of the people and good bye to the party, but not dem to be taken dry or made intoa lea. vm simply a tool for the monopoly. ocracy. The King of LIv-r M ■ Heine«. True democratic principles must He further farther states; stales; “The bulwark ------- of " 1 have I y.iurNiuiin l.iv, .- llegtt- lai or mi l <-., i « onwivio-i. ms I y su vit Is ! lie liberty has been undermined and come to the front and the people win .. . mr . l ull !iver n .el leine». I • liter It a «iK-iib iin-<!i- t 1 i lisi-lf.— G ko , W. J ack trial by jury stricken down, The or down goes the whole fabrication. sox , Tix-uiitu. Wualiingum. decision murks a turning point i in W-VKV.Y I’.VrLAGE'Ü» our history, for it establishes ** V* -•»** In V..-I wrapper. A lady at Tooleys La., was very new - - « L S form of government never a before 1 8’c^ bilious colic when M. C. hea'd of among men, that Tinier, a prominent merchant of the is a town gave her a bottle of Chamber tn Ix>well, Ma»»., agree In Mvfng that the) government by injunction.’’ Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ■ell more of Hood’« Sarsaparilla than of all Uber blood purifiers. For Instance: 1 Rein< d v He says she was well in F. C. G oodalb : I sell more of Hood's Sari» I t bas come to light that the s ( , forty minutes after taking the first parilia than all other blood pHriflers. ' ‘ dose. For sale by druggists. A. W. Dows A Co.: Hood’s takes the lea* called “sound money’’ convention, of all other sarsaparillas. recently held in Memphis, was | For whooping cough Chamber C. F. B lanchard : We sell more of nood's dominated by three cuckoos— lain's Cough Remedy is excellent. Sarsaparilla than of any similar. M arston A S haw : With us the sale of hnngressnian Catchings. Clark and | Bv using it freely the disease is de Hood’s Is 9 to 1 of any other kind. Vattenon—all Southerners, and iprived of all dangerous conse- F. A E. B ailby A C o .: Hood's Sarsaparilla • I that the delegates were mere pup |quences. There is no danger in Is one of the best medicines. 1 C arlton A H ovby : Hood's Sarsaparilla la giving the remedy to babies, as it pets in their hands There was no| contains nothing injurious. 50 cent one of tho best medioines we have. Its sale I Increases every year. chance for discussion and the dele- bottles for bale by druggists. F. P. M oody : We sell twice as much of Mood’s Sarsaparilla as of anything similar. pttes were not treated with even' C. A. 8 wan : Hood’s is the most popular »■omrnon courtesies. The whole , sarsaparilla of the day. was a sort wf ratification meet- T kirty O thbb druggists speak similarly. lnl- at which those present were Thia popularity at home, where Hood’s *1 owed to cheer Carlisle and l’at-1 darsaparilla and its proprietors have been known for many years, could not continue if feraon and adopt the resolutions . the medicine did not possess merit. And they had prepared. There will be’ these facts should certainly convince people * frnuine sound money convention I tn other sections of the country that Hood’s ot Memphis on the 12t h and 13th. Sarsaparilla is a good, reliable medicine. There will lie no puppets there and Hood’s Sarsaparilla r*o cheering Lr Carlisle. I/CtOre The of Great Cough Cure la Bold by druggists. M; six for *\ Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, he represented bv all means.— , w'.hout a parallel in the hiwtory of medicine. Lowell. Mess. All drnmpxta are anthorixed to »ell iton npoa- 8un. itive m>*r»”tee. a teat that no other e re can IOO D o 3 om One Dollar »ueee«.ifully •tana. That it may become The Hwi’.l The Druggists $2 $2 TWO $ ONLY TWO $ » THREE GOOD REASONS 1ST-I1 IS ONLY $2 A YEAR, YOU CAN AFFORD TO TAKE IT. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into town, s;-Altos every home in the United States and Canada. If you hav« a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bron- BKW Î0BS- I chitta. uae it. for it will core you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Oonffh, uae it promptly, and relief ie sure. If you dread that Inaidioue diaease Consumption, nee it. MUSICAL NlkRCHAWDISE, Ask your Drugglit for SHILOH'S CURB. Price 10eta . Meta, and *1.00. IfyonrLanga "*■». CaMart. BawjM, ftccwBeaM. tlarwoM are sore or Baek lame, use Shiloh’s Porone U-. tU Strtnç». «te-, rte. Plaster Prioe Meta. For sale by all Dra<- gioU and Dialsrs. THE frrnATTO-' B and I nstrubex ; WiDeUsoar SEAT I’UEMI/L t I p !• CTva torn« to form new •■uwtt t ** Camp-t <• ’ We are «fteHng toe da* taWweaMMk'*« »er t Vst M ’»X» M ItiwwtrMed 'do'-r^ JOHN F. STGATT i N •a» n »cwasas. NEW I 3d--lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu lation.