Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1895)
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT. Of tbe County Clerk of Harney County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the County Court of said County, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st dav of April 1894. to th- 3Uth dav of September 1894, both inclusive:' AM’ t CLAIM« ALU,WED. WARRANTS DRAWN oX ««AT AC( T ALLOWED ♦ 55 25 Merchandise, $ 55 28 4346.40 4346 40 Road A Bridge, 372.56 372.56 Pauper. 934 00 Criminal Circuit Court, 934.00 28004 Criminal Justice, 230.04 240.25 Stationary, Stamps. Books, etc., 24025 4119.00 Court House A Jail, 4119.00 1578.55 County Clerks. 1578.55 2903.40 2903 40 Sberiffp. 310.80 Countv Printing. 310.80 201 25 201.25 liailifip. 275.50 School Superintendents, 275 50 30 00 Teachers Examination, 30.00 it is first eiaas in every reepm-t Ttw proprietor p 1V.(.C lM».„ raided 499.98 ¡Countv Jnndges, 499 98 250 50 Countv ( ommiesioiiere, tn the busirme* knows just bow to conduct it Meat at r u aitd whole , 250.50 44.00 Count1- Supervisors, 44.(iO •ak pneN You can buy by tbe quarter, ¡ cm or m..r . and at price* 1223.80 Jury. 1223.80 •* low at you would have to pay rancher» Beef Turk .M uttm, >.u»age 75 00 Coroner, 75 GO K A M athd .». Proprietor 551.25 Election 551 25 2.50 01 County Treasurer. 250.01 4731 Riel. 47 31 723.50 ssor, 723 50 174 99 Stock Inspector. 174 99 115 00 District Attorney, 11500 I Rebate in Taxes. 305 42 305 42 Ex|*erting Co. R<cords. 475 00 475.00 to r.-nsa., 1 lac. like rmne to Utes. *xc mvim . ar» t>. Mi»»a •>«•»■«« aaa at cv«re - ln T ratiscnpt. 1.50 1.50 l » Reporter. 80 00 80.00 D F Q fleren \, vln mrt W 11 $24 mr-v $21.50 Special Attorney, 30.00 30 00 I mh a >C urrvao» eihdtoUoL bfurl'. on by th« tu-vl« of US bu*xa» cx>»mvC X. 1 «OU14 Tota! unio-mt claim« allowed $ 20444 26 20444.26 U »rrant- drawn in payment of tbe above i * a ax-, cure tor all auflerx*- fr»«E tbaar cauM as follows: General Fund 12209 03 J a U k. w ana i Road *• 4240.60 «Mid oa a S ii IU t , Ovarant».. Builling “ 3994 63 Da MILES’ PILLS. 50Do»cs25C .. Total amount of warrants drawn. $20444 26 ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. ¡¿‘-■■•’THOUSANDS ....... D Ja 4 t Do 1 ou FEEL SICK? »uwr» r*ov wtaoacwc. or» TAKE * laatMatKia . . a i « p » m R fw •»• Ml MM coMTietrt 0 ar Iww w »•« cewnriMa w mi low •» -«• TAKE auevu iH»ia«M arru tanas. RIPANS TABULES s* RIPANS TABULES nuiim aao’K aM imi »loaaca. Mat o» «Li oi»oa TAKE . . . SEMI ANNUAL STATEMENT. RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES ctiaevAia i. * 'I u i * ! uuk RIPANS TABULÉS y y a»m »■«■»» tf » COMPLCTC O X Ml Ol i MEDICINE CHEST j ». a»w h» « «MN •* Ato »••••••• ••• • » ua »a «UM4«l >l Ì • * r i • W - Hipmi Tehele» hftiiti th» Sjntet* end Pruem the Heelth. t EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR S BILL. Hot 1 tor T «rwerto** « ■«.»’ to» mall «*> »»—elw of vrtnc to* <• vtatoTT» emit*. Pm Amr- M La • «X r« »_F.~ »a<..». THE «'FANS CHEMICAL CO to sr»u*t $’»rrr *rw voww N., r.. cat > W. L. D ouclas $3_S HOE -xisfjfSK.. . CORDOVAN, rvtwcaatMMKuaB 'H' *3M Fite C auikakjms •3 VPOLICE.3 soles . ‘»GM..-. t-’iA r 1 .t •z »i’»BcnSMüMa ■ i-A-DIE-S- JÎ-SOTèSU. O»« “u Mm L. Douglas $3 & M Shoes W. AH «tur sbuca arv equally M-.istaciory g?g=.’aa.asKX’sa ‘ >f toe 4u,t unt of Money and Warrants received for Taxes and Money paid to tbe County Treasurer hv the Sheriff of Harney County, ’ •■♦'gon, for tbe six months en ling on the 30th day of September, A D 1894. ' To AMOVNT I I Cl’vrn Pl I.IXG THE M onths i -F bate 1894 e 1^04. lu ruin and currency. April # 123.37 Julv .............. $1845.06 Mu, August ............ 395.25 J une 666.18 Septeml»er.. received. July................. 1845 06 August 395 25 Sept« Hl her ... 666 18 1 ' AMU vr , A1D T,‘ C«»l XTy TKEASl RKR DI RING THE MoXTIIA OF $2659 13 July .... 485.02 6010.24 August 1185 8 1 4337.08 147629 Sep“ember Total paid to Treasurer. April •2659 13 July 485 02 Mat 6000.24 1185.80 August .. /line 4.13 1 .08 1476 29 St ptember STATE OF OREGON4 SH Count) of Harnt V i 1 A t, it g*. Siientl of said < »untv, do hereby certify that th® >orvf -mg sutrmeiit is correct and true. * Witney my hand this 15th day of October. A. D. 1894. A G ittings . Sheriff of Harney Co. e— i<ai| I 8 P INTEREST tC TA KI l i * sb PRINCIPAL. A X Ditease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. AM' ( XT OF Ol TSTANDING WARRANTS I NPAID Oiitrtai ding u- paid General Fund County \Varrnntk on the .‘¡Oth day of .Sept, 1894. $47993.68 u th Estimated Intermt accrued thereon. 82ÍXI000 I ULI Total amount --f unpaid County Warrant«, 47993.68 9Ö00 00 STATE OE OREGON./ County of Harney i 8> ’ I. ’’ L Bhideler. County Clerk of the County of Harney. State of Oregon do hen-bv certify that the foregoing is a true and correct Ftate ■ merit of the number and amount, of claims allowed nv the Conntv Court of «aid County, for the six months ending on the 30th day of September / 1x94. on what account the Mtn* were allowed, and the amount ot war rant- drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding snd unpaid a* the same api-ear upon the records < f mv office and in my official custody. Witness mv hand and tne Seal of »he Countv Court of sa-d Ciuntv this » • «» <on« P. L S hideler , County Clerk ? - lwaL.fa mrotom lu-nri»..», m, lhl, rMalt, a< .mrc JC 'M ». rtK.’TTO« NE ü I-ANNI AL SUMMARY STATEMENT. 1 ’Mh -H .,’Ä* CTLRBIu ”1> r" dr..,. 1 »■' •• '• ••unty «T llar- -V. in tbe » !<*• State of tU Cou;„ Tr.a.ur;;Mnd „„t,unj. BANJOS, - ................................ .................. »47993 66 T....,,.>d,»™, oti««,,,tSerw ;;; 9000.00 lutai Liabilities f 5099368 •'*pt. Ä» ! MM-4 Bp »• - , . . ' RESOURCES ■ . p ™ $ 284.61 to > I lutai Rewourcw« ..................................... ¡ 90000)