Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1895)
NO 16 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MARCH 20 1895, VOL. Vili. _ Mrs. Mary Matthes, milliner, me me Justice justice of oi the me Peace ivavc for n>i the, —1 imothy seed — for — sale ----- or — trade ------ —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under- above named District. County and for grain, by G. W. Young of this f taker and cabinet-maker. His work has just received a stock of desira IBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY ■ place. shop ¡ b the old restaurant building. ble millinery and holiday goods. State, of March 13th. 1895. BY W. C. B yrd , Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at Give her a call and examine li r W. C. BYRD & SON. Justice of the Peace. i I SIMMONS. sheis satisfied she can please prices to suit the hard times. Cof- •goods, ' P ublishers and P roprietors . ■ her customers both in quality of tins made to orde". Will take pro • In the Circuit Court, of the State Petition for License. | of Oregon for Harney County. duct’ partly for work and balance in wares and prices. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: To the lion. County Court of. P eter F. S tenger , Plff ca«h. One Year .................................................... i’-’.Ov Notice Of Dissolution Of Part j blarney County Oregon. ^ix Mouths ..................................................... 1.00 , vs Three Months .............................................. .78 nership. . We the undersigned legal voters A i . ameda S tenger ,Deft —Mrs. Marv Matthes is sole HERALD CLUB LIST: Know all men by these presence ’ Q f i> rt . WM i v precinct, hereby petition) , '1 o Alameda Stenger, the above [erald ami Harper’.- Magazine............ 5,00 agent in this town and county for a that the co p irtneTship. heretofore \mir honorable ho ly to grant « e I ! natm d defendant: In the name of [erald and Harper’s* Weekly ............. 5.20 [erald and Harper’s Bazar................... 5.20 New York firm for the sale of lace, < xisting ami known as 1). L. and ¡license to A. I. Johnson A l>ro. of the State of Oregon: [erald and Harper’s Young People.. 3.75 window curtains, pillow shams, [erald uiul Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 W. H. Shirk is this day and date l^e'vsey Or. g m, to retail vinou-. I | You are hereby summoned and each additional volume after Vol. 1 55 cents: portieres, table covers bed spreads j m .i 11 and fir»r1 (¿turlfi rkllQ liquors liiilim*^! in Hl less lt‘SM ) required, to be and appear in tho malt spirituous 10 cents extra per volume, postage. February 9th 1895 dissolved by I quantities than one gallon at their above entitled court, on or before low a and laces, and at prices so £EZ~<'opieB of all the above works cau be ex- mutual consent. Furthermore place of business at Drewsev Oregon the first dav of the next regular •nlned at leisure in the Reading Room. to as'onish the most incredulous» I that each and not one for the other, mr the period of six months from t. rm thereof, to wit, the 20th dav Publishers of periodicals are solicited Mrs Matthes solicits a call from I but each foi himself siiall assume May 5th A. D. 1895 and for which of Mav 1895. i setut t lubbing rates, u copy of their work for nr Free Rending R >0111— We tile and bind the her neighbors anti exainination of Tht n. thvr ', therefore be vou, and I his own obligations and that neith- we «ill ever pray. Itlur nt close 01 every hull-volume, S"d r-v 11 goods. Dated at Drewsey Feb. 16th '95. answer, or otherwise plead to Spies bv advertisement. I er shall stand as‘surety for the N A M ES plaintiff’s complaint, in this suit NAMES —J F. Boyle, photographer, is other. In witness whereof we have' E L Robbins Jesse Bartlett tiled against you, or for want there ADVERTISING RATES: still here. A rare opportunity set our hand and seal, this 9th day H II Masterson J T Moffet of. the plaintiff will take a decree 1 wk IZwk j 1 ni<> :: mu j 6 mo BFACK Wm Moffet | is presented to ail who have not of Feb 1895 T W Lucas against you for the relief as praved ‘K) $11.00 I.’ .neh 11 50 »2.50 $5.00 Willie A It now J R Johnson for in plaintiff's complaint. 8.00 18.00 4.00 0.50 12 03 U “ themselves with I) L. S hirk , •< seal to no already J supplied r 8.50 5.Ou 8 00 13.00 24 00 1 “ Gen N Rann 1st: That the bonds of matri- I ten Cup 60 00' 32.00 0.00 10.00 29.00 4.50 |4 samples of his excellent work. Re W. H. S hirk . «( seal 48.00 54. «1 9.00 15.00 2M.00 J ~R Drewett ' monv no v existing between plain A E Duncan IK ’’I’1' 1 12. (i. ’ ’ # JO 0 16.00 80.00 120.00 member his prices, $3.00 per doz. 28.00 ■IS. 00 M E Anderson tiff ami defendant be absolutely W P Bobbins r “ 20.00 80 00 40.00 GO. 00 no oo 110.00 *for* eabmets. He guarantees to Scaled Proposals. Geo Morgttt, annulled, cancelled, and set aside, C T Griflin ' Soiled bids will be received S B Stewart at please even themost fastidious. Jacob Wright and a decree of divorce, absolute, be .JOB WORK S W Hamilton granted. 'the oflice of the County Clerk until A W Alhn Jt every description executed with neatness —W. N. Jorgenson has just re , Monday the 25th day of March J H Wright W A Robertson 2nd: That plaintiff by said de End despatch, at reasonable rates. ceived a supply ot'first class violins,' I 1895, for removing ah rock from W F Kingsbury A F Masterson cree, be awarded the care, custody Posters, Pam p'llets Circulars, BiU Heads, Letter Heads. knvelopea. vio in bows, and a very excellent |'t|ie surface of the Court House 1 E J Howard R Drake land control, of each, and all of the Note Hemin, Cards, Tit Kets, Statement«, Dodger*, Ete. Invitations. [Memoranda. L N Stallard 'children mentioned in the com selection of violin and guitar Block and Strict.« i and to level A. Hassett .lame« Simili ■ T hk is kept regularly ou filo for re plaint .-aid Block to atiniform grade with John II Wright ference, In the Geo. 1’. Rowell Newspaper Ad- strings., M I' Howard 3nl: That the money and proper tin slope of the hill, «aid bids to be Al Weatherly irertlsii g Burer.u, 10 «pruc • st.. New S’ork. M J Masiker tv taken by the defmdan*, as al —Get one of I. S. Geer it Co’s. opened at 2. o'clock P. M. of raid Lou C Bradfield A. Altnow leged in the complaint be decreed ' ' . This‘day. The Court reserving the premium purchase tickets, to i>e the entire interest of de*', t d- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY of' right to r.ject a-” and all bids. firm agrees to give the t— holder ... j ant. as alleged in the con ji'aint bo E E nwih ’ >■ | such tiekels a fine life size Crayon j deere. d to he the entire interest < f N »T UÍ. County Clerk. national : Portrait absolutely free of uni defendant in ii< <i of .low. r, in all Pregidem ______ Grover Pie velini d : rice-l’eHi'ie'il. ______ Atllfti SteveriBoTi ' charge, by purchasing $20 worth o: the lands and property t.f tt.e NOTICE. Secretar* of Walter Q. Gresini ni ( LAND OFFICE AT HURNS GIlEGoX. iacretiiry oí Fre wury plaintiff herein, ami of their joint ____ Julin G. Carlisle ; of goods for cash at their store. It Sealed bids will be received by iacreiar Interior ________ llukc tiniitb FEBY. 25 1895. and community property. J«cr»riirj of War Punici S. Lamont is not necessary that the whole (I. A Dillard Clerk School diet ... Hi Jury A. Herbert Itscretar.v of Navy Complaint haying been entered 4th: That the land >t tin defend ieFre'Ai • f ’. ■ i'/nlture J. Sterling Morton amount should be purchased at one No. 1 at Burn- Ore. until Saturday at this Ollice by J ohn G ilcrest ant and the land of the d< temlant Attorney Generili Riehuni S, OlnOy Postmaster General .. Wilson S Bissell time, but any amount from 5 cents April 6th. 1895 for the construction against F redrick V iei > krnell for and her three children jointlv. men STATE -OREGON: to $20 as explained upon the tick- I ()f ‘a certajn se|)OOl house at • per I abandoning hi» Homestead I Entry tioned in the complaint, be decreed J . N. Dolph geuatorp J. H.Mitehell. ete. plans A specifications, t ow on file, No. 867, dated S< pt 14, 1887. upon to be for the use and ben. lit of the [Binger Hermann the S\V| NA SW; Sec. I ami children mention'd in the com Vougrcssiuen I W. k. Ellin MUSIC. with H. E. Thompson each bld ,O NE4 SE K] Sec. 2 Township 19 S B plaint t he issue of said marriage, Attorney batterai ('. M. Idk-man Governor .. Wm I’ Lord Having permanently located in be accompanied by good and suf-p| , in Hari.ey County, Oregon and that the same be held in trust ieeretary of State . H R Kincaid I Treasurer R ..Phil. Metaehan Burns, will teach music on Piano. ficient inn Bond i ii in the mu n sum vi 111 » of »1 t $1000, * vw, . with •» i > > i a vb w i to » • . the .......... cancellation • • c*» • • ■ of for them, by the plaintiff herein, 4upt. Public Instruction ................ G M Irwin II W H l.oeds Organ, Violin and Guitar, 4tate Priuter Music that in the event of getting the the s<.id parties are here- and that defendant lie decreed to t.._ > K. S. Bean. by stimnmnd to this oflice have no right, tit le or interest there parties, furnished for balls and Supreme Judge* .[ Mm. 1’. Lord contract a suflicient bond will be ’ F. A. Moore on the Sth day of April, 1895, at in, whatever, ard that the decree terms to suit the times. given in twice tlie amount of the 10 o’clock A M, to t< spond ami herein, when made and enter'd, SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: E. A. Scherer. bid, and a further bond in the sum furnish testimony concerning said stand in lieu of a uced, for t he pur Oistrict D M. D. C liffoli -I J aim s A. Fee. District Attorney J. I.. Rand poses mentioned herein. John Day flour at U. LI. V.pgtly's of $3000-for the payment of all alleged abandonment. (oi nt-Representative (R) . O. L. And lastly, for such other and THOM AS JONES, Register, I loint Senator A. W.C uwuii for sale at $5 50 a barrel, cash i labor and material used on such further relief as to the court may I This offer holds good for the next contract when due. COUNTY—HARNEY: seem just and equitable. Sounty vjdge.............................. C. < P. R'it herford. Said bids will be opened at 2 piNAI. PROOF You will also take notice that the Jlerk (D).. P. L. Shideler thirty days. Treasurer (K) I.S. (leer C. II. V oegtly , o’clock P. M. of said day. The LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, Summons is served upon you by lurvevor T. A. McKinnon 4heritt (R). ........... A. Gittings March J 8 1895. publication, in the E ast O regon Agent. directors reserve the right to reject Lzaemor ..(D).. ... . S. W. Miller Notice I* hcrebv given that the following- H erald printed and published at tehool Superintendent . < R) ..C has . Neue 1 any and all bids. A good ranch tielonging to H. G. named aeltlcr ha* filed noth c of hl* intention tloek I ispector ... K J. Ivers make fl mil proof in aupport of hi* claim, and Burns, Oregon for six consecutive By order of the board of directors. to ihat raid proof will be made before lie-later A • D) > A. B. Marks Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 ioinmiaaionora R. H. Sitz. Receiver at Burna Ore. on April 25 IN:«.’», viz weeks, weeklv, by order of th. Hon. /R' \ I miles south east of Burns. This R ichard N M ii . lek . Morton I). Clifford Judge of said Hd No 111 for the N'., NW’,. -ec 19 SE'< SF.i* HARNEY r 8. LAND office : SUMMONS. ) ranch has about 100 acres of good Court, and that said order was Se ■ 19 NE‘4 NF.1 i Sec .Ml Tp 21 .« It 17 E. Register Thomas Jones He name* the tollowiliK wl neraea to prove Receiver .... A. A. Cowing . meadow land. Price $800 or will hl. c.intlnuouR residence up it and enlttvaton of made ami dated at Ghani1 ers in In the Justice Court for Burtts ■aid laud viz W m . I! U. iian . Z a < iiahi < ii Canyon City. Oregon Jan “(•, 1895 ■ 1 trade for sheep. rtoOAN. J oirfh A. W illi am -, R obe kt J. W ill ¡strict Harney County Oregon. I a ms all of Riley Ore. SOCIETIES. Hyde & Packwood, . J. J ohnson Plffi B yrd it K ing . THOMAS JONE.«, Regllt«* Atty, for Plff. SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. <3. I VM , A Meets every 1st and 3d Wedneadav. A lmeda S tenger Deft) H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26, ’94. Lucy Rusk, N.G. To the above named defeudant M L Lewis. Rec. Sec'y. , The “Oregon Commercial Co.,’ Almeda Stenger: In the name of have this day bought the entire • he state of Oregon, yon are re A. O. It. W. Bnrns Lodge, No. 47 business of the ‘ Oregon Construc quirt'd to appear before th'* under- Meets evert 2d and 4th Thursdays. Il M Horton, M. W. tion Co.” of this place including ■igned a Justice of the Pence for BURNS, J. A’ caver, Rac'd OREGON. Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable. the District aforesaid on the 27th LEE LU'' \E. P roprietor BUKNO n IA H’lN'iR l.ndgc. N o . 8 I Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood day of April 1895 at ten o'clock in TI iib large mid comf«iri»i le hotel is well furnished and the i • i ’ie- Meet*every 2d and Illi Monday. i Farming Implements. Warehouse the fore-noon of said day. at the tor uses ei’erv < Hi rt possi! !<■ ,<> make his gm-sts feel at I line Mrr, Saver C of H. i oflice of said Justice in raid District The table i* at all tin,' - /;ili d with ever, thing ’I... ma’ if- 1 ■ —— and Real Estate. And assumed ah to answer the move t amed Plff. in th rd«. HARNEY LOIi'iE, NO. 77, I. O O F. Meets nt odd Fellow a Hall, every Saturday, debts and liabilities of said “Oregon a civil action for the recovery of 1 Give Mr L iichh a call and we feel assured you «ill contim be 7 40 p in, J. C. Woolv N. G. Construction Co.,” and have Incor money. W. C. Byrd, Secy. bis guest when in town. i The Deft, will take notice that iff porated with Î50.000* Capita) HARNEY POST ND. 48. G. A. R. she fail to answer the .complaint E urn «-Can yon Stage I ine The officers Meet*every 1st and 3<I Wednesday of each stock fully paid in. herein the Plff. will take judg Month. at olii Fellows’ Hail. All Contrada are: la good standing invited. inent against her for the sum <>l T. A. M c K innon , contractor. R. M. S teel . President. $76.05 and for the costs and dis Carrying U S Mai) : I' tern Oregon Exp’ « Co’s «8. bursements J. II. A itkin , Vice Pres. U. S. MAILS. ini ! ed This sn r BURN*—TALK : G 1:0. A. S teel . Secy. . . Stagpp J, . . i.::-:..’!,!. 1 ¡'i • ’ 1 I i ts. 1 rrivetaLd .• thd&ilv : 1 he we« ldv A. I • ! 4 Oregon Commerciai ( )., [*-r j n nr . I Fare $5. Jxmn Brown. Ex ’. |Vp TVRNiS—CXM YON CITY : for six cm srrivesaud bepart» ja.iy, except Bunday IT Aitkin, mgr. Burt ' cord ance « ith an order n ..CI I y I líen Brown, local agent f>r ' tractor, n. The HsralcL j I I w