Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1895)
BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. MARCH 6 The Herali do doubt receive the support of the The new court house just com - ¡ A gooJ rftnch belonging to H. G. ' Willamette and Cascade wagon ph ted is a handsome frame build- ¡ (janipl>e]|. containing 160 acres 12 BUSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY ing and was constructed at a cost miles south east of Burns. This i road lands, which embrace every BY odd section on both sides of that road of $6000. Plans are being drawn ranch has about 100 acres of good W. C. BYRD & SON. 1 between Albany aud Ontario. This for a large public school building meadow land. Price $800 or will P ublishers and P roprietors . •wagon road was constructed in 1866 and several line residences are con-, trade for sheep. f >r lands donated tw the construc templated. B yrd <t K ing . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Burns was incorporated in 1889. One Year .............................................. tion company by the government. Six Months .............................. ....... Three Months........................... Harney county has a population Present officials: D. L. Grace, 'Jr< MIND of 2500; an assessed valuation of ; Mayor; J. M. Vaughn, recorder; | CH.' HERALD CLUB LIST: derahl and Harper’s Magazine... $1.676,012; rate of taxation, g.J j Irwin Geer, treasurer; P. F. Stenger, Is It: Herald and Harper’s Weekly .... p red Herald and Harper’s Bazar............. cents on the dollar. It has 31,528 M. II. Brenton, Henry Richardson, chan Herald and Harper's Young People... 3.75 li.t- ui Herald ami Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.00 acres of cultivated land; 440,504 George Fry, councilmen; Thomas SIU Vw each additional volume after Vol. 1 55 cents: 10 cents extra tier volume, postage. acres of surveyed land unimproved; Dodson, marshal. The town has a church, public . TEN f***Copieaof all the above works can be ex 100,000 head of tattle; ‘50,000 head »mined at leisure in the Reading Room. ef sheep and 15.C00 head of horses. school, town hall, board of trade, Ciò. MP* Publishers of periodicals are solicited Twenty thousand beef cattle are militia company. Masonic, Odd m > Bend clubbing rates, a copy of their work for our Free Reading R >oin—We tile and bind the (shipped annualli from the county, Fellows and Workman lodges, TEN tatter at close of every half volume, nod r-' Cl _. ♦opies bv advertisement. | Desides large shipments of wool, Baptist, Methodist, union Sunday mutton and horses. The Miller & I school, Junior Epworth league, TC J ' r ADVERTISING RATES: Lux property, under the manage- Chautauqua literary circle, da’lv Ci - «PACE j Iwk 2 wk j 1 mo j 3 mo j 6 mo ment of John Gilcrist and C. W. | mails, good post office service, two Seven I$1.50 $2.50 $5.00 $x no $11.00 $15.00 3 00 4.U0 0.50 12 UJ 18.0C 28.00 Jones, superintendent, is one of the lively, newspapers, the County That, Leven j 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 40 00 News, D, L. Grace, proprietor, and 1 4.50 <i 00 10.00 ■20.00 32.00 50.00 largest cattle and land companies stove Seven I 6.00 9 00 15.00 28.00 48.00 54.00 1 12.00 16 00 28.00 48.00 80.00 120.03 in the United States. Their inter the E ast O regon H erald , W. C Polish 20.00 30.00 40 00 60.00 110.00 140.0c * ests in Harney county exceeds 100, Byrd and Son, proprietors. 'ey’.? Representative business concerns I q OO acres and they furnish employ- • «i I I d JOB WORK •Ita , I are Lucas and Lewis and Mrs. L • ment for 75 men J U’K • 1. H every description executed with neatnexx lud despatcb, at reasonable rates. ! Peter French ¡3 also an extensive Racine, hotel proprietors; C. H. firculars, Postern, Pamphlets IOC and Invelopea, bill Heads, Leiter Heads, I cattle man. He owns 100,000 Voegtly and I. S. Geer & Co , hard : Itateinents, Note Heads, Cards, TicKcts, I valuable ■ Memoranda, Hodge'S, Etc. Invitations. 'acres of land and has large herds ware merchants; George Fry, boot T hk H erald is kept, regularly ou file for re- >f cattle. Mr. French and Miller and shoes; J. C. Welcome, manu i • trence, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- fae.turer and dealer in harness and artialng Bureau, 10 Spruce it.. New York. Jt Lux each "put up 7000 tons of Donndlan & Co., Agis., hay in this county last year and saddles; M. H. Brenton, and Cal 519 MONTGOMERY ST.. S. F.. CAL could have put up three times that Geer, livery and feed stables, Me OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Kinnon & Kenyon, blacksmith i and amaunt if they so desired. NATIONAL* * ' * I i The mining'interests of Harney wagon shop; I) K. Matthes, meat ouglas resident t'ATtOI>.Ab 'Grover Cleveland I A Region that is Rich ill Natural market; Stephens & Richardson, | IS THE BEST. county are sma*i,-b “ ing confined to Ice-President.............................. Adlai Stevenatdi I »«amirMB OU QnWL FIT FOR AKINS. Samuel Bailey ’ Caldwell and 'mith eretary uf State .... Walter y. Gresba>n Itisvuiits. nlacer .diggings and a few quartz . CORDOVAN, crctary of Treasury ............. JohnG.Carlisle FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. and R. E. Reed, liquor dealers; Ed eretary of Interior ................... Hoke Smith ---------------- prospects near trout creek. Crop 4.$ F ine C alf &K angardu oratory of War ............. Duniel 8. Lamoni •eretary of Navy ......... HUary A. Herbert GREATNEED OF A RAILROAD pings of coal were discovered near Walton and John Robinson, barbers; »3.50 POLICE. 3 SOLES. eretary of Agriculture. .J. Sterling Morion J. W. Sayer, proprietor flour mill, ttorney General Richaru S, Olney Idaho Statesman. Drewsey several years ago but no ostmaster General............... Wilson 8 Bissell STATIC— orkuon : Burns, Or Feb. 18—Harney Co. I levelopements have ever been lumber and shingle mill. Ione «2> i . z = boys 'S chool S hoex J. N. Dolph - ladies - 'made. F ne quarries of lime and ] Whiting, postmaster and agent for euntuiN J. H.Mitchell. is in the southeastern part of Ore. I (Binger Hermann 150 miles east of the Cascades, and building stone are being opened up ' the Ontario stage line; McKinney ungressinen .............. |W. R. Ellix Good and Sparrow, extensive sawmill; ttorney General . ... C. M. Idleinan with Grant. Malheur, Crook, Lake within six miles of Burns governor ............. ........... . Wm P Lord BROCKTON, MASS. I W L Marsden, physician and crctary of State HR Kincaid and Klamath counties, a portion of clay for brick is found in many Over One Million People wear tlio re ax u re r....................... R ..Phil. Metac-han 'surgeon; N. Brown, general rner- ■pt. Publie ! :t».t ruction ............. GM Irwin southern Idaho, northern Nevada parts of the county. W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes State Printer R ......... W II Laedg There are four sawmills, a fihin-1 chant and agent of Canyon Citv All our shoes aro equally ratisfactory i K. S. Bean. and northeastern California, consti upreme Judges They give the best value fcr tbo ironcy. .[ Win. P. Lord tutes the largest territory without gle mill and two flour mills in the stage line: H. M Horton, druggist; They equal custom «hoc! In style and fit. > F. A. Moore Tholr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. George W. Hayes, deputv district SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: Saw logs are floated down The prices aro uniform,—-stamped on aole. I a railroad in the United States, county. istrici Ju-tge..................... D $i to S3 anved over other nakes. M. D. CLtl FOKi, I ; attorney for Harney county; A. W. From If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Janus A. Fee. The district thus embraced has ex- Silves river from the timber belt latrici Attorney .............. . J. I.. Rand Waters, attorney at law; M Fitz hint-Repreaentative . (R) . o. I.. Patterson stensive recources of every descrip encountered in the northern por “Dealora everywhere Wanted, agent to- Gerald, attorney before United take loint-Senatur .(R) A. W.Cowan exclusive sale for thia vicinity. Write tion. It furtiisheB traffic sufficient j tion of the county. biates .land ofliice; J. Durkheimer at once. COUNTY—HARNKY: to make the completion of the The following is u list of the was an active spirit in the early adge. ................. C. P. Rutherford. ...(D)...... . P. L. Shidcler Oregon Pacific from Albany to Boise ccuntv officials: C. P Rutherford history of Weiser, the progress of easurer ... .. (R) .I. 8. Geer a most favorable project. rvevor . . .. ................... T. A. McKinnon judge; P. L. Shideler, clerk ; A. which he still watches with interest. JOHN F. STRATTON eriff............... .... A. Gittiugx (R) Burns is connected with the out NEW YORK. The surface of this vast country messor .. .(D)... Gittings, sherrifi'; I. S. Geer, tre as- 8. W. Miller h.xil Superintendent -t. . tR) • C has . Newe I cide world by a dailv stage service irk Inspector KJ. Ivt-rx is largely a plateau ranging in ele titer: S. W. Miller, assessor; Chas to Ontario, a distance of 150 niles. fD) > A. B. Marks vation front 2000 to 40G0*feet. The nmmixsioiivrs Newell, school superintendent; Stages leave Burns daily at 6:30 P. rR' ( K. R. Sits. Iaiprrur. udWholMalfPMleralii all hlnd.ol mineral and timber lands are north George Southworth, corroner; T. A. M. making the trip to Ontario in 42 MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, H AUNEV (i. R. LAND OFFICE: Guitars. Banjos, Accordions, Harmon», of the route surveyed, but tributary Me Kinnon. surveyor; R. R. Sitz hours. ■ Fate one way $6; round Violins, legister ......... .. Tlnimai Jones cat, i.c., r.ll tlnds of St rings, etc., etc. .eeeiver a . a .cowing to it, while to the south and east and A. B. Marks, commissioners. trip $11, H. A. Williams, proprietor. Both are well equipped lines, with JOHN F. STRATTON I are the best grazing lands in the Burns, the county seat, has a SOCIETIES. CELEBRATED United States. Patt of the region population of 500, and is mid wav good accommodating employes. SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. .3. i is especially adapted to the produc between Boise and Albany, making Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. BANJOS tion of wheat, oats, barley and hay. it a most suitable division point H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26, ’94. Lucy Rusk, N.G. J tn porters of and Wholesale D«tilera in all kind* of M L Lewis. Kec. Sec’y. Co., ” The “ Oregon Commercial I The completion of the Oregon It is situa'ed near the foothills in MUSICAL MtRCHANU tSE, have this day bought the ent ire I . tll.u. Guitars. Banjo». Mandoline], Act ordrons, Pacific to Boise, thence to a connec- Harmoni as. cc.. all kinds of Ctrlngs. • to..etc. the northwestern part of Harney A. O. U. W. Hurns Lodge, No. 47 SLW 1UKK. i tion with the Chicago and North valley, which, including the Harney business of the “Oregon Construc Meets every 2d and 4tlrThursdays H .M Horton, M. W tion Co.” of this place including J. W Sayer, Rec’d ’ western, will make the most direct and Malheur lakes, is 35 miles long JOHN F. STRATT k / w ’S Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable, transcontinental line. It would and 30 miles, wide. CELEBRATED BURNOKlX HONOR Lodge, No. 8 Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood. get a heavy live stock business, GUITARS Meets every 2d and 4th Monday. Burns i" the trading point for Mrs, Sayer C of H. while ’the forests tributary to the Silver creek. Narrows, Diamond, Farming Implements, Warehouse route would furnish a large lumber Happy valley, P Ranch, Anderson, and Real Estate. And assumed all Importer of and HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. debts and liabilities of said “Oregon . Meets at Odd Fellow s Hall, every .Saturday, traffic throughout Wyoming and Wholesale Dealer In all kinds of » 3d P tn, J. C. Wooly N. G. I Harney valley, Silvies valley. Emi Construction Co.,” and have Incor MUSICAL MtRCMANI W. C. Byrd, Secy. central Nebraska. grant, Poison and Trout creeks, dll, 813,815,817 East ‘J111 St., The distance from casper Wyont and, being the county seat, drew» porated with $50,000. Capital HARNEY POST NO. 48, G. A. R. Meetgevery 1st and 3<1 Wednesday- of each ing, the terminus of the F E. M- a big trade from all parts of the stock fully paid in. The officer? JOHN F. SIRA ■ O ld Fellows’ Hall. All Comrade CELEBRATED la good ntandinginvtted. V., to Albany, the terminus of the county. A government land office : are: President. R. M S teel , Oregon Pacific according to the representing an area of 16,000 J. H. A itkin , Vice Pres. 0. 8. MAILS. practical route, would not be over square miles, known as th>' Harney j burns — yalb : G eo . A. S teel , Secy. MANDOLINS. 1000 miles ami would tap a country land district, is located at Burns, krriveaand departs daily, J. Importers of and Wholesale Oregon Commercial Co., per worthy the consideration of the NUHNS—CANTON CITY: in charge of Thomas Jones, register, MU8ICAL MKRCHAN. arriverand Departs daily, except Sunday H Aitkin, uigr. Northwestern, This project would and A. A. Cowing, receiver. I 811.813.815.817 East »th . . MON “ As old as the hills” and never excell ed. “Tried and proven” is the verdict o f millions. ■8 i m m o n s Liver Regu lator is tin* o n I y L e • and Kidu<‘.‘ medicine to which y o u c ui pin your faith for a c u r e . ?. mild 11 k t - i ve. a n d - ) '■ i A 5» W. L. D CUAC t ............... luuiiiae juuvB , - , . t :•