Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1894)
The Hmli. t WXDNK8DAY OCTOBRR24 1WM v —The “Boss” place to get good —Almost every thing for ask al value for your money is at Wor- Worthington’s. thingtun’s. SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURE. For Sale Or Trade. Schedule of expenditures of Harney Cmanty. State of Oregon, —Please do not forget that Claims Filed aggregating 13720 84 and allowed in the sum of $3239 68 >A g the largest circulation or Jorgenson has the liest lot of spec- —100 acres of fine fruit land in bv the Hon. County Court, at the adjourned September term 1894. any newspaper in thiscoünty . taeles, eye-glasseaea, gold pens and 10 acre lots 5 mites south of Eugene Amt i Claimed, Amt. Allow mile west of Spenser I Chas. P. Rutherford 1 mos. salary as Co. Judge, $ 83 33 83 33 I holders and magic pencils, etc., etc. Oregon, 1 I R. R Sits mileage A per dieiu as Co. Cernmr., 17 00 17 00 Butte. Lot6 al 8400 each Horses Local News. 22 00 22 00 ■—To all subscriber« of the E. O and cattle part pay on each lot. if A H. Marks mileage A per aa Co. Conirnr., 200 00 200 00 —Just received at Worthington’s H erald and those in arrears, who the purchaser so desires For fur P. L Shideler 1 urns, salary a a Co. Clerk. C. E. Kenyon 1 mow. salary aa Denuty Ce. Clerk, 93 75 93 75 a full line of books, stationary and will pay up and renew, we will send ther information inquire at this A. (iittings 1 mua. salary as Sheriff, 21M) 00 200 00 the Semi Weekly New York World office. notions. J M. Vaughn 1 moa. salary aa Deputy Sheriff, 93 75 93 75 free for a ’ x months. For reliable Paulina Locher 3 mos. rent of Clerks, Sheriffs —Dr. Cate is now located in the ! —Get one of I, G. Gm A Co’s. A Assessors Office 8. Geer 90 00 90 00 east room of the building occupied News there is no better paper than ■ premium purchase tickets. Thia , W-U l\v rd J. 1*. fees State va C Putta 11 40 11 40 the World. by Henry Welcome, druggist. « green to give the holder ».f HayO D ‘ V Uf Ì** 5 00 5 00 firm »L — J. F. Boyle, photographer, is * 1 Wm Montgomery witness fees same 31 90 31 IM) —The Drewsey mill is now mak still here. A rare opportunity such tickets a fine life rise Crayon Geo. W Hayes, f»*es A mileage etc. same 127 50 87 50 ing flour absolutely free of any . a Gittinga. Sheriff fees etc. same 149 70 116 30 is presented to all who have not Portrait a • » • A • i ’ * w -a • - . • a. • _ A * - . by purchasing $20 worth A Gifting» hire of team etc. a ¡me 110 00 Continued B orn —To . the wife of Henry already supplied themselves with charge, , . , , , . |t 1 D J. Hadley Sheriff fees Huin ’ mlt Co. Nevada same 32 50 26 00 .ample, of hi.ex«.>le..t work Ro lof for ,»'h •»J'™'J"""- Caldwell on the 21st inst. a boy. . „» »1,,« »k.. l Malt Dancclairr hire tram etc same 10 75 Disallowed is not necessary that the whole e B orn —To the wife of James member hie prices, $3.00 ner dox. , , • , . W. C. Bird J. P fees State vs L Parker 25 70 22 70 amount should be purchased at one (Jr<> W HaveR Dihl Auy KHn,e for cabinets. He guarantees to ' 600 Moore resident of Burns, on the Continued tim»\ but anv amount from 5 cents | M p. Biggs'Dial Atty levs same 5 00 Continued please even themost fastidious. 19th inst., a daughter. to $20 aa explained upon the tick j Free of 20 Witnesses same 84 00 34 00 —There will be a dance at the ets. J K Gould Guard A Board —The Pacific Express office at 30 20 26 00 J. R. Gould Board Indian Prisoner 250 The Dalles was robbed of 114,000 Caldwell Hall Friday the 26th 2 00 J R Gould Jailors fees 6 00 6 00 Music will be furnished bv Prof. on Saturday night Oct. 13. T G. Dmlaon Guarding Jail 18 00 18 00 Petition for License. Duncan the great violinist from I suhc Winters Guarding Jail 18 OO 18 00 Baker City. A good time guaran-1 ' A. Gittings Stiffs fees State vs J Rrendly etals 680 6 30 » teed. 26 50 Disallowed To the Honorable County Court A. (iittings Shiff» fees State vs John Doe ( A. (iittings postage stamps for Shff 12 00 1200 —J. Durkheimer will pay the of the State of Oregon for t he County A (iittings Shfl tees Po»t mortem Howard A Glaze 17 15 13 15 highest Cash price for your County of Harney. W C. B\ rd J P fees Inquest same 25 00 25 00 We the undersigned vour petition John E Rols-rts taking teatimoney same Warrants. 17 75 17 75 era would most, reap etfull v repre Fees of 6 Jurors same 19 20 19 20 — We read a good article in the sent »hat we are each ami »11 rt-si Fees of 12 Witnesses same 38 40 «8 40 Prineville Review of last week, from dents and legal voters of Drewsev .1. B Huntington Board for Mr. Paine Indigent IS. J. Newsom, giving many good Lrecirv't in said eotin’i- »»■<! stat* •person A meals for Jurors 18 25 18 25 I is-. .1. ft Huntington, Stage fare pd, for Mr. Payne reasons wh> Eastern Oregon should and we ask that u license granted to A I. Johnson ■* ,V ’ Bro. to i iniiigeiii. person 6 60 6 60 be irrigated. .sell and dispose t>f spirt nous,vinous rK Nellie Grace, printing for Sb fl' 7 50 7 50 passed »nd mult liquors in *<iid I Drewsey \\ (l) Altnow. mileage A pertlient citation from The Misses Kenyon 13 00 Disallowed through town Thursday enroute ’Precinct in less quantities than on» j Hoard EqualizHt’on. gallon for i he period of six months 19 35 Continued from Burns to Salem.—Prineville from the 5th d«v of November A. il C Welcome. Drags etc for Co Poor, *C II Vcpgtlv, 8taii<>narv etc for Co 18 00 18 00 Review. D. 1894. Dated Ht Dre HeV Ore () A B Stage Co Stage fare for Mra Scott, I 25 1 25 Aug. 25th 1894 i»en C Irw’n, A C«» stationary for Clerka Office 23 40 23 40 NAMES. NAMES. East Oregon Herald Publishing notice to tax Pay ere, , 2 50 Mr. M R. Biggs, a Burns attorney, 2 50 P II Everton John H Wright • Al Sutherland, witi:» as fees State vs \ N Smith 40 00 is here to attend circuit court. It is 40 00 Jam*» Small | F M Jordan, witness fees State vs J II Jordan E R Smith « 20 *".z; ‘ 8 20 understood he willsQon locale here I M McDonald John S I.aveiy iilass A I'riidhoinine, atatmnarv etc for Co 516 70 486 00 permanently.—Prineville Review.) Al O Anderson | Mrs F E McGee, care and board of 1) W George Hula*' j Durkheimer. Thus Di Inn a 1.1 W Barton Kajon Indigent person, 30 00 Disallowed It Thompson R Drake 'i W Mill»-!, Assessors fees, —Our old friend Isaac Allison, 104 00 104 00 W H II irness ’ Register A Receiver U. 8. Land Ollie»*, a ba fact —It don’t pay to send off for well known lyall of the old settlers Math Wavers M F Howard I <>f road I h nd, goods or groceries now. See J. of this couiitv. as he was once h I R A Miller 22 50 22 50 Charles Hughes I \ Dnnii. hauling Jetting proosw to Burns. Joe A Howard 18 33 Durkheimer’s ad. in this issue. 12 02 resident here, but he now lives at . J,,hn Wright Char|es T St» wart ' 11 Vtpgtly, liarapipe etc for Co 15 07 15 97 A I Wen • I < rly I '.onisa Baciu»-, Board for H C Payne Indigent person, 17 00 —We see in the Gazette of the or ner Oregon City, this state, was, W II G»arh»rt Refen-d to W A R ihcrteon 18th that new settlers are locating here last week seeing after some of G,rJ N Rann Grant County C T Grill n C N Cochran W Murad en, medical service same, M »• 29 00 in Malhuer county. Lately parties his nusineas interests in thin Wm Fred rich a George Morgen I W L Ma rad» n, examination Mrs Altnow Insane person, 5 00 5 00 from Nebraska have located bn' • onnty. Mrs. Jordan, hie daughter, Harrv Fainnan D W Claypool | D»*ly A Robbins, Iron etc for Co 86 13 36 13 Gen Lindenberger ' i I' Barnes, , work — on accompanied him home lands along Snake river. F M Cibler Co Rd, --- ----- 3« 00 Conti» uird RC Bls clock S W Hamilton 1 iti y Mctìre. a»me, —On Thursday evening of thia 17 50 Continu ed Choice meats found at the butch John Nash E S Wood * ' M Dilli* li, suine, • • 4, 6 00 er shop adjoining the bakery. Nr« week there will be a grand enter .1 H Wright Lmi C Bradfield I B •! \V» < k h , sun.e, M t* 7 50 W F Moffett butcher shop I>oyd Culp proprietor tainment given at Caldwell’s Hall, Ed Washhurn W ,M King, ssiiie, 30 00 30 00 E I. Robbins 1'1 A B» • rlv. sanie, Call and see what he has, learn by the Daly Noveltv, and Athletic Ed Morris 19 50 Continuled J S Drewott. R B W»re C C Hill, sanie, price», etc. Combination. Every one should 18 00 18 (»0 .1 A Robertson John I) Daly J Latnpshire, sanie, 30 00 go and take their families. Don t L oyd C ulp . 30 00 Ja ne» Albert, sanie, 15 00 15 00 miss thia opportunity to hear the «John Water», In uber for Rd Dista, 2A3 —Doc. Anderson waa thrown 69 45 69 OD I l W Buchanan, wnrk on Rda. from the stage on the Canyon City greatest tqpor vocalist character JTINA». PROOF 127 00 127 00 I A Dunn, hatilmg »and for C II A V change artist, ever in Burna Ad- 12 25 road near Soda, last Friday, and so 12 25 General LAND OFFICE AT RI'HNS, oreoon .'G W Younp, lime etc for C H A V mission Popular Prices. 240 53 240 53 badly hurt that he died of bis Ana. "¿1 »**4 sllowance on contract A extra work Reserved Notice la hereby a!»en that the following • G W »» Younp, 11 _i tr 1 Ail mission 25 cents; injuries on Satuidav night nam*<f witter hat* SI m I ii.iti« « of hU Intantiob , 0,1 '■* •' »nil V 354 15 Seats 50 cents. Doors open at 7 to make i’ll p-<e>f in support of hit 'hi,itZiiùtw,J 11 Wits»-ll anpmpriation for repair Rd East 354 15 ««lil pr-xit will lie ini-t before .... —Agent Hill. Messenger Tibbets o'clock. Performance begins at 8. th»' •nd Receiver »1 Hun *.Oregon, on Oct. 24, ISM I DUma Bridge 200 00 J ams « Annttsis. . 2(X) 00 and Watchman Gibbons have been T|cketg for ga|e at Burns Drug vis: Hit. No I'Ml Forihe SW>^ HW U Her. 11 •■« I Attest, P L , County NU NW<4 and HE>i NW'4 Sec. 14 Tp. IK S. R. | arre»kd, accused of complicity in g iore Store. S;.U E . He names the fot'owln» witneece to prove the robbery of the express office at ,* hl» <-ontinuonere«ldeiire upon and enlUvatlo» of laid land, via: Joseph Holeboa. W. F. MoWett t The Dalles a few days ago. of $14- • <-f Va-t Orason. Charlea Anderaoit. and H Thompaon, of Hurns 'reron. 100. NOTICE All accounts and Notes now due me must be paid by Novem ber 1st. After I that date same will be placed in hands of my Lawyers for prompt collec tion. I —Mr. Chas. Relshaw’s teams *ere in town again thia week de livering fruit and honey. Parties wanting honey will find it for sale •t Mr. A. A Cowing’s. John Day fiour at C. H. Voegtly’s for sale at 16 00 a barrel, cash Thia offer holds good for the next thirty days. C. H. VoWTl.y, Agent —Ralph Geer his wife and his •ister Mrs. Clvmer are here visiting Mr. Csl Geer and family. Ralph's •»any friends here are pleased to meet him and his estimable ladv. i He likes bis home in Vancouver well indeed, and says that hwn i« uOt, txXbered with "hawoa ” THOMAS JONES. RcKiatee. The M-crvtary of the Elkhart ( arr-age •n«i Hans*» Mfa. Co, «»I Kti»ti.»ri, )>•! informs us that their prices will •« kw« r tor 18*.M than ever, tie wishes u-<toa.-» our readers not to purchase anviho g u the line ol carriages, wagon-. I '-ye!« -<> harness until they have »< at i c-n stamps 0» pay po«.u»w on th* ir 11 catalogii*-. wewdwel paper l*» reinenii* r Ins FERRY’S SEEDS /.warded Highest Honors—World*« Fair. DFL I BAKING POWDH MOST PERFECT MADE. gonAÎtSTHl STAWDAMk Il is flrat class in every respect. The in the business knows just how to conduct sale prices You can buy by the quarter, as low as you would have to pay ranchers et®’ proprietor having been raised it. Meat at retail and whole less or more, and al prices Reef,Park R-wtagt * A, M attum , Proprietor.