Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1894)
9 ■ ■ W mid. irgan — BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, OCT. Th? F r SIMM10 ÑS 1 PUBLISHED KVIRY WEDNESDAY Ì W. Ç. BYRD & SON. P ublishers P roprietors . ; and SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ona Year . ............ |2.0u Six Mouth» ............................................. 1.00 Three Month» ■« . .75 HERALD CLUB LINT: eraid and Harper*» Magazine............ erald and Harjier’n Weekly .............. Herald and Harper's Bazar................... Herald and Harper's Young People .. t 5,00 5.20 5.20 3.75 ■ trald and Alden's Mauifuld Cyclopedia, 2.80 each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: 10 cents extra aer volume, postage. «^Copies of all the above works can be ex- •nined at leisure in the Beading Room ADVERTISING RATES: ||1 50 «2 50 »5uu 1» •») 3 00 4 00 6.50 12 u9 1 3.50 5.00 8 (»0 i;>.oo 4 50 6 00 10.00 x-00 6 00 9.00 15.00 28.00 1 12 00 16 00 28 no 4X 00 1 20.00 30 00 40 00 60 00 111 00 18.00 24.00 32.00 48 00 80.00 no oo 1 the hills” and never excell ed. “Tried and proven ’’ REGULATOR, is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the only Liver Mr. and Mrs. John Witxell. dial •> an.I Kidn«'v Mondav morning the 29th mat. medicine to which you We wvie indeed, very sorrv to hear • can pin youi' of tile death of oi e o th« s • infants faith for a we -incerelv hoped and expressed cure. /. our hope that the parents would be mild I tx 1- able to raise all three of the babies. t've, a n «1 -The Boise Statesman gives an nurelv veg- etthle, act- I »'‘count of a shooting affray at >)' lire-tly Rnincan, U'tween Chari e Hayes ■i <: ir-'r deputt sheriff aid a stockman ) Rid- named Duncan, which reunited in I 1 1 yr I $15.00 28 00 1 40 OO 50 00 54 00 120 00 140 on I I 1 » I « * I l ie instant death of Haves. Put can was shot through and it. is sup posed will die. u I Sf every deccription executed with neatue»» tad despatch, at reasonable rates. lredlara, Pollera, Pamphlets nvelope». Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Statement», Note Heads, Cards, Tiesets. Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. t T hs H erald is kept regularly „------- J ou file for re torence, in tbe Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Nl ference, Ad vertising Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. ■ :t OFFICIAL DIRECTORY "^‘^.GruvercinTmand1 Local News. —Grant Thompsod is court hou^e baliff. «he Drewsey mil) Hanlev Bros., had his horse to fal- 'with him resulting in throwing out I of place «me of the hip joints of the voting man Ih was brought to Burna anil is now under the <*.ne of Dr. Marsden. ■ ■ > UNIVERSITY OF O EGON • • , B y hi » .V K in «. ?’,rk Sometime ago I w as troubled v w in attack of rheumatism I ii >< Chnmhrrlain’H P.«ii Balm ami va '•onipletely cured I hv * rihc « k Ivised manv .oT my |'’irmi- .mi cuatomern to trv the rem •!-. a* <♦ • •|a-;«k highly of it. Simon G«.|d. '•mim. San Lnis Rev. F«> •«le by H. M H irton Ì-» KUOKNK. G E« • * ( I I I irsuursr larvevor ... íhgrin. ... Asaeasor Jenuul Superintendent (tuck Inspector Sommiseioners haswct o . *«Ii»t«r deceiver 0. P. Rutherford F. b. Hhideler < d . 1. S. Geer ' . T. A. McKinnon fRf ...... A. Gittins» ... 8. W. Miller ’(R) . Cmi. Neve I . . R J. Iver» ID) I A.R. Mark» , K R Sils. .(D). a. LAHD ornea: Thomas Jones .... A. A. Cowins SOCIETIES. "YLVA REBEKAH Degree N«. “•^•«very 1st and Id Wednesday. Alice E. King. N G. • Nay Worthington, Ree. 8ee'y ~~ i 1 i ii. i A. O. U. W. Barna Lodge, Ne «7 Maetaevery ad and Uh Thursdays. ' W. R. Gradon, M. W • J. W Bayer, Rec* I —The Wa-m Spring Indiana are now land owners, Hut not aliuw ed '• sell claim« for 25 years, when the government will give the own era a warranty lerd. —The two children of C. A Sw •< who havo l»een absent for a-m lime in the Vai lay at their Grandmother’s returned home sev- eral days eince James Anderton and W. F. Mof fett of Van, were in town Jaat week : Wm. Anderton was b«*re making final pr >of an hia homettead and Mr. Moffett was one of hit witnesses. —Jack Hamhlet. who murdered a man at a dance in Grant County Sl'RNOwlA HONOR lAMtge. ho. » ■••’"•verv M and 4lh Monday. some time since ’■ still at large, Man A B TenagC'er H. and we tee from exchangee, hiding ■ ta.VBT LODGE, MO. 77, I. O O F. in the mounlama and robbing sheep • •• 044 Fellows Ball,ovary tatards). -------- offered for hia ■ F I. a. Uasr, M. 9 f. ■. üsvr, N. o. eampe. 1 ns reward rew: i, captura is 91,OX). harret post bo . m , o. a . a. •"** 34 Wsd««s«Uy «f«ach la y, 344 Falhiw«' Hall. All C«wrad» ’ •*** •U'idiaglavttad. .. •• ' *»»■»-«A1W: ' A rrlveaaad dapamdal ly, ____ »•*■»—«AWT«W «WT : **•••* «>•«•«» daily, aieapt Sunday | F. F. Stenger was heard from the ?oh r Jay. He was in Danville Virginia when he wrote and had disp«w*d of all hie horses at fair i«r><a-,but 13h*ad and expected I > sell them tbe next day after ho wrote. / * I* o handle«*. Lumber, Coal, Wood, 'arming Impiementa. WarehouM ■ id Real Estate And assumed all ' • t- oid hi i‘itiew of said **<)rego» oii-ti uetion I . . and have Iiieor- ■ .rm t d With 5(1.000, ('api lai » •. bill« pant The officers r it M *» I K t" I l’r« aident J. II A itkin , Vic« Pres. » Wal^Q.^hVm 1 ’• now mak,n8 flour- COÜSTT—li ÄHRST: t A good ranch belonging to li. G Hl ntington . Oreg . Jan 26, ’94. Campbell, containing 160 acre nil Th« “Oregon Commercial Cn* miles south east of Burna Tin «ave this dnv bought the entire ranch has altoirt 1OO acres of got•< ilH’ne-M of t he •(fregón Countruo meadow land. Price $800 or wil' ion of this place including •I on. y •». XccotmlH, Bills Receivable, tra«le for sheep. I Next SeHpion l«eginx the 17th of I • September, 1894 WANTED. JohHoke sm’t'h I —Ths L mg Creek Eagle has Tuition, free. Board »2 50 a Hilary *. a . nrruen Herbert treated itself to a new cylinder week. J. Sterling Morton Agents to sell our choice and hnr Fivecourses: Ulaseieitl.Scientific. ‘ - Olney I pres«« Richard 8, .. Wilson _______________ 8 Hindi Literary, English and buainetH. dy Nursery Stock. We have mam STAT«—OBKl.OS : —G »vernmentaid has be*n c al I d new special varieties, Kxh in fruit« | J. M. Dolph feu alors I J. H.Mitchell. for to BUpprees uutiawrv m the In |nnd ornamental»« to offer, which ar« (Binger Hermann diau Territory. The Boarding Hall for voung , .‘ontrolled onlv by ub Swn<reMineii We pa\ «W. R. Kilis Attorney General iadit'H and the Boarding Hall for R. E. < hamberlsia. Suveruur — John Biggs who wax lately nd D.8y Ivester Pen no« er voung gentleman will lie under the . ' ommiRHion or salary. Write uh a» « Secretary of state R Ge«». W. McBride Treasurer R secure choice Phil. Metschan. mined to the bar. will locate here I persomi I supervision of Mr.-. .Munra. | once for terms, and lupi Publie luitructiuii R J. B. McElroy •late Primer R Frank Baket f >r the present, we bid him welc««nie a lady of refinement ai d la-ge ex ¡ of territory, catalogues, address. perienee. For For cataloguée, address. I ' M ay B rothers . Nurserymen, layrea« Judge» Ì “ yy, . 8. Bean, and wiaii him ««uccess. I m. P. Lord J. J WALTON » ■ F. A. • Moore I Rochester, N ' . —Mexico and Goat mala ar« SIXTH JUDICIAL distkict : Secy. Regent*. kistrici Judge ......... o ... . m . D. Curroai. likely to g“t into a rump ia; both a,.,,.». ... .................... JamieA.Fee. I AMorn*r .............. J ..Baud ¡«owers are hurrying tn»ps to the (R> U. L. Panersoa f«int Senator ,(R) a . W.Cowan frontiers. I Suanty ,jdge I I . • —One «lay the latter part of ast I Week, John I’arten. an employee • f JOB WORK Fresiuent Vice-Pre»ideut. •»cretary of State ¡•creiary uf Treasury •»cretarv of Interiur ■•erstary of War •»cretary of Navy Secretary of Agricultnre Attorney General Pustinaater General Highest of all in Leavening Tower.— Latest U. S. Gwv't Report. 9¿7/Z £9*Publishers of periodicals are solicited to send clubbing rates, a copy of their work for »ar Free Read lug Room—We file and bind the latter at close of every half-volume, »nd P«v t > •spies by advertisement. ■ 1 wk 12 wk J 1 niu J i> mu 1 6 mu —The Eagle gives an account of what was nearly a cyclone, that happened to Hamilton 12 miles distant from Long Creek. Mr. Me Haley V dry gaais store was swept eight or ten feet from its foundation, resulting in damaging Mr. McHtley about $600 —One of the triplet infants, of I As old as NO 44 i "TEFL Secy h' gon Commerci»! (Jo., per J 'oKin FERRY’S SEEDS Arc Juat whet every ...wer ii«*«l». 'I lie ruer- or Ferr»*«« |. l III the toulKlalhi» up-^^^H r <>n which hi.« lern built th« ~ l«r»i--i weit l.u.inrrn in ibr world. »? Firry’» Seid Aua<.nl for I sm conliafn» tliv Mini and mi baiane* of the lai«*t hu nuiiK k i,uwl«<bi«. Fra« lor III« aaklng. D V. FERRY » CO., Li ltui , Mich. Burns.Canyon Stage Line Carrying U.S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Stages Leave Burns daily for Canyon Fare |6 Express City, and Co’s Express. points, intermediate J. H. Huntington, Agent, Burns Oregon. t • A , Í'íl •—— r '. n uaniG n • * « — rÇ W. W. Johnson Proprietor. I Beer The Wines Liquors BestBraxds Pleasant Club Room Cigars ,• Eta. Hew Billiard Tabb wx.. _• — .u A \n 4