Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1894)
„ . _ _ _ _ _ _ —. r—-J— a : " «-» - ^'^i—■> .'««4M I Notice. knowledge of the grand Jury that E. J. Newell vs, David Morris July 21id J C Buck land vs F J ( Decree of divorce! there is personal property, to-wit, and William Morris. Cause eon-, Buckland, I Everybfidv known thems«lv(»s in- from one hundred to a hundred and tinned.«e«1. w 1DNMDAY JULY 4. 1HV4. i forty head of horses and from fiftv Julv 3rd \V F Moffi tt vs Hulse I I. hted to Caldwell »t Co. will Jul» 3rd Daniel Willitta vs. Win. i to one hundred head of cattle in Mil«t r Countv Judge and 11 B. and Moffrt Findings of court tiled. please come ami settle by money or note la tore Jtilv 1st 1894, or mr iA< THE LARGEST i kbgest CIRCULATION circulation OF of | . this county, the property ot one Mace admr. of the « tate of H D decree nccordingly, i ‘counts will be put in an attorn- ZXY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. --------------------- William Altnow.. that has not been Willits D«cd Tak« n under al ’< hands for colkclion and cost —Garden seeds at C. II. Vo'gt given in, in any sworn statement visement to be decided in vacation, will be added of the said owner to the assessors j June 26th (ho Kirchbeiger va ly’s. 1.«: e C alüwklt . of thia county, for the year 1894, T M Seawanl admr of the estate ot — Dr. (tale is kept pretty busy, i Local News. hut the information and the state- J S Seaward Deed. Verdict -• for - The universal good dentistry done i —William Harvey is sole agent —Samuel Kenyon has now a mints of the witnesses were too in- plff. for $75.00. by him has gained for the Dr. a ’ weI) regulated meat market, with definite as to the amount of said I for the Salem \V«»«»|en Mill St<«r» J B Morris vs. A Gittings. • ' lasting reputation •' »n excellent refrigerator attach« d property, to do aught at this time 1 tinned. in this and («runt counties Blank [than call the attention of the court! June 26th A Newbrrger vs Ir«’ V .c Ottn«»: will s«ll you I ac< i «•Is fine as silk, robes inferior t« —I. S. Geer and Co. have an ex than call the attention of the court ’ selection of garden seed.from | (O the matter and recommend that G Bovce Older t’>r sale of attach- H I’’’'1"1 ' 1 1 none, overshirts and underwear as cellent L-. the board of equalization investigate |e 1 property j*'" The ba<;0*’ ’f*“11 j «'heap as the cheapest, socks, gloves, the firm of D M Kerry & Co. „ , ., / ,, , ... .»• « curi'd. Leave vour order at Geer I tniu« its. overcoats, flannels by the said matter inattpr and and cause ««¡ iiika said auin nrmu Springer VS II I. \\ light ‘ -Preaching next Sunday at 11 ¡said prom r. r • [, I < k Co s. »tor«-. o’clock a in and 8 o’clock p m u- *-• *- «— _______ \ v«rd, doth bv the yard, ladies dresa by ty t ) he duly assessed and the | Settled and di ► missed. June 25th Fred Haines assignee | —No nmre politics. Jorgenson tlaonels. etc. etc. Takes measure» taxes thereon cnllecte«!. Rev Winans, vs A Gittings has put off his trip t<» go lip salt for men’s and youth’s clothing, —The Pulman car boycott is now j Lastly, we also return our thanks iof Ira J Bovce ¡river till the last ,....................... — - boat goes and he i Call and see him, office at the the striking strike that agitates the to Hon. M. D. Clifford, Circuit iCau-e continued the prompt, courteous I June 26th Peter Clemens vs W i is «“ be found at the same old place French Hotel. public and newspapers are full of it I Judge, , for f Cause i repairing watches, clocks, sewing and ^ a{ able —Harve Dixon since being again 1 an ’ manner, in which he has i D Hanley and E B Hanlev. —(»«'t one of I. S Geer A- Cos. machines and any thing that comes discharged his duties, and presided [continued, premium purclias«* tickets This honored grandfather constitutes during the adjourned term of the A C Worthirgton vs A Hembree, . ! along be also takes photographs at firm ugr« ch to give the holder of !$4.00 [i«T. do/. . » abinet size; himself the whole grand jury, the above entitled court. Also Jas. Judgemer t on stipulation . ; such tickets a tine life size ('ravon balifl and prosecuting attorney A. Fee. Circuit Judge, who presided W 11 Mahon admr of the vstat, i Portrait absolutely free , of any thrown in. WANTED. I at the regular term, also to Thorton |of Patrick Mahon Deed, vs A (Jit ¡charge, by purchasing $20 1 worth diction matter of haying sashes, juris- caps, ■ \v;u; ani8’’ l e nt**»g district attor-|tings Continued. —The in the committee I for *•«»«•»! cash at i i i,„.. of ”• goods m ai their t oeir store It Agents to sell ,, our choice and bar June 25th Harry Bennett vs A et(, - ?’, the order of the court, for mcessnrv that the whole ,,, , is not necessary »V«>have many , of the 4th ot July celebration. ■ |11B attention to his duties, and the '(» ittings. July 2nd on trial, ver dv Nurserv Stock. . . at ore new special varieties, both in truits I «mount should lie 1 purchased ’ are requested to deposit them with aid and assistance he has rendered ¡diet for plff. . . tooffei, . O" which -.1 «re t out an.V amount from 5 cents ar» Mrs. A. A. Cowing. us in the course of our labors, als<>( June 25th R A Miller vs Rudolph and • ornamentals ... only , i by us. w the controlled We pay | o ■ -11 as explained upon i • tick publish anv —We locals cannot this possibly week, what im- 1 /r i ? U11 1 ’ °Ur .... iai w*’° bi,f* Miller. Dismissed at piti ’s cost. commission or salary. Write us at , , . , I ««Horded us < every attention, and | Fred Haines va I J C Buckland once for terms, and secure choice | piti for rill hare one to s go we over for the our hook next I » " „ , • "" n'"' »mulcted '!"> portant have on the "forewid aforesaid ; , V for pltl f.»i $25 70 h’NHNGToN Oreg March 1 ’94 July 2nd Thos MeCofnmk vs of territory^. , , i,.ae. H’e eonridened the proceed "7.,[ M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, I B ak S ih : Our articles of Cor we ask to he discharged J M II Brenton, John E Ruberie and Rochester, N Y («(»ration proyid«B, and we have ar- Il B McClure Cau«e ?«>iUr»tie«i P etek C i i mens , ings of the adjourned term of our angt'd for the accommodation of F ore man for the term circuit court of more interest to oui i Parties wishing to purchase a > • eust«»mc!s. w|. > are desìi < us of I readers. EQl'ITY POCKET small band of gentle dairy cqttl« • rn ing th« if Bank aeemint in •r • >. • ! f CIRCUIT COURT. I i July 2nd l’eter French et al- vs would do well to call and see Austin 11 ontington. hik I have Coiiti'.Ued for Goodman for a bargain before go Grand Jury Report. A lonzo Seaward Fxcbange Ollie»- ’ as June 26th. 1894. ing elsewhere. I Irmi ■ r • t rt menl CRIMINAL POCKET. Circuit Court of the State of Ore. | vs .1 T Kidd l ’ efer French We are prep itv«i to h.mille al! State of Oregon, ys. L- B. Spring » , . Not ice. I e (!•' for Harney County. faken under ad viseioent lo li> ([lies pr« -i ’■ d. er. On motion of deft, continued In the matter of the final report I ciiled in vacation. Lem* (‘«'Hili''«•«•“ of Deposit, p «v- for the term. We will trade pur saw mill fol oftHeGrad Jury. Peter French vs William 11 Sbit kj vs. M. Sworts I . “lieh intel ' “’ on ti til" deposit at State of Oregon, cattle or horses, or take part pa' We the Grand Jury of the County i md David LShiik. Decneas pt r i-ervafive b ink- do. ami G. W- Miller. On motion J uh m lumber The mill is centrali of Harney and State of Ore , res [ 2nd., of Dis. Attorney for want ot Stipulation Receive iimtie« "it depo-if •mb* pectfully report at this time to the I sufficient evidence to convict the June 29th Henry Miller v- W b I 'cated between Beaver Creek, S. 1" I t tn I'll' <|Ut - ♦ I 'nii l>«v. Silver Cr«ek and Bi; »bove entitled court as folio vs: Mollelt et als. Judge and d»cree t>f case was dismissed and deft s. ex «'amp Cre« k and several small I W«' m-k \"ur e<inBtdertitioii ami 1st We have been in session two unerased from any further liability. | sen h-menta We have to mud I l I! V«>lir IlccnUtlt. days at the regular term, and eight State of On gon, vs. A N. Smith. ’ July 2nd Baker Citv Bank v.-1 other work. Call on or address I Rehi>«'ctl’iilly <«!■'(;m (' '> ' 'i davs at the adjourned term of court i _ '* ' et als faken under i «Wm Black ......... „ • a .J 11. A it k tn. mgr ,, , j 1 ¡On June • U'll I vyl1 trial v,,aI V ”"’ 2<th. failed to get (¡¡Icliiist Bros. and have found nine true bill«, ana |. June 29th. caase submitted; I ad v isern« r.t to la- di eidt'd in va File, Crook (’<> . Or« three not truw bills of indictment. , •July , , 3rd. jury disagree and dia- cation. 2nd Many have come before us 'charged. Motion on part of state I July 3rd In the matter of assign 1st Readers at •> O Wool Grower*. li which, for lack of time, we have not | for a change of venue. Motion al | ment of Albert Vestal II M Horton 2nd. III » » a been able to investigate. Among |owe(j assignee. Continued for term. Dear Sir; Huntington has ad 3d » * other things the matter of artesian 'I ■) June 30th. State of Oregon, vs . In the matter of assignment of vantages f >r shipping ami sale o' ♦ th. s» « » well, and the matter ot the founda J. H. Jordan. On trial, -cause sub -I Sworts and Miller. C W Jones wool,- no other pi/int in Fasten 5th. Oregon has. niiineh : Being tin lion of the court house in thisi mitted. verdict of Jury not guilty, ’assignee, . Continued. "it » G •.phy i Monteith“ l*’e county. That many of the tax | June 25th E B Ilanley vs Cha les terminus <»F divisions, the point t< 65>ets < '««lllp Mo». ’ lis «iv» deft discharged. winch all ran « are made east oi pavers of the county are demand i Continued. Geography II ’ "« rjj > H ! < ’ ! I rk June 26th. State of Oregon and | Nelson w« st bound. We get same to Bos ing an explanation and report of the Baker City National Bank, vs.! July 5nd Orofino Case he« r vs ton ami east as do all pointe east to Grammar X ' S II« « I in ar the things, which the grand jury H. M. Horton. Motion to squash . Charles Casebeer Taken under , ('aid well and lower rates to Port land 65eis Ami th -cl >«■> k 4 and San Francisco than the points ‘ have not the time to do. T - Wherefore r ♦ ii .te I j - u . . ,i__ l . «nd set aside pioceedings. July , |a,’Vtsement to be decided in ya- east of i>s; Our rate to Boston is in pr< porti" we respectfully rccommendthat the | ( o|. : fl 1 <>v* 3rd. deft allowed to go on his own ( cation. $1 90. We get same rate« to Port will “('ll set ., Rena Bunvnrd vs court of this county be instructed .1 June 26th prices for en • < ■ nlv. recognizance, cause continued, land and San Francisco as doer to txamine at the regular term James Bunyard, •Settled and dis- Baker Citv and a lower rate east Orders l>v tin« 1 i> <• ’h nted bondsmen released thereof into the contract and work missed at plffs cost. • to Ifated t h i - 1 “ t < than they. ♦ v < • 'arch July 2nd State of Oregon, vs performed thereunder, in reference I Peter French. Motion to dismiss» July 2d In the matter of assign town can ♦ ipial our advantages fo- shipping i Boyce, Fred Haines to these things the appropriations I ‘t of Ira - V Y. allowed, deft, discharged from | ,ne, or selling Advances made —haul —:----- Continued. and accounts and to report through ( assignee. (' further liability. ing charges paid—wool insured June 29 In the matter of assign immediately. Send your wool in public print to the tax-payers of June 27th. State of Oregon, vs. the countv the true condition there Awarded of ’/’«an and bo8ter' J,H‘ our care. Respectfully, John E. Rol«erts 1 Deft, arraigned of. Morris assignee. Continued. o C. Co Highest Honors—World's Pair. and pleads not guilty. June 28th 3rd We have visited the offices On trial, verdict of jury not guilty. July 2nd A N«;wberger and M Not ire—Timber Culture. DR, Wright and J Wright vs Ira J , •nd examined the books of the Deft, discharged Land Office, Burns Orc ' Boyce et al«. Continued on etipu ; County Clerk, Sheriff and County June 29th State of Oregon, vs. i May 29 1894 ' Treasurer and found thc-m kept in T. W. Stephens. Deft discharged. lation. Noli' «' is ber« l>v given that James1 July 3d C H Stutler vs John J i F. Mahon has fil»*d notice of in I » neat and orderly manner, but June 29th State of Oregon, vs. Mahon et als. Continued. f’om a lack of time, and inability tention to make final proof l>«-fort | : O P. Balcroff Deft, discharged. June 26th Zimri L Thoma» vs Register und Receiver at his oflict* to ascertain the exact condition of LAW DOCKET Emma J Thomas. Decree of di in Burns Ore., on Friday the 6th things,for want of expert assistance, «lav of July, 1894. on timber culture would reccommend that the book» July 3rd W. U. Stephens, Cause I vorce granted, applica«inn No. 168, for the SWj June 25th Henry Miller vs C A NE|. W| SE|, SEI »nd accounts of the thr»-e several taken under advisement to be de of se tior. Morrison mid I. M Morrison. Dis No 14. in Township No. 22 S offices mentioned be examined by decided in vacation. Range No. 321 E. ««pert» appointed by the Judge of June 29th Dean Horton vs. Peter luiswd a’ plff cost June 29th Ada larger v» Charles ||e names as witnesses: J. W. this court, to assist the next grand French. Cause continued for the Iaegar. Decrwe of divorce granted. Curtis. James I’irie, Smith Good jury m their investigation of the MOST PERFECT MADE. terin. I. J, M Morrison Morris««« va vs C j A Morrison. s|«eed, Joseph Rector. «11 of Harney **tue. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Decree of divorce granted grants«! I»y hv Judge (y Ore. re T iiumas J ones A. Venator vs. Petar French. from Ammonia, Alum <x any other adulterant. Fee. 4th That it has com« to th« Cause continued. Register. 40 YEARS THH STANDARD. * I CREAM BAKING