Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1894)
1894 FERRY’S SEEDS ■ few days, aad you trill be startled at th» unex pwuJ suoceM that will r»ward v«ur efforts. W< aoaiti.aly liar» th» bast bualueas to offer sa agent •tai can be found on the face of thia eartb. • •4S.M progt *7B OU worth nt buaiueaa ia being easily and honorably made by and paid to humlrrda of moa, woman, boys, and girls iu our employ. You cm make money faster at work for oa than you have aay idea of. Th« baainess is so •asy to learu, and iastruetioas so simple and plain, that all surcsed from the start Those who take hold of the bneinesa reap the advantage that arise» from th« souad reputatfon of one of the I Sldest, most «ueeemful, and largest publishing ou sea la America. Keeure for yourself the profit« that the buainra» ao readily and handsomely yield«. AU beginner« sueeaed grandly, and more than réalisa their greatest «apeetations. Those who Wy It fin i eaaetly a» we tell them. There is plenty •i room for a few more workers, and we urge them t« begin nt enoe. If you are already em ployed, but nave a few spare moment«, aad wish le use them to advantage, then write ns at once (rand opportunity), epportuaity ), and receive tfor this is your grand ly return mall. Addr«««, Andrea», tall particular« by FOR THE PRICE OF ORE. — ---- Our Premiums FOR THIS TEAK. —m— —THIS PAPER— -----WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call! TltUff A <X>., *•■ Nn. MO, Angwin, Mo PRICK «I.SJ PKB Tr AX. ----- OR----- ¡HE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! i » r*(C*K •«.<> > FEB YKA». Al ------- -------------- -T%HE SAN FRANCISCO ¿l-Z WEEKLY CALL I» a haudsuiHs eight- page paper. It is iaiued every Thursday, and contains ail of Hie important new* of the week, glenned from every q« ir- ter of the globe, complete up It fur- ts date sf publication. ■ I»hrs the latent and moat reliable financial new» and market quotation». a- d giva» •peeial attention to horticuL tural and agricultural newa. and I» In every rest ect a firx’- ilas» family uai>er, app<*nii .g to tile interest of every uie>i.l>er of the household. ------- -------------- C.i.< Js. Trado- marts. Design Patents Copyights, \uJ ul’ Po’unt b um in ci a conducted for NiCOTRATE FEES. ir ■niiiib.'i hp i Clifofk' •. ti to Inventor« witboaf • Add re«« PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHNWEDOERBURN, Managing Attorney, 1 1»(;X t«3 i ■inr la managed by a combination of o«t Influential newspapers In th» i erprcM purpoan of yrwSwe«- ■ M-rlber» »»alnat unarrnpulou P. < ni Agent», and aa< h paper . rtlM rni-ut votiehe» tor the reapon»l- u. ‘ «i «■■«-«■ .ung..ei|r Prir-*'l-l"iir«'"(in-a»y WASHINGTON, D.C. i I | | SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. HE MOHMNU CAI.I. (8KVBN l»SCU A Will) I The aucc»R« of this Groot. Cough Cure 1» without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggist• an- n .llinrizi-d t<> .«¡II it on a put itive gn ira.-t. • i test tint: no otherc recall aucceaainllv «land. That It, muy become known, thy Pixiurielors. i. ail enormous ex * pense, are pill« Illg i S.ii.. . . tmttlc Free Into every home in the Unite Stilles and Canada. If you have % Cough, Hove throat, or Bron chitin, uss it. for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Who. piugCough, use it prontt.llv, and relief is ai’re. if.vou dread that insidious <!!»»»•» Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SIIILOH’H CURE, Price to ets. Ml eta. and 11.00. If your Lungs are sore or Hack lams, us# Shiloh's Porous Planter. Price 28 eta. For sale by all Drug gists aud Dealers. A high-class illustrated nitgaiin» magazine in the home is no long« Hanger’s Magazine. a luxury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands created by this IL U9TRATKD I necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving yearly, a» it ILLUSTRATED. Are Just what every - •------ Ji •••> it I__ « rower needs. Lbe tuer- Harper’s Magazine for 1893 will ceutlnue to ‘does, 1.536 pages cf reading by the us of Ferry’» rieeda o - maintain the unrivalled standard of excellence KI po I lîwîlkfP ÄhU«Ua.--- »,rtu Gie foundation up which has ehsracterized it from the beginning ' q ablest living authors, with over on which ba* been built the Among the natabl» features of the year there largest seed businevs >" ‘be worij will be new novels by A Conan Doyle, Con I 1200 illustrations by clever artist», Ferrv’t Seed Aanot* for I®** — V4OH, stance Fenimore Waolson. and William Black. I contains the sum and “ Short stories will be contributed by the most has stepped into the breech, with the laleet farming knowledge. Free popular writers of the day, including Mary E. for the asking. Wilkins. Richasd Harding Davis, Margaret a reduction in its price that hat D. M FERRY a CO.. Deland, Branaer Matthews, and many othets. ! »__»!_ J - 1-. Detroit, Mich. The illustrated descriptive papers will embrace tartled the literary world. articles by Julian Ralph on new Southern and Western subjects; by Theodore Child ob India; The H erald , fully alive to ths -we — VlltJ *«*u by Poultney Higelow on Russia and Germany; »- - _ , •• by Richard Harding Davis on a Ixindon Season : tifcetlff of its patrons, haB made Of has by ColonelT. A. Dudgeon Eastern Rider»; etc. Edwin A. Abb». ’• lllmtratlonsof Shakespeare’» , special arrangements with thii Comedies will be continued Literary article» i will be contributed by Charle» Eliot Norton, superb monthly, whereby it will Mrs. James T. Fields, William Dean Howells, Brander Matthews, aud others. receive t»rders for yearly subscrip THE DISABILITY BILI LAW. tions to both publications combined HARPER’S PERIOPICS Soldiers disabled since the war are for the sum of $3.00. Per Year: Entitled The price of the great illustrated Dependent widows and Parents now de HARPER’S MAGAZINE |4.0( pendent whose sons died from the efieers of HAI.PER'S WEEKLY monthlies in the paBt has been 4.0f army service are included. If you wish HARi ER'S BAZAR ........................ 4.W your claim speedily ami successfully prose- HARP1 K’H YOUNG PEOPLE.........2.<M $3 00 and $4 00 a year, ana they uted, address .1.4 M ES TAN NKR, Postage Free to all Subscribers in the were to be found only in the more I ate Commissioner of Pensions, United States, Canada, or Mexico. W ashington , d I pretentious homes. Our offer fur- The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Number» for June and December of I nishen a help to all families, no eac h year. When no time is specified, sub i matter how modest their mean», scriptions will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. to keep in touch with the greatest Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine for minds of the world, as The Cosmo* three years bacx, in neat doth binding will PERSONAL AND PROMPT be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of >3 politan has today the- strongest ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT- per volume. Cloth (’uses, for binding 50 regular staff of any existing period each—by mail, post-paid. TRADE cents ENTS, CAVEATS, Remittances should tie made by Postoftiee ical. Send orders to 1» a live I«»« trot m daily. It la the MOST RELI A- BLK. and I» recognized a« behitf the LEADING NEWS- PAPER <-f the Pacific Const. Either of the above i «per* we will armi tm-tu-ld as a pre. Illium tin recall t of the follow, iag »ubaerlptiou prices (or the eoiobinatlon ; DAILY CALL HD ¡lll> I«... .Fit HD, i 7» ï M I WEEKLY CUI PATEN. MARKS, etc. NO FEE UNLE S PATENT IS SECURED. CORRESPOND- ENCE SOLICITED. Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc ol °Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. W Hau’s . STODDART & CO., 613 & 616 7th Stroot, N. w. (Oppo ile U. >. Patent Office.) U AS’li\GT<»N. h. • £ FENCING RABBIT ABB P0ULTB1 NETTING. T he H erald , I I Burns Ore. ♦ I A Marvelous Discovery Fra*. ILLTST RATED. Harper’» Weekly ia acknowledged aa aland i ing lira' among illustrated weekly periodical» in America. It occupies a place between that of the hurried daily paper and that of the leaa timely monthly magazine, it include» both iteraiure and new«, and present» with equal force and felicity the real event» of current history and the imaginative themes of fiction On account of it» very eemplete aerie» of illus tration* of the World'» Eair, it will be not only he t-e»t guide to rhe g-eat Exposition, but also its best stive ir. Every public event of general i terest will be fully illustrated in its pages. Its contribution» being from the best writers and artists in this country, it will continue to excel in literature, news, and illustrations, al o'her publications of i a clnaa I Superfluous hair removed per manently, instantaneously, without pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. In order to prove superiority, we will for next 90 days send sample bottle and testimonials free, on re ceipt of nineteen cents to pay post age. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East 14th St. New York. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. PER year : The lia Mclullsn Woven lire Fence Co m « «*• H. Market •«.. Chic TOUR FUTURE Mid ibi P p , P r ïj.ii •’ 50 Sdentiflo America« HARPER WEEKLY ......... HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER’S BAZAR. .............. HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE W. L. D ouclas NOSQUCAKINft S3 SHOE ♦5. CORDOVAN, 4.Of _____ I --wrxAVAN 4.ih 2.0 FRENCriAENAMElLEDCALT H.»3.MFlNECAlfAMWMIlt Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States. < stiada. or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will begin will the first Number for January of each year When no t me is mentioned, subscriptions wilt begin with th» Number current at tints of re ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper’s Weeklv forthrei year» ba, k, in neat cloth binding, will be »ent by mail Poitage paid, or by express, free of ex l use (provided the freight does not exceed »1 |.« volume) for |7.00 « volume. ■ loth Cases for each Volume, suitable foi it ding will be sent by mail post-paid, on re . ei t of »1. I emittances should be made by Post Otfic« V,< ney Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. A< dress HARPER A BROTHERS. New York * 3.1P POLICE. 3 Sous. ♦2.VJB0Y5SCTMl5m «LADIES* SEND FOB CATAUGUE W«L*DOU<MAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Y«u can save money by purcbasiag W. 1» „ Hap’ Baza Agency for I L L U S T R A T E D . DKSION FATKNT», COPYWIQHT«, etoJ Fur Information and free ll.iniboU write t«r MI NN A IXL «4 RuoAirwav. Naw YoHU. Ql.twt buress for sacuring pslents In America, ««•ft patent taken out Sy u» 1» trrousht t^fore «ha public by atioUoa »Ireu fiaa of cirarga lu lira IZ^vnaf trt£S T i WOODWORK I £rientific American larvae« el ml a« I rm of any aciantlte rarer In the world. »vlen.Udly lllu»lr»ted. No Uiteingrnt area should ba altboul II. Weekly, •;>.«• a year I »1 Ml »Ik neon! hs Addree» MINN A <X>. >i BL1SUBHA 3«1 Htoe.'way, New York City. ■ IF k J W4iT IHMiMATWM Ad OUT I « I I r«M »o T»tr ror . „ <o»iroY, Wf xn h * 1 * • *1 * Ian s.» ' m IlWnei III I MOTON O I ajat " a —». ..r Bo *‘DiiATr'M ( CMIL O F? gfi i» r» R ‘ WIDOWS, art NTS. f*?'’"* u ,s M.ij s"0-r ®w W sot MacwcoiowfccMfr ¿«ir««». T» VHICk 5ÇUARC H. V »»••••«Uva IS IN YOUR OWN HAND. r«1mt»'rv atuaime- to tell what the lines in your hsiul iit'licate. It wilt anutee you. if nothing more. The above .iaers-n almost explains iteelf. Th» FOR SALE BY let.gvh of the L NK OF I.IFK indicate» probnbl» a.e to winch you will live. Karli BRACELET \I- \V II • 1- \t ING MA fives yon thi 'y year». We'l marked LINK i'F HINE ( O„ 725 Market St., IK\I> dem« es iwwin power: clear LINK OF FOIlTl'NF f i.m- or ridica Both combined mean aiefle San Frani'>< < . Cal sue« e»» in life; but yon must keep ttp with modern idea« to «tn t. You wnl find plenty of these in D*'t art ment I l> i «re i s Family HagMlue. SO atiraclive’y pre- aent«-<i tost every tn« ni 'er of the family is enter- I * •■«I It -«L'f n maguzim s in one A CLEAR I II \ ti I’ la-.-» ukn tenderne»» » atrstghl Lt « OF FATK. p -arefiil life; the me se if iM cn» .ed y W,.| .letlmd LINK OF HEALTH apc s vou doctors* bills; eo will the bealtn hints I*' in De iiorva.'«. No ot « r magant e p« blishe# so ikf man« ab-rim t«> Interrat the i onte circle You will \ - h' b«- -tibleei to extreme» of I Igh »i'irits or de»|«ond- ■■il en« if too have the G1RDLB OF VK'lSwell ma'ked keep np your ep ul» by having Dentorvai'a <'v m . nini ì'*Mh M.-.rk* o M aìih *«! « im I n IIP a I Ma.-az ne to rv ,3 By an>»< ribit c to it for 1-91 rul bu- n< •• nd’b U' l f»>r Mod- e I «m. y«Mi w l!l r <-• v.. a - Here of eximia le works of art O ir 0 ft e a O**ctè*e II S F CfRct. of great valu». br»«<l« • tiie supero pn mlum picture, ir,.! wr .n «. * ure ¡mtrnt In le*« *m»e :han thoae tTxt!luche». - I’m a D i-y 1“ which la almost a real Ve Ir * t > nt U * »n baby, ami eqn Ito the ork-ii al oil pnin'ing which *•. nivtU I drawinu “f photu. * i»h de«Tip- eo«t >.4a>. ami y«n wt I hav. a ma-axtr.e th it cannot lon Wr »« ' «<♦. i( |»«frt . r »M.t, free of ne equa rd hy any In the »oiM for It» beati Iful bntVR <»*u ftfc n<M clur t!ll | • «veete«! lluairat >na ant «object matter, tlat will ke p 4 • How it* Obtain ’ ueiiew." wlth eou poet. .1 on all the optes of ti e day, at d all the iiWu« « f mi t! climi» tn>Duratale. <u.tcty,Cf ra » and i Tr-ent Item« of interest about the h'At. »mi trve JUktrt»*«. bo'iaeho’«! hr«<lee font «h'n.- interratine re»«’ et matter bo- grave and cay. for tbe whole family ; and whie D«-m>rv«t's I« t -t a fsahlon n »rasili», Ita fashion par a are i r fret, a d y« n r- t with it, w:» Pittai CISC» Wssni'nt' i 0 C fro» of coat, all the past!« r y« n wi-b t<- as-- - »»Wig the year and m any a «e y«si ch-ow t*. nd tn your sub« r pti.m st once, rm v iti. »rd yon will r--»llyg>" o<er * -5 .»» t v m A tfn-rlV« | -ib- II «her W’, Jennl-ie« * *■ ■ — Demorrat. V- ------ K»-’ tdik st.. Ne" Tori If . >•» a-» unscqn.sir’nd wh the N «ras' '• »- «e d ‘<wa «preir-encopv A lar'WUI’ D P i NOI rr SMF<T ä HBML1AMB • ••• • ft mean» h«e«’i*, a <rrw 'l Wl'N'.l K ■ •«a. « N « dwv t tU’ d genero. • •FIRST |U\1«1irN 0k HirVK 4 «teme win 1ONII WRCnND DIVVSfON rw«.wi- »«Ü wrUUl, e I l-4> <> •r c fwn'- a V • MOI vT O«* .1- '-ITFU he «-k ra • 4 fcy I'uUM- r%. Cun:.«)» nt .«u • » n -e ♦ h smM- o" , ..f « X ri I’S. pn..' ■ !..<{ -I N. >Vt ■* • Ml«*-«Sita ¡s<r art * > I tr nf -, • M « I«« e i a -» MOON'. tmv' "■»• uT*™!'|^|r, || Ì4J4T. «4 » ~w : Vi 'I'« twee of p'rwwre ; and MRfM CRT, IMU! ■ «•ft la« JF*«« t • • T ke «er »•' ■ »• above ami v«e Fm • ««I • ! h»« um io I ■ <»rw Ik« i«»t and moat valuabb «r c-»i I TI» . Uè A C.A.SNOW& CO. KISS OUTS 3VS I erper’s Bsznr is * journal fur the home 1’gives'he latent in formal Iona with regard tt the I'aehfons. and its numerous illnstra'i" Praia • esigna, aud pattern sheet supplem at nre I - dispersible alike to the home dre»s ma» and the profesaioital modiste. No expense i« spare«! to make its artiatic attractiveness of tht highest order Its ti.ght stories, amusing Com edies, and thoughtful essavs satisfv all tastes, andl'slaa, page is famous ns a budget of wit and humor. In it» weekly issue» everything i» iueluned whice is of i.iterest to women The reria a for 1893 will be written hv W alter Besant and t «Ina I.rail Christine Terhune Herrick wH’ furnish a practical series, entitled “At the Toilet" Gra«e King, olive Thorne Miller, and < emtai e Wheeler will lx- frequent contributor» The w. rk of wu neti in the' Columbian Expo sltion w ill t>e fully represente«! with mauy 1’1- u»’t itioi a. T. W. Higgiiis«>ii in “Womei at d Men,” will please »cultivated audience. Dr.arlas Shoes. . Because, w - are the largest manufacturer»« advertise i shoes in the world, and guaraate» the value by stamping the name and price oa the bottom, which protects you againat kifk prices aud the middleman’s profits. Ourfboea equal custom work in style, easy fitting an« wearing qualities. We have them »old evtry- where at lower price» for the value given ths» my other make. T ike no substitute. If yo»r dealer cauuot supply you, wc can. Sold by I I ’ I AX OLD AMD WlLL-TatlD RUMIDY.-MX W(nd»low's soothing .Svrup has been used fo* over fifty years bv millions ofm.ithera for their children while teething, with perfect iuci HB It soothe» the child, »often» the guma, allayf all pain, cures wind colic, and is the heat real« edv for Diarrheoea. Is pleasant to the taste Sold by Druggists in every part of thf world. Twenty-flvecents a bottle.’ Itsvalueia involat lahle. He sure and ark for Mrs. W'indslowf Soothing Syrup, aud take uootherkind. I CONSTMPTIviN CfU.n». HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year it XRI’ER’S bazar ............... 4.01 H «Kl’ER’S M AG A ZINE 4 0( n yRI’Et'S WEEKLY ............. ill HARPER’S VOi'XG .......................... .. .... l'EOPÍ.r. 2 a Postage Free to all »nlwi-ribers in the Tnitec -tales Canada, or Mexico. The vo urnes o' the basar begin with ’he first umber-or Januarv of each tear. When n< ■ time is mentioned. sul«»cripti<>n will begit wi h the Numtier current at the tim» of receipt of order I ouud volumes of Harp«'» Bazar tor Ihre« year in neat cloth binding, will be tent bv mai I« • age paid* or by expre«». free of expense ;; r.ivided the freight doe» n >t exceed one dol 1 i i-er volume) or |7 a volume. t 'oth esse» f.« 'each vo ume,suitable for hind lr y w ill be sentby mail pospaid on receip of Si » •< h Lernt tance» »houl i be made by PoetOITlce M. ■ »y order < r Draft, to avoid chance of los» Il K RI I R A BROTHERS A i e»» New »paper« are rot to < op« ear one nor ’ll <»f the above a'. *'«emen’» without the «■presa < rdM of H ARPER BROTHERS “ A ' A k r>l* " glvrsliwWK-t fi*n . . «al » sui iu . V, » ore for lile». . • r> Dnig»-i««-'-rm s»mi ■> ■jrree. A.WnWAN Iht.-ds.“ g Uux RU, New \ mk CU». I J-1 oljphyaii tuu. tv-iÀicdiro..« ] ; .■ t. c.ha'lnl hadp-liM-eùin ni» U aui U by au lu.« tau.wu.ia«»»- -ry tue ìormuia ol a aiui|4e vngeiaitie reu-t-uj tur Àe»p-.8iy uu<l peruuuii ut curi u» <'.«i..-um| l» o. 3r»achitu, t aiarru, Aaibiuit. and «■- tlina. G-J, t.nng Atlè;)tio:is. toso u lajau.v« uml raduniti’1* C-rNcrvous antlu.t ’ crv usi «-n.pia:ui!. y.tor barin • ti-su-d ita v-rHi ritti« mi »• 1-°*- '• i thousan l«of rt«ry lui« è- ( tt h.- di ty t««s > k» :» imit thii««ii: i-rtuefclì wv» yctuat-iU J tbl» vn and a di-« • t r? ev«- L'ir «ir-• frr ny. I l scn 1 tr ■» o; chnrro. t > all « hm «ire 4.ti » no, rt f.n-T*n', > t trh or Ir.c.L li. filli f‘«J rc«'”v«Lr[ iruiiruuiu mr «-tiyr'J * a ! - -» » ì »• - p. n«- •. ♦'* ’ A.. o*. i -•» ..«e r-«-‘ *’ The secretary of the Elkhart C*rn«v ami Harness Alfg. Uo . y>f tihiihrt. I'"’ - informs us that their prices w ill be I»»*«* «or l.Y.H than ever. He w ishes usto»-*» our readers not to purvhase anything ie the line ol carriapp-s. wagons, btcyck* <* hitrniws until th«y hav»- wul 4 ii-ai- n -Lamjis u> pay \Ve postage ir <>> l"* 'ataiogue. adv im - on the th< read'-ra imimr ui remember his such -t msjaBl A «»a«asm ___ a e ■ £1 .1 m ««« a . «w J — ow. e a M w. _'?«