Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1894)
JAMES GODWIN’S FORTUNE. a wretch,and all that; but I love THE ST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREE! you, Dora, and will be a tender and lui ing husband to you Wun t you try to find a place in your heart for, CHARTER II. me? ” I “They say that the bridal tri) us- geau will cost a fortune, fur her 'father is immensely wealthy. stood straight and well betöre him, 1 What a splendid • • pair they will her face radiant with joy, her GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A YEAR make!” hands outstretched to him. Any reaber of the E ast O regon H erald can get The Tniceaa Dura looked pad -ntly at her Eos "1 litre is a place in my heart for Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscribarg to Th siping friend, Nellie Danvers. Who you, James, if 1 have a heart, Im Republic with $3. came in every now and then for a In addition to obtaining the greatest news v/etkly in America,every half inclined lu think that you have chat. subscriber to The Republic will save ten times the price of the paper, or it ail in your possession.” “You look as though you did not more, everv year by the special offers made subscribers from time to time “Durai—Dura! why, what dues I comprehend.” Sample copies of The Republic will be sent anyone upon receipt this mean?” he said, unmindful of of a postal card request. Address all orders. ‘‘Well, James Godwin is to be her wurde, in ins astonishment at married to my old friend, Clara seeing her oelure him well and Ellis.” I JÙÌ51E3 n. WAITE, strong. Dora said nothing, but turned «fan-—V cf Waite’s Celebrated Comedy Co, Premium batd and Orcheetri. “That by the merciful interpoii- her head wearily upon the cushions Z>r. Unirà il'dirai I Etkknrt, Ind. tian of Diyine Providence 1 am ome Pshaw! why did die 5 u will reracnilicr Ito condition I was i-. five '< f her chair. yen-- III- ■ when 1 wok afflicted with « combina Surely, she had sent him m re permitted to walk ”, tion of d.-eu-Cv and 1 nought there waa no hco care? fob »<- 1 tried **il kindeof medicine»,and «cores "And you love me?” of eminent pbjratciai.a M y nerves u ere prostrateli, awry, and t< ld him she could never prrv: .. ¡tir aizzine s, heart tr-.iiblc i.nd nil the 1113 “With all my heart, James.” Uut make life miserable. 1 commenced to take m irry him! DR. MILES’ NERVINE I She allowed Nellie to run on with j 1 hen, with his arm round her, MANHOOD RESTORE • Tuis wonuertul remedy and in three rnnntii’ 1 w»s pcr »«. cvi . v cuero fuaianteed to cure a.i nervous disease», such as >\<ak Memory, Loss of Lral» ~ *’ y • ¡al ’ ¡ walked up and down the floor, to In mv >cu>, vv lieu I h c the thou*..nits her chatter, i-teniug I | alienti ■over. Lieudaehe. VV aketulness. tost Manhood. Nightly Esuasion«, Nervous, ci nuyacal wre. ks, suffering from nervous prns- nt-ss. all drains anil loss of powerin GenerativeOrnrans of either sexcaisseA _ _ ' tr . ¡011, tukim? procripUons from bv over exertion, you thfnl errors, excess I ve use of tobacco, opium or stun. he while, and Htr ving hard tu | convince himself that he was not U A C 1 . ul pbyse funs wliohavenoknoivl- ulaiits. which lead to Iniirmttv, Consumption or lnsunliy. Cun be curricula dreaming. llrlM/ edtfo ,f their cate, uii.i whose death ’ ve«t pocket. per box, C for S5, by mail prepaid. WlthaSU order we keep her secret; but over and over Aalve-» written guaruntee !<> cure or round the money. Soldbvtll I 1« certain, I le. 1 like going 10 them am. saying, 3drueelsts Ask for it. take no other. Write for free Medics I Book sent sealed “ Now what is to be done with the ••Gtr Ds M.Lca- Ncnviric * mo oc cuneo. ■■-la in her mind went I ic word?, tn punn wrapper. Address N EK VE SEED CO., Masonic Temple, C hicago . nv:-Oi.-sslon, torn i'“ero ',hcra For sale m H. M. UOKTON. Druggist. monev Does it go to the orphan s s imwny. 1 L»lJ R T* D ®®1rer* <»Z tai prortra, ‘ Jam-s to be marrie I ! —Ja tin 8 , to asylum, or shall we keep it and do lion d nervonn c«hau«tlon. brought on by tho ne married!” Character of the business engaged in. I would That night she wrot ' to Ja ne- g-iod with it, and at the same time time in her benefit ourselves?” ae aVdrocure for all sutlering from these cause* Godwin, for the first I JxMza K. W ait *. “I think we hud better keep it life- Bold on * Positive Guarantee. I awhile. ” O r . MILES’ PILLS.50 D oses 25C ts . I “I have today heaid af your ap Thtv did so, and there is not a I f.ND CJ j i reaching marring -. a lol I ii in gla< happier or more benevolent couph o’SY - ra But I «'fire the t1 th' in t he country . T I to hear of it, . ». *< 0 I arrives you must visit me. You SÍM THE END ©3 ¡Z j must not take this fair young girl ,o I from her lu xuriotiB home to a life oi Cj M-J Z j poverty. Come to me, and tak» A MUSIC-MAD LOVER. the wealth 1 do so little need. I | y<m do not, I shall feel it my duty C/0 to give it to some orphan asylum From l'otcrsou’B Magazine, .. SiUäfe- ì :M or other charitable institution . I CHAPTER 1. atinot, with respect and honor to | The crimson glory of a winter’s' myself, ami the memory of my bp sunset was reflected in lingering i loved aunt. Mary, r< tain this proper | leavetaking over mountain and i-k , I ty. 1 shall expect you to come to I as Ethel Vane sat at the window, ( me before your marriage. if you reading. The rays faded a- she il<> not, 1 shall dispose of it as ' I î'hero nn » ngla 1\ U 1 (ho i >'■* « In «>»; i i i- finished the Iasi words of the novel •Ilk-« \ hl h r.-.l 2.0‘ ; i ><• 3 a il.iy, inui.Ui * have already propose«!. Have "old to eoniomer« for «1 yeara, Wo b > 1 ».mt ; . n net p oí C - d a y and closed It o book with a f.itn AH nn saving them the dealer's profit. We are the t ’ \ □ r. 11 a p"cnt n in/| i th , t’ n ch-ar p. SsliUU Oldestanil I.areeat nip'.ufactnr<:r.sin Amer- D ora H illsdale . ’ ’ i : Ie', ml mm t’i I childri w*i ’■.■•< •L« l * ’ -igu. ’» ica selling Vehicles and Harness thiway From Happy Hour*. I EVERY WEEK. THE REPUBLIC, St. Louis- Mo- ¡■«. thousands ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS KFG^CO. t •> <•< : • a r * 'I <••’ < • » r nt« ft p.LÍr. VvOt’ i » u!i of tbj 1 ,’y I n *4 Cu*y keil only vV3 p J: a « « r ñ t uj a y f. \ y d»vl ierdor Z'. .1 r on th • |nv «un. t it . % bo pile • i .ut L' > t i -i i r ï a f ’ a ; » •* th n i ’.i pil o, X : I ■. ! vo’ ■ r I1..10 o r 11 ; <’ I. ; y < ( l.'.o p. I l ie: < h ■ '.I ■ a re - : 7 S.A » ' . \ . 1 J $ t ■ . . < i. : - I .’ « ■ ■ i 1 •.l.’tl i w.'i. I...ID — 11;. ». ' L t a au «’*. i...u . Yi¿.¿ •l u « r. I'a ii i «E II vkh7 ?.i“. Í;. • I ■ . Ar » l'it) na 3 <« ’•i.;d: Wille 1 >r f\ j V ,» h <Z rn / ri ’< r /* / vur »tr Lhoîdern, < G .. . • in«/ < Ar< t. C(1.h f-r W ’ • I Ord r« liken for one or r.iore sturvs. 1'1 II a ph.u< . a I ih . in.< » » • co*.10 •; » • is zl /t ft a I! f a eii DE’iTER SHOE 00., * 'fh’.-rw “ As old M the hills ' m l never excell ed. “ l’l ied and proven " is tile vm d et o f million -. S i in in o n a Liver R-z'i lator i* th« • o a I y L and Kain medicine to win “h v o u c m p.n your tuth for a n re. A ild li\i- i ve, n n<l II . 'V VO’- »ible, acl- i - lire t1v ■i the Liver I Kid- Pr’ie«"«Ls • T» i’i I •>r in I k *1 “ ‘ ' HlC Hl M»9 Hl-'X "1 ! ,rr W...1I •-lkM-CI «-..«* 11 . I I. • I . ..r «!•'•” < «!< ll « '.»III •ul», i aJ o ». V «*l<. ' C^ZTT&Y r.u. AOT * . . > S »P •” rr^ wrari^C. Gt to. at the other side of tin Win n lite letter was on its wait ane frit nt rest, and as souii as suf io.nn, haif turned toward her at th (nc.unt time had elapsid, began t< sound, but did not raise his han i- uok for a replv. It did not come. from the piano nr cease his dream i She waited one, two, three. f >ui playing. The long slender fingeis touched the keys lovingly and ten months, betore she heaid of him. She was sitting in her iirni-chaii di rty. The hands were the natural in the very room where tliev had inheritance with his music-loving i art. ii. with het eves halt closed temperament, from his German an and li< r tlioughta far away, when ces ors, iiut it had been many ge . tlx re came the Bound of a light step! t rations one of the Van Am tieitr. ami lu-fore ehe could turn, n iieims had made music Ins best pair ut hands covered her face. oi-lovetl ¡Surely not from the calm "W ho is it? Do you know me?” phlegmatic merchant, his lather iisk* d a familiar voice. .lid lie receiv- tlie dreamy imprac "Yes; I know you. it is James licability, tlie almost woinani-b I L»“f me look at yo.i.’’ tenderness, the abseil* mindeilnes.- I Tlie hands w< re removed, and lie and imperfect knowledgeuf his sjt | sat down in his old way at tier feet roundings. It may have bcm this I "I came for my money, Dora that caused the slight shad > v that I amt don't scold me—for my wife!" tav on I'.tin I'.-, face, as she gl tn • -<i ‘Oil. James,, I nm”—the clear toward him. Otto had often wo i voice faltered — “gladl Where is derid whether lie would rattier pari Miss Ellis?” with his music, his power of inlei | "Ami du! you believe that idle pretiitimi, or his letrotlied. At •torv. Dora?” tin st- 11 ues, he called himself seifi-t “Yes” and w ir ked; but he m vt r answei <1 “You were w rong. I b I ui II never^ the questio i , even t i his .> v i >nin u have a w ife or a fortune unless you ■ Noyt s—even t ),• m »st r • il n >v bestow t hem upon me. I told > ou ! —are p > >r teachers tb" hi'iiin Iasi winter t'lit I loved you l>o beings, said E ht.|t impiti-tii ly. vou think me capable of uttering a nhe sitting on a Io v stool «1 fnl“*hi><Mi ?*’ her m ith-r s ft“t, ,-k’i I lemitg ’ No, Janies.” apiinst her kneb “They tell of ,l| •Then, Dora, you must believe kind of tma'iles ami temptations in» , and believe that 1 nm un •■¡»’“•‘pt >1 o.vii—>f Ivenefita that changed If I marry, it will lie will itj'p.v t i evi-rv other ca«» but vourself” iours. \nd y,.p | supjxjse, pcop'e “A j»«»or invali'l like lui self, (o!ten s- k in them f„r anewersaid Jaim-s selutio - of their especial trouble or ’ Yee, ami no other. Can't vou tempt.! lhi ” love me a little! I atii a ae.iDegrace, 1 » BS CoX riNUKP. with privilege to examine hetore any money is paid. We pay freight both ways If not »atlsjce- tory. Warrant for 2 year-«. V. hy pay an agent f 10 to $50 to order for yon? Write your own order. Boxing free. Wo tako all risk of damage in Bl’'Pl)lQg'WHOLESALE PRICES. No. 37. Surrey Harness. No. 731, Surrey. Spring Wagons, S3I to SCO. ““"f’Jfj’ same »..sell for »30 to »to. Surreys, $65 toSlGO same as sell for »100 to »ICO. Top Buggies, $37.50, OS fine as sold for »«5. ph®tons,SCo to SlOO. Farm Wagons, Milk Wagons. Delivery vyagonsa11’* Road Carts. BICYCLES YOU MEX, MOM»» * lUILDHI.X. $23.50 Single, •r, to»2e No. 727, Road Our No. 718^, Top Boggy. Farm. Bill to S2S.50. No. 1, Farm llames». No. 3, Farm Wagon. $55 • lb-i»S5 RIDING SADDLES and FLY NETS. ---------- - - en.h ------------ ------ Send . 4». peridot. oT f»r with --- order. •lain;,* U pay postage on 1 l-page catalogne- .. S ago»- Double Buggy. IlurneM •re wold al Mnnufac* turcr’a Price*. Elkhart ¿icKle^hee* fflSÄ f‘»“> ‘2 IMO. k Address W. B. PRATT, Sec’y, ELKHAR«, *•* Do Y ozi A FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE. DYS PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . . T*« RIPANS TABULES If you are BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or have LI« ER COMPLAINT................................... TAKE RIPANS TABULES If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or yoa SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING. take RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH end ALL DISOR DERS OF THE STOMACH. . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES System and Preserve the Health. fíipans Tabules Regulóte the i t— RIPANS TABULES**! EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. take the plart af A COMPLETE SAVE MANY A DOCTOR S BILL. i ! ♦ Rr>H by Druggists or eent by mall on rreeiptof Prif* MEDICINE CHEST ’■ Box (6 vUls>, 75 cents. Package (♦ boxes),»— * * . r • MJ» m furry/amu*. X X F.r Frvv •*»»«■«. THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO- 10 SPRUCE STREET. - '^ÖÖQWÖGÖÖÖÜÖQÖÜCÖÖ: - - NEW YOR _