Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1894)
4 IN THE CREEK. A L iberal O ffer .—The big, WANTED. "ight page Sunday Statesman will; F olsom . March 2.—Mr.Messfore, Agents to sell our choice and har m sent t» any dress fr» i >» w who resides some eight miles east dy Nursery Stock. We have many untill July 1st for <>nlv 5Cc. cash of Folsom, came to town this morn '<» accompany the order. This is | new special varieties, both in fruits ing and reported finding the body a most liberal hard t’mes campaign ’ and ornamentals to offer, which are of I-aae Brad will in the creek near offer, as the Statesman is the rec-' controlled only by us. We pay this place, dead. ond paper in Oregon, and republic commission or salary" Write us at Judging by the wheel marks of an to the core This is a campaign once for terms, and secure choice tne buckboard, deceased had driven of edcation and it is our purpose to of territory. where they had run over the banks. assist in the good work. The states M ay B rothers . Nurserymen, He must have been thrown out. man gives ail the news of state and Rochester, N Y landing on his heed nation and during the campaign its A high-class illustrated mouth y his neck. Death Sunday edition will tie a symposium magazine m the home is no long« i 1 sen instantaneous. ot political news and gossip for the Mr. Bradwell had resided in this entire state It is illustrated mid a luxury. It is a necessily, and to vicinity for upwards of for tv veais, •ot sists of eight full pageant «4. . > ■ ’ meet the demands created by thi «nd was engaged in the chicken reading matter, including a S' dit necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN raising business on the ranch of -tory and a wealth of p s-try and MAG AZI NE. giving yearly, as i' Mr-. Milgate. miscella r.y, Every volt i in OrfM'ii does, 1530 pages id'reading by tb< He came to Folsom yesterday to should read a paper from 'he spi ablest living authors, with ovei purchase provisions, and probably ral during the .campaign and we 1200 illustrations by clever artist imbibed too much liquor, to which make this offer to suit the turns. has stepped into the breach, wi fault lie was greatly addicted I Sample copies free. All subscription a reduction in its price that h. Coroner Clark ha< been notified will be consecutively numbered up tart led the literary worhh The H erald , fully alive to th and will hold an inquest on the i on receipt and to each tenth sub- needs of its patrons, has mint remains. scriber will be present a year’s sub As far as can be ascertain« I. Mr ! ' scrsption to the Cosmopolitan special arrangements with t bi superb monthly, whereby it wii Brad well has no known relatives j ' Magoziue, cuoiing $1.00. Address receive orders for yearly subscr p He was a mail of s nu ■ 6 » years of all oiders to The Statesman, Salem, tions to both publications combine, Or. age—The Bee. tor t he sum of $3 00. The price of the great illnstrat, < monthlies in the past lias $3 00 and $4 00 a year, and were to be found only in the mor pretentious homes, Our oiler lu r nislirs a help to all families, m matter how modest their means to keep in touch with the great»-.-' minds of the world, as The Cosnc politan has today the stronges o3 regular statl'of any existing period ical. Send orders to T he H erald . Burns Ore w for the A llltuble Woman ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. All AA utllaUU Have sold to consumers for yearn, saving them tho dealer's profit. We are tho Oldest anil Largest mnnufactnrerstn Amer ica selling Vehicles and Harness this way-ship s with privilege to examine before any morcy Is paid. V7e pay frelchtboth wayslfnot satisiac- tory. Warrantfor2 years. Why pay an agentflO to SCO to order for you? Write your own order. Boxing free. We take all risk of damage in Bh|PPlng' WHOLESALE PRICE8. ho. 37. Surrey Harnen. Spring Wagons, $31 to $50. Guaranteed same as sell for G50 to tS5. Surreys, $65 to SIOO same as sell for £100 to £130. Top Buggies, $37.50, a» fine as sold for 165. Ph8Btons,$G6 to $IOO. Farm Wagons, Wagonettes, Milk Wagons, Delivery Wagons»^ Road C^rta. BICYCLES fob ben , women a chilbken . $23.50 No.727. Road Wagon. $55 No. I, Farm Harness. RIDING SADDLES and FLY NETS. Elkhart Blc/cle. 28ln.wheels. • percent. off for eash with order. Send 4e. la pneumatic «”>*•,„J'*1*'?“ atampa to pay postage •> I IS-page catalogue, steel tubing,drop forgings. Address W. B. PRATT, Sec’y, ELKHART, IND. FEEL SICK? SAFEST Dll’AT ALL TIMES. CERTAIN DEATH To TICKS, LICE,Etc TAKE RIPANS TABULES BEST < I RE FOR SCAB. It yoa m BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT................................... TAKE RIPANS TABULES II your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, ar you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING. TAKE RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR DERS OF THE STOMACH. . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES gH^Improveg the Wool, and in creases the quantity. One gallon mixed w ith cold water! makes 100 gallons of strong wash 1 JAMES LAIDLAW A Co ♦ : ♦ ♦ and i+o-uld be trfdfor no* tn every family., . EASY TO TAKE, QUICK T3 ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. Bold by Druggist« nr sent by mil on receipt ot J t Box (8 vials), 7» cents. Package << boiis), R2. F«r Free A«ai*le« add re«« - • ;/.^> oocoqoooooqoul c . ■Mon. in» !.. tVwsib. >.< !.. m 4'1. .m io •Jrt.. us. • m ill »... Sa ... w, cews-n^iiiii i. rciha I : r * NEW > ' 1st—It is the Leading Paper of Harney County. « » THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO 10 SPRUCE STREET, THREE GOOD REASONS. * Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. A COMPLETE •t 2nd-lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu lation. po S oc »-&CATTLE-WASH u yea SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . . MEDICINE CHEST I I « I LTTLE’S Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous, take fkf plat e of $2 CASH. FREE D exter Bptrlal S hoe t*rm* Co, to Douloro. : ♦ ♦ ONLY > I ( "A dollar lortd ii a dollar tannd." ThiaI.n<ll»*a’Holl<l French Dongola Kid But ton Boot delivered free anywhere In the U S.,on receipt of Cash, Money Order, or Postal Note for •1.50. Equals every way the boots sold in all retail stores for • 2.50. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar- antrr the Jit, tlylt and wrar, and if any one Is not sat I a lied we will refund tho money or send nnot her pair. Opera Too or Common Sense, widths U, D, E, It KE. i sizes 1 to I and ha,f lies Synd your no*: un will Jit you ustratsd Cata logue ____ RIPANS TABULES 'J I Farm, • Id to •U8.&U. No. 3, Farm Wagon. S2 CASH DKITER 8H0K CO., Inc*p. Capital. 81,00«,0001 BEST S'. 50 SHOE IN THE WOIil.D. Double Buggy» • 18-1» S4 No. 713'4« TOP Buggy. Wanted in every county In esta! lish a corset parlor for the sale Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spir« Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wage? $40 to $75 per month and expewstc We furnish complete stock on eon signment; settlements mwntldy $3 Sample Corset free. Send 1>> cents postage for sample and termk Nichms Mfg. Co., 3i8 Canal St. New York J. * à» Io IVZX t 1 »