Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1894)
s —To Subscribers—The H erald Rural Northwest both for ths price of the H erald . The Rural I . Northwest is a good newsy paper devoted to the wants of the agri- culturist. Now is the time to pay up your arrears’ and one year in advance and get an additional pa per in the bargain. I and iwmuumAW MILL » took BRANDS. P ,VH ci NC t H oum , sign and carriage paint-| *■< Kalioming, decorating, graining, •nd hard oil finishing. Cow«, horse« or anything suited ■ v purpose will be taken by me from parties so desiring. Prices reasonable I* believe in the motto “to live and let live.” L. B. C ulp . Proprietor. J ohn bayer n i • • ar 1 mile East of Burn«, near the bridg« Situated on Silvie» river 1 nine r.ast u Customers will receive GOOD FLOUR from REAL ESTATE AGENTS FREE BRAND COLUMN. M, R Biggs I AND Office at Sheriff’s Oilice, BURN8, ------- _ - _ Oregon. I GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, ATTORNEY, B urns , ........................... O regon . J. C, Foley, cattle brand =s on rignt side Horse brand — on left shoulder. J. A. Williams cattle brand, II., on left rib — J horse brand 71 on right stifle. P, o. Riley Or. J We have at this time for Bale several productive farms, well im proved and well watered. BURNS PIONEERi LIVERY STABLE. ¡ branded )-( on left stifle. Cattle brand Horses ed )•( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burns ....... r.......... ' ' Cattle diamond on left hip; horses CV on le! ...—i— H ti Voegtley,'Burns v.^.olev! Burns Gregor shoulder. Charles < Iregor * Collcc-ions, Land buiiiness, und Reul Eatute matter promptly attended to. Burns Orogon. Good Wheat Hors brand barten on left shoulder: Cattl« harten on left hip and upper clip on both •ar«. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded V on left side Horse brand T left side, r o. Hurns.Ore bob ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ESTATE AGENT. .WCBYRDTV y KING. Parties wishing to purchase cal on us we will show them the land we have for sale, and parties desir ing to dispose of real estate cannot Propt do better than to put their lands in ur hands for sale, because 0we ad I vertise freely by sending circulars HARRIS & BEDELL Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle P on right hip. R. A. Hendrb ks. P.O. I.awen Or l ' and cards in all directions solicit ing purchasers and describing the Horse brand 36 on left shoulder, also three I dots.. in shape of triangle, cattle branded same. 8 B M -PH ETTE S3 HL D. , E. v E. v crntit Grout Burna Burns Or. Miss Rosa Dickenson Horse brand anvil on left «title, cattle branded bar R on left hip. F O I.awen Ore A graduate of the Iowa State J. F Dickenson cattle brand J P connected o University and College of Physi left hip Horse brand anvil on left stifle. P. I.awen Ore I Cattle brand figure 7on either hip; mark light I cians and Surgeons. crop off each ear. slip in each ear, and wa tt I Ofiice at residence in Burns. I on left jaw. Horse brand figure 7on either hip. I J. H. Bunyard.Burns Ore. x-iiystuiMfi <x ourgeon. I land. I We will also buy lands for per well prepared to accommodate their customer ■ The Proprietor’s are our • i!__ I sons wishing to purchase in Job Wagon in connection. Charges very reasonable. I county and living at a distance, giving careful and accurate di»- Geo wj;| mg, horses ami inuits brande rounding W, on right stifle P O. Riley Ore Barber Shop cripdon of the same, also the title Horse brandT on right stifle. James Koussll —Tonsorial parlor Ed Walton proprietor. All work in his line guaranteed to be first class. Call and see him. I left shoulder; Cattle Horse biaud baron on and ribs. Catherine | brand bar-m on left hip Murshall P O Narrowsore. S Lainpshire A Hons cattle btaivi P O Burns tire Correspondence Solicited. Office E ast O regon H erald .. MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. connected, eur merk swallow fork in right ear ‘ under bit in left. P O Burns Ore BEATTY'S PIANOS^ TON SORI AL PARLOR, JOHN ROBINSON P rop . « Everything in my line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. fKF'Thfl only place in Burns you can get baths. for catalogue Ex-Mayor Daniel Washington, New Jersey, ADVERTISE IN “THE HERALD,” - - ------- Are t b e . be « 1 J Write for catalogue turc««, Hon • Daniel Daniel F. F Beatty I I Washington Sew Jersey. I PREGNO I - - Better H H I JOB WORK DONE, ------------- ------------------------------------------- Than AT THF HERALD OFFICI-'. — lot« with n *air buaineea building on one, situ • ted in Bum« on main street. The price asked is low considering tike advantageous position of the lots far buri nee« Tenne cash For further i>«rtictibirs call on Bvrd «fr King, Real IL m * Agent*. Burn* ' Oregon F or Table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Beaty I felTORGANS SUBSCRIBE FOR ■ URN«, F. Hotel hit« rareiitly beenenlsrpe anil entirely renovated in first claik nry<*. S ale —Three Pills “ As old as the hills” and never excell ed. “ Tried and proven” is tiie verdict o f millions. 8 i m m o n a . Liver Regu lator is llui o n 1 y Liver an I Kidney niodicino to which you can pm your for a o. A 1 laxa- a n d y veg« e, act- directly V ill Ci d this Hotel Maybe you think thia fa a new business, | »ending out babies on application: It ha« been 1 done before, however, but never have those furnished been so near the original samples« this one. Everyone will exclaim. exclaim. - well! . * * baby —V-_ T I »«'or X» that’s the sweetest ever <11 saw!" This Httle black-and-white engraving can give you buta faint idea of tbeexquiaiteoriginnl. . .—-J nice urns Restaurant MESOAMES JOHNSON à IÆGER •’ I’M A DAISY. we propose to send to you, transpor tation paid. The little darling rests against Meals at all hours, First-class meals served , which a pillow, and U in the act of drawing off it« sock, the mate of which has been pulled off and flung aside with a triumphant coo. i . pink The flesh tints are perfect, and the eves follow Promptly. Kid Try it. bv all l.lvrr M IL-lnre, ir Shunt ■ \ ■ Keen- s.» t 11 u i lie I‘1| ii'IllB's 1 cipx'.lt” It a 11-»it <u».. u J ack - b j DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABTl you, no matter where you stand. Theexqui- site reproductions of this greatest painting of Ida Waugh (the most celebrated of modern painters of baby life' are to be given to those who subscribe to Demorest's Family Maga zine for 1H9I1. The reproductions cannot be told from the original, which cost StOH. and •re the same alao <17x22 inches1. The baby is life size, and ubaolutely lifelike. We have alao in preparation, to present to our sub scribers during 18SI, other grent picture« by such artists as Percy Moran. Maud Ilunn hrcy. Louis Deschamps, and others of worlu-wido renown. Take only two examples of what we did during the past vear, ” A Yard of Tan- sies," and “A White House Orchid ” by the wife of President Harrison, aud you will see Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal Gm , comprising all lines of V H ARDWARE. CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, »- B'ltA HARl-MARH SI M hl: • E>, A CARPENTERS WOi I vilicr ihv bam« nt h.t ,-v.i, r> Hue. >1 prices for CASH. what our who promises mean. Those subscribe for Demorest's Family Magazine for lfW will tx'«sess a gallery <>f ex quisite works of art of great value, besides • Magazine that cannot be equaled by any in the world for its Ix-autilul illustrations and subject matter, that will' keep everyone pe1*1- ed on all the topics of the day, find nil the fails and different items of interest about the household, besides furnishing Interesting reading matter, b.>th grave ami gay. forth« whole family; and while Demorest's is not a fashion Magazine, its fashion pages are per fect. and wo give you. free of toot, all the pat terns you wish to u«e during the year, and ■ —Send in your «»b- about •ower h«» >"> «•cond cbunc* jy you would Mt flr»t *uc- / twvd. 0« «uro and «turi wIth i t r > i -v-k" H. SOLDER?. CHILDREN. i a«rwet,..'» rt »’• • ’ âr«4 fer new law > • « ■alti s<MvMsO>' •«♦-«• w|nO<Ju~ „.„r'Y'ç ' p«R«NTS. H’ M •• . r . i . s.. t« 1 FVnt < -G-rxl A nmm > : i ’ r '“ s >' ol th« latMt farming ' nov •da«- F\«i » pi mi, i • ■ I m »> « it.. Nviik t»« P M Ferry A C» P.'treit, -la .■ I S‘ i V L c.Z7beû: J EV ITT, PltOPHI KTOE ,\J,. AIW - n> »5* t- tf? ■ A.rïvop vv' IXP"'” •< Hv< except Sunday. i* r- ^**1 *3 ' ' •••■<"« vltt-ibo » <• »rl », Pel I • ■A? EvTS TREATED BT "• til lions for dessen gers. s St u^rns uTvi'aaJiwxW'sahv ~ >»» “