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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1894)
VOL. V I I BUhxNS. HARNEY LOI N M , OREGON. JAM Alb Tho Hr ili PUBLISHED EVERY authorities here, assisted by special WEDNESDAY BY W. C. BYRD a SON. P ublishers P roprietors , and SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year six Month*. Three Months HERALD Ci.Utt LlbT Herald ami Harper’.- Magazine.. Herald ami Harper’s Weekly Herald and Harper’s Bazar Herald and Harper’s Young People 3.75 Beraltl and Alden’* Manifold Uyi-lopedia, 2.»0 earn additional volume after Vol. I bft cents: 1U cents extra ver volume, postage. ("^■Copies of all the above works can be ex »•nine«! at leisure in the Reading Room. Publishers of periodicals are solicited u> sen t clubbing rates, a copy of their work for »ar free Keaoing Room—We file and bind the latter at close of every half-volume, smi r«v » > topics bv advertisement. ADVERTISING RATES: itaci j 1 wk I 2 wk 1 1 mo I o Ilio 1 t mu 1-------- 1 1 inch I »1 a ) i OU *o.ou ♦S '»u 1 *11.00 1 I 00 i, 50 12. UJ 1 18.00 2 •• a 00 8 •• I S av 5.00 8.OU lo. 00 1 24.00 « . 4.50 <i 00 10.00 20 00 : 82. UO I. col. I o.OO 9.00 15.00 28.00 48.00 “ " I 12.41 lu 00 28.00 48.00 1 80.00 1 “ I ui.ou 30.00 40.00 «>0.00 1 110 00 |j_r ♦10.00 28.» 0 40 00 50.00 54.00 120 00 140.00 JOB WORK Of every description executed with ueatnr ss sud despatch, at reasonable rai es I*. Mier*, Circulars, 1'umpblets Hill Heads, Invelopes. r Head*, tiaiemen *, Nute Heai.s, Curii*, Ticket«. Memoranda. Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. T hk H erali » is kept regularly on file for re ference, in the t.eo. 1’. Rowell Newspaper Ad vertising Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY national : President ................ ....... Gruver »'leveland . Vice-President. Adlm Steveiisun I S.-cretary of .-tate WkiWr Q. uivkiiHiu 8 leretary of Treasury . Juhn G. Curlinle j S » -ret iry of I nterior Hoke smith B.i -retary of War Duniel s. I.amont i'.‘ 'retary of Navy Hilar» A. Heibert i : 'reiary of Agriculture. . J. Merlin* Morton Attorney General Richaro S, omey Postmaster General . .. W ilaoii s Bissell 8TATE—OREGON : ! I “ As old as Highest of all in Leavening Tower.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report the hills” an«l treasury agents, havt. umattied a never excell gigantic Smuggling ring employing ed. “Tried i»t least three ves-e'- in its nefarious and proven ” practices. G urge With’ an, a pro is the verdict minentcaiidv deil-r-f tins citv, o f millions. ■ill Louis Greenwald, of Vo’oria 8i mmon s Liver Regu are'n t he comity jo . charged with lator is the smuggling 1500 pounds of opium only Live; and 13 Chinese ashore on the and Kidnev Northern coast in September last 1 iedici:ie to I heir arr> st wip due to a c mfession whi.-h you made bv a man named Miller, who cm pin you.- I was taken into custody Sunday l.iilh for a Warrants have also been cure, A night. issued for E W. McLean, formerly » mild I i\.t- t live, a n »I a custom-house interpreter, and purely vex- George Thomas, a photographer, ported a* ColdweH'a place. They rnately. how many miles a thuder- et ible, act- Other warrants will he taken out could easily have been at Cold wadi's inrm is away. A normal pulse i!v; directly during the next few davs against .and Stancer’s both on the same will beat about one stroke to the on tiie Liver day.—The Bee second, and by counting the pulse i n d Kid- prominent business men and ofti beats during the interval of the cials connected with the customs nevs. Try it. A Lynching In Indianr lightning and thelhunder the lapse Sold by all nervice. An attempt was mad- I Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder last night to seize the sloop Emerald of seconds is arrived at and con- Mitchell,[nd .Jan 11.—On Tues 8<-q tentlv the number of feet.which to be taken dry or made into a tea. one’of the vessels which landed the f Th«» Klug of I.tver *1 ••Tt-t-cx. “ I have use I yourshnni pis ’' pjtu - hi!or . hi I v ti coiJS'-hti»".'1 • -the liinr •»(*;. ¡1 liver nipdivhe ». ! hh > hl« - it a ¡¡»••-I •»- j • 1 ■ ■ 'e tili »'1. V\ . J \CK- t'ON. Tacourt, Washington. r/'T'/'T r * * z"' a »p H I i r 1 » ¥♦ apper. N ews I n G enerai contrabands hut. siv-scaped ros- i, although «-based by u venne steam ers. The ring has been operating h-re for a series of y ears,and highly I sensational diserosur-s are pr » ised when the cases are brought to I trial. The collector of t he port at.d a dav morning a most horrible murd i er was committed a few miles north I I west of h«re in Martin County. I Sherman Wagoner. who has been arraigned before the court several times for mistreating his wife and who at thistimj v n not living with her, left his home, went to 11»»* home of his wife s parents, wh1 r>» she was living, and called for her On her entrance at the door he sent a Winchester I,all through h-r brain. Wagoner causing instant, «I- h H i . then fled to the hills with a 111)1» <>f numbers of customs officers, all I fully armed, patrolled the 'av all s’IIOW OUR EXCHANGES. night on the tug Mollie watching for the Emerald. AGm’9:30 this I morning she whs fom • <»ff Hunter's The Size of the Glove a V5 oman point ’ind eonfiscat« d. Th- sloop With a No. « Foot Should Early was deserted ami dismantled, and furious men after him. Wear. not a thing of value rem lined on yesterday morning he was fintimi and immediately hanged bv I the her. ‘‘Are you the man that answers mob. Wagoner was about 25 years theqmries?” asked a caller the I of age .ami atone time taught He Exchanged Gnus other day, removing his hat as he sch«el H’s family are highly re J N Dolph J. H.Mitchell. I Binger Hermann O-mtreamnen ................ , W. R. Kill* oovernor ................ D.syivegter Pennoyei came into the office. F resno , January I 2 —The Sh-r Beereiary of State .R Geo. W . McBride “I am,” replied one of our query a»^i*urero ■ Phil. Melachan. ifT’s oliicb gives no er-'lenc- to th- Jupi. imlic instruction R j. n. McElrut editors, pigeon holing a request for Stale Pouter R........... Frank Bake’» supposition that E»ans and Morrejl » K. 8. Bean. statistics as to the total number of, Jupresie Judges . z W m. P. Lora committed the robbery at F>»wl-r persons killed in the Crimean war, | 7 F. A. Moore f tor* SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: 0^rriip,.Ji1,;k'e D M.D. CLIFFORD u 8 rx't Altomey n CHA*. F. IlYDK and filing away a note asking tor a . -.Izpresentative (R?........... ». W. Cowun brief biography of all the kings and lomt senator .(D) H enry B lackman queens of England from Canute to COUNTY—IIAKNEY Queen Victoria. “Be seated, sir. County „ idge ...(Dp. W m . M iller Clerk • .1); P. L. ShWeler What can I d<> for you?” trewurer ...<R) I. S. «»err itirve.or “I’ve got a little bet with a (R) J . H. Neal , lliei-irt A. Gitticg* (R> As- sh >r S. W. Miller friend.” rejoined the visitor, "and .'|R> a, wl -. supenntendeut mienuei . .C har .N ew ell *'ock Inspector David Cary we’ve agreed to leave it to you HAKNEY U. ». "°KÌ8ter Receiver ' j What is the size of glove a per W m . A ltno « . ; » itz fectly proportioned woman with a LANK orFICE: No. 6 foot ought to wear?” J- B- H untinotok “The size of glove, you say?” ..H arrison K elley I il>) ? ,R' ( ®omrn itilo nera 24 1ÖV4. SOCIETIES. “Yeh.” “—with a wear?” I No. 6 foot should The officers believe thatEyans speeted people curat- calculation can be made by using a watch with a m;nuta dail. Married the Wrong Woman Wil kf 'B xkr -, prt„ <>e mar>n d • «. Mi-> Emma Richards. A II p’> parations were being made when it. was announced that he I ad I , |ju«t m »rri-«l Anom Wald-n i Will iamson now claims that friends of I I tin* Wahlen girl drugged him and that It- married thinking it was Miss Richards. He has filed ap- pli«-ation for a divorce. Miss Rich ards sav she will marry him when he gets a divorce. I I res-ntative llolmun of Indiana, 'conferred this m»»rning as to the Mr. Spencer was absent from his i J hh . Joshua Williamson.a wealthy farm er of Si it rmer vi lie. was engaged to W ashington . Jan. 15—Chait ¡man McCreary, of the home com 1 ii'ittee on for-ign affairs, and R-p I named Spencer. Ex and th-ciash of thunder, the stoun center is at a distance of tbirty- three thousand f-et, or ii bout six and a half tniies An almost ac- is in the mountains and that dis patches rre sent him frequently io post him on what is going on her«». Yesterday Deputy »Sheriff John I). Stevens arrived in Fresno with fuller news, ami what was more important he brought with him an autograph letter of Ciiris Evans. It is written tn that legible, yet pe culiar. hand which is unmistakable. The letter is short, imi to the point, ami was left at the house of a man For ample: If thirty seconds elapse between the Hash of the lightning Cleveland lias (¡¡ven Up His I Scheme of Restoration house for a while, ami when be re "That’s right ” turned he discover« «! his gun gone “Just wait a few moments. I ami a strange one in its place. His will consult the anatomical tables.” i field-glass was also gone The let He waited. Our query editor, A. O. u. W. Rurns Lodge, No 47 ter was writ'-n on a blank leaf of a eetvevery ad and 4th Thtoida» * who revels in this sort of thing, small memorandum book with a W. R. Gradui», M. W ___ .1 W Saver, Rec'd overhauled countless volumes and I lead pencil, ami was fouml on ata r turned to his caller. jble. It is self explanatory It M„,M"RXO"’A HONOR I «»dire. No. x "According to the best informa «eet.*verv2d Bnd <(h Mu(1<Uy ! reads as follows: — Mr* A E YounxCOF H. tion * I can obtain. he said, a HARNBY LODGE, NO. 77. I. O O F Mr. Sp-neer—Dear Friend: I woman with a No. 6 foot, if she 18 7 » I. m*‘ °dd Fel,‘»w* Hall, every Saturday. traded nfl-s with you, for mine H W.Y. KingN. G. perfectly proportioned, should wear, too heavy for mv hand. I took I ——W.C. Bini, Secy. oti her hand—” your hunting gla»* «•» that I could M.p. ,UMEY POST NO. 4M. G. A. R. watch mv en-mies I will pay you “Yes?” 1 "h* »**04,»'*? we<tne»day of e*cti for it at my first opp«»rtunity —any glove that fits her. Turn '•**’*i«t«n<tinit7BÄ.H,n' A" Co,nr*d• the knob to the right. Good morn Yours truly, On his E vans ing. sir.”—Tit-Bits. V. 8. MAILS. As nearly as can lie ascertained «tJRw»— v » le : this letter was written on Thursday, More Smugglers. Vwive»«nd lep«r«»d*ny. I 'one week ago. It was the same r,TT : 0-1 Depart* dally, except Sunday ' S an F rancisco , Jan. 9—Customs day Evans and Morr» I! I were re- s' LVA REREK AH Degree No. tó. ’«et*every latandsd Wednesday. Alice K. King, N.G. E May Worthington. Ree. Sec'y. can I»«- reduced to miles. ». proposition which wnuld be sub mitted to «-«»tigress» for a solution of Ì f r the Hawaiian ptoolem After the) talk MtiCreary said: "The solution to the questim» will undoubtedly be ready to submit, to th • house before January 25 ” Holman said: “I will n«»t pre- sent my Hawaiian resolution, for th- members of th - foreign affairs committee art acting very fairly tn trying to solve th«* problem. On- thing is certain, the question of re storing Liliu« kalani to the throne is ' for all time a >aml«»tied, not only in | executive Imt in congressional cir i cl» 8 It will never be he ¡rd «.f ■ again.” ? nera ars *'nglo rct.-.'.l tiro t'.orca In <>u u rltlv* x.!:l :■ «eli 2,<X U pc'.not cb«x J a d .y, in.. > u n.i I»-ol'.t of f J .0,0.0 a yesr. I» :t ». □ a» li a grcnt rnn-»y pa r», clcar [ » 1 n ir Iodica*, n-.iiw. •* and c’.ildrcna* *!loc* 1 » » ; ! ' n e» nta a pa'r, and on o .r tnenv’and bo. i* » » I » c uti a pair. We «ha.l caUblisll «ho«'» ;. » » < .eh of tho City large ’ t cl ’ . ioa of tSo Ù. S., i. 4 i ’ I Cicy «eli oniy 0Ó0 paira cf cl-.oca a Cij l!i y » » I » ira 8 2'>, »4 a year. V»’c (houli bo a' lo lo ] r!y dividcrdof C'».C»»-,orovcr- Op< r» . -. :i year on l*i j|:iv alme-1. Vi'oa* lllàostock ■>*. The prie» ni; t l;iov?..iL’y l o mi.eli » • • • A h a mat ter ot lad, thunder and .» l’ » an ‘.¡are. f lar'.ar-, R>» k 'a |-..i» «-. cr I kh n r- !.- ij « lb n II I « prlcc, i a 11 I j p-r v-!::e. : lightning occur simultaneously; • '>-i-n«!H-:»Mat.! -. loco ><» •:;■(•»l,( . : if l.CU .l \.'c baie o.. r.4 i : ■< re..le-',a dibcturil r the interval observed between the lilncreu »«laZy. l uta.-cf tho pr'.ac’.pal alo«: - are : S. V.’» . Y.t I. J. ro-tw. I: < phenomana is due to the fact that h :,*. >!dcr* A. i: <4. Jr . < li.cago; J. U. Ca» < . ,.i-- . ; l. I. l a» i augh. I...;le IVxk. A :.. j I. il. I. .:». «■’»:<• re i !. Pail&i IL Iforu.: r, N. Y.» 1'.. J. I-nrre-, !.. • Hound only travel» at the rate of Tar-nr, — 'i. Mieli, i F. P. UuiltlU, Annuir. I.'. V I Cr Wiito for a proapect : » conlaii.lng iac eam a elevens hundred f« et per second, our atiM-kboidcra, età., or »fini cn nrtlrr t^r re « *, «re » inq rntMrr‘l ehfet, cani» or mm ■ / while the passage of light is almost «ini r* takeo for ooe or ruorv «bare«. I . » . < i Varying Intervals instantane >U4 3 It it is an easy matter to tell, at least approxi* a i»hnrr. DEKTER 3H0E PO., ,*?;.!^«\ : ..i.x- 4<ye>< • Il un eU