Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1893)
Th? Hir’J-d bridges have been washed away,but no loss of life is as yet known. The damage will run high into the I thousland. ■ WANTED. * . . Agents to sell ou r choice and liar I dy Nursery Stock. We have many i ---------------------- .--------------- new special varieties, both in fiuit- t 1 his talk,’ said the bachelor,' and ornamentals to offer, which ar- I .“of woman’s engaging in the pur controlled only by us. We pay PHOM OUR EXCHANGES. suits of man is all nonsense ’’ commission or salary Write us • i I don t know,” said his friends,! once for terms, and secure choice! doubtfully. of territory. NAT BLUM "There's no doubt about it. Sup M ay B rothers , Nurser* men, pose it war should arise. \\ omen Roehest’r, N Y Startling Testimony in the couldn’t fight coukl they?” Chinese Conspiracy Case in W hat s the reason they could A aigh-class illustrated monti I Judge Bellinger’s Court. not?” magazine in the home is no lui gi i “Why, because they are not nat a luxury. It is a necessity, and t<> When Nat Blum was placed on urally constituted for warfare.” meet the demands created by tlo* the stand, he testified‘that himself. » “Humph! Just come over to tin necessity, THE COSMOPOI ITA 5 Dumber. Jackson and Thompson bargain couuier in our dry goods MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it entered into an aSreament to bring store some day and jou’ll chang« ¡does, j 1536 pages of rending by the Chinese laborers from British Cel your minb.”—Washington Star. i ablest living authors, with ovei uinbia to Portland, to have fraudu 1200illustrations by clever arli.-ts. lent certificats issued, and to get At Twenty-first and R street, Sac | haB stepped into the breech, with the Chinese laborers landed. They ramento, a young man named Jack ' « a reduction in its price that has made arrangments with parties in Wolf, at the risk of his own ¡¡te I ,startled t he literary world, Victors and with ChineseMerchants saved a little girl from thing killed I The H erald , fully alive to tie in Portland to furnish them pictures by an approaching train. needs of its patrons, has made and arranged with Baunan, Hol special arrangements with tin- man and others to have blank cer I superb monthly, whereby it will tificates issued filJedoutand picti receive orders for yearly subscrip tious names signed to them, arid “ As old as SIMMONS the hills” and turns to both publications combined they dioided to land them for $120 for the sum of $3 00. never excell a head. The price of the great illustrated ed. “Tried monthlies in the past has been and proven ” Attempted to Kill Herself. $3 00 and $4 00 a year, amt tliex I REGULATOR is the verdict were to be found only in the more ~~j g C of millions. N ew Y ork , Dec. 15—Mrs Minnie offer fur Simmons ! pretentious homes. Our otter Chapman, a woman of 30, who is Liver Regu- i nishi s a help to all families, i.o yx lator is the 'matter how modest their means. said to be the wife of a well known I Z? rTf? j* only Liver Ito keep in touch with the greatest hotel-keeper of Montreal, attempt XJ UZC / and K idnev to kill herself at the Grand Uniot medicine t o I minds of the world, as The Cosmo- i politan has today the strongest hotel dy taking laudanum She which you regular staff of any existing period and Chapman came to the hotel on can pin your ical. Send orders to December 2 and occupied room 395 faith for a T he H erald , cure, A on the third floor. Day before yes- Bums Ore. > _ mild laxa- terbay Chapman departed, and i tive, a n d was understood that he was going A tillable Woman purely veg back to Montreal. Whether or not etable, act- his leaving had anything to do wit h Wanted in every county to e.Mab ing directly the woman’s acts is r.ot known, but on the Liver lish a corset parlor for the sale of and Kid Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spirai last night about 10:30, while door neys. Try it. Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages man Duncan was making around Sold by all $40 to $75 per month and expenses of the hotel, he heard groans com Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder ing from the room. The door was | We furnish complete stock on eon to be taken dry or made into a tea. burst open. She was lying on the signment; settlements monthly The King of Liver Medicine«. Send 18 bed. and near by was a four-ounce $3 Sample Corset irpe 111 have used yourShnmons Liver Regu lator and can couscienciousl.v say it is the hottie of laudanum with perhaps king of all liver medicines, 1 consider it a cents postage for sample ami terms. ' medicine chest in itself.—G eo . W. J ack - half an ounce of laudanum gone eon , Tacoma, Washington. Nichois Mfg. Co., 378 Canal St WF.VERY PACKAGFAt New York The woman was not unconscious, and she said in explanation of her Has the Z Clamp In red on wrapper. DEITKR SHOR CO., inc’p. Capital, Rl,000,000. BEST »I.AO SHOE IN THE WORL1X. act»:“Oh, I’m so miserable.” She “.1 dollar fared it a dollar tamed.” Thie Ladle«'Sollil French Honnola Kid But was sent to Belleyue under arrest. ton Boot delivered free anywhere In the U 8, on receipt of Canh. Money Order, —Telegram. or l’oetal Note for 81.50. ion WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20. 18:8. news I n G eneral Than z for the Pills $2 CASH dollars The Racing Waters. T acoma , Cec. 13.—The Hood th a* swepttdown the valley between Ta coma and Seattle Monday was the wsrst that has visited that section for five years. Thousands of acres of land are under water, and the entire country from O'Brien to Renton, a distance of six mile»,and for over two miles in width, is com pletely unner water from four to five feet deep The Associated Press reproter returned from a trip through the valley last night. I’housands of acers of land are more . or less damaged by rushing water, which washed them clean, and in some places left deposits of sand. A dozen houses and six county 1 V PER MONTH I n Y our O wn L ocality Equal« every way the boot« nald in all retail .tore« for »2.60. We make thia boot ourtelvea, therefore we guar antee the J/lt, flute and wear, and If any onn i. not aatlatied we will rrfnpd the money or .end anol her pair. Opera Toe or Common Betiae. width. U, D. E, St EK, nlr.ea 1 to 8 and ha if izee Send your fife; we will Jit you. ONLY $2 CASH. THREE GOOD REASONS. 1st--It is the Leading Paper ,of Harney County. made easily and honorably, without rapt tai, during your spare hours. Any man w oman, boy, or girl can do the work hand ily, without experience. Talking tin necessary. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before. Our workers Illuat rated always prosper. No time wasted in Cata- ■ k>|fue learning the business. We teach you in FREE a night how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without < x- exter hoe o SK' * pense to yourself. We start you, furnish Special terme to Peeler». everything needed to carry on tin- busi I ness successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our HATENT simple, plain instructions. Reader, if I FLUID von arc in need of ready money, ami want to know all aliout the best paying business before the publie, send us your •NON address, and we will mail you a docu j,Ä„ .¿CATTLE-WASH POISONOUS"' ment giving you all the particulars. S C ., I D I LTTLE’S I SHEEP-DIP TRUE& CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. SAFEST Dll’AT ALI. TIMES. CERTAIN DEATH TO TICKS, LICE.Etc BEST CURE FOR SCAB. Or. Price’» Cream Baking Powder Moat Perfect Made. Improves the Wool, and in creases the quantity One gallon mixed with cold water, makes 100 gallons of «front wash JAMES LAIDLAW A Co Í AGE NTH_________ PORTLAND, OREG ' MANHOOD RESTORED! Tin» w u.uvrful rauied, rx «.,all drain« »nd Io»« of power In Grnerapv.Organ. ' ' hr ursrsisrUon ■ ■■tfcfn! rrrT—, eicrkkl re u«e of lohBCfo, opium or» ia>- ufaitt* which Inflnultf,Con«nmpil<»n or Insanity. Can bo carrtM !n * written to rwrr or reumn the weney. Foia Dy an a »k for t t. take no othnr. Write for free Medical x*nt wai'-d fn™” n wrawri °Add£L’» «•* VK»KKl»CO.,M.wui« Tame-. C uicaoo . Far «ala >n Barna,Ora., by H. M. UOBTUK. Ura««-<- i "■fo5rs ‘ ■ reme.tie « 'bat do not io-* » uf I J .re the health or interi' rj with one’» bz<l.- at il '.in- It builds an «nd Unpm-.o tLc p-ù.ral Luth :«an theskia uid bean tin«» the cernir. ¿<>n No •-■ ■ cr UabbiDces toflo v tbli tr»*a. . I.i.<.,nk-U by phymriana and F »4in< rwlety D ‘lea rAllEhll TREATED BY MAIL. COhflÛl NTI AL | Hw-aHs». «• «Oerta«. Swl • en,» k ft Hr ¡a o sr, la 1 U. If. L MIMA inc»l«l«uia MKMs. .0. 2nd~lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu lation.