Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1893)
VOL. VII. BURNS, HARNEY COUMY, uRl-J.ON. ’erald. trays, lie tiled to "ti.i” and failed once. Again he at empt- d the el all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report BY same feat Then wi’h avia*! smile ! h>- I th«« box asi«le '1 :,«■ hj '<v P ublishers and P roprietors . Ik m- h . ! emit- a Sherwood was n >t fo e<>: fi t SUBSCRIPTION RATES: af. er tin i', but I.' x'r • up c : v One Year .................................................. |2.0e In one shake had 3 pair of . ces. Six Months..................................................... 1.00 Three Months ... ,7a In another tin re were 'hr*'e aces'. HERALD CLUB LIST He pulled a breath into the box 1 Serai J ami Harper’s Magazine............. 5,(0 Serald and Harper's Weekly ............... 5.20 gentlv and rolled nut an >thcr , (Jerald and Harper's Bazar . . . 5.20 Then manager S. T. Arthur, whol Herald ami Harper's Young People 3.75 asrald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 h d been a silent wit cess,supported , esch additional volume after Vol. 1 55 cents: 10 cents extra per volume, postage. a man on each arm and a trip was I ¿^“Copies of all the above works can be ex made to the refreshment room .mined at leisure in the Heading Room. The claim will be called t he f&~ Publishers of periodicals are solicited “Monte Carlo" by its owner Mr ;o sea l clubbing rate6, a copy of their work for , »ur Free Reading Room—W c file and bind the It was bond'd f rouie latter at close of every half volume, »nd r-«v « i I Sherwood. topics bv advertisement. time ago by a pavmcnt of $10**0. _____ _________ _ ____________________________ _ I toiiisbment hat the joints imi appretti iteti by (he wenmn nf but the bond lapsed Mining nmn i fk’xitile 'is I In v were w ADVERTISING RATES: Ir- country tor so lutny years, ihit. regard it. as a g‘ od prospect ns the • PACK 1 wk 1 2 wk j 1 me. j :> mo 1 1» DIO 1 1 yr good mi trod the streets of th' Il IV«' C.IIHed t|)<> S ib'.a of t |)H |{ ,vaj country within a circle of a few 1 inch H -0 «2.50 '>5.00 $8 '10 111 oo '»15.00 ancient 11ahan cities 3(H) v« ars ag > Baking l‘.«wd«*r. its sh ort) by Malia 3.00 ■1.00 6.50 12 0.) 1 18.00 28.10 J “ miles contains thousands of ounces , .. 3.50 5.00 8.00 l.i.OO 24.00 10.00 \\ Lt n Piux IN. was Pope, he fre (ics, to ex e, ed | he sii .« of all ut ber I 4 50 o.oo 10.00 20.00 32.00 50.00 < “ ■ •f the precious yellow metal. Û col. 6. DO 9.00 15.00 28.00 48.00 5-1.00 qnentlv \ sited the shrine of Si i.ikit g p iwdets combine,!. 12 'JO 10.00 28.00 48.00 bo.uo 120 00 1 “ 1 20.00 30.00 1 40.00 60.00 110 00 140.00 Catherine, and while making sue The King of Liver Medicines. Miraculous Preservation Of a visits never failed to s:t v mass ivhil« “ I have used yourSitnmons Liver Regu Why Hair Turns Gray. lator and can conscieneiouslv say it is the Corpse. JOB WORK in pieseiice < f the ti>i< a culousl king of till liver medicines. I consider it a I medicine chest in itself.—G eo . W. J ack - Jf every description executed with neatness preserved remains On one oeett i S on , Tacoma, Washington. Hundreds of queer theories have «nd despatch, at. reus, uable rates Chambers’ celcbra • <1 work uii «-EVERY PACKAGE*«» Circulars, P. sters, Pampb ,-ts sion. while testing the flexibility <>l I'ceii advanced to account for the Envelopes, Bill, Lette) Hi ads, in ra Ics. wonders, ¡.♦•m ral od'li’i'-s. Has (lie Z Stamp in red on wrapper. ' h< r joints, h • raised her hand to phenomenon of hair turning gray Itatenietus, N.-te Heads, Cards. Tienets. Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. respecting man, curiositi« s of veg i the level nfher beati, then replae n the g -mis homo, thv latest being T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re ■ table and animal ¡if , etc, ele .1 ing it in her lap, remarked: “h tn this: Each hair is a hollow tube ference, in the Geo. r. Rowell Newspaper Ad- reriising Bureau, lb Spruce st.. Neu York. which is arranged as a sori uf ealen- | nimis attd.ix ” (1 was too boldtj illcd with granules «if p.ginetit- <iar and given th- vc . i>'fip| ropn | I — Republic. dimihlshes both in qu irWity nmi ate title of "Th« Book of I>a\s,’ Ipts OFFICIAL DIRECTORY j i i quality, tl^- air bubbles enlarging through some odd mischmee, «•n -'ROM OCKEXi'HlNi. THE HIGHEST AWARD. ind expanding to t ike the place national : I ti elv neglected to mention the1 formerly occupied bv the coloring President ....... ................. Grover cievelat d . preserv'.tioii of tile relies of St I f lee-President. ....... Adlai Stevenson I Royal Baking Powder has all 'matter The hair which is filled lecretary of state ............... .,. Gresham Walter Q. leeretar.v of Treasury John G ( ariisle ! SHOOK DICE FOR A MINE. Catherine The uondciftil tt'o’v the honors — in Strength and with these bubbles turns white for le -r.-i.iry of 1 nterior Hoke smith ' has t'eeii a t berne of discussion lecretary of-M ar Daniel .-. Lamoni Value 10 Per ( ’ ent. above its the same reason that the crvati Is of lecretary of Navy .. Hilary A. ucruvri Herbert I . entry of Agriculture. . J. sterling Morion Sherwood Blew in the Box and among church folks th«* world o«cr Nearest Competitor. vhite Fugar appear of that color, attorney General Rieharu S, oiney for two or three hundred years, vet Fostimister General .. Wilsoti 8 Binacii the Boos Fell His Way. the phenomenon b jng dm* Io the The Royal Baking Powder STATE—OREGON : the a oye mentioned work, which r-llwetion and refraction of light. the enviable record of having receiv I > tors I J N Dolph 1 J. H.Mitchell. Samuel I. Silverman and Dick | purports to give an account of Wliv hair son r-linms turn "white \ Binger Hermann the O'dinary. ed the highest award for articiik half inter- .everything out of Sherwood each owned a Congressmen ... iW.K. Ellis of its class—greatest strength, put in a single night” has m -ver been Governor D.Sylvester i’ennoyei claim in ..whether vouched for or -onlv re lecretary of state . . li . .Geo. W. McBride est in a va’uable gold -xplained True a microscopic ex- «st ingredn uts, most perfectly com Treasurer . R Phil. Meisehan. pok.rh'e | ba» entirely ignori «1 the Okanogan count v, sa vs the S • upt. l'uolie Instructiou R J. B. McElroi bined—wherever ex hi bi teil in com imimiti m of hair show tlm • Ute Printer .. K...... Frank Bukei Review. They decided a few days maryelous narrative, not even re i R. S, Bean. petition with otli.irs. In the exhib granules of pigment hav«* • ither <«preae Judges ./ Wm. P. I.oYd ago that there wasn’t room for two ' mote] v alludii'g to it. been h I> o | is I i '* i 1 or forced out bv the > F. A. Moore W >1 s ltions of former years, at the Centen in its management. and hit upon I The St. Path-rim’in question SIXTH JUDICIAL district : tiial, at Peris Vii nna and at tin a r bubbles, >u exactly how or whv »¡strict Judge D M. D. CLIFFORD tt true western expedient for settling ¡known in life as well as nicer her District Attorney . d C has . F. H yde various Slate and Imlusltiil fairs, isa mv terv—liepul lie. mill Representative (it) ...A. W. Cowan their business difficulties. Bnl as “St. Catherine of Bologna ” where it has been exhibited judges Joint-Senator . .(D).. H enry B lackman Her remains are now enshrined in they didn’t call for pistols for two, COUNTY—HARNEY ; a church bearing her name, in the have invanble awarded the Royal Jounty j jfige . . .(D).. W m . M iller with coffee fori ne, or go out on the !lerk ..................... (D).. citv last mentioned above, the rd Baking 1 owder the highest honors P. L. Shidelei treasurer ................ (R) .. 1.8. Geer greensward behind the hotel and At the recent World's Fair the I9Û jurvevor (H) ics having remained in their pr-s 1 . . . J H. Neal ls£.V PEP MONTH There ’ ■ (R) ■ À. Gittli .- fight with bowie, knives 'examination for the baking powder ÀSBCM .(I)' ent position for upwards of 3(J<) S.W. ....... Miller •'■Ii Ml super.ntendeut .’(K)" .C has .N bwbli . was quicker way than that, and •lock Inspector years. She sits bolt upright in a I i awards' were made by experts of the I n Y our O wn L ocality ..David Carx it was safer. chemical division of the Agrieulmr made easily and honorubly, without cnpl chair, her features ami form some ÍD) ? W m . A ltnow Comniiasiontrs t.d, during your spare hours. Any man, Sherwood ami Silverman called /K' Ì t ; i its al Washington. The woman, boy, ->r gii I cun do the work hand what shrunken, the skin of the face I for a dice box and the regulation ily, without experience. Talking un- HARNEY U. 8. LAS1I OFFICE: ami hands badiv discolored, in fact official report of the test ofthe bak liecess.iry. Nothing like it for money- "How ■ J- B- H untington number of dice, instead. ing powder w hich were marie by ULikiiigever offered before. Our workers M tel ' cr ..H arrison K elley almost black, vet her mortal re shall it be?” asked Silverman with No time wasted In this department for th- specific always prosper. mains are not in th«- least decayed, learning the business. We teach you in a name-your weapons expression on purpose of ascertaining whh h was a night how to Hiiccee«l from the first it app«-aring. even to the unbeliever, SOCIETIES. his face. the best, at I which has been made hour. Von <-nn make a tri il without « x- that the fates have decided to keep pelise to yourself. We start you, fill'llIsl) "Three shakes, horses.” Sherwood SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. ««. public, shows the leavening I everything needed to carry on th«- busi her holy body uncorrupted and h« r , Meet« every 1st and 3d Wednesday. ness sm-ies-fully, and guarantee you replied and as every one knew what til the great day of I B<ren«’blh,‘ Rovai to be 1G(> against failure if you but follow our Eunice Thompson, N. G. E May Worthington. Re<\ Sec’y. | that meant, there were no other form intact uni carbonic gas per 1 .impie, pliln instructions. Reader, if reckoning. The editor of “Notes cubic inches <>I on ar«* in ii«*c«l of re:i«lv money, and preliminaries. Of the cn-Hin of a want lo know nil nlxiut tlie best paying A. O. U. W. Burns Lodge, No 47 for the Curious” is not a Catholic . ounce of powder. Both men were as calm and col I I i tartar baking powders exhibited al iiU'Ine-s Is-fore tin- public, sriiil us your Veets every 2d and 4th Thursday j nor yet the son of a Catholic ami i -uldrvHN, and we will m ill yon a due«» W. Y. King, M. W lected as if an immense fortune had the Fair, the next highest in tuent giving you all the partlculurs. J W Sajer, Ree’d. was never to bis knowledge within; not been at stake. Silverman shook strength thus tested contained Inn TRUE & CO., Box 400, the w ills of a church »»elonging toi BI RNO n I a HONOR Lodge. N o . 8 He got two pairs, fours ami j first. 133 cubic inches of leavening gas lhat great <h-nomination. Yet, ■«etseverv 2<j an<1 4th Monday. Augusta, Maine. I trays, in three series of hopes and The other powder« gave an aver — Mr» A E Young C OF H. facts ar- fads, and as such are de fears. Sherwood was sure he could age of 111 The Royal, therefore H arney lodge , no . 77, 1. o o f . serving of record, especially in a Wl<”*’ Hall. everr Hatnrdsv, beat that, and he did, with three was found of 20 per cent, greater pn*' M. K. biguá N.G. id- partment of this character, which aces the first rattle out of the box. leayening strength than its nearest is entirely given up lo discussing , »ARNEY POST NO. 48, G. A. R. “Follow your hand,’ *a*d Silver- «•■nuMllc. I, >« do Hot li -l » u» > I competitor, and 44 |>er cent, above ire thè h.-elth or Interi, o eitli oro'«Latinim et the unusual ami unnatural sides of « i rh* ù *n» :,<1 Wedneadav of each 1 1. «.lire II up an i liuprio a t: ■' ^.-n- -al still unmoved. Sherwood the average nf all the other tests '»•.I m . ’ a ? *,,e,l"*s' Hall. All Comradn man, h allh rl.-ar.the.kin -ad I». eitilUathe,, rupi, «e a. everything. •■►» I Handing invited. WS in IO. a — hai file » • II.-, «h Its s: p riority in other respect», adomed Lr piiykieiaur un I io U h » « > . «y U shook ami so did Silverman. 1 he The accomodating priest in at ’»TIE8B TREATfO Bf M. l>. C'. X IDINLA u uUn. latter won. That made tt “hoise tendance at the shrine of Ht. Cath however, io the quality of the food u«rwl»M. ... . , *>«. 8 a. r. .«l'iti. ■ meati t iiuia chius » iti it makes a» to fineness, delicacy ami and ” U. g. MAILS. erine will, if requested, expose the Silverman rattled the hones long, wholesnmeness, could not be meas wrnw»— tale : arm of the mummified saint to the w**iv»«an<1 departs daily. hut gently, with a short circular elbow, and, moving it hack amL ure«! by figures. •pj»«V »x»«4*'H S.P1JOU _ < > <L r & n/4 u a. [ ft is these high qualities, known ............» .nd PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY W. C. BYRD a SON. “ As old as thehills”:ind never excell ed. “Tried _____________ and proven” *s tue verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Regn- T a lator is the only Liver and Kidnev medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure, A mild laxa- tive, a n d purely veg- etable, net” ing directly on the Liver and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid , or in Powder to be taken drv or made into a tea. SIMMONS Than Pills do |- lars jap wo(] ituivni UIWÍJ3 ‘-KJ