Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1891)
BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY. OREGON, OCTOBER 28. Semi-Weekly Herald, it. PITBI.ISHEED VERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. I Kiowa's AV. man Mayor in I. isla vor. GREAT RÉDUCTION IN PRICES Î One of the effects of a little edu- BY K iowa , Kan., Oct. 16 — M m Pax-1 cation, without much thinking with on, the Mayor of the town, has Iteen W. C. BYRD & SON. A full and C omplete Stock of Groceries and Supplies. it, ic to make people expert in ex asked to resign Itecause of her per P ublishers and P roprietors . Ranchers wishing to purchase thei«- supplies will do well to call and set aggerating- There are many young sistent crusade against liquor sell people, educated in our schools, what we can do for you before going elsewhere. ing. The request conies in the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: who make use of theiracquaintance Everything at BED ROCK PRICES. shajye of a petition to that effect One Year .................................... »3.00 with words to pile them up useless Six Months. ■'............. . .1,50 signed by business men who feel I H. E T hompson , Yours Respectfully, Three Months .. .75 ly in description. One Year (in advance) .2.50 that their interests are injured by « Manager. . A ROBBINS We say their acquaintance with the crusade. Much of their trade HERALD CLUB LIST Herald anti Harper’s Magazine............... 5.00 I words, not their knowledge of them; Herald and Harper's Weekly ........ 5.20 come from cattlemen, who, as a WHOLESALE! Herald and Harper's Bazar .. 5.20 for when one reallv knows words, RETAIL T rule, are not in sympathy with pro Herald and Harper's Young People 3.75 He hibition. Herald ami Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.90 hedoes not often misuse them. Each additional volume after Vol. I, 55 cents: does not, for instance, call a large HUNTINGTON, 10 cents extra uer volume, tn. st age. OREGON. Mrs. Mayor Paxton has kept up I apple a “ moi st-ous ” one, because /.■•y i opies of all thealmve works can be ex a continual war on the saloons, an 1 »mined at le.sure in the Reading Room he knows that an apple may he recently she sent out a lot of sjteeial I t!&~ Publishers of periodiiHlg are (.ilieited large without either being misshap deputy city marshals t.) destroy all jo semi elubbiug rates, a t <>py of ilieir work for | We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room our Free Resiling Room—W e file und bind the en or unnatural; nor would he cal) q liquors and nail up the doors. An occupying three floor», and each floor |Oa(je(j wjth latter at i of every half-volume, cut r«v ,, i copies by advertiseihent. a mutton chop “elegant” because attorney was employed to fight the Will maintain our former rules: SaUare Dialing I une Price, ’ he found it tender. order, and it was then found that Best Ouality. 6 ADVERTISING RATES: Let us take an instance of the Kiowa had no ordinance empower We Imv rlour. Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire. Liverpool Sall, gu t j 1 wk 1 2 wk I 1 mo 1 3 ino I 6 mo |.LLr misuse of a little education in this mg the Mayor to close the saloons. Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Prices are LOW. •. Inch I »1.50 »Z.Ö0 1 »5 00 Is -M) 111.00 115.00 Bertha Brown is a high 1 00 li. 50 12 Oï 18.00 ¿8.10 way. 3.00 i •• Then foil iwed the petition ask 8 “ I 3.50 5 00 8.00 15.00 24.00 40 00 SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! 4 “ I 4 50 ♦ ; oo 10.00 20.00 32.00 50 00 school girl, who is reckoned bright I ing Mrs. Paxton to resign, Her •i 00 9 00 15.00 28.00 48.00 54.00 U col. 12.70 Bi 00 ÏH.00 48.00 80.00 ROAM) at school and who has had man h " CORRESPONDEKCE SOI.ICITEI). husband's name is «aid to l»e at 20.00 LO 00 40.00 Ö0.00 110 ou 140.00 i “ social advantages. Tiie other dav tached to it. Prttrietors Huntington Warehouse. Your» Respecfully, meeting one of her oompanions on JOB WORK J. 11. AITKIN, Managet the street, she graspe«! her by both A M íhísut ' s H um ». Of every description exc< ufed with neatness hands and burst into this speech: ai d despati h, at reas..nable rates Pi sters, Ciri mars. Pamphlets “Oh. Edith Jones! You can't Envelopes, lili Item's, I etler lleai's. Portland Boot <fc Shoe Store Fe. Staiemen s, Note Ilia. s. Can s, Ti< Keis, possibly imagine what a perfectly Invitations. Memoranda. Donicela, He. t he LUNA BURG 4 FRY, P roprietor », B urn », O regon . immense, gorgeous time we had l ist T he G erald is kept regularly on ¿Ge for re ferenie, in the (;eo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad night at that enchanting Mrs. Sued $3,003 MockBiMds and Shoes, of the very beat criwiltv Just re vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. grass’! She has a perfectly m m> I Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. « a divorced moth, palatial house, vou know— OFFICIAI. DIRECTORY. 1g, however Also. Custom work ami Repair in« ueatlv dime. three stories high, and such a gi"au led il price’ tie dining-room and the most fasci N ational : nin the (‘ere President ............. Benjamin tiar ri»o nating love of a ptitxzft! Denver nnd Vhe-President Levi P. Ak.irt.iu Secret ary uf State JameaG. Binine ‘ Well, we had an enormous din Secretary of Treasury Charles Poster. it* *jt i. "jp ; Secretary <*f Interior W. Notile ner — beautiful mushrooms, and secretary of War Redfielil Procter sirspuA.' Benjamin F. Trai ev some monstrous peaches and th« Se< ret ary of Navy Seureiary of A grit ultnre. Jeremiah M. Rnsk BRENTON A- FINE Proprietors. Win. 22. Miiier 2__ Attorney General wm. H. most seraphic ice cream and that John WniiHinaker Poti master General sort of thing—and then some mns STATE—OBKGON : J. N. Dolph ic on the piazza that was just to- R (j.S.Senators .1. H Mftihell Congressman R. Binger Hermenn huge and heavenly for anything' D.SvIveater Pennover (ìuveriior W. Mcl ride Sophie Ives was there with that . .R ' Ge*i. .............................. Secretare of State ..Phil. MelschHii. R * per Treasnrer J. B. AM< Elro\ perfectly magnificent banjo of hers Slip:. Public Instructioii R Frank Bakei Miss Stale Printer.................. R i R. S. Bean. and plaved a dazzling fmdango on R . Bl!’ / Wm. P. I .or11 R Supreme Judges ) W. W. Thaxer it. D pilli- The Proprietors of the White Front Liverv Stable Reuben S. btrahn. “And then Billy Grave played sure th«' public that they tire prepared to accommodate SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: in re- M. D. CLIFFORD ineffably on his jew«liarp—did von DiRlrict Ju- ge d in every way in their line of business, I MAS. !• Il Y HE Diflirict Aih.rney •D and grain constantly on hands, and careful hand». D. ». D ustin ever hear anything so utterly pre Joint Hep retie 111 at I ve (D). .(D) H enry B lackman Juint-&enatur ... Passengers taken to all parta of the country. Job Wagon it. connection posterous as playing on a jews l'or Cleveland COl’NTY—HARNEY : harp? But ’ t was sublime, anv W m . M illee | County „ nige (D) .W. E. <i«Al R wav. the way he nlaved on it. Clerk ................. (D) B URNS 2E3UTCHER SHOP T. H. R oberto ; Treasurer (D) There wag one dominant fact (D) T. A. M c K innon “Ethel Smith had just played an Surveyor TOM ANDERSON Prop’t, HENRY CALDWELL, Manoger. A. Sheri (t .(D) ■ A. • CO.vINO ----------- ! lemoiistrated above all others at .111). W. E. A lbkkbo N immense little caprice on the piano, Assessor .. CI1AS.NE..ELL ! School Superintendent . (R) 'he great democratic gathering of Taos. G Doiixox when who should come in but that Stock Inspector W m .A ltnow , awfully odious Mr. Tompkins, and We«lii‘R<iay evening at the Taber Commissioners Lytle Howard. he began talking everlastingly na^le, ami that was Grover Cleve HAKNLY Ü. 8. LAND OFFICE: about social problems, ami that land's popularity over all conqM'ti- ReglBter ..J. B. HVNTtNOTON ’ors. When his name was ¿men Reieiver ..H akriron KELLEV sort of thing, in the most agonizing tioned the applause was instantani- wav. ous. general. H|H>ntam ous. thunder- CHURCH DI RECTORY 1 "It was absolutely insufferable, Will sei ve customers will> the left that t un l e piocUHd with and we were all simply paralyzed huh ami direct from their hearts of any amount from One to Fve Hundred tt»««. BURNS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH the immmse audience.—Sunday Mrs. Snodgrass was mortified to M D. WII4JON Pastor. Welcome. There will be preaching by the paotor in each The Incorporated death, and----- ” ■onth hr folium r . until further notice* ______________________ ist Stibbath—buri R—at 11 a in, and 4:30 p ni Fortúnatele for Edith Jones, her k.<i Sabbath—1 si aim b< hool IL.use— at 11 a m “ —Harney—at 7:80 p n). Ex President Cleveland nnd Gov father came along at that moment ?d Sabbath—burns—it 11 a tn. and 4:30 p m i 4th Sabbath—Harne}—at 11 a m, and 7:i0p m and releived her from the neces-itv ernor Hill iddrwsed an iminei.w on listening to anv more of Bertha’s in -eting in Few York city on th«* TRANSPORTATION Companv I superlatives. 9OCJETIKS. questions of the campaign f«»r gov C. C. McCoy, General Manager, • Bertha had not been conscious ernor in that stat«. .Both were well H arney lodge , no . 77, i. o o f . ------- 0:0-------- that she was using bad English or Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday received, and were given an enfl tisi Stages leave Burns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, B«ul»k 7»pm, H, M WORTON, !». G. telling any untruths in the speech Fen Rrowrn, Treaa astic reception upon their appear Westfall and Vale, where she had been making. She hbd Au—Ü---------- tnen well trained in grammar, and ance on the stage. barney pob t ko . fl1, o a . r Close Connection is Made Meets every 1st and : d Wedneadav of each did not wilfully tell a falsehood with the railroad. Go«xl fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, »onth, at odd Fellows' Hall. All Comrade» She thought she was simply relat la good standing invited. RATES OF FARE FROM BtKNA TO ONTARIO AND IMI KAI MM. 1 < Hint M. M. BRIEKLY. p . c . ing, in a lively way. actual occur BurnR ’o Val« »10 DO Burns. Io Ontsrtii C has . Naw ill . Ad’j’L MchU-10 • Weit Fall » 59 •• - GrovK'Ity ranees of thedav lefore s on •• •• •• •• Peop’« that talk in this exagger 2 50 •- • puw'Twek. I *■ •• Hirnry Ü. 8. MAILS. ated and inexact way do not realiz«- Baggage. 8OW>s to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers straws— vals . . that the most forcible language is •>e way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. Arrives and departs daily, Monday a excepted. alwars the simplest, and that no N eri A cki . en . J. M. V aughn , H arry F loyd , sc rwn—< a w vow city : word is effective if it is used out of Burna Agn«i Division Agent. Gen. Sup’L »reives Mondavi, Wednesdays. Fridays.fpm. 'ewrea Tueadaya, Tuend» jx A Saturdays <1 am. place.—Youth's Companion. ^ OD8 ' ____ Mii 'tnn ii u L-,. I ••