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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1891)
VOL. IV. , ---------------------------- BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 24. Semi-Weekly Herald, brother H arrison uneasy . Governor Foraker is not only mak- i GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! , ing a personal canvass, but his IteportH From Ohio R«*irin to Worry the BY Little Man - Tho Tariff Will Not Down. ' friends are active in their work W. C. BYRD & SON. I from one end of the state to the A full and Complete Stock of Groceries and Supplies. 'UBLI8HER8 AND PROPRIETORS. W ashington , Oct. 14 —Reports other. Foraker’s speeches during Ranchers wishing to purchase their supplies will do well to call and seo from Ohio are giving Bro. Harrison the campaign have been of the considerable uneasiness The ad most effective character, eclipsing what we can do for you before going elsewhere. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' I Year |3.00 ministration ha« been very anxious, in point of dignity any he has here-: Everything at BED ROCK PRICES. Months. j.80 ee Months ... 75 of course, that Mr. McKinley should tofore delivered since he entered H. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, i Year (in advance) .'2’50 he sustained in Ohio, and that the public life. His friends assert that Manager. A. ROBBINS HERALD CLUB I.I8T Id and Hnrper’.-Magazine......... 5.(101 robber tariff hill should be given he has quite as good a chance oft Id and Harper’s Weekly .......... 5.20 Id and Harper’s Bazar 5.20 prestage of approval hy the Ohio election as Sherman, while the Id and Harper’s Young People 3.75 People The failure of a]] efforts more enthusiastic sav his chances 1 and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 1 ti additions) volume sfter Vol. I, 55 cents to dodge the tariff question anil are even better than those of Hits extra per volume, is .at age. HUNTINGTON................................................. OREGON. switch the campaign off to silver senior Senator. peoples of all theal>ove works can b«ex while the friends of id at leisure in the Reading Room. has increased this anxietv, but now Sherman there is another and, to Mr. Harri confident, they are vigilant son, a more serious occasion for ap watching the corners verv closely. We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, Occupying three Moors, and each floor loaded With gOODSs Th “ v are free tn concede that For prehension. Sorno of the lieuten- aker is a verv shrewd politician, an‘s of Major McKinley imagine Will maintain our former rules: DjlllUg, Uiie PllCO- they hive discovered that the dem and one calculated to prove a most Best Ouality. * 1 wk 12 wk j 1 mo J 3 mo J 0 mo j ! yr ocrats are more anxious to secure dangerous competitor in the race. We luiv r lour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Sait, 1 111 W <2.50 |5 00 |s ’X) 'ill.00 115.00 th-1 Legislature than they are to Senator Sherman is not idle bv any Canned Good«, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our I’jices are LOW G.;>0 12 0> 18 00 3 00 1 00 ¿8 JO ! 3.50 5 00 Ho npp’irentlv recognizes 8.00 1.-..00 24.00 40 0U elect Oampbell and that the pros means. 1 4 50 ti.00 10 00 20 00 32.00 50 00 SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! 1 6 00 9 00 15.00 28 00 48 I'D 54 00 pects for their succeeding in the I'he fact that he will have to plav 1 12.00 1« 00 28.00 48 00 80.00 K0 00 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 1 20.00 30 00 40 00 tiOOO 110 00 140 00 Legislature, if in nothing else, is his hand for all it is worth if he sufficient to occasion th adminis wins. Prprietora Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respectullv, JOB WORK J. II. AITKIN, Manage» (ration considerable wor’yment. A gentleman frmt Nor'h Caroli- erv description executed with neatness The republicans are on the run ■spati h. at reasonable rates i 1rs, Posters, Pamphlets on the tariff’fight. The more that na writes for tnfo’mation about 1 Heads. •peg. Letter Heads, Among Portland Boot & Shoe Store. en a, Note Heat a. t arns, Ticgets, question is discussed the les« brigh' Roseburg and Oregon. i rancia. Invitations. Dodgers. Etc. other tiling« lv want« tn know if LUNABURGit FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . become McKinley’s prospects for the ‘ inh ihitants arc kind and hos H erald is kept regularly on fi>e for re election. The determination of Mr t, intlie Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad lig Bureau, 10 Spruce at.. New York. Campbell not to be side-tracked on pitable ” It. is quite evident that i $-5,003 Stock Houia »nd Sh.iee, of the very best Vitality just received • he North Carolina mind need« en Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. silver and the masterful stroke of lightenment a« to the true stand OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Mr. Milla in driving silver to the Also. Cwttum work and Repairing neatly done. ing of Oregon in thi« particular hack and sealing the tariff as the national : The g-nttemln ha« evidently been Benjamin Harriso , issue have very seriously embar nt reading the P-norts of Dr. Lane, «aident Levi 1’. Morton 1 A prom JameaG. Blaine rassed tho robber barons. ry of state late superintendent of the asylum Charles Foster. ! ry of Treasury John W. Noble inent and very sanguine republi ry of Interior for insane, and Dr. Rowland, his Redtielil Proctor try of War Benjamin F. Trai ev can «aid to day that if McKimev >ry of Navy ■'uccessor. or el«e tie ha« run across Jeremiah M. Rusk try of Agriculture tv General Wm. H. Miller got no more than |0.000 or 12.000 Proprietor«. the late copies of the East Oregon John Wananuiker later General would to no sert of vindication of STATE—OREGON : Republican and the La Grande t, ( J. N. Dolph I his tariff hili and would count for natura Chronicle, whose editors evince any K I J. H MiK heil I laman R. Binger Hermann I : nothing as prestige for the republi A thing but a "kind and hospitable” D.Sylveater Pennover | «r tv of State K .Geo. W. McBride ¡ I can partv in the campaign next spirit. A missionary should he er Phil. Met«< han. K J. B. McElroi vear, while the loss of the Legisla lidie Instruction R «ent to North Carolina and also to inter Frank Bakei k ture would probablv result in the i K 8. Bean. R many other <>t the Southern and Judges ? Wm. ¡A>ni reappointment of the state accorci R w P. ThaVer! _ ) W. W. Tha\er D Eastern states t«> remove the im The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable as Reuben 8. Strahn. ! ing to the plan adopted in Michi pression that Oregon i- a ‘‘bad sixth judicial district : sure the public that they are prepared to accommodate to the gan. which would assure Ju-ge .. D M. D. C lifford man ’ s ” country. — Plaindu aler. in every way in their line of business. C hah . F. H yde 1 democrats some sixteen electoral Attorney................. D jf^T‘11''.v anti grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. D. 8. D ustin I a>resentative (D). nator " enry B lackman .(D) H votes Passengers taken to nil parts of the country. Job Wagon it. connection I Australia deserves applause IL t COUNTY—HARNEY : If the situation becomes desper I < ldge . (D) . W m . M iller people r«-fn«e to go and see the brtt- j (D) .W. E. G rack ate enough the managers may even B URNS 33UTCHER SHOP. ir .......... (D) T. H. R oberts I tai pugilist. John L. Sullivan, dis r ..(D) T. A. M c K innon go to the extreme of sacrific’ng Mc TOM ANDERSON Prnp’t. HENRY CALDWELL, Manoger. .(D) A. A. t o,UNG I gracing the drimatic profession bv I .ID).. W. E. ALHKIIHON Kinley or. what would amount to uperintendeut .iR) .C has .N b -« kll making ttelief tn lie an actor. T^e spec-tor T h oh . G. D odson the same, of lessening their efforts Australians are fowl nf sport, but W m . A ltnow I in his behalf and leave him to his (D) J lionera Lytle Howard. 'D? ( thev have t<»« much self re<*pect tn i own resources, which would inevit run after a creature like the wife ï U. ». LAND office : ahlv bring upon him defeat, The J. B. H untington boater Sullivan. D i® hoped tha' ..H a RRISON KKLLRV democrat«, while thev regard Ohio the pecuniary embarrassment the as a republican state, and will feel CHURCH DIRECTORY that thev have won considerable pugilist i* now suffering from will Will eel vc customers with the l est that can Le j rocurtd, with continue indeffnatelv. nn"t that he of a victory if McKinley is elected any amount from One to Eve Hundred lbs. METHODIST EPI8COPAL CHURCH will never be able to raise enough by onlv a small majority, are re M.D. WILSON Pastor. money to pav his pas«age*back to will be preaching by the pastor in each ceiving such favorable reports from The Incorporated ■ follows.until further notice America.—Astoria Talk bath—buri a—at 11 a m, and 4:30 p m all parts of the state that thev are bath—Island Sc head House— at 11 a m NORTHWESTERN «AIL —Harney—at 7:30 p m. led to expect the election of Camp path—Burns— it 11 a m, and 4:30 pm In a rirkle. »bath—Harney— at Ila m, and 7:b0p m bell and the control of the legisla I ture. Corvallis issued *10.000 in bond« TRANSPORTATION Company SOCIETIES. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, for building a citv hall. 'The con Viewed WTt Alarm -------- O-:-()-------- tract was let ; nd work began on Stage« leave Burns. Oregon, daily for Harney. Drewsey, BculaK the hall. Now it is learned the is C olumbus . O.. Oct. 14—The Westfall and Vale, where suance nf the trends were illegal friends of Senator Sherman arc just RNEY PO8 T NO. 4«. G. A. R. Close Connection is Made and »he successful bidder will not ery 1st and*3d Wedneadav of each now considerably annoyed because with the railroad. Good fresh horses, rarefiti drivers, new vehicle«. Odd Fellows’ Hall. All Comrades take them. It seems that the char anaing invited. _ of the renewed activity, apparent RATES OF FARE FROM BI-RWa TO OXT4RIO AMD IM»k\»MXG It IMF M. M. BRIERLY. P. C. ter simply authorises the people to ■ lio on I Burns to Ontario Barna Io Vila H.M Bwaix, Adyt. Mehia-K in all ptrts of the state, of the‘For - -• Grove City - Weal Fall « M> 7 1* issue bond» f«»r water works, elec « 00 I ’’ •' Beulah •• •• lireweei 4.'« aker men. who boldly declare that •• ■ Pine cieek • •• Harney 7 » | I W IT. 8. MAILS. tric light, bridge and sewerage, and their favorite is in the lead in the Baggage. 30*»s to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers must with the«» four object« the power to avana— vals : __ _ he way-billed Passenger fare paid in advance •vent the have a work- departa dally, Mondays excepted . »vrm mv- republican« opu..,,,.... .. __________ float bond« stop«.—Albany Demo H arry F loyd , N eri A cki . es . J MV AUGNI», ÓT wída’eidZvíVrid.yKinK majority in the neit Legislature Baras Agaet Gen. Sup’t. Division Agent. crat. .'a. TMdayaA Fatardaystam Iti«« noteworthy fait that Ex- • > UBLISHEEP VERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. wholesale : o. o. retail î co. G eneral M erchandise , ♦