Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1891)
p. F. STENGER- JIKIIALP S WASHINGTON LKTTKK. Honea bi ändert 1891. H aarjre’s Magazine ILLUSTRATED ILLUSTRATED. W ashington . Oct. 12. ’91. Elthor Kight or The important aeries of paper, on foali America, by Theodore Child, will be con*iM Mr Harrison, who once snublied stifle: OK. ill Harper'» Magazine during the greater H Mr. J. S. Clarkson most unmerci of the year 1891. she article! ou Southern ifornia. bv Charlea Dudley Warner, wil] fully, according to republican be continued Among other noteworthy at. tractions will be a novel by Charlea Egbert »'fthority. has suddenly discovered Craddo* k; acollectiou of original drawing,M I W. M. Thackerav. now pubiiahetl for the flrtl ALMEDA a . STENGER. the gr.-Htness which that gentleman time; a novel written and illustrated by ; ' WOODWORK I ilu Msurier; a novellette bv WlllUm DsS ; -------- - ; flew sflWQG Marine aLowjfe-A 1 carries concealed somewhere altout Howella: and a .seriesof papers of paper, o, C attlï branded London by Walter Beaant. his jM-rson. and. prestochange! Mr. I _ _ c H ica « o . M UXIO« SQUARE. ÀMT* N. Z G4 In the numtier anti variety of lllluitrared m . «**•- - .* - ^**tt(Ä J i “ "K"* aXT«.««;' Lef ide; circle pera and articles on other subjects of timely i,. ■ roR SALX B y f larkson is the sole companion of tercet, as well as in the u'irraelled character of i s short stories, poems, etc-. H arper ’ s M ac ,, split in each ear. long Presidential drives and has the NEW HOME SEWING MA zink will continue to maintain that «tsndant excellence for which It has beeu so long di» the honor of being dined nt the tinguished Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of CHINE CO., 725 Xlarket St-, San Francisco, Cal. V. Kite House. Jt jg but a repetition California, so laxativ'* and nutritious, HARPER’S PERlOiTCS Range—Harney andGritnt county Oregon with the medicinal virtues of plants Paicfic Department. Per Year: (•Ithe old. old story.‘‘circumstances P. <>. — Burna, ifarnev county, or known to be most beneficial to th*: HARPER’S MAGAZINE ti.S human system, forming the ON I Y PER niter cm-es.” When Mr. Clarkson HARPER’S WEEKLY FECT REMEDY to act gently yet . 4.0« HARPERS BAZAR Hus a very sore-headed minoroflici- THE DISABILITY BILL IS A HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE 2.0# promptly on the *, nl, mad liecause the newly elected Postage Free to all Subscribers in ths LAW. United States, Canada, or Mexico. President refused to have him in Soldiers d’sabled since the war are —AND T » — The volumes of the Magazine liegtn with Entitle«! his cabinet, Mr. Harrison, who had Cleanse He ¿yJ8h'Effectually Dependent widows ami and Parents now ... de the Numbers for June and December of rarcm.* lint then begun to think of a renom- 1 - “ "•*“ IP pffpers o pendent whose -on, died fi/.i.. from t| the effecrs of ear h year. When no time is si>ecitied, sub — M» THAT - I army service are imluded. If vou ........ y ’ trvivc «ne iiiitiiuvi.. • , - . 1.. wish -criptions will liegin with the Number cur ioation. did not hesitate to let it he I PURE BLOOD, ■ ----------- rent nt time of receipt of order. voiir< laiiu speedily ami Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine, for REFRdbHlNC SL. EP. utert.allreo J AMES TAÍÍNEK, known how little he thought Clark- hreeyears back, in neat cloth binding, wilj Late Conimii.ioner of Pen«ion..,ToN p (. HEALTH and STRENGTH Foo amounted to; nut now things lie sent by muil. post-paid, on receipt of N'ttiraHy follow. Every one is using it i A pamphlet of Information anti aD- ¡.er volume, (’loth Cases, for binding, DO have changed. Mr. Clarkson is an I all are delighted with it. Ask yout cents each—bv mail, liost-paid. S Obtiim Patenta, (‘areals, lraue druggist for SYKUP OE FIGS. Manti- Index to itarper's Magazine, Alnhabe* ‘ !<n«s’ of the National committee cal, Analytical, and Classified, for Volume, factu e I only by the I to 70, inclusive, from June, 18S0 to Jun, of hi« party, and even ’f some peo CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 18X5, one vol. 8 vo. Cloth, $1.00 PERSONAL ANI) ple do sav that his “boss” is Quay, i S an F rancisco , C al . Remittances should l>e made by l’ostottic. U» pkv » i i w, ) N ew Y ork , N i Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chance o( ATTENTION GIVEN Mr Harrison regards him as being loss. ENTS, CAVEATS, Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New of «uflieient importance to be con For «ale at IL XI. Horton’s Drug York. MARKS, etc. ciliated at the present stage of the Store. NO FEE UNLE S PATENT game, and Mr. Clarkson seems in Harper’s Weekly. IS SECURED. CORRESPOND- I L L T STR A T E I). no wav l'*th to being conciliated, *tT(ST~~ ENCE SOLICITED. ■ ■ ■■ <k“ATAKESlS”givc«lnstant r kii ' s W kkkly nae never failed to Jimi- ■ ■ I ■lrrlef null is lin infallible find Senator Qmiv bus left the T’em *.le ue a ''Journal of < ivilizali< n.” «nd S-» I i 1L Carefor Pllr*. ITiccSl. By OlUUUnin STODDART vi & w.j CO. done m wi h*n <<-i K’ui-t rtgaid to en- svlvania campaign long enough to d ;» tsibilitit s of i selnlli-i Ft* and « higher 613 (¿ 61ö 7th Stroot, II. W. Dux ¡Mid, New York City, srd of artir 1c amt Ilteiari exielteiie. «•ooie tn Washington to Rce what [Oppo ite U. S. Patent Office,] tea mill.u< he<l to. imp..riant phase of tin I ’a pi< gii n. ai d | un i tea ie« • iu equai ly there ig “in it” for him. VV ASH INGTOX. I». C._______ rlhy and Intel eel ing, of the noialle t cis. ns a i d n< l.eit en tire <.f < nr tine The evea of XT t hod lata all over dl« ft ffk Ft ■* • 11 >" I'H-Hy I bupplen enlH will le until ned is aJS Í Ü ■ ■■ leur II I .11IV I Ilf el ligi ut p. fruii ut vil lier C|l|||Lri,' I- .Ili l'end mui Milu-, and w Ito, hey wlilie If eian. x< ieullfic. artietir, the world are now turned toward* ■ 4FUU Ig ■ Q I I E W B I V I "ù. A i- ... ’i'.;-. «¡II " il. iiiGiiMiiuualy, < al. crith al, t< fr giahii al, cr Ct si ripi h « . I.r... .......... . . Ih.llar* . o< ns cii n-ai lien and. and w 11) <. nlin- Year in f lu-lr .•« n !<>• h lilies.u u r- « • i I hey llve.l will alno furnish XVa«hington The Ecumenical con- I j C olp ch a scneihe hearty << irn endxtii nwhhh the Minati ’ti nrriii|ilaiynicnt^«t w i>i li « an «urti that ainount. No iniMiry f<>r in,* iiiin «a *iic<-vsr>hil us h I miv «* Easiit uikì quickly PwCiTIVu li bestowed on pas' issues bv the prise forence of that church, with delegates lt-iiriu'4. I i L' mìti * Lut mia worker Hom euch di«tri< i urei unty. C e public As a family Journal, Harper', C'JARAr:rc3 have alfr-H Iv taught mul providtd with tiuploynirni a huge wi<l. re heretofore, be edited with a numla-r, olio ara iunking over SíM i each. Il » J\ I. W tocureanv form from every section of the world, be and S1> ' I ,i>. l ull particular« F* If I* I'. Adflr«*«« nt otic<* aid forthe qua'itie, that make it a of nervo.:i diaea.-.o IC» C. i;«»x AAuusitiu, Amiti«* \isii. r to every home. gan a two weeks sess’on ben* We-I- orauy disorder of ’ M. E ekky & Co’s tho generative or PER YEAR: Illustra, i, Detscripiive and Priced gans of eilbersex, it’-sdnv. The first of these confer t. bother urlslup'^ HARPER WEEKLY................. fro: ith 'cxcessno cnees was held ten yearn ago in Lon- S&-D nnual HARPER'S MAGAZINE i .« REFORE t: oof b..mutant , AFTER Fur 1091 wi be m.iiled FREE HARPERS BAZAR. Tobacco or Opium, or through yo.itnful itml«cre- •1 fto don. o all applicants . i.<l to last season's HARPER S YOUNG PF1PLE '.loti, over Indulgence, 4c , ouch a« Loss of Brain It is better than ever. customers ....--- Postage Free to all subscribers in the Unit»« The gossips now have it that Cal- Power. Wahcf-'lncsa. rearing down Pains in the Every person iihing Garden^ States. ( anada. or Mexico. bar k. Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pr >» Hfrtttrr or bifid Sffds, The Volumes of the Weekly will begin w ith tuition, N x turnal Emi slous, 1 e corrba-a. Dlz- ifornia and New Hampshire are zlne*s, W -nk Jfcmorz, L t ,of Power and impo- should send for it. Address he first Numlier for Janurtrv of each .tear. D. M . FERRY A. CO. When no time is mentioned, aubacriptiuns will w!ii hit nc~Iectc loften lead to prematuro certain of the two CHhinet ap|M>int- tency. DFTROIT, MICH. begi-i with the Number current at time > f r» o’.d a -n on I ln*anitv. Trico i CO a box, 6 boxes Sent by me 1 on receipt of p-ice' i-i ipt of order. merits, and that Xfr. Estee and ex for A (.’> n .00. tlTTI'N hound Volumes of Harper’s Weekly for three (IVAItANTrK Is given for f.VOorder ro.-clv«'-!, t .re'nnrt the money If vears back. In neat cloth binding, will be sex, Gov. Cheney are the men who have| i ery Permanent c'*ro 1, not effected. We have bv mail 1*. stage paid, or hv express, free of e» pense provided the freight doe, not exceed S I cen selected. The fi'st is backed l' :*iou*a-i<!«ot testtmoniata f-ontold and young, ( bot'i s»xe«, who have l>een permanently cun I per volume) for »7 <X) a volume. Cloth Cases for each Volume, suitable for by XI H. DeYoung, the California l.y theuso of Aphroditlne. Circular Irve. Add re* a binding will lie sent bv mail poat-paid.on rs- TH*- A°HRO MEDI z '| nc Cn. -elpt of #1. loss and the last by Senator Western Branch, Box 27. 1' oktlanu . O b . Remittance, should be made by Post Offic, Monev Order or Draft, to avoid chance of hiss. Chandler, the once-was and would For Sale at XV. E. Grace’« Drug Address HARPER« HR i Ttf ERS. New Y ork. irMt LIEN'S POULTRY' NETTING. New Ilona ' THE ONLY TRUE So ».tigging: No bagging’ Extra ileaTT ^t-lvMpr. be again New Hampshire “ho«H.’’ Store The McMullen Woven wire Fence Co., Chicago, Hi- Harper’s Baza The acting Governor of Arizona >•<’ g little fortune«hsvebeen made«, ILLUSTRATED. w«Mk fur ns, In Anna I’l fe, Austin. Territory in his annual report to Tr««s, and Ju„. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio H arper s B azar is a Journa for the home See cut. Other« nre doing as well. Whj theSe cretarv of the Interior presents ot you? Soiue cam over SSOO.O«? a I <*iving the la'eht in formation with regard to ath. You « nit do the work and live the Eashiurs. i s numer«>us i lhist rat io i b ffiiH- K Itero t'upf r ”> t home, wherever you are. Even be fin array of facts and figures in favor Mviistruatiuli. I m inner« are eiially earning from S& to it>n plates, and pattern sheet nupplementB art indispensable alike to the home dress-inaker I 'a day. All ages. We show you how « l< <-, sstully b, l iu of the assumption of Statehood by and start you. (. an work In «pare time and the professional modiste. No expense ill «urta of i.mmiueu* * or all the time. Big monez fur work is spare«: in making I ib art 1st ie attract I vein’ll <1 ea wicr'A’y TI* ere. Failure unknown among them. the Territory that ought to convince Will F* wy tbs We^i fwenls»sths of tne highest order, i s clever short s'c ies, oniihiy re Umile a __ —— N EW and wonderful Particulars free. Uvrr and SWwava and R«»lara th« I "• Hsallett «V <’«» ,Ii«»x ShO l*«»rtlian<1, M m I mn parlor p1a\s. and thoughtful essavs satisfy as sa e. taf. ' MaaUk aad Sigarai Tawik. Iiyapapaia, any unprejudiced person, but she 'as:vs. and lie last page is famous as a budget | ant sf Api>*tiia, Indis««'inn. bmea thetr welg* l I. L-ck of Rtrenffth and 1ir*d of wit and humor In its wveklv issues every gnlrt /or temale irreg (WMMMW a year ia Iwing made by John R will have to wait until the demo Faa 11 ns •**»! uU I yr * • rwd. R<> n thing is included which is of interest to women Uoodu lu, I my,N.Y.,at work for ua. lirado uhiritie». Nererkuowi n use Isa and narvea me l»S you may u*-t mähr aa much, but <a During 1S91 Agnes B. Ormsbee will write aseriei lo fall. a -w foros. Fallv»-n« the miad crats get control of the Senate lie- teach yon quickly how to earn from ï t of articles on “The House Comfortable,” Juliet Reni ty mali aeat an au pi» 11 as Brain Powar. a day the atari, and more aa jou g Huff »ring from «onipl- —— _ _ ___ nu*-..-* « .e —vtatat* Corsuii will treat of “Sauitarv Living.” and at tot ■•. Adareaa lloth arxcn, all agra. Iti ani part < fore she cun lie admitted to the A I b «2 p*cul.*r is lheir •*> « II m>4 intert sling snc< ession of papers oil “Woman i» rii. a. y un < au comm« nee at hi-iiie, gii AU I to taDR HARTEK» IKON ali y o'ur tlme.or «| are momenta unii t Art and Historv.” superbiv illustrated, will M \ The Apbro Sedicine KIC aaaf* *a<t •■»•dy • r* Him* *cl*«r. h. •!- Union. Tiie republican Senators w ik. All la ioli, (ovai pay M III f. furnished by Theodore Child The serial Storla* rarlu.oi Frwixet «rtaamt« »I eo.mwo*!«. every worker. Ve »Hirt von, fnrnlahu. \ COHFXNV. Mly .dd to th* poaul.rlty of th* will be by Walter Beaant and Thomas Hardy ..rry.lun» ! A*ll Î.SITKI'II.Ï will not vote to admit any Territory ro»at—«ot'h« •■••IWAl. «ad BIWT. l'AEll It I LAKS FRF.E. Addrea« at oncr Western Kranch. itl\M % * ««.. lUKTLAM», ■ «!,< HARPER’S PERIODICALS unless iihsolute proof is presented Portland, (»regoli. «-■*1* Dox **d Llrootn Book 1 Per Year •let or two <-*nlo t* po*i«.o » 4 « to them that the new State will vote HARPER'S RAZAR rCCUCINS co Xt-Loui*. Ka For Sale al thè Grace Drug Sture HARPER'S MAGAZINE for the G. (). P. WEKKLY 2 0» HARPER'S Yul'NG PEOPLr. Mr Harrison told a lielegation of P< stage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. I htladelphia friends of Minister The volumes of the Bazar begin with the firsi Egan that the administration would number for January of each year. When M li bsllsved to be caus'd by polsoiuns nilanns is time is ineutioiv il, subscription will begii vigorously support Mr Egan in the arising from low, marshy land or fWUn dreax lug with the Number current at the time of receipt vegetable matter, and which, breathed lain tbs of order. performance of his duties. Thia is Honud volumes of Harper’s Bazar for thre< lungs, enter and poison the blood. If a heai.hy 'ear in neat cloth binding, will he sent by mail rather ambiguous, in as much as condition of the blood is maintained by taktug p« stage paid* or by express, free of expense] Hood's HaraapariIla. one is much lrxs liable to • provided the freight dues not exceed one doi, all of the misunderstai.ding which lai t»er volume) or |7 a volume. . aalaria. and Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured many Ml«*»plr« Cared. IV < loth rases fu(each volume, suitable for bins has existed between Mr. Egan and severs eases of this distmssing affbctlon. Ing will be sentby mail pospaid on receipt o l «Œ <l»l lo t»«Ufy that I uM>d I'm« Ko* 11 ear h the ( hilian government apfiears to ■ig'x Mar*» Toute » Uh U m beat «aeeva, h> A Wonderful Medicine. Remittances should be made by Poet •laopleaaiwaa. and heli«*« that IM, r*»lly agrra Order or Draft, to avoid chance of hsve been caused by his doing I Money " For malaria I think Hoort'« *aoaparilla haa Adrets HARPER A BKOTHEIW. raiiaf f.» «ufferiug humanity K FRANK Paa no equal. It has key* my children well rtrhi things outside of his duties, at least tor. M K»v< rin. Kaviartoii P O.. Pa Newspapers are not to copy any one. s ’ ’ of rh»> above adver isvmejita without tb< through tbanimmcr. anrt we lire In one of the Laa Vxoaa. Now M ex too. July K ’«>. tx press order of HAKPEB A BROTHER that is the sutatance of the charges wont place* for malana in Marytvllle. I take When I wa* yuu m» mother h».l a I* Hoort • Rarwpardia for that all gone feeling. which h ive l>een made against him. fright and «be ,a*w ma ber bo*, ui bn-auae Vi th great tvnefit.'* Ma*. B. F. Daria. Mary» and which are expected to tie proven waa orrtna «mi two bouta attor I had ih* fir* rUla. CaL attaek of boeri dlaca*o. Pa-'tor K«ni*'« Nrr Break-Rone I'ever. by documents now on the wav here. Fonie ha* rfona mo much gt> d end > a- Mil t “ Mr rtangh'cr Pearl wa, taken with dengue MIUl'FL A UVKlUb It may lie shown that he h»ih been le<ir<al affaci. (or break lame) fever .* year- «;*> and mv friend« 11«,# Npnama tnr ]<1 1« i.-a. guilty of things that the adminis Mra ì P Show «etica from I >'oh. L. thcvtht I wo«M in** her. I had almœt given <'o . Nevada 1 hate hrt«l no ntorr r»f the«** ap bnpe until the beuxn to take Hood'« >*r«a tration, much aa rt may svuipa rihto Ckrenta. »nd Trsde Mark« oMainod. and all P»< svaams since I took ï'watnr hi ou h ; s N’ pari"» she ,*‘k four bottle* In four nu.atha. ent bneiner* eondweted for MadataM T«**- TonSc altbo*»«h I «he** to r« er« thiae with him. will not dare to sup and gained II pounda. I thank Hood'« Sara* Ow OMc« I» OweMl U »- partita for gfvtug her bacb to me re*«"->-rt tr and we ran -retire patent tn lea. tiaae than tn«« port him in. haalth and ■ueogtti.'* J vox A. Kino, soar rem tr fn.m IVa^hinr’''" 4. Send m.xie!. dravint or pilota., wltli da*m; “Dishonest Republican dollars” man. Texan. tlon We adrlae. if pateataMe or Thia remedy ha* ban pm,>ar*d »» the baywraa^ rharirr Our fee not due till patent la frw* w«»we, l«rt_ atan UT* and are not worrying the people at all. r»*i.w K -eaM Hood’s Sarsaparilla • >.«»M«t. “How to Obtain Patenta. »11 tee»« ar*»««*« uadarhia .HraMI.’.i h> toe name* fanaal client* in y oar Stat«, coanty.« it’s the dishonest value caused by KOSNIC MIO. CO.. Chic*«®, IN* •oM by druggivta li.ilil..l\ Prepared oety loan, wnt free Addreaa. IfCI H«KID A CO . tpn«hevar>«a I .>w»U. Mma a Republican tariff that are crush Md hr al •! rae IfotUa. ■ OO Doses Ono Dollar - Il -gl-------- ** «MümhrW. ing the life out of them. I BALLAST t». T^ensions, KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS PATEN... H ■ r I 1 I 1 ■■ r ■■ Tho Celebrated French Cure, ^^‘'APHRODITINE” ™e THÉ BEST A Faber’s lioldi’i Fema’s Pi!! WOVEN WIRE 11 IRON TONIC :a malaria I rnr inLL -.-.«œs C.A.SNOWACP