Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1891)
P. F. STENGER. A. Conscript’s Chrstmas. BY JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. From The Centurv: ‘‘How far is it to shelter?” in quired Captain Moseley. “Not so verv fur,” responded Un cle Hilly, whittling the pine bark more cautiously. ‘“Jen keep in the middle of rood an’ you’ll soon come to it. Ef I ain’t thar before you, jes holler for Aunt Crissy an’ tell her that you saw Uncle Billy pome’r’s in the woods ¡in’ he told you to wait for ’iin.” With that Captain Moseley and I’r'vate Chadwick spurred their horses up the mountain roid ) leav- ing Uncle Billy whitti ng. "Well, dang my buttons!” (•X- claimed Chadwick, when they were out of hearing. "What now?” asked the captain, turning in his saddle. Private Chadwick had stopped his horse atxl was looking back down the mountain as it’ he expected to be pursued. “I wish I may die,” he went on, giving his horse !. the rein, "if We haven’t walked right square into it with our eves wide open.” "Into what?” asked the captain, curtly. his mind while talking to Uncle. Billy Powers, but he dismisstd it at H orses branded once ¡is a matter of little impor Either Kight or tance to a soldier bent on carrying «tifie: OR- out his orders at all hazards. It was not long before the two __ _____ Kurnev county. Oregon. I Hu.uo county. Oregon. travelers found themselves on a plateau formed by a shoulder of the mountain. On this plateau were C attle branded abundant signs of life. Cattle »vere n Left »hie; circle grazing about among the trees, A Split Li chickens were crowing, and in the I. distance could he heard the sound Combines ths juice of the B'.ueFigsof California, so laxu.'i-' and nutritious, of a woman’s voice singing. As with ti.e r.ied..'i; . 1 virtues of plants Range—Horney and Grout county Oregon they pressed along the level road known to be me t to the p h _mirua. Harnev county. l>r.________ system forming theON EV PER they came in sight of a cabin, and FECT REMEDY to avt gently yet the blue smoke curling from its promptly cn the THE DISABILITY BILL IB A short chimney was suggestive of LAW 1 AND BOWELS hospitality. It was a comfortable KIDNEYS, LIVED Soldiers disabled since the war are D T looking cabin, too, flanked by sev Entitle Cisanset’wô^îeh’Effscîuaüy, Di'peiulciit iviilowM ami I Parents now ile- eral outhouses. The buildings, in | enilent whn.e sons died from the cn'ei rs of — THAT - army-irvice are included. If you wish PURE BLOC 3, contrast with the majestij bulk of yoiir i laim speedily and sucees-fu ly prose- REfRi;.- ; -INC SL. “.P, uted. a lire < ’ JAMES TAN\E1!. the mountain, that still rose precip I HEALTH and STRENGTH Late CuiiinilgBiuner of Pel id.a s. W ashington , i > <■. itously skyward, were curiously fL.'ur-?!!? I 'low. }’-.cry one is using it >ul »11 a , <!• lighte it ith »1. Ask yow small, but there was an air of more lir'L'k" 1 f',r NVKi'F O.1’ FIGS. Manu- than ordinary neatness and cozy- l.w. .1 : I cnly ’ y t':.c ness al out them. And there were CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. touches of feminine bauds here and I i* \:J I-i i.sci-co, C al . PERSONAL AND PROMPT •> u»- : . ? V » Y ork , N there that made an impression — ATTENTION GIVEN IT) PAT TRADE rows of well-kept boxwood winding I'orsa’e at Jordan & Barton’s ENTS, CAVEATS, M A I ■ K8, otc. like ¡t green serpent through the I ¡rug St°re. NO FEE UNLE S PATENT yard, and a privet he Ige that gave IS SECURED. CORRESPOND promise of rare sweetness in the PENSION, POSTAL. LAND and ENCE SDLICiiTD. spring. INDIAN DEPREDATION STODDART & CO., IT.) be Ccntinued j CLAIMS. Pensions, G13 <2 Giü 7tìi Stroot, IL V7. [Oppo ite IT. S. Patent Glii -e.] ‘“Into trouble.” raid Chadwick. l.A'V OFFICES OF WASHINGTON. D. 0. '‘Oh.” he exclnimed. looking at his □elobrated French Cure, J iiiidrrtiikf* to I'l'h fl, companion si riomdv, “‘you may '. ;.'i in ] r i ii i i . idter □ ormone v. iiic, nml who, : i. iniiuftrlounly, grin behind your beard, but, you • t >. < i. In Hur- a Ilf 5L3C i will ribo furnish » car m tln ir . Pw¿.TI, just wait till the fun begins—all the «-.ii n Hint Iin.ount. the simuli 'ti < utf iiy nun quickly No nio»i«,v ii»r CVARAN' ich di tri. i i r i • .,n:y. I leanieil. I ili-sire Lut grins you can muster will be mighty t «citron-7 I'd v, illi tnipLo m< tn n Imre have alrcm’y tfi lit and c.fncrvo . i dise— I ' I number, n H . i -• tkint; <•» dry grins. Why, Cap., I could •ml r4<> 1.3 >. i nil i . i I’E I I'. Adi A. '• hi < in e i t un ; i.i.ioô.vrut «>. AuiiiM;., X-i.iiic the g nerativoc.-- UNDER THE DIRECTION OF read (bat old chap as if he was <i Cnriscf cEuCi'ac-t, v. crEln \V. R. HEARST. ( Editor and Pro in wspaper Whilst he was a-waeth- f. 11b lut ........... ,u.. . , AFTER REfOitE --------- , in’ you I was a-watchin’ him, an’ if ’ >i accot rOplu..>,crt!iru; !> jo .t.aul in i «cre- prietor San Francisco Examiner.) r, Í. ' . c :. ') ai L"s* of 1 rata JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager. lie ain’t got a war map printed on -lon.ov wer, We.': f -!:ics i, Tccri . TIÎ3..U 1 uta»ii> Ilio ,. l.y y. ts: a, Ncrvou» i'r s- BIS F. Street, Nm'Invest Washing BEST . it,-e:.. ■■ .!V.\ ___ ik::- ■, bis face I ain’t never saw one in the 'ration, Nxti----- -ncl o::s, 1 o corrilo». l>lz- ’ E " 11 ’ STEEL rr.-.l.. i< f 1'ov. cremi imno- ton, D. zInosS) ’»»* 's’c WIRE ROPE SELVAGE '< ’harleston Mercury ” t ncy, ’ a ’ ’i ' r - -.-ic lcf:c -.1 a. to prematiro ! ■’ ■> Í (Jal . tìbox.J Will practice in the Supreme Court ef the WIRE rid n -» 1 •'The old man is a preacher,” .' Ti ' mt Fvrn li irsvírt et p-'cc" United >ta < 8, the Cour* •». '’lai ns. the several ‘ ;; a : " : o li given far c. nr sof the District of Columbia, before <’«»in A V. ”1 • il i C ■ry ; >..o< r.'err'»-'’ v 1,1 >ro'”>' 1 f .cinincy If tuit Its of Congress, and lhe Exec utive Dep’ls. raid ('aplitin Moseley, in a tone (hat !'«•:n ■>< <■ -e i i t . i. e ’ert' <1. V. c b.H o We obtain Pensions and Patents. : i ' i :i ' i of ti'-'lnioninl i Í- • i <>’i| cid lover, permed to dispose of the matter. i ■ i.v lioIi.'V" ¡sien i-- uinently c::-' I Indian Di ¡redatiou Claims ami all i .•E k - i '.;'iro,t;:lue. Circulariree. Add ” 4 "Well, the l.orl help us!” ex- I M" eX^-IRO MFDrF"- C°. classes* of Land Claims, Mining. cl.timed Chadwii'k. "In about the Wesi'.in Branch. ÜUXÏ «• i (.io,uA5D» Gib _____ __________________________ ACKNOWLEDCSD TLE E£ST Pre emtion and Homestead cases for Lms.BartlMs, tvuss whippin’ I ever got was from Farms, Ranohs: and Railroads For Sale at W. E. (¡race’s Drug Prosecuted before the (¡eneral land PilXT'S l;. PCCI.P. t ul.l t.y deni. r .. F... iliT t'A'D a voting feller that was preachin’ Store yp-.lH 1.! E.VS iOLLTKY M. iTiXG. New > Ilin.'; ! s.-iKfrinfr! N » hnggiiij?» Fxtni Heavy Sclvacc. otli 'e. Department of (he Interior No tin’ courtin’ m mv neighborhood '?he McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co., (¡1, U and the Supreme Court. I sorter sassed him about a gal he ft: flj'a pip? I UiiiniPJ r ’ C v w is livin’ around, an’ he uped and P lleve Snppr. s- i Trailed me out. an’ got the gal tn MviiBt'Urt t i u li. ' Bed s it c iwfuily by t‘iu bout. Don’t tell me about m an Is of prominent I . o ca month y Th r preachers Why, that chap fie« ongh.y reliaole ui d sa e. W« rth twe.« \ “ A..Í at me like a Stonefence rooster, an t me» t'uir weig t in Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat g >ld /or h male irrey- ent business conducted for Modcra c I CCS. he fluttered twicet to mv oneet." ir'it Never know 1. Our O-fice is Oncost e U. S. P'^cn» Office, to full. and we can secure pa; ent in lees time than those : "And have you been running Sent by mail sealo remote from Warhington. for SM« Adurcs»8 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip from preachers ever since?” drviv •TicB^Î tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of ■; :/VrTAe>\O'V T¿.; charge. Onr fee not due till patent is secured. The Aphro Mfdlclr.? inquired the captain. A P .mohlct, ”IL>w to Obtain Patents.’’ with t :rnt r COMPANY. names < »factual clients in your State, county, or WOAnv.PIS? "Not, as you mav sn v, constant- town, sent free. Address. ■ p. j. M'ealeru Branch. • . mMsewrt co.<«- ? Iv a-runniu’," replied Chadwick; Fortlnnd. Oregon. C.A.SNOW&CO. \ CAM loSTON.MA3S rs IhlOM t;UAR-. h. . _ ATtAHTA U«. *»npos:te Patent Office. Washington, D. C. ‘ vit I a’n't been a Hingin’ any sass - -•••“ for sale by the (trace I>rm: Store at 'em; an’ mv reason tells me to > •• C.r* nc. Im»,' 1 rrn mwiVtu NEW HOME SEWING MA n-uiK Ivr n., |,s Aimu I'. Kt*. AuMln. give 'em the who’c wed th of the big lcia*. mi l Jn... I . >iM, lelrdn, Ohio CHINE CO.. 725 Market St.. Sec cwt. Other.iiT' tl iiignswell. Why nut yi»u? Hui»>e mni over y500. CO a road when I meet ’em ” San Francisco, Cal Hioiitli. Ymi (Ku«io ilic work and liv« ■ t Imnte. n I ht < » • r y« it arc Even be- Paictic Department. "Well.’’ said the captin, "what f'nner« arc rnaiiv ramine from l?5 to I a dny. AH ap'«. <-»hnw youhi'W •nd atari ymi. < an w«-rk in •»«»«• tinta wil' you do about this preacher?’’ or all the timr. Lis Binary for work er«. Failure anknnwn amoaf them. N'EW ami wonderful I’artii ulnrafrce. "A man in a corner,” responded Fl, || :« 11«• 11 <V < ’«». I < x I :: J, XI Chadwick, "is obleeged to do the best lie kin. I'll jest keep mv eve Tlir l€einr«ly on him, an’ the fust motion he in this world,, says J. Hoffberr, of bymeuse. N. Y.. is Pmtor Ro» nig s Nerve 1 onto because makes I’ll—” niv son, who whs pariiullv parnlysod three ytiirs a^oami attacked by fits, has not had any "Run?" suggested the captain. SViiii'loins of them sine * lie h»ok one I»otile of THE ONLY TRUE thank for it fl r ' Well, now." said Chadwick, “a he remedy. 1 most heartily Pi BHi.1, Col May. I flPQi man in a corner can't most ingen- Our daughter contravt<*d Fpileptte Fits from f ‘nf»r»nat*o’i <indnt>- three years ago, *e tri»d moti ev»ry« sin>»’ io,. er’llv run Git me hemmed in. an’ right Ring we h» nrd of. hut of no mail Am t’ t tik- •”'% ( urcno, Trade.J N.Arfcn, < u'bts, s<».* / t itl io »tatenow that since she took l'ador Koe- Tosa I’ll scratch an’ bite an' Sentile the 'ig • f AJISN & CO • Nvr'v Toule »hr ha» not had the alighteat !»r«»n«lu . it best way I know how. Its hum in tack within our icouths I HI F art* Ave. MRS C. SCHULZ. natiir*. ¡in' I’m mighty glml it is; The» McCurdy, of 2U S3 h Ave.. Denver, WH1 ,K* T*enH’»?ha Llver an i k’ «•-.*’ a»» i Ke»t»r» tha llialth a»4>.<M nfVo«*«i- for if that ohi man’s • ves ilitln’t Colo aaye I’-uor Koeufg’a Nerve Tonic Is vf Waal ot Api*’ te. Indi«!*- '•»«. greo* bi m fit to ice; it ha« Lad the d«aired ctlvCt L et of Siren»rh an-’ l (ell no lies we’ll h ive to scratch in’ by atopping the Ata Feadnta^ienlutalxc >red.F ' g -' k _ muactea and nwrvaa r»c i.a \ Valuable Rook on Newnan scutlle before we ge( away from this 9k n «forca. F.nin»-n«th*mit»J lMar.ote« *e it live ’o unv address, rnd _*ui» »1 v<- Era n Pn^or. a" I |MH»r p dient* cau al*o obtain ■= ----- A * D i —vi Ì^DR •" mountain " L hak . H s n 4 • thia itHHskrinc Dee of rharxe. Thia remedy ha* I tcu prepaied by the Reverend TONIC a taf» «ni m *»ÌJ c r* <»’v nrk-.r. r Captain Mo*eley bit his mustache - • t I -t '» Ind., -nice UT* aud thje.'n.'»• Fi*'!*.-’ l’tenit • »t • -il» 4 uvh pn»iMur\d uuderhia diraciiou b> Uo» ina onlj »»<id to tha |iopul?ritj of ti» ori ¿in» 1 BEST IN THE WOR1.I». ■nd amil*d gri'i'ly •• ‘be final KOENIG MED. CO.. Chicago, III. DOMftei *• •n»nt—»et tha OBWIXAl at • RKXt« v««ri»<qn.liti«« MTumurv.—rii. .ctu.’ly (Or. HARTER’S LlTTLt LIVER PlLLCV IW« tX'lM of «.»û'htr brarrt. U horses toiled np the road. A vitgih' Nohl bv Chir» Cr *’if ’lon. L»*rr vvtnp ainl and S « k X a» ?*t per Bottle» Of»r&3. ; - i.t.T niruiAi ine . . - I ' 1 r*atu J ■ailadnnf* ,•-^'»•»0.- - - « ( O.RAt.r ST DF V KMOKXDU1XT. fir, idea of poMfbl«* danger had crossed Lar^v Mae, SI.73. 6 IKutiea for SO. Jr.HARTÌ rCOICIKKCO «I.L.UM.LA - W—- - —— —- — r_ lAZEBAIift 1891. Haar er’s Magazine ILLUSTRATED ILLUSTRATED. The impoo er» on«, America, l>>' Theodore Child, will be conn® in Harper s Magazine during the greu'e, ofthe year 1S91. she artich » <>u South.,,,! iforniu. io t'hurli-B Dudley Warner, wm . he aontinued Among otliei uoteworthr trai-tioi.s will be a novel by ChurleB Ev Craddock: aI'ollei-tion ef original drawl,?, W. M. Thai keray, uow pubiigheu (or the time; a novel written aud lllusiraieii by > «in Maurier: a tiovelletle by William t, Howeili: and aeeriieof paper» of pawn London by Walter Btiant. In the number and variety of illustrated pera and other article»,) ant jr-< ta of ifmeir lert-at. as well uain the unrivalled i-hara,, iia short storiea, p,H>ma. etc-, HAHrzK'iY zink will eoutinue to maintain that «tan excellence forwbieh i eu u ion«; tinguis hed HARPER’S PERIOi'ICS Per Year: II ARI’ER'S MAGAZINE II ARI’ER’S WEEK I.Y H ARI’ER'S BAZAR ...................... HARI’ER’S YOUNO l’EOl’LE l'o-itiige Fríe to all Subscriben in l'uitcd States, Canuda, <>r México. The volume* of the Mugnzine liepnc the Numbers for June and December eat' It year. When no time is s|>ei itie(., si ription* will begin wi.h the Number a rent at lime of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine,; three years bai'K, in neat cloth binding,i lie sent by mail, post-paid,on receipt«! per volume. Clo.h Cases, for binding, cents each—by mail, post-paid. Index to Harper'- Magazine, Alphab, cal, Analytical, and (Tai-itied, for volun 1 to 70, inelu-ive, from June, 1850 toJui iss.5, one vol. 8 vo. Clo.h, $1.00, 1,’emiitiinees should be made by Po-tofi Money Order, or Draft, to avoid i-hunce loss. Address HARPER & BROTHERS.b York. , Harner’s Weekly. 1 L LT ST R A T El). W eekly n»iK never failed to ji: Mie as a “Journal of ( ivilizuth ib dole so wi b’a <oi stall lunid t< < pi »si bi lit ies »Il Fviulh (>s m.d a higj aid of ariipiic and litciary txfelta! \« s uni« u< hed no imp» hum | i.ixse«r '» I H > H fS, 111 i ] 1< K 1 If II H< < IUU,VI nrth> ai <i init hm i g, • f ih >. : 1 eiF» i s nt c tu 1 liven (n 8 < i inr i ; b 1 H j p » n ( nis v ill letii tiiucj lie\ v. illle li t ini'. ft i(Ulit’(, anii;| < al. (rili( al, t. ] • ^ithii al, < i dm j ii < < i f < i. n in ( i n al n, i.ud vii) otiiii fine il e 1 lany uniiu <aii« until n I t Ftov.cii on it .st ftsues bv the ¡m e public. As a lumily jcuriial, HarjtV / heretoBie. le idiHc vib > r the qua'iliiB 11 ut n tj< it toe verv home. e .K'C b PER year : HARDER WEEKLY II \RPEK\s MAGAZINE HARDERS BAZAR....................... ___________ ______ ______ ____ I HARDER'S YOl ’NG DE IDLE PoatHge Free to all sill t»< rii ;ers in the I’nil Slat« s. < aiuida, or Mexic o. The Vo nines of lhe Weekly will begin si the first Number for JaiiUfln of each \\ lien no time is mentioi ed, mil reripli.i iw begin with lhe Number < urret.i nt tiinedi (eipt of order. I • timl Volumes of Harper’» Weekly for’M \eats back, in neat cloth binding. will Lew b\ mail 1’. stage paid, or by ex pref», free U fl pcnse provided the freight dots nut exceed I ¡»er volume) for|7.U0 a volume. <’! • h Cases for each Volume. Bn it able H i > ii .ding will be sent b) mail p« 8t-|miu,vun ceipt of $!. Remitiamre should I*» made by p.stOffia Mone order « r av<»id chanceufl»» Address: H ARPER HR >P (KRS. Ne vYuti Harper’s Baza ILLI ST R A T E/»- H arper s B azar is a journu f«»r the hoi • iving the’not in format on with regirdj the ri.8hi«n 8. i 8 numerous illitplralioip M i>»’ p iui'8, ami pu!iern sheet supplewenH *> indiMitiiBtible n ike to the home <ir€rtn«W anti ¡he» nl nro< ifi e. N«» tx|t‘tw ¡BBpnre i in making i:s arii« ic nltnuilverti • I the lii J d ' m orcer. I 8 clever ghort B'yf» pnrh.rpla s. and ihoughlful U8a ? 8 eat B" 1 1 r (8. ami 1 8 ’«st page is Inin« ur if h hue» «»f '\n nml htuiii.r In i’K weeklv liiii gis iin In e«lwhi<h ¡ b of in.ercs !<» "•',rd Dunn« Anins B. Orn sbee willwnie«*« • >f nrii( les on •‘The Ik use Comfortable, J®“ < < i8 n wil. treat of “S'Huitan l iving.” «iw 1 in’ert Bling Btict t Bfi. n of pnpeis oil ,‘WGm.1.? Art nml II islorv.” Bitperblv illus raied. will J fin niBhed by Theodore ( hild The serial "ill he by \\ »liter Bt-Rnnt and Thoinbi Hirn? HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year «i HA R PER’S BAZAR H A RPER’S MAGAZINE HARPERS WEEKLY HARPIR’S Vol . _______________ Xi. i’EOPLr. l’< stage Free to all subscribers in the S’.atiB, i uñada, or Mexico. th II The volumes of the Pazar begin with the W lumber for January of each year, ip lime is mentioned, fui at rip ion with the Number current ut the time of rt<fl* of order. ' J B«>t.nd volumes of Harper’s Bazar for 'ear in neat doth binding, will besentWJJ Mme paid* or by express, free of exp4’* provided the freight does not exceed one* lai per volume) or >7 a volume. . u Cloth < ases f.Deaeh volume, suitable for Ing w ill be Bcntby mail p..spaid on rec«>P »1 ear h. Kemiitancts should be made by P< ’ Money order or Draft, to avoid «'haiice “J ■ Adrtss: HARPER <k BROTUE^ Nev,«paper» are not to copy any »M-. *,!1 of (lie adver. ivt'inenl» "“¡2, • if M order of HARPER w BROTH»» F .¡••JiZ THCV »»L BEST * !. H EKHY ¿C Co’* . Docriptiv«. and Priced .D ANNUAL, Hr lòdi wii! b< mallei' ERCEI .1-1. n,| to 1st «;> O"’I no rs It is belter than ever. » E*erv prr»'-n using < urZ-a, ■ . rnr / :r -Si. 8 - '.d rt it. A.lunss ■ rn>RY a co ■ i -r Tt.c t“, iCH. Lsl *** 1