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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1891)
1891. STENGER. The Winterdyne Ghost ward morning. But hasn’t Lady i Blanche returned? I don’t see how ¡she can endure to take such early BY ALLENA Al’DLEY. i walks?” “Ladv Blanche! Early walks! CHAPTER I I. From Ne* York Weekly: Are you dreaming still, Miss Gilrov ? "Hush!” said Lady Blanche Lady Blanche, I am sure is still Haven t I told vou often, Frank, asleep.” tb it I doti t like to hear those old “Oh!” Miss Gilroy replied, as if times talked of?” half to herself. “I thought I saw Miss Gilroys face flushed slight i them cross the garden an hour ly- ' t'g‘>-” iA J 1 know, ’ she said, hesitatingly, Before .Sis Hugh could ask the Combines the juice of the Biee Tio-nt ou fear that I shall be unhappy 'question that was uppermost in his California, so laxa'-'v' and nutre :-.-u- because Ralph loved you and , I ex mind Ralph Odell came into the with the medicinal virtues ct puni- known to be mo*t benefi'1 -I to th peeled to marry you before he ever room, flushed and out of breath, and human system, forming the OMl it saw me. But I am not jealous, sat down to breakfast. FECT REMEDY to act gently ye darling.” promptly on the Another door opened a moment “Don’t think me uncivil, dear later, and Ladv Blanche came in KIDNEYS, LIVER IND BOW - and t Erank, but it is for my own sake and quietly took her seat. H<r t hat 1 speak, Need 1 tell you again face was very grave, and she avoid Cleanser ¿y» EKestuaHy, — SO THAT - that Ralph and I never loved each ed meeting Miss Gilroy’s eyes PURE BLOOD, other? We became engaged as which were fastened intently on her REFRribHINC SL. EP, dozens ot others do, because there pale countenance. HEALTH and STRENGTH wan no one else in the wav, but I Naturally follow. Every one is v-ing it Evidently’ some cloud had rise and all are delighted w-.;!*. >t._ A>k your never 1 >ved any man until I met in their sky, and Ladv Blanche ant druggist for SYKUF OF I IcaS. Manu- Sir Hugh, ami Ralph, I am sure. Miss Frank Gilroy wire not sucl factu cd only by the never loved nn> Qg loves you. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. dear friends as they had onc< S an F rancisco , C al . I oilgiit to lie happy to hear that; seemed to be. Lof»es’»r.r w, v. N' 'V Y ork . N I am glad, Miss Gilroy said, her All that day by common consent hand closing suddenly overt he del they seemed to avoid each other icate fan she held Ho tlint the ivory But Lady Rial che manifested an toy was Broken, “but I told Ralph unusually tender feeling for that lie ought to ret uni your pie- husband. ture now,” | To be C< nt ¡tilled, j “W by?” said Ladv Blanche, tfATUKz*.___ 3100 Ihwaiil. $100. speaking just a little haughtily “He is my cousin, und there can ■¡»Heptic Fits, Failing Sickness Hystei The readers of T he H erald wil ceriai nly lie no object ion to 1 his keep- ics St. Vitas Dance, Nervousness, ing (lie picture if he ties ures to do be pleased to learn that there is a Hypochondria, Mehincholin. In- so. Win it he doesn’t care for it least one dreaded disease tha' ebrity, S.'eep'e.sitess, Diz anv longer he may give it to von.” science has been able to cure in al ziness, Drain and Spi “Thank you.” Miss <;i|s.,y said, its stages, ¡md tint is Catarrh nal Weakness. softly, “and forgive me for keeping I Lili’s Catarrh Cure is the only po. This ro'dlcinn has direct nc’im un^r V'"' up. 1 know- you must be itive cure now known to the medic tired.” al fraternity. ’Catarrh being a COIl he nerve centers, allaying ail irritubili ies. and Increasing the tiow arid power • Tired enough to sleep, lacknowl -titutional disease, requires a COB >f nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless edge. So good-night, dear, and stitutional treatment. Hall’s (’;i I <nd leaves no um?] >asant effects. Valuable Book on Nervous tarrh Cure is taken internally, act pleasant dreams.” kJ M W Disease* sent free to anv address, fa ■ I an<i I“*01* Patients ran also obtain The door was shut bet ween them, ing directly upon the blood ar«« 3 u Ew Em this iue«iic‘ine fi e© of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend »mil then MissGilrcy paused, while mucous surfaces of the system istor Koenig, of Fort Wavoe, Ind., sine« lcT»5 and 4 now prepared underhis direction by tae a triumphant light elione ill *>rr thereby destroyii _ the foundatioi KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. eyes. >f the disease, and giving the patien Sold by Drug gists al #1 per Bottle. G for S3 “This is all I «tuned to k now strength by building up the eon jLar^o Size, 3H.75. 6 Bottles for SO. she whispered below her breath. -titution and assisting nature i “ANAKFXH" gives in<tnnt ”Mv Lord and lady have s. pa.ated doing its work. The proprietor relief and is an infallible have so much faith in its eurativ Cure for Piles. Price $1. By ro nns for tl>e nresent, and it shall Druggistsor mnil. Samples free. A<hire?s**A5 \ K LS1S,” 1 <’ i»V fault if they are not still powers, t hat t hey oiler One IIilndre< Box 2UÚ, .\cw York City, Dollars for any case that it fails t< farther apart in twelve months time. cure. Send for list of testimonials Address, F. J. C heney AC o ♦ w There was a ghost at Winterdyne Toledo. O. House. A Veritable ghost, all jtl the traditional w hite robe, that flit ted through the long corridors in f OMW». rr M |. h, |„e „tede hr John 1 CkMMfw M <>, k f,< u,. heat the small hours of the night, that i imuh, but we t - *«*«•« y t«> ram foni» • iSad aitd incur a* y«i haunted the w< st wing where mt s« a. In an.» Jm ^TTAe.S.M.n.STJ: «■•u.rHt licit.e, lord s private rooms were situated inr m. ntrhis uu KI plK£ST' l.ivwl i ay St I » art \ nu.'fl'mlsh that came and went without audi I ASH t , M I I | |t Y |tHn, fKWÂJGtWdîf CQAvföi I'ARibtlAL-» Fl.» I Addire» at. . l‘l<‘ sound of breath.or footstep a «u.. h « i : ilam >, s»».. (.HiCAOtK ÍS l/NIOM SOUARC. N. / »**•»’ ^-0 It it wasn’t a ghost, what was it? Even Miss Gilroy, who prof.ssed PENSION. POSTAL. LAND am NEW HOME SEWING MA to have no nerves, came down Ane INDIAN DEPREDATION GIN E CO*72â Market St., morning with a very pale face and CLAIMS. ■ San Francisco, (’al frightened1« yes, and forgo' to drink Paiefie Department. the cup of chocolate which steamed LAW OFFICES OF •o fragrantly Iteside her plate. “Miss Gilroy, vou are not eating •«»y breakfast." said Sir Hugh, ' • - "• i • from Ins end of the table. •*! hope -*' vou have not lost vour appetite?" IN PER THE PIREi’TIoN OF I am not sure,” she said. “1 think I slept too late.” W. R. HEARST. (Editor and Pro 1 hen you did not aceour ghost. prietor San Francisco Examine r.) I oppose? It vanished somew e v JOHN \\ EiH’EKi.i i;\. Mat . - nt the neighborhood of vour room, Ills F Street. Northwest Washing but < l't»t so many doors open into the ton. D. C. prat-tie* tn the Supreme Conrt «(the hull just there that I 1 did not at- I n Will ball »« m | <!«’,». th« r.inrt o • lai n», ih<> «r«rrn t oiir'iid the Pistrirt «»f CnlnmMa. • .«m 'enipt to follow his ............. ghost.-hip. I ndttt» .»H sM»*rvta. an I the Exerttiiit ! < ». < '•id list, n a moment at your door, \\ e obtain Pensions and Patents. however, fearing that you might Indian iVpredation Claims and all have been fright, t e I hke Ue rest classes* of laind Claims. Mining. »’f US. Pre emtion and Homestead cases N‘-’. I tlon t tl.i.ik | saw anv Prosecuted before the General land DEr.T IX THE WOKLO. gb<»st, dear Sis Hugh, but I wasdis- oilier. Dvt>-irtmrnt of the Interior « IM»««*? of .Yuv oth^TTnànd N.< turl»ei| by unplcasai t dreams to- and the Supreme Court tx M nil.l«»Al l\l. H ohxks brutuled Either Right FJ'lSG ^nTnri. r:-SGFNERiU.T. tj-f or »title: OK. Ransje— Grant county, Oregon. P u.—Burnì», tirant county. Oregon 27-ly ALMEDA A. STENGER. C attle branded u Left tilde; eirele- A Jpllt iu e i -u Range—Hurney and Grant county Oregon I’, o.—Burns. Harney county. Or F’ensions. THE DISABILITY BILL IS LA W. Soldiers disabled since the war are Entitled The impoo er>M merica, by Theodore Child, will befl I Hatper'u Magazine during the grS of the year 1891. She artic le« on Soot« iforniii,by Charles Dudley Warner, b.- aoiitinutd Among other u. tractions will be a novel by Chari,« ( ruddoc k; a collection of original drtB W. M. Thac keray, now published fot« time: a novel written and illustrated« du Maurier: a novellette by WilliiB Howells: and ascriesof papers of London by Walter Bezant. In theuuniber and variety of illusbfl pets and other articles » sill>jectsortfl terest. as well asin tlie unrivalled ch« ils short stories, pooms. etc , H aki -^I zink will continue to umiiuuin that« .»xcellence forwhlcli iten •« ul tingnla ted '«¡* HARPER’S 1’ERIOt‘lCsl Ter Year: I II Alt PEIt’S MAGAZINE HARPER’S WEEK LA’ ........... I HARPERS BAZ \R........................ 1 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE Postage Free to all Sub-a-riliera United States, Canada, or Mexico. 1 The volumes of the Magazine begl Dependent widows mid Barents now de pendent w hose sons died front the efl’eers of the Numbers for June and Deeetl army -trvice are included. If you wish ear li year. When no time is spec® your claim speedily and succes-fu lv prose- criptions will begin with the Numbl rent at time of receipt of order. uted, a.I Ire o J A M ES TA N N E R, Bound volumes of Har|>er's Magna l.ate Conimissloner of Pensions. hree years bat'K, in neat cloth bindil WASHINGTON, D C. be sent by mail, post-paid, on reeei|l per volume. Clo.h f uses, for bind cents each—bv mail, pdst-puid. Index to Har].er’s Magazine, Ahi sal, Analytical, and Cla.-itied, for VI I to 70, includve, from June, 1850 tq PERSONAL AND PROMPT 18s.“>, one vol. 8 vo. t 'ioth, tfJ.Ht Remittances should be made by P ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT Money Order, or Draft, to avoid c PATEN^. ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, etc. NO EEE UN LE S PATENT IS S ECU R EI ). COR II F.SI’ON D- ENCE SOLICITED. STÜDDART à CO., G13 a 615 7th Street, IL W. [Oppo-ile U. S. Patent Oifiee,] WASHINGTON. f>. (!. I i inmeiiuke to briefly itcliig.-nt i ■ TM-.ii ol either «d und write, and nho. v. Hi work industrioualy, ' • » ' «•» i ■: If.dlars a ».¡, ,, ,».uti i i 'iiey Ihr.I wi'l n'sofurnlsb the situati.-ti or.-m¡Mi -111,11! •. l i- h » u cun earn timi amount. No 1110.i. i f .r ni -1.1. . ss si . . ns. .. .-ve l usily ami ijiiii-kly leani.-d. I l.’sir.- but < ie worker »rout ettch district oreocuty. ] have already taught .m>l prodded will» cm¡ bn m.-i.r a la'ire number, ii..kinir over <“■ ' < ’ ■ e ;« íi. 11 1. V » ; V® ^cu ' FK ÉR. Addrraa at one« “ us.»i*c j;, « ¡ti,- WOVEN WIRE TtkßFENCINC WIRE ROPE SELVAGE ACKNOWLEDCfD THE PES' ter Lawns, Garde ns. Farns. Rsnches and Railrwds PRICLS Ri.DUCr.D. bohl by «.«'-nh-rs. FilLIGliT PAII «lc.nrLIESS lO'JTKV NETTI NO. New «hing '> 1 T,ru Mvfttj Sc! vmm The jac&vhen Woven Wir« Tenoo Co., Chicago, IH OSS. Address HARBER & BROT1IE York. Harrer’s Weekly I LET ST RATE 1). p er ’ f W eekly na« never failed fol Jile ns a “Journal of ( ivHiznti<n:| • , done so wuli[a ( oi »1 hi ! r»pud J ’ d pt FBibilities < f i Fctulli iff ai d i | ard of flrtipiic and literary ixieW v t r untt.'uched no import ant pbaie J ’ f pic-Kiere, ai.d ) h Ft.i I f a 11< < iu ((nln aid inieicFtiig, of the b I e» Ft rs a id n< 1 civc n ciu f of • ar 1 bi;pplen.ent» will le <<mirai hex v.illte literary. f < kwith,irf < al. < riti< al. t< p« grab it al, < r t mri t(iF.tniiH) < en.ti! <1. i*na villa Fcixetl.c b.tar:\ < t it n d tub it bcMowed di past ìfrucs bv the e public. * A r a family journul, Hu her ttoidc, I e edited > r the <)Uti iticF that irth toe very home. PER year : HARPER WEEKLY.......................... lARPER’b MAGAZINE ............ HARHEK’8 BAZAR............................ IARPEE’ s YOVNG PE tPLE Poarngc Freetoall sul scribeis in the -tate». Caiiarla, or Mcx <o. I ■’ ■' \'G u : ik s ..i ■ I," W t vkit will lutili - Ip’ first Number lor JtiHuarx < f tach I A hen no time is mentioned, FutecripiipEI^H I egin with ihe Number <urrent at timen^H eipt »if order. bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for i;*1 pQgtmt ' "l s ’ d k. in i » ,-u < I.»’b Uin-ling. \\ mail 1’. f age paid, or bv express. freeW^H pense pn»\i ieti ihe freight does uotexcedB IK B. per volume) for $7.00 u volume. < l<»th Cases for each Volume, snitRbkO| i it di ig wfit be sent bv mail post-paid, ob ^B eipt of |1. Remittances shoubl be mu le by Pelt t.iDev Grdt r or braft, to avoid chance of hs / iMipt. « ** • 'i \ ui'i i: . r i \ «tate i Harper’s Baza I L L r S T R A TED. Cs. cifs. and Tsade-ïbirk» obtained, and all Pat ent b.uitit-sa conducted for Mod,ra*e I eet. Oar O f. :“ is Oooosi’e U. S. Pytent Office, and v. e can secure patent iu lees time than those ri’a.ite fr >nc Washington. bend^Tnodol. drawing or photo., with de-c-rip- tioa. « , idv’se. if pr,!ei.table or mit. free of cu .rec. Opr foe not due i'll patent is secured. A i- mnt-ict. -How to Obtain Patents." with names >f„ mal ciii-n’ in > our State, count r. or town, sent free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. Oppcsiie Patent Office. Washington, D. C. H. II isllrt! zt € «» rtttt g little f r! u ref rm ma Ar a» Wuik i..r u«, l»v Anna P; (re, Austin. Trxas. ami -Inn. IU-nn, Toledo, Ohio Srr cwt. < Hh. n* nr* doing ns well Why 0ot you? home earn ever F5«M>.00 a buonth. You <Nudo the work and live at home, u hrrt*ver y«»u are. Even be ginner. arc easily earning from fa to #1 ’atiuv. All ages. Wcshow you how end start you. <. an work in «pt»rc time or all the time. Big tnonr* for work er*. Failure unknown among them. N i W god wonderful Parttculanfiee. !-<•*«• <> P«»rt In ii<i. Vi sain« THE OMLY TRUE rj^i asiría© s > AXLE 1 GREASE Haater’s MagazJ ILLUSTRATE!] ILLUSTRATED. I IRON jm P» ’f> ,ke lUeedt f*»« ■**^ and K’iw«« affil Kr.t»re th» H-eltk audJivvrefVMith l?yvverwiat .Lia! ot A h - i - u . L et of *’rwng-h anf l«?*i trw ine’«hte»înto‘»r-.?r-! Bon««, •nuecie* aad nervw* r-e h« «• w . rr®. Fnhvrn.theuiin-I _ ______ ___ __________ __ rd wnppliee Bratr. « M ’ -r "« frnm *c-r <.»’•< L A UI e a ’ lkye.'mp •« *a. F’-teio®»« aftempta ar coaDw'fette ■ H.-t.cW •! rar'. Ira, Ud l>rmm B~o«3 1». wloa r. , rt la ~w--, f dr. H Alt T < r%.ClCiNKCO u —r. «oprili à H arper s B azar is a journa for ihe the la <*ht information with regard ne I iishi.a s. i:s numen us illup-trntioif> -’! ]► ate?, ana pattern et «uppienteiü«i indispensable aiike to the home dnfß- ii d ; ne professional mediste. No expert R sparet’ in maktn? its ariis ic at!ra< liv i the blühest order, i p clever short f •arivr p.a r . mid th«rughtful etsa\s Fatisi] hr ( R.and i r last j aee is famous «s a I -t wit and humor. In its werklv issues uh '- i f , a- ,u- e l whi< h is of iuteres, to wcn4 burin« L-. 1 \ xupr R <>rn;rbee v. ill write fifi • i anieles on “The Ih.use t’oinfurtahie.”J® oís. n uil treat of “Sauilan Living,” Rud tn et; Riing f : u *( vssii>n of papers oil "WuiiMtf \rt and Historv.” superlilv illustrated, will tur uishetl by Theodore (’hild Th«* «erial a ill I e b\ U aller Besaut and Thomas hard« I HARPER’S PERIODICAL« I Per Year HARPERS BAZAR HAK PER’S magazine HA KPER’S WEEKLY HARPER’S Yol ....... ’ ........................ ... Nii PEOPLE PcFtade Free to all 8Ul«F«*riberp in Stale», <_ auada. or Mexico. the V® The volumes of the Baznr begin with the I number for January of ea< h year. Wliea if time ia mentl«»ned, »uh»criptu>u u ill with the Num her current mi tlietimeuf r of order. Bound volume» of Harper’s Bazar for! year in neat cloth.binding, will be sent by p« s’akre Paid’ or by express, fr« r«»iox provided the freight dins not exceed one lai Prr volume) or >7 a volume. t lot h cases fo'earh volume, suitable for In*® ing will be aeutbjr mail pv sj aid on reccijMfl <1 cat h. ] Remittance« should be made by P« »< .id f \ Order or Draft, to avoid cham e <d H kKPKK « BROTHK*| M --t rhe above adveriisemetiis without txv^ess order of HARPER a . BROTHhitf A nnual Sf -D wi I be mailed FREE P q all app :< ant*, and to last season’«] I . 1-. thsr ever i A r*r*<'n »•*•«? ■ /. 'r <sr ZjrSrer/x, al aboo.d «.end for it. Add res« > CM FERRY A CO. M DETROIT' MICH. ■J 13T*stin the werM I Y'- • DMttie Sth« Joint I joint 1- Clerk