Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1891)
» lagazj i T e 7| rED. IV—Ne 43 BURNS. HARNEY CÓUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JULY 13, 1891. Semi-Weekly Herald, ! HEWS IH BRIEF. PUBLISHED EVER Y WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. THE NEWS OP THE WORLD AS W. C. BYRD & SON. $2.BO a Year. A strip of country in Wyoming, ■ ten miles wide is completely hid ' from view by grasshoppers. GREAT RED UCTION IN PRICES ! SI QUOTE YOU- Dry Granulated Sugar, $ lOOtb I have just received a full and The oldest living triplets we have | Salt............................... ! 9.75 per 2.10 *< any account of ive in Somnev town Nails,............................ 7.50 “ keg. complete Stock of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware Pa. They are 77 years old and Flour,........................... 6.00 “ barrel Notions, etc , which I will sell never spent but one night away from Omaha Bacon........... 13 50 “ lOOtb at BEDROCK PRICES FOB 3 00 “ can CASH ONLY home. Their names are Re’ ec a Coal Oil (Pearl)........ 11, E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, Benjamin and bumml Roller. Manager. I A. ROBBINS CULLED FROM EXCHANGES. PUHI .ISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. On July 6th a cyclone damaged the penitentiary at Baton Rouge | SUBSCRIPTION RATES: La., killing ten of the inmates and Ona Year ................................................. ^,00 Six Months. .. ... ......1.50 wounding 40others. Fifty buildings Thre< Mouths........................................................... 75 OnelYear (in advance) .2.50 j were badly damaged among them ’LE HERALD CLUB LIST ' the Governors mansion. The dam- M-rilien Jackson. Miss., July 6—Voters Herald and Harper’s Magazine............ 5.00 '.vico. Herald and Harper’s Weekly ........... 5.20 t age to the penitentiary is estimated under the new Constitution of Miss WHOLESALE ! RETAIL ! ! Herald and Harper’s Bazar.................... 5.20 ine beg Herald and Harper’s Young People .. 3.75 at $30,000. iss'ppi must register four months I Detei o. o CO s \pecitl Herald and Alden's Manifold Cyelopeilfa, .2.90 Each additional volume after Vol. I, 55 cents: In Ohio July 4th two fatal bal before ihe next election. On July ‘ Numb I 10 cents extra Der volume, postage. Hl ’ NTINGTON, r. OREGON. 6 registration closed, and sufficient loon accidents occurred. 5 pies of all the above works can be ex • Magar Alairazl h bfiidil amlned at leisure iu the Reading Room. Two men fell from a balloon at returns have been received to make I T'i'f'ott« New Lisbon and were killed and it reasonably certain that for the ■■“Publishers of periodicals are solicited ■’•o sen« clubbing rateB. a copy of their work for one lady, at Elyria while attempt first time since reconstruction days our Free Reading Room—We file, and bind the \\ e are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, latter at close of every half-volume, end v-v 11 ing to make an ascent when the a majority of the legal voters of the occupying three doors, and each floor loaded With gOO°S. eopieabv advertisement. wind was blowing, was dragged State are white.—The Republic, —---- -=----- •----- - - through Will maintain our funner rules: Doling. One PriCe< several trees and fell when T> ■ v > - « ! ADVERTISING RATES: ■ . f f ,, , i Pans, Julv<.—Agents of the ( hl I j 1 wk 1 2 wk j 1 mo J 3 mo 1 6 mo sixty feet from the ground. She .. , , 1 lien Congressional partv state that Best Quality. iiikk 1 1 41.50 »2.50 '»5 00 »N 'W »11.00 115.00 was instantly killed. I , • We buy Hour, Meats. Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, 3 00 4.00 6 50 12 01 IX. oo 28.(0 ¡advices irom Chili warrant conn ! 3 50 5.00 « no 15.00 24.00 40 00 Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our 1‘aiecs are LOW. kl y. 4 *• • 4 50 6.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 50.00 Says the Republic: The Pennsvl- ¡deuce that the Congressional troops 9.00 15.00 28.00 48.00 54.00 , 6.00 1 12.00 16 00 28.00 4S. 00 80.00 120.00 vania politicians report that the re- • will occupy Santiago within a SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! f “ 1 20 00 30 00 40.00 60.00 110.00 140.00 volt against Quay, ring rule and month. They resume the campaign IZI.I i,,|; -U COl’.KKsroN HENCE SOLtcITEII. bessism is wide spread enough in amply provided with rifles and field mid S JOB WORK me, SB Prprietor« Huntington Warehouse. Your« Ih»«neeful!v l the state to shake the foundation of < guns. It is probable the plan of the 1 I u«e fery description executed with neatness | the republican party if Quay con- Bspatch, at reasonable rates. ; lars, Poet ere. Pamphlets [ tinues at the head. People of Penn- Congressional generals is to land ■ i i nr i ■ Bill Heads, bpeB. Letter Heads, • i lii.n ■ Note Heads, Cards, Tic k et«, ! sylvania can stand a great deal of between Valparaiso and Lazerena, 'iib.irt ■ Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. r i I »< •; ■ i rascality as long as it is kept a secret crush the main body of Balmace- »ill 1.1 ■ E H erald is kept regularly on file for re 1. Portiand Boot & Shoe Store fee, in the Geo. P. Rwwell Newspaper Ad i but even long custom cannot make bv the i dists, rouse the ptople and-make a (u;’ Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. IU), flu LL'NABUKG FRY, P rofkibtors , B urns , O regon . i them all callous enough to endure combind movement on Santiago.— ilvi »I the disgrace of exposure and scan- $ D|O <)^spkn.>ot«^nnd Sb^ of the wrey_be»t__ , .received OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Oregonian. i dal without protest. G eneral M erchandise , I the I' m tarv of State lary of Tri «Bury «■■btary of Interior ■fury of War arv of Navy ary of Agriculture. Iiev General lv ferii— P aster General.......... .ill bJ STATE—OREGON : freed« .1. N. Dolph . exrwfB (•. 8£ Senatore R J. H Mitchau Biniier R_________ Hermelin reeeiiittn litaEefi D.Sylvester l’eunoyer aid. i»« Go' Finir Geo. IV W. VIviIlrLl«. McBride (tary oí State Phil. Metichan. K P. « ' I« ___ jurer J. B. MeElro) R su pt Public Instruction e el !<*■ Frank Bakei 11 •■V r-ti «tate Printer K 8. Bean. R { Wm. wm. r. i.oru I’, lord R supjteme Judge» ) W. W. Thayer R Rheubin S Slruhtn Ieri» each ipiivrt timei he rea«N« .1 ». i.(.|dt>& ,, an, . tpeisH ■ Benjamin Har riso Levi P. Morton James G. Blaine V. hartes Koster. JolinW. Noble Redfield Proctor Benjamin F. Traeey Jeremiah M Busk Wm h ‘ . II . .John Wan make u President. VioBSp! isiiient YEARS mdSUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCE ------------------— uL I - M. D. C lifford I CHAS. F. 11YDK I ■D U.S. DCST1N (D). . . , .(I>) H enry B lackman | [ OF I mitnocs » I HOME pUBrmJ own ! ■ II « all patients, POSSIBLY BE BE* own Exclusivo I" .«"A jfj'' iances will CJPYft liXhero Is, then, I 2,000 References. Name this paper when you write Mexican Mustang Liniment. DIRECTORY. SOCIETIES. HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77. I. O O F. «•e’s st odd Fellow « Hall, every Saturday i p m, F. M JoKDON, N. G. M HoRTow.Tre«« A Cure for the Ailments cf Man and Bea^, HARNEY I’OS T SO. 4». G. A. K H-tg every let and'rd Wednesday vt each 1.1I1. lit oild Fell..»» Hall. All Comrade» ■ good st a lied. M. M. BRIERLY, I*. C. >14». N ewell . Adl't. Mehl»-lC V. 8. MAIL*. —VAI.R: Ivraand depart« daily, sunti«}« excepted. I . Proprietors. BAI X v • MEN • jfe Whoare Nenvouson<\iti. liPOTCHT.Lbo scorn of their 14 fellows and tho con- f tempt of friends and Beo:-tliqitions, leadB U3to • • ifrj I Don't brood over your condition, nor Rive up in drennfr Thousands of tho Worst Cases Lave yielded to our HOME TREATMENT, as set. forth in our WONDERFUL BOCK.*™* wo ¿endseal«; pbst paid, FREE, for a limited time. GET IT TO-DAY. Remember.uooneelsehastLo methods,appliances and experi ence that wo employ, and we claim the wowo/wr or «w/ro»a success . E rie medical C o ., (J4 N iagara st ., B uffalo , N. l UllNS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH M.D. WILSON Pastor. 1%.>re will l>e preai bing bv the pastor in each in« h ss follows.until further notice' Sabbath—Rnma—al 11 a in. and I Sabbat b—Island s< hool House— at 11 a nv " —Harney—at 7'30 pin. Sabbath—Burns—>t 11 a m. and 4 30 p ni t sabbath—Hartley—M 11 a m. and 7'AOp ni ■ pREE8W»Ffi*’ • ww. A ltro » Lytle Howard. | BVUMW—< A UY OX « ITT 1 ’.♦»Moudvi Wedi eeday«. Friday«, •■pm.« ’i m*««!«}« TLnr»d«: « A ra’.urda}« M> • • • X real HOPE YOU| z \3^\3' HARNEY V. S. LAND OFFICE: ter ..J. B. H vsstinc . ton ver ..H arbison K elley CHURCH and Control, orders of \ a • • 4 for a limited time free D (D) I 'I») ( UO. kliïiMioners we Alone own/* for all Dis-^r guarantee to% if they can^. STORED. $UV^ method and ar- afford a CL RE I - barney : W m . M ili . ee (D). ’’«upty Judge W. E. G kacr (D) T. 11. R obert » ! (D) (D) T. A. M< KlNNON A. A. COWING i • (D) .(D). W. E. A lbkrson C has .N ewell 1 al Superintendent iK) T hus . G. D odson otoek I uspector H"‘l. TIVE METHODS,** Tn the Uae of CURA- • MEN • I Who have weak oryfl.l DEVELOPED, or diseasaul organs, who are sutler- Ing f rom tftitons of youth } and any Excesses, or of SIXTH JUDICIAL IHSTKICT: D»ri' t JmlRC Btotpi't Attorney Join) Bepiesentutive Joirtt-Seuator Also. Ctiatom work and Repairing neatly done. I A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, t >< Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment No other application compares with it in efficacy. Ihis well-known remedy has stood the test of years, a.nio generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang L iniment . Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of business. ««F'llay anil grain constantly on hands, and caretui hands. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job \\ agon in connection. ZB mrs IXÆoeit SMITH A- RICHARDSON, Proprietors. We solicit a share <>f We wish to inform the pub- lie that we have again open the patronage. Shop ed at the old stand and The Incorporated NOBTHWqjHN HAIL TRANSPORTATION Company. C C. McCoy, General Manager, -------- O-:-O-------- Stages leave Burns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beuliih, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad Good fresh horses, careful «Irivers. new vehicle». BATE* or FARE FROM PI KNk TO ONTARIO AND IMHIVENINO . . . • ’.,rn*K, • H.uUh .. • ft" oeek now I l.nrn» tn V»< » .o ' ’’ ' F.ll *'»» 1 " " Drearer ««•! - - POINT»: 7.M. 4(0 >-• 3»in>s to each i’as’enger. Friegbt and I’nEsengcrs tnUit Le wav-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. H arry F loyd , N rri A< ki es , J. Al. V aughn (.en Sup’t. Division Agent. Buras / gent h