Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1891)
Sami-weekly Herald, HEKILD’S WASHINGTON LETTER. W ashington . I). C. June 3, 1891. Mr Inuals is issuing sonorous Editor notes of warning to the Republican party, telling it what it must do to W hen a man has a big mortgage be saved. The Kansas ex-states on his home it is difficult to con man speaks with the authoritative tone of one who has experienced a vince him that he is prosperous. burst of hindsight; but an ailing T he chase of the Chiliar insur party will scarcely heed the pre gent steamer Hata by the Charles scription of a physician whose skill ton seems to have been only a bit [did not avail him to save his own of administration bunkum. ' political life. | Pauperism has steadily increased Is Chicago to be made an inter i in the United States during the national dueling ground in order to last thirty years, and so has “pro boom the World s Fair? Chicago tection.” Pauperism has steadily folks are thoroughly alive to the decreased in Great Britain for the benefits ot judicious advertising. last thirty years, although labor in that country is unprotected. There T he man who gets mad at what were 50 paupers to the 1,000 in c newspapers say about him Great Britain in 1861. There are should return thanks three times a only 20 to the 1,000 now. It is pos day for what the newspapers know sible that the increasecf pauperism about him, but keep it in the dark in the United States, under the pro- back-ground.—Ex. tectivi policy, and its decrease in A th Eoi.oiiicAi, discussion in the Great Britain, under the free trade hands ot masterly debaters may be policy, having nothing to do with come almost as exciting as a stdva he tariffs; but it will be admitted tion army meeting; but the good it mi every hand that the facts are does to Christianity is not apparent puzzling. The new Guatimalan minister to the ordinary observer. It is no was presented to the Prcident yes where re< orded that Christ engaged terday with the usual interchange in any theological disputes. of formilities, divested to some ex M any years practice has given tent of their merely formal charac A. Snow A Co., solicitors of pat ter tor the reason that Senor Batres ents at Washington D. (’., unsur has represeifted his government at passed success in obtaining patents Waehington before and is, therefore, tor all classes of inventions, They not a stranger to the American peo- make a specialty of rejected cases, ole; and for the further reason that and have secured allowance ot -mce his last diplomatic residence many patois that have been pre Here the relations of the Ui ited viously rejected. Their advertise States with the Central and South ment in another column will be ot American countries have become interest to inventors, patentees, «•lost r commercially, politically and Minister nanufacturers and all who have to socially than before. Batres b« ing a man ot progressive do with patents. views ami n great admirer of our re publican institutions, will make it Our district attorney in censor his constant endeavor to promote ingour lack of power to punish an the reeipsoeal interests of the Unit offender in Harney county, threw the blame entirely on one side ot «■d States and the Central Ameri the <|iiestion. Persons would infer can Stat« s. and will doubtless wield from his remaiks that the settlei an eflectiv«* and energizing intl ience was wholly to Idame and the stock in this direction. Tlu* President has re-appointed men were as innocent ns hunts We agree with the attorney that it Miss E hiuih C Noble, or rather Mrs. seems as if Harney [county circuí Emma C. McPherson, postmaster court cannot convict one charged at Raton. N M Since her appoint with criminal tifíense, which, w< ment. some years ago. Miss Nobl«* aie ready to acknowledge, isa vert has hern married, and while she deplorable situation of affairs, but fills been re-appointe«l to th«* posi it is six ii. one anda half dozen in tion it is necessary, on account of the other. “It is tit for tat and change of name, that she be given butter for fat; if vou hurt my dog, .i new commission, which also in- up go« s your eat.” We do not say volves a new bond and confirma- that the settler puts his brand on turn by th«* Senate, This is said to cattle not his own, or that thesto«*k- b«* th«* first case <'f its kind on the men are guilty of such otTennrs ; r<cords of the Post Otliee Depart but we do say that such trangres ment. History will award a high place lire very «-oiomon, if,then1 is anv among iwaceful pursuits to the pur confidence to be put in current hearsay But the question of steal suit of the Itata. WEDNESDAY. JI NE 10. |»«1 ing b«ing confined mor«' to one class than to th«“ other, we leave tor the public to d> termine. If ti e attorney had not <|ualifi«*d his state- ment by singling out the settler as th«' «'lass wholly t«i blame, w e should have Leen constrame«i to say, “well done thou good and faithful servant," Int them again. Everyone living in a stock com munitv knows how often the remark mad«“ by all interested, “we have it to do to keep even;" meaning that it is necessary to capture all “slick ears" or anv other class of cattle when a lav. rabie opportunity pre sents it»« If to get away with same, theicby givingjieenac, or eneourag ing those dispitsed to take .idvan- tage <>f th«* circumstance» and be come a thief A an It »»nt <. V an , June 4, '91. Forth«“ last two weeks,this neigh- borllood has received a suceesMon of ram showers, some places re ceiving an abundance, while other localities were only partially HU|> plied. Leonard Smith arrived here last we« k from Tillamook county, this state, He rt |>orts dull times where he came from In conversation with an emigrant family, that passed through here last week, wo learn that there is neither grass or money hi the -re- tion of Idalm where they are from. Mrs Middles worth was call« «1 back to John Dav last Saturday t«> attend her youngest daughter, who ia sick with grippe. V. A N I T. Y I BURNS Weak Women Owe to then’.sclTi s a duty to take Hood’. Sarsaparilla in view of t'.'.e great relief it has given those who suffer from ailment, peculiar to the sex. By p irifying the blood, re-ulutlnj Important organs, strermtheuaig the nerves, and toning the whole system, 1’ restores the debilitated to health. ADVERTISEMENTS i I After 15 Years. " For 1' vears my mo’hcr has been trou bled v i !i I- Ik leg. She went to different l.arts. t California, as personssai.l tliecll- ! late . t help her. »«•» J» wss of «• HVH I. 1 1 I. being ft druggist, t! GU.gct 1 wo*il<l net her to try Huodt 8ar>apariha. ] ««fore she had taken half ft bott.e s .e >ft'U Bhe wti3 im* roving, so she continued U”-d ■he took i aif n dozen battles and now si.o i& perfectly well. For nearly fifteen years she wi’.s iiro.ble to walk around, but now nhe e»i’i waik as well as ever.” T. F. B la kk , San Francisco, with C. F. Richards dt Co. Wholesale Druggists. Dealer in General Merchandise B urns ............................... H armby P*11 O regon . work Like a New Creature. •‘I have lc'n for years trying tn get help for that terrible general debility and weak ness so common to women. Within a year I have taken ten or twelve bottles of Hood a Sarsaparilla, and I am now feeling like a new creature.” M rs . F. B. R oss , Marlia, Texas. ci gai Hood's Sarsaparilla gold bv Druggists. 11; six for |5. Prepared oulv by C. I HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. THE NEW BOOK & JOB OFFICE I oo Doses One Dollar BURNS D. L. & N. GRACE, Proprietors, ADVERTISEMENTS. J w. ASHFORD, H. BOYD Ashford .................... Harney City, Oregoinst -Anni While not yet in full operation, is doing EVERY VARIETYof Job Print- ing neatly and’proniptly. This office is strictly new in every respect, both type and presses, irtid sklM I ul printer- await employment. Hand in your orders Boyd, For Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envel ,. , opes, Business Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Calling c*ra>?'he: ‘ Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notices, etc., <8F*A11 Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. Prices reaBon&ljy"^ of li' PHYSICIAN'S & SURGEONS, B urns ................................. O regon Office in \V. E Grace’s Drugstore DR. H. M, HORTON DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRUSHES DENTIST,........... B urns O regon . office at residence. Prepared to all kind of dental work. Teeth extracted without pain by ni«l of gass. TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, P U T T Y , & c. T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. W. E GRACE P roprietor , Office at hia e On the east ide ot Sil vies River, ter. irilet below Burns. A Large Assortment of Town Attorney, Over Herald Office. davs Polk PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND! I. N Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality —- PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. ___ _ _ ___ ____ ____ _ ____ ___ ____________________________ bfeco > ____ new i ATTORNEY. B urns , ........................... O regon . C«»lle<;ioii«. Land bu»il.e>s, and Real Estate mutter i romptlv attended to. FIK ST AU RANI- pecte ¡CHARLES ANDERSON Î Prncti ’fs in all the courts of the State, Also, before the U. S. Land Office. L ank M atters a S pecialty . TONSORIAL PARLOR, P roprict as th Selit: This House has a wide and well known name, and under the ‘mana. m?nt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up the ladder com] tame and renown. No pains spared to please guests. Sure to su start vall< not” Attentive and JOHN ROBINSON P«or fW“Good table service, and tables furnished with all market affort Everything in their line guaranteed j to be done satisfactorily. £8F“The only place in Burns you Burns-Canyon Stage Line. can get baths. I. JEW itt , P roprietor . STRICTURE! Day man: Has just been Received. REO. S. SiZEMORE, ATTO RN E Y-AT-L A W. B urns , O r . wll the i BURNS, ORIGC ~ hand the a FINE CUTLERY, NOTIONS, Etc. J. NAT. HUDSON, A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. Office: BURNS, OR. W\ W. Ca dwell, _V .ieep ly in Permanently Cured without Cutting Burning or Dilating. A perfectly painless treatment and a guareen- t«*ed cure in every case, no matter , how long standing. This treat ment for Stricture, of Dr Boxwell's. is th«* greatest discovery known to Medicine. It dissolves and com pletely removes the Stricture with out annovance or pain to the pa tient. DISEASES OF MEN! Peculiar to their Sex. and not prop er to num«* here, including all those delicate Infirmities and Weakness«“« «> hich they would shrink from dis closing t«> their family physician, permanently cured in less time than. \ • r known to Medicine before. I>v Dr Box wt Il's “New System of Treatment.” It rejuvenates the gen- ito-urinarv organs an«i makes weak men strong \\ hen possible, it is al wavs best to call for personal consultation and special examination. But those wh«» cannot p>'«siblv call, should write, stating their case fully Med ci ne sent by mail or express, sealed free from exposure, to all parts of Pacific coast. Address: W m A Boxwrt.t, M. D . Consulting Physician. St Paul Dispensary, Portland, Oregon. Leaves Burn, on Mondavi. Wednetdayi. and Frida«». at 6 a. m ZWCounecta w irti the Ontario, Priueville. mid I.akevi. w ata?« a. at Burn», Good ar (A>iw tion 8 fur passenger*. Bonn come Swee the s: 1 peri“ days sant Tin il in th< tuna spri n con. t I E. McKINNE\, - - - _ pRorRtirroR ret< r Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies. man" wotb Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when merit you call on Mack, at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. Tile Saw-Mill. NEAR BURNS, OREGON. J NO. W. SAVER PnopRirma Born Krrw '■•»nuartljr on band a'la IT vistió. All kit .Is Of lumber thorenrhly sea».»«] for butM.