Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1891)
'h tv—Ne 33 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1801. Weekly Herald, A BLOODY DUEL. Duel to death between Father find Son! SLI8HED EVERY WEDNESDAY lAND SATURDAY. In the backwoods of Maine, in a lumber camp. Saturday, Mav 23, a terrible tragedy was enacted be tween father and son. Two years ago, Peter Lancorai. a French Candian, from the province of New Brunswick, who kept a small country store, died, leaving hie business and some $2,000 to his only child, a daughter named Jean ne. She was then 15 years of age. and on his death-bed the father ap pointed Jackson Oldershaw, a lum ber boss, her guardian until ehe was 21 years of age. Oldershaw was a widower, with an only son, a young man aged 25. Both father and son were men of passionate, selfish natures and both cast covet ous eves upon young Jeanne and her little fortune. The old man had great influence over the girl, who stood much in fear of him, and it was due to persistent persuasion on his part that she promised to marrv him, although she preferred the son. The latter learned of his father’s intention and got the girl to promise to elope with him. Sat urday night they attempted to steal away while the elder Oldshaw was away, but he returned unex pectedly and caught them in the act. In a fit of rage he drew a re ▼olver and fired at his son, but tile girljumped between them and re- ceived the ball in her shoulder. In falling, she knocked the pistol out of Oldershaw’s hand, and he grabbed an ax to save himself from his son, who rushed at him armed with a similar weapon. The two men fought like tigers. Loth being badly cut, when the elder slipped on the blood which flowed from the girl’s wound. While down his son nearly served his head from his body. Oldershaw died instantly and the son fled. The last heard of tie girl, she was not expected to live. J7. C. BYRD & SON. I, BLI8HER8 AND PROPRIETORS. SViBSCRIPTION RATES: Year »3.00 f,. Ion th» ................................................ 1.50 a Months 75 u Year r(in advance) ... .2.50 IN ___________________________ HE HERALD CLUB LIST- '«•' ?r.l anti ’.« Magazine............. and Harper 1 d And Harper’s Weekly ....... 'th d an« Harper’s Bazar .... •» d d and Harper ’s Young «■ ------------ - ------------ —» People . «. 5.00 5.20 5.20 3.75 • — ■• ■» Cyclopedii ----- * —Jia, 2.90 fort and Alden's Manifold ____ ____________ ai<3 additional volume after Vo). I, ,,5d 55 cent»: tra ver volume, postage. ■»of all the above work» can be ex laure iu the Reading Room ills hers of periodicals are solicited ling rates, a copy of their work for ling Room—Weflle, and bind the of every half-volume, pod cj [vertiBement. ADVERTISING RATES: Iwk riili W.50 ».Oil * t.bu tn 4.5U S.0O a n U.00 If an E. '1 2 wk I 1 mo 1 » mo 1 6 mo »2.50145.00 4 (M) 0.50 S 00 5.00 6 00 lo.oo 9 00 15.00 16 00 25 00 30 00 40.00 »S 90 12 03 15 00 20 00 28.00 48 00 50.00 111.00 IN.00 24.00 32 00 4N 00 NO.00 110.00 1 1 yr »15.00 28.CO 40 00 50.00 54 00 120.00 140.00 JOB WORK M >U1 scription executed with neatne»» h, at reasonable rate». Painphlet» Potters, better Head», Bill Head», Note Head». Card». TicKet», Dietger», Etc. i. Invitations. H imld is kept regularly on file for re », ia the Geo. P. Rewell Newspaper Ad ig Bareau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. FICIAL DIRECTORY. national : ^ Benjamin Har ri»o Levi P. Morton James G Blaine ............. Charles Foster. ary of Treasury JohnW. Noble ary of Interior Redfield Procter Benjamin F. Tracey cultnre Jeremiah M Rusk Wm 11. H 111 er ral............... John Wanamake ary of state STATE—OREGON : „ ( J. N. Dolph K j J. H Mitchan R. Binger Hermenn D.Bylvoter Fennoyer R Geo. W. McBride ' ary Of fate Phil. Metaehan. “pubiir • I »»traction R J. B. McElroy R .. . Frank Bakei gratis R j K . 8. Bean. R \ Wm. P. Lord ge» R > W. W. Thayer Rheubin 8. Strahm Tn judicial district : D M.D. C lifford ney .D chas . F. H vdk ntátive (D). D. 8. D ustin ..(D).H knry B lackman V AN OREGON CYCLONE Buildings Torn to Piece» and Favaral Persons Injured, Arlington Or., May 28—A cy clone passed over this city yester day. The large merchandise store of D. S. Sprinkle collapsed under the force of the gale, burying in the ruins Mr. Sprinkle, his wife and N. S. Baird, of Fairhaven-, who hap pened to be in the store at the time. They were extricated after consid erable difficulty, all receiving more or less injuries. The large build ing used as a skating rink and op era house is in ruins It is feared much damage has been done in the country. MOB LAW. In Ran»*», Near Topeka. $2.30 a Year. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES I I QUOTE YOU^ Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per 1001b I have just received a full and 44 Salt,............................. 2.10 « complete Stock of Dry Goods, Nails,............................ 7.87 keg. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware Flour,........................... 6.00 •< barrel Notions, etc., which I will sell Omaha Bacon............ 18.50 4L 100 lb at BEDROCK PRICES FOR Coal Oil (Pearl)......... 300 4» can CASH ONLY H. E. T hompson , S’ours Respectfully, Manager. A. ROBBINS RETAIL I I WHOLESALE ! o. c. CO. HUNTINGDON, ............................................ OREGON. G eneral M erchandise , Joseph Bennett, who bought a We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, farm in Washington township, bor occupying three floors, and each floor loaded with gOO^S rowed money from a Jewell City Will maintain our former rules: firm to make the first payment and put in his crops. When the note fell due Bennette did not have the We buv Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, money to take them up, and his Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Paises are LOW. place was sold by the sheriff. He refused to give possession and was SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! ejected. Joseph Kindlesberger CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. then occupied the farm as a tenant of the purchasers Bei nett is a Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respecfully, member of the farmer’s alliance. J. H. ATKIN, Manager, Thirty or forty masked men, with Bennett at their head, drew upto the place and requested the new tenant to leave. He refused to do so, whereupon revolvers were drawn and he was told be could either Proprietor leave at once or his dead body MRS. THOMAS GIANNINI, would be carted off. Bennett was then reinstated, and still has the THIS IS THE MOST POPULAR HOTEL IN TOWN, BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST CONBUCTII) EVERY THING IS NEAT AND COMFORTABLE ITS PATRON’S WANTS ARE CAREFULLY place. Kindlesberger has the names CONSIDERED AND TABLES FURNISHED WITH EVERY THING THE MARKET AFFORDS of the leaders of the mob, and will institute criminal proceedings against them. The officers in this county are all farmers’ alliance men, including the prosecuting at torney. Square Daalillg. One Price. Best Quality. B urns H otel : Projiriators. Ex-Mayor Daniel F. Beatty, of Beatty’s celebrated Organs and Pi anos, Washington, New Jersey, has returned home from an extended There is more Catarrh in this tour of the world. Read his ad section of the country than all vertisement in this paper and send other diseases put together, and un for catalouge. til the last few years was supposed For Over Flfljr Years. The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Li vary Sta COUR TY—HARNEY: to be incurable. For a great many AN O ld and W ell -T ried R kmkdy .—Mrs. bles assures the public that they are prepared to aotximmodat« s .............. (D) W m . M illes Winslow’» Soothing Hyrup has been used tor (D) W. E. G race years doctors pronounced it a local over in every way in their line of business. fifty year» by mlllionaof mothers for their (D) T. H. R obert » while teething, with perfect success ^BF*Hav and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. .....................(D) T. A. M c K innon disease and prescribed local reme children It soothe» the child, softens tne gums, alias» .(D) A. A. C owing palu, cures wind colic, and is the best rem Passengers taken to nil parts of the country. Job Wagon in connection. • (D). W. E. ALBERSON dies, and by constantly failing to a'l edy for Diarrheoa. Is pleasant to the taste ntendent tR) C hab .N bwell sold by Druggists in every part of the world. T hob . G. D odson cure with local treatment, pro Twenty-five cent» shuttle. Its value is fncaleu lable. Be sure and ok for Mr» Winslow'« W m . A ltnow (D) I <D> ( Lytle Howard. nounced it incurable. ‘Science has Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. proven catarrh to be a constitu KT Ü. ». LAND orne«: CONSUMPTION CURED. Proprietors. tional disease, and therefore re . J. B. H untington An old physician, retired from practice, We solicit a share of H arbison K kllky quires constitional treatment. having had placed in hi.« hands bv an Ea«t flail’s Catarrh Cure, manufac- i ___________ ___ _______ India missionary the formula of a simple ‘ v’ remedy for the speedy , 'dy and per-. DIRECTORY. turfed bj’ F. J. Chhnev 4 Co. Tole- I vcRatabla per lie that we have again open- t he patronage. Shop | manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, do, Ohio, is the only constitutional Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung 1ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH cure on the market. It is taken in Affections, also a positive and radical cure ed at the old stand and upplied with good meat M.D. WILSON Faster. for Nervous Debility aud all Nervous Com bo preaching by tba pastor la each ternally in doses from ten drops plaints, after having tested it wonderful Iowa, until further notice It acts directly curative powers in thousands of case«, ha« —Burna—at 11 a m. and 4 30 p m I to a teaspoonfui. Island School Hou»»— at 11 a m I on the blood and mucous surfaces elt it his duty to make it known to hi» fel —Harney—at 7 30 pm. ow suffering fellows. Actuated by this -Barn»—at 11 a m, and 4 30 p m 1 of the system. They offer one motive and a derire to relieve tinman »offer The Incorporated —Harney—at 11 a m. and 7 30 p tn ing. I will «end free of charge, to all who ; hundred dollars reward for any j it, thi« recipe, in German. French or case it fails to cure. Send for cir-1 desire English, with full direction» tor u«ing. SOCIETIES. | culars and testimonials. Address, ■Sent by moil by addressing with stamp. ' tnis papek. F. J. Cheney <t Co., Toledo, O. naming W. A. N oy kb . 820 Powers’Block, Roehes LODGE, NO. n. I. O O F. fV'Sold by Druggists, 75c. ter, N Y. Fellow» Hall, everv Saturday TRANSPORTATION Company. Beatty's Tour the of Word. NORTHWESTERN MAIL M. Treat F. M JoRDoN, N. G. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, DSPRICES « RY POS T NO. «. G. A. R. lat and* 3d Wednesday of each d Fellow« Hall All comrade» in| inri ted M. M. BRIERLY. P. C. ELL, Ad’J't. Mcbla-M V. 8. MAILS. •V»»—TALK ria Sally. Sunday» aieepted. «■»—< awt * s cm- y* Wednvaday». Friday», « ata. Thnrada,. » a Mturdata 14 Uy nt M»’ -ratasviLM »>•>* a a. »a « « b . I Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. -------- O-:-o-------- Stages leave Rurns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Westfail and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles. RATES OF FARE from BURNA To ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS: Barna, to Ontario Sio o» I to Vale 3»A0 •• Grove city » 50 •• Wet! Fall 7J0 •• Aeelab » oo I •• Drewse, < an •• “ Pine Creek ISO | •• Harney l.SS Baggsge, 301bs to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers must he way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. H arry F loyd , N eri A cklbs , J. M. V aughn Gen. Hup’t. Division Agent. Purni Agent.