Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1891)
But the day broke at last, and the policeman came to keep his promise. All through the weary, bitter day, Mr. Merriment had to BY MARY A. WHITE. wait with all the patience he could command, till the coroner gave his From N. Y Ledger: "Sit down; sit down I guess verdict, and the law allowed the it’s a bad business. You see he’s heart-broken father to claim his an old offender, this Newton, and child. Another interval was spent in he’s evaded the law for years, so necessary preparation, before she they are glad enough to have proof could be taken to the home she bad now to convict fifty men, if need be. made desolate, and there was unut And lie’s got a wife here in Albany, Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of terable pathos in the farmer’s tone that he quarreled with years ago California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants and left. Rut, woman-like, as soon as he said to the undertaker: known to be most beneficial to the “ You must arrange for me to as she heard he was in trouble, she human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet came here to him, and hns been have an hour or two before the cof promptly on the y every «lay. but to day, a young fin is sent to the farm, to tell her mother. 1 connot send her word, KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS girl, a country girl, came to see —AND TO — him, and his wife was in the cell. lor Jane can’t read writing.” But she could read the stricken Cleanse ’iie^steip Effectually, There was a row, of course, for — SO THAT - face lor which she was watching, Number Two had her certificate PURE BLOOD, and Number <”)ne was furious, and aiul it needed no spoken word io REFRESHING SL. EP, HEALTH and STRENGTH I tell her why Lucy was not with her they both went off.” Naturally follow. Every one is using it "But where? Where did Lucy father. and all are delighted with it. Ask your "bhe is dead!” she cried, “she «s RO?” druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the “Lucy that was the name, sure dead!” And then waiting for a denial CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. enough. I can’t tell you any more k S aw F rancisco , C al . that never came. li needed not than that she left here.” L outsvili . x . K v . N ew Y ork . N.lf But, even as the warden spoke, the time the father had asked for a policeman sauntered up, and ' to bleak the dreadful news, but the mother went with a strange, apa- lounging in the doorway, said: i “Remember the country party, thelic calmness lo prepare the house I lor funeral rites. Tomkins?” \ ery lair and beautiful was the “Yes. Where is she?” “Where she won’t trouble New face that was pillowed in Lucy Mer- ton any more. Mrs. Newton the iriment’s cuihn, and very sincere was the sympathy extended to the first has the coast clear.” ( :/\TTAef\V.eRT5: sorrowing parents. But, with the “You don’t mean she has—” ¡¡fr^jWOOOWOf’K’ "Yes, 1 do! Walked from here deep mourning, the sincere pity, ttewe sew môw straight down to the river and hung was ever the bitter truth that CHICS.O, n USIOM SOUARE. N. Y s*"”**«Wo tW nuwa •■ FQR ’«ros.uAsa stl .« BY a . ca about till dusk. One of the steam conies to so many sorrowing hearts, 3TL0WWW SAL£ OALLAXT». boat hands saw her when she that at the root of all the desolu NEW HOME SEW ING MA- jumped from the dock, and gave an tion and grief was the one act of de CHINE CO., 725 Market St., alarm. But, bless you, when they ception, the one lie, that was the San Francisco, Cal. found her she was dead. Hullo, parents’ reward for years of devoted l’aicfic Department. who is tin* old man?” love. For the farmer with one awful The is much written of true love, groan had dropped senseless to the of parental tyranny, but thousands 1 floor. of tales could be told where the love I "Her father!’ answered the war is but a glamour of youth, and the den, stooping over the prostrate fig tyranny only tenderest of fatherly ure. “Was inquiring for her as love; where the pain of opposition you came up. Nice pill, that New is as keenly felt by the father as by ton, take him all round.” the wayward child. Many a home es! lie’s coming to himself! tragedy that will remain forever un ¿Mark». Copyrights, sent Jr Here old man, you must not give written is founded upon one such ; way like that! There, take a sip hasty act of deceit, one such living of this!” lie as desolated the home of Lucy Rough men both and accustomed Merriment, anil brought her in her to scenes of misery, but they were first youth and loveliness to fill a1 THE CRY OF MILL ¿Si tender as women in their touch, ai suicide’s grave. OH, 7V^Y BTCK1 they lifted the farmer to a bench, STOP IT NOW, bathed his face and put spirit to Reporter—"1 represent the Daily • con rr v.*i!L zr tqo l ..<. his lips. Rustler and I have called to obtain I have been troubled many years with disease < f the kidneys and have tried “Can you take me to her?” your views on the prosjiects of spring many different remedies and have sought aid from different physician? Those were his first words as lie trade.” without relief. About the 15th of April 1 was suffering from a very violent looked up in the policeman’s face. Merchant—“Good lands! We've attack that almost proatmted me in such a manner tuat 1 was bent over had nothing but spring trade all " 1 «»-morrow. You see it is a cor When I sat down it was almost impossible for mt winter." — New Yorx Weekly. to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when oner’s case, and we couldn't get at kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA. to my her to-night. I’ll tak«> you the first Great Editor (meditatively)— hotel. I immediately commenced thing in th«* morning. Tomkins, "1 wonder if it wouldn't pay for 11s using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston can't you let him lie there to to start a religious department in ishment of all the guvM« at the hotel, in a few days.l am happy to state, night?” our Sunday edition.” that I was a new mau. I will* Managing Editor — “ It might. rev mmen I the tea to all afflicted es, yes. I will see to him." I've got a scrap-book at home full as 1 naw been. And he was kind and sympathiz of G. A TPPPER. jokes about bishops.''—New York ing. But, oh, the long, long night, Weekly. Proprietor Occidental Hotel. Sama Ruaa. Cal. the weary stretch of time before morning. What could he say to Jane, the farmer thought; how tell the waiting mother that he had kept his promise and brought her child home, dead, never again to smile upon her, never again to speak a loving word. a I hen a wild desire for revenge upon the villain who had wrought PERSONAL \ nd PROMPT ail thia misery seized the old man, A lTEX TION GIVEN TO I* \ I - hunt IM THK WORLD. aria« qnaHtianarw unaurpaaaed. actually and he paced up and down the ENTS, CAVEA L a c t * ì k’i a o: any otbar brancL Noe TilADE- »L , ’ I.I TTHKìrtl IM. small room, his hands clenched, MAKKS, otc. GKNMUU.T. fyr NO FEE ENI.E'S I’ATFXT his eves burning, calling for the vengeance of Heaven u,>on his IS SECl REI». I ( »Il litSI‘ON D- EXCE SOLICI rr.T». child's destroyer, and the warden STODDART à CD. looking on, whispered: 613 & 615 7th Street. V7. “Better so than moaning like a (Opp««lte V. s. I" girl ” ASHIN'U r< What Might have Expected. PATEN ]=»ayette JXTursery, Of Pavette Idaho. HARDY TREES A SPECIALTY. Thin Extensive Nursery. comprising 125 acres, is located one half milefront Fay ette depot, on the O. 8. L. Ry. This Nursery has done more to pro mote fruit growing in East ern Oregon and Idaho than all other Nur selies combined. as the tress are ac climated and such varieties are offered for sale that are Known to thrive and flourish in the mountain country. The “IDAHO" pear will beoffrred in limited quantités for the first time this year. This pear is a native af Idaho is considered the finest pear grown and is extremely hardy. Do not fail to plant a few trees. .Address, Payette Nursery, Pavette Idaho. P. F. STENGER. or stifle: Oil. Range—Grant county, Oregon. I*, o.—Barns. Grant countv. Oregon. ALMEDA A. STENGER. C attle branded n Left stile; circle Split in each eiirr“* ILLUSTRAT The impoo America, by Theodore Child, in Haiper'e Magazine during of the year 1891. She articles « ifornia. bv Charlee Dudley W be aontlnned Among other tractions will he a novel by Craddock; »collection of origi W. M. Thackeray, uow publish time; a novel written and ill du Maurier; a novellette bv Howell«; and a Berii-gid pape London by Walter Bezant. In the number and variety o pere and other artielee ou sub) tereat. us well uh in the unrival its short stories, poome. etc-, 1 zini will eoutinue to tnalnrai axcellence for which it tiuguished HARPER’S PERIL) Per Year: HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER’S WEEKLY HARPERS BAZAR HARPER’S YOUNG PROP Postage Free to all Sub; United States, Canada, or M« Haruer’s We Range—Harney and Grant county Oregon .—Burna. Harnav county, or. I L L T S T R A T THE DISABILITY BILL LAW. Soldiers disabled since the war are Entitle«! Dependent widows and Parents now de pendent whose sons died from the effeers of unity sirvice are included. If you wish V«>ur i hiint speedily and successfully prose- ttied.a l.lress ' .1 AMES TANNER, l-ate Commissioner of Pensions, WASHINGTON, D illustra The volumes of the Magazi the Numbers for June ami eac h year. When no time scriptions will begin with the rent at time of receipt of orde Bound volumes or Hurpw' three years bacx, in neat clot be sent by mail, post-paid, oi per volume. Cloth C ases, f cents each—by mail, posy-f Index to Harper’s Magazi cal. Analytical, and Clarified 1 to 70, inclusive, from June 1885, one vol. 8 vo. Cloth, $1 Remittances should he mad Money Order, or Draft, toav loss. Address HARPER & BRO York. H oh « bs branded Either Right 1891, Hainer’s Ma ('. I K_* \ FENCING WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads. PRICES Ki 1»VUEI’ Sold by deniers. FREIGHT I AID. Hell LI EN’S I’D I LT RY NETTING. New! Mag! No t'agtfimr! No bagging! l'.xtra Heavy £e!vn«r. 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Even be- ran»»» are eaatlveammr from SB to h'aday. All ajrea. We show eon how and «tart you tan work in «parr time or all the time Hiv monee f-r work e« Fallare unkm wn amonf them, W andwomiorful Particulate free. B.Hnllett etr < •., Il«»x MHO Portland. Maia« H AMBER 9 R a IAR 18 A jOUrDk ihelBiebt Information a the Fashions, iia numerous illud jon-plaira. anti pattern sheet aui indiapenaable alike to the huinj and ihe profeswional modiste. 1 ia spared in making its ariiatic of the highest order, lit eleven parlor pla\s. and thoughtful e®> itis’es, and 1 s last page is iaraod of wit and humor In its weekli thing ig included which is of iuid During 1K91 Agnes B. Ormibee wu of articles on “The House CoBiiJ Corson will treat of ••Sanitary Lil interesting snecession of papers d Art an 1 History.” superb)v illuM furnished by Theodore child Ti will be by Walter Besaut and Thd HARPER’S PERIOD Per Year HARPERS bazar harpers magazine HARPER’S WEEKLY HARPER'S young _______ __________ people I Postage Free to all subacribaral States, i anada, or Mexico. The volamea of the Bazar begifl number for January of each r«i n titae la mentioned, aut aeriytl with the Number current at thetl of order. Bound volumes of Harper's Bl "ear in neat cloth binding, will ■ postage paid* or by express. ffl -provided the freight does not efl I*« Ver volume) for $7 a volumej Cloth eases fo each volume«'U Ing will be sent by mail pospaii 11 ear h. Remittances should he mad* J Money Order or Draft, to ave^d a Adresa HARPER A I Newspaper« are not to cop’J • of the above advertiaemen'J txr-ese order of HARPER 4. 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