Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1891)
through bis foul heart, and then fled—ran to you Armandus.” From New York Weekly: The poor creature had scarcely CHAPTER III Leased speaking when a ghastly pallor usurped the momentary ‘‘STILL warm with his life ’ s blood ” flush which had been born of ex ‘ Well,” she continued, having citement of the moment, and fell been reassured of her lovers undy I in a dead swoon against her faith ing affection for her, whatever un ful lovers breast; for the poet of pleasant events her recital might Brainbridge now knew that his bring forth, ‘‘the old gipsy was j long-loved and long-lost Marcella standing at the end of the long was a maniac! walk, where she could comtftand a SUi “Yes, yes! Great Heaven! she is full view of the house, and so of Combine! the juice of the Blue Ft^sof I mad!” w hispered the poet, as he California, so laxative and nutritious, course saw me, and advanced to ¡tenderly raised the inanimate form witl) the medicinal virtues of plants meet, and taking my hand led known to be most bene^^1J° J!"e | in his arms find placed it upon the human system, forming the ONLY I r K- into the rose arbor, and drew | lounge, and pouring a glugs ot wit e FECT REMEDY to act gently yet to a seat, which placed me in a po promptly on the J> (from a decanter standing on ti e sition with my back to the entrance, ' table at his right hand, be pried herself being seated so as to com -AND T ' — open the set teeth, and a mand a full view of the park gate, Cleanse the System Ef iectua 11y, spoonful Between her lips soon had which I hud managed to leave un — SO THAT - the satisfaction of seeit.e her locked. and by which she had en PURE BLOOD, slo lp open and raised to his face REFRESHING SL. EP, tered. She had soon entirely ah HEALTH and STRENGTH A beam of saneness again looked Borbed my attention, and I may Naturally follow. Every one is using it say fairly enchanted me, by the out from these dark eyes, and the and all are delighted with it. Ask youi druggist for SYRUP 01 FIGS. Manu marvelous and brilliant future she soft light st >le ov r the counti nance, factured only Sy the while a swe.-t but terrible sad smile was making out for us—vou and I, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Armaiidus.” faintly whispered the played again over the once beauti S an F rancisco , C al . V ovisvili . b , K y . N ew \ ork * N.^ poor creature, raising her large, sad ful face of the unhappy creature. ‘ ‘ Armandus. ” she whispered, ey< s which were tilled with tears, to her lover’s face, as though she she opei.ed her eyes. "Yes. darling,” he re half doubted that he could love ber and sle-p.” lie said, still. throb- But when he answered that si hand caressingly upon bing brow. lent appeal by pressing her still M ac $£ time since He now, for the first closer to his heart, and imprinting .-ntcBE&T* love-born kisses upon her cold, it had dropped from her hand, ^rMt:f*IH£ST- white lips, and hade her proceed, thought of the poniard, a nd so 2, iWSCOWGRK’ she no longer doubled, and r< turned quit kly stepping to the place w here 'Ci'iKw twsewii^M(K^n?cQ?5^c to her narrative with new hopes it had dropped, pick'd it up ¡mil cHie.ko. ZS UNIOM SQUARE. 1Y ' ..'v nu;‘ua »» roR stoh . mam «¿ts-ruu SAlX By held it befor the lamp, and sur< ly HIL0U.W and fresh courage NEW HOME SEWING MA "Well.” she resumed, ’ she had it was stained—ves, dyed deep.) CHINE CO.. 725 Marki t St., managed to entirely absorb my at with gore. San Eraiicit<c<>. Cal The last heli’ hour had been like tention when suddenly some person Paicfic Department. or persons fr mi behind me threw a a century to Armandus Clarendon, blanket of some heavy wrappings so crowded had been his brain with over mv head, which so completely serious questionings. That Marcella Marsden was in- stunned uh well us smothered me, But that I was unable to give any I sine he knew to be a fact. <* ! wliat position ought he to take? alarm. 1 was caught up, and frit Ipyself hastily loin some distance Surely he could never relinquish in the arms 01 two persons, when 1 her to the cure of a mad-house was placed m a carriage and driven And her parents had both died hastily awav. 1 then for the first fi-om grief within .1 year after her time realized mv situation, for 1 mysteriou’ disappearance, and she V • «r overheard a voice which I reeog 1 < ing their only heir, her father Y V lived—the voice of Richard Ran on his death-bed, hail sent for the ■w’SF poet of Bruinbridge, and placed his dall, and 1 swooned------ ” 1 ‘‘Great Heaven! the voice of fortune in Ins hands, in trust for j 4S> Kit-hard Randall!” i ept-ati <1 the I his daughter, should she le found THE CRY OK MILL ' within twenty-five years. After , mv* BKCKl poet. that time, ho ever, the poet, was to STOP IT f“OW, Anil for jiiBt one moment hih make use of it as his own. SC-i. : t 3- TC._____ arm relaxed its firm hold on the I have been tr<»ub!ed many year» with Ha<l she only retained her reason, form he wus pressing to bis heurt. disease of the kidneys and have tried many different temedies and have ‘‘Yes. dearest, the voice of Rich i j Clarendon loved her well enough to sought aid from different physician« without relief About the 15th of April ard Randall!” she reiterated, •‘Hut| ; have smothered every feeling of re I \ws suffering from a very’ violent attack that almost prostrated me i*: pugnance, toward her betraver, and dearest, listen," she shispered. such a manner tmt I was bentover When I sat down it was almost impossible for me But to get up al ine, or to put on mv clothes, when And she raised her head from the would have married her. kind Providence sent Dr. Heuley, with the I could be, dare he marry a maniac? ahoulder of her lover, anil gazed OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced with such n peculiar anil startling He knew that Richard Randall using the tea. It had an almost effect, and to the aston expression in her eyes that her had been a suiter for Miss Mars mi-iiculous ishment of all the guests at the hotel. /; in a few days.I am happy to state. £ dens hand, and tnat she had pre oouipanion released Ins hold, and that 1 was a new man. I wi!14” vious to having met him l>een be rec mmrn.l the tea to all affiicteJ springing to his feet, gated search- aa 1 l»avc been. 1 ingly into the depths of the large trothed to Randall, whom she dis* G. A. TT’PPRR. and now sparkling eves before carded for him; and he now fullv Proprietor ( tridental Hotel nta km. Cal believed all Mantdla had sa'd, lioth him. during her sane moments after she Eorjust one brief moment the poor creature returned the gaze, had entered his library, which pre- with a soft light stealing into her cetleii the ravings, when she eon- sparkling eyes, and a gentle atuile fessed to the murdering of Randall, and all that she avered had Uiken playing upm her pali> face Then like a fl ash of lightning the place even as she said. scene chnnged, and the soft loving Clarendon had net a female light died from out those hand friend in the world, but he deter- •x Minis, dark eve», but to give place mined at once to find a mponsible to a terrible and unnatural brilliant, woman to take charge of his de ■ I r IV INE WORLD. Aiv-^nkaqaaiittMu, una-i r*,**.^ ketu«'1y and spnuging to her feet she eon mented darling, and so through fronted her lover, who stool like the long hours of that desolate : 1 t>.v I. K RY HE I. URXERalXT. 1 v r one petrified. night the ¡wiet sat m his easy-chair “See! are!" she cried, drawing which he drawn up lieside the from the bosom of her dreas a small, lounge where the poor creature was " tlh great premium offers, on re ail ver-mounted poniard, and bold | •leeping calmly, for her physical ceipt of |Q CENTS, and addresses mg it up to her companion'a gaze. strength was nearly exhausted, and of|° MARRIED LADIES Only 5ft e*nU a year Best monthly in “See. is still warm! arranged his plana. world for the price. Addreaa Wo TO »■ CMttHVU with hie life’s blood! I thrust it man’s Work. Athens, Georgia Ijosr AT 1891. jp>ayette JVTiirsery, H aaoer’s Magwi Of Pavette Idaho. HARDY TREES A} ILLUITRATl SPECIALTY. ILLUSTRATID. the biiidai , houk . I KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS This Extensive Nur e.<v. coiupriiinf 125 Th* inipo* (rJ acres, is located one half mile from Pay A inerii *, by Theodor* Chili, wlìl b*l ette depot, on th>- O. 8. L. Ry. Tbi* in Haiper ’ a Maialine dariug thè H Nursery ha< dime more to pr* «Itile ye*r ISSI. Sh* artici.» «n S«J mote fruit growing iti Ka-t- i ifornia. b. Charl». Pulii*. WaraerJ ern Oregwu and Idaho he aontinui-ii Aniong «tour notai trai'tiou* will b* a nov*l by Ch*r| than all other Nur- < raddock : » colléctivn >f »nàtila' dj -Mliei combined. W. M. Tha< kerav. 110« pubifaneu fol an the treis ime an.,.1 .«rittHi: ami ¡¡¡«a :* ,. are ec- n 'tnurier. a noie! eoe b, Wi 1 'lo.o-l a. ni n ser. *of papera ut a ••limii ed nod end.,il ■ Wul er . viti' .1. 1 mh varie in- nre -, iberni ei and lurier of r.aj uCored f<T sale Jiat ni . a > . ther non ter on *ut je, f«in are Known to thrive and erri», in- a*in theaunrivailad ài Bourieh iu die nun!n nir1 Ite short atolli a. p.ioriia. eli . H .arri ••oiliitrv. The •II’MIo" pe*r xis : .vili 1. ute in- to Diaintain ibJ «xielicine fvr whiih c ,1 will bi-. fl r.-d in limited qic.ti i e-* linauiahed fortbefir-t time thi- .ear, ibi<i>e<r i _ a na ive af Idaho is eoicridered ,l:e fln»-t HARPER’S PKRIOI it; pe><r grown and i- ex retuel .- hardy. Do Per Year: nor fail to (Bant a few trw* HAKl'ER’S M AG AZI 5'il \ddre«s. Payette Nursery. HAKI’EK'S WLKKLY Pave"* I -'ah" li AKPER’f- BAZAR II \ i: l'Eh's YOUNG l’EOPI s 1 P. K STINGER l’n .ap-e Ere* 10 *11 Sub-iri’J l'ni 1 d States, i.’anail», or M*xir*T H or .<« cs brandod on either Kight The volume* of he Magnatila iJ c -iiuibcr- tur Junc and pM] .-ne 1 yeur. When no lime i< - »1 • ripiioii.s wi!! bcgiH witli thè \uJ ri i. at lime of receipr ot arder. ” Round vo l ine- o. ilnrpir'- MnJ lin i vero- biu ,.. in nem i-loth he >ent b” ni iii. poi.-imid, 011 recl ir volume, i'm.ii C.-i «>, ,,,r |J vili.- cueii -iiy unii , po«t-: ntiil. ’1 nuex o tr'. 'Ingnzim. J . A mirti ai. and <"la il.,,,. ¡',,rl o 7<ì. inelu-t ;c, iA.......lune, l-ilil 5, 01.i-vili. S 1 n ( |i.<»i I ¡temi, ..ii.i-e- am miti be m.«ue l>v I Alimev Urdù,, or Ilralt, <uuvoiil I o -. Aur're - ti A Ki’ifllt A oKOThli Y. r f I eft nr «>ìt. Ratio—Graat u’lty. 1 res. u P. ■ •.-llwr.i :ra”t - .am w ■ »rrt..n ALM EJ)A < ATTLK branded » I .en si le: cirri« à Split in *-.r» Kange—Hartie-. auu Grant « uuntv Oieuon P. U.— Bur'«. Huruot u.iunty, > r THE DISABILITY BILL LAW Soldiers d sabled since tlie war ai'' Entitled Depeiitienr widows a i J Parents now .li ciidcnt win» e ons ous .tied :icd f.o.n f. o.n the «tic. elle T r o-. i iiiVMrvice ••ire nre indimeli. includi g . If vou ' ou ui-ii < ur « mim -peetlilv and : r«» -e- » G ill.-- JAMES TANNER, ate CommiEgioncr of Pensions. WASHINGTON, I). H-arws V/eckli 1 L LT ST R A'f li I) LEB’» vi EKRLY ntm )i«,pr fei ei e U» « -.liMii-qai vf ( iviliia. Co H. Con» »nt ittf • .p fesiBHi:i» g uf nsefuiGU'M «¡.i ai'l of ar and Hterrn e vt K un.ouehed n«* important pul » itokiukr . hi d present« a rete) • i h a ... i ..eresiing, of ihj p s -ns a’id acheiveineuî« of pi c'upplemen*s will H« The) wi’,1 he lilerar* . s< ieu ifi, < « . ( liticai, topograhic al. ort • < i K '-n n.a . cemand, tin. w f ci g - ile litari y < en nei ùe UlhSl,.„td.'|| pu«' iSBDCK bl e public. A f a fnmil) jouriidì .' wi!l, as here mure, l e editi e/s-ii Tor he <jua ile» lliai i « visi;„r too.erv huit.«. WÜIO WIRE «FENCING I per year : B a IU'CR weekly II AK I'L k ’. s Ai Al. A ZI ò tC ¡ìAiiPr.i.S LAZAi.. .IAI ìi 'E i . s YOU?.G •F‘tFÌ,K Coutus« Fi«-« to a (ni a: rii ,atl ,WIRE ROi’E SELVAGE. i • ici*, mi a a. . r .1i«x,i-„. I I .11 V. liai. ( i|.» w « .-k’v will t, ■'-L rt's òr e for j* mar, uf i U l»e!i Lo i,)"t ;g rnentiunec. ru I hi rii "<•<4111 wirh ih» N’jr.iher »urreiua!: eeipl vf wrece. ■ und \ oluims U iarpe: g Wevi’i «eais back. 1.1 ..ear duh b<n 'm, í| uv nini; 1 s.«j-e paia. .,r b. oxpruM pelile -'provi, e t i h» i reidUr «Lei noli per \ for 4.7 a a *, k»iur;,«*. • 'ìi . iifics i.j «ach ui. «. si •-2 A CKtlOWLEIJC&D T‘G 2 w.o 11 »ent ì.. muli »-. m w w Iswr.s.fiMtldU, Farms, fertile;; in;. Railrrsds. «¡pt . aile ES I,, IH’CI.D. Soln by <ie»hr F.. J ; 1;. I \ ‘ ’ Rriiiliii ¡((-s idiou d b» ni ad» by ’VXr 1.1 EX’S I Ci LTUI NETTING. > •> I Mi. : . •'!■ • ’rder . r ijrafi. to avoid sb»»« No s rr?’ No backing? Extra Men-, r Se»!»• atte. Gio UM I 4 <wr't< < bri » r f S The KvMull^n W«»*’**i e Co., Chicago, HI- I Hi:*ps Laza I L I. C a T RATI I z ' .8 4 jeurii» fx>r ’À ■ i» In- • a ;> *»r ha vii \<i h E br g • g, j B hll . eii up ’Hug fi! ‘i h •. ,-att»- . sht • «U) pl»J penso He r ¡k» the num» • rw »¡e pr*. • bti .in niaoiMtv. Nota ,s/e'V’ v. 1 * £ ’’R ar ** • f ibv hi l et . 1 » never tht par . r j a ► «nr thuUKhtfnl esfiff 'BÉ >»i8 <s and . « ; b paq» ,a ¡amolla uil ‘V ? •’ . i‘U i-., r i. its v, veki sMl hi f »8 in .u r<; a h < h of interest! i ’unng i : 1 Avin*» B ( jr»i s ,ee w ill er ( av» atr*. an Trade-Mark» obtained, mid all Pat ent oiwinc.« < ndueted for Moder a e Tees. O'“ 0 • a is Onnosde I*. S.P teni Office, anti« -eunr patent in lets* time than those rer'.tite from Washington. bend model, drawing or photo.. with descrip- ticn W r'dvise. if patentable or not. free of ciur*- O’ t fee oct tine Till patent i« secured. A P tohl'M. • ILt'.c p> Obtain P¿tents." with factual citents n your State, county, or town, sene free. Adurees. C.A.SNOW&CO. Oppose Patent Office. Washirurton. C. C f r n*« have been made«, w- >w for i s, bv Alina |‘, <e, Austin, leía-, ami Ji,o. Boun, Toledo, Ohio Ser cut (libere are doing as well Wb' het y..u Some earn wet Í500.01) , »sonth. You cando the work and live t home, n her" er yms are. Even hr rnaere ere earfw eeming ft.« ft !o iHariay. Alleges. Weebow vou bow and Mart you tan worh in «pere time rr* Failure nnknow n among them. NEW s c t wonderfit! Particulars free. - - o P irtlami.liaiai THE ONLY TRUE IRON ’1 /CD axle -7. r" BREAS! i < urivn wil : rent vf “8utúiar Livind intere»!mg »nc< ession oí papen »• u "w Mt an i Hietory.” Rupcrbh il.uBirareR u nished bj i i,»-., , v» • hi Iti rhe»M will le nv Wai er Besaat and Thoinuil harpers periodic ] Per Year HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER’S M Al.\ZINK 1 H aliers * I f.ol.Y harpers Y'tlNu . ...... Fiorii I’« ata«« Free t<> al' •tj*, rib*r* ta IS state*, i an*,ta. ur l|*xics. The volarne* ef the Baiar begin win i tenie- f. : .tat-nari. ut «a h y*ar. I ’f.K K• "*»;i- ne<1. »111*<• rip toll -| «Itti he Nuuu»r current at thetiai*» ul order. : Bound volU're* of Harper's Barat] year ii> i ea c.oth liindins. arili be r»S pa age paio or b/ expresa, free «H ■ provi.,e„ .h, freigh- d.e-anot ex- veZ lai l*r volum*l p»r »7 a vNume. i lorn case* fo «a. h volume.eftUsH Ing will be sent »y mat) p.apatl o* I I- ear h. Remittance* «fe iM be made by rt Noi.ev ' irder ar braf’. to avoid chan* Adr«e HARBER A BR<’1 '•A- apap- r* are not to copy *ny| " ' of the above advçr ieemaat* wj tit Tse order of HARPER A BRCll si TCMäC ose M «, Win V»-»ry ik. m T ^**1?» UeMw-w th» i ot s«rw«-h .„.r <lnCk»*,l?u -o-,,«] P Four Trill Numbers. — a_:<utc tmcv ant THE BEST. ’ M. Ftttav&O’« Illustr«,. Descriptive and Priced SE-D annual S ms M . u a wWoiw ■».«* •». MMTTg M « tfc« *ai«n.i M irrt MHO^.Nl Ôè" T; .far 1891 will b« RL»fl»d FREE ho all app’toilt*. and to last «baton! Lcuatooierx It is be>trr than «vcr.j A Every person Garbeo, I B mmrv* «r | B »h< t 4 arnd it. A.kilcX I ■ 0. M. FERRY A CO I M DtTROlT, MICH ■ ■ I irte • eelc - - t r v <♦ J ■