Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1891)
4'^ rz w i ? FROM THE CAPITOL Our Motto bureau is paid on fraudulent claims 00 in or out of Uongreer -a Somrv ««* • dall*r" MW Boo* » Tklawedi- uxbai » » washixgto X i mi« , has proponed an investigation for elas la a hishly e< nt«mud extract ot ----------- th* Purpose of purging the rolls of *^»,.„<11» tad wbw veU known »<-*»• table remedk* and U .renounced by ex a v».^« ««ch name« «* may be ahown tobe Mtta tbe atronree» and beat prepsraUoa ot --------- ; there fraudulently This, as well a* Ibe kind yet »rodnred. It owea Ita peen l.xr and mriicinal merit to U»e [From oar regular _ will be tborougly Iook- IFr»m reçnlw Corrrepodeml Corr«roden<l_ ^ other thing* feet tbal it la prep*.-ed by a Com bina ti on. W ashingtixx , D. C. Feb 21.1891. j n to by tbe next House. Frepon-.-n aad Creeaaa Ohio, should make a reply to Sena- ntfal instalment of -ffÎ5O,CiOÛ, to a , a Quite a political «er.aation has Representative Pay«.>n,of Illinois, Peculiar to It»el£ tor Quav’s speech. * company that proposes to lay ptaeorered by Ike propelctora of Uooft followed the announcement of Sena- VM elected Senator pro tern of the . ' cable between San Francisco •• F^-tapar.U*. and kao-rn to no other o<di- this tor Gorman, whose political aatute- House, this week, during the sick-‘ etna. In preixpt action on the blood re- Acceantxc to the New Y’ork Her- ■ the Sandwich Islands. All nor fa all lmpurtti«. and enree errefnla. aid Mr Blaine's reciprocity treaties business will lie stopped when the,n*** c*Bnc< h* gainsaid, that he new of Speaker Reed, tall rbecm. aorta, boils ntmplea. all bn- >□»-». and a£ 4 <w il.rni.-i ariaius was not and would not under any The republicans are beginning to will not reciprocate. ’Government is controlled by lr»u> impure Road ar low uato of U*e combination of circumstances be i ^ frightened at the prospect of ______________ a democrats. bare taken Hood'« Sarwaparl'la and twd it !•> be me be.1 blood perigee I haee candidate before the democratic losing control of the Senate. It is ererued." XI. H. S'liw, Auburn. Cal. W iij . Mr Harrison make a spee<h 1 ■ national convention next year, and now regarded a* certain that the Tiie r»e*l Medicine. on tbe financial question when .. he j . T he . Governor in vetoing tta- 'that be favored the nomination of McKinley tariff la* will be repealed •I have need alt bottles of Hond a Sana viftits the Pacific Coa«t <v “ road • • bills ••• certainly .................. sariUa foe micevx’a. It hat he ped mo this did not consid ex-President Cleveland as the outright or greatly modified in 1893, a ere «1 deal I think It it I be be« medi spring. e:se for .od cew^>n and dyepep.ta." Mas er tbe situation in this section of strongest and most available man. ¡f year, N. A. L i VOXBA xlx , 1*3 Sarth Fifth Street, taa Jute, CaL |he State, 150, or more, miles from and proposed to do all in his pow- < - -------------------- I f Harrison can stand tbe coat a r^iro^; th« settlers trying to Hood's Sarsaparilla er to get him nominated. It is yet *«r><* t« ■•«*•»«. of white-wash that baa been given open up and develop this part of SoM bydrairltn. H:«xtorth. Frepared too earlv te see what effect this an- Mr* w¡»*io*■» wxkiM sjry*»»d »«*» •sly by C. 1. HOOD A Ca.. Apo^roariea, to Commissioner of Pensiona Haum tbe State, and nearly all of them LoweUMata. nouncemont will have upon those *rty m * t » *ri rewre* n r»-**’-« ,, rk» Util* «aS.-.- «: owv, r~ap«re be can stand anything. poor! Being compelled to trans democratic Senators and , Represent IOO Doses Ono Dollar <»>« ««re * J"“?. , . aui. ’.Me a»aXe* •* "bnsni • port all the necessaries of life over atire« who have expressed , their t-wr>«.w i « j wr*. 1- * tfrt *oML Dof»«» ha fwxxa A. k . mjb P&1&. re- N ew Found land wants to join the rough roads.—if they can be called Bl’RNS ADVERTISE* KXT8. opinion that Mr. Cleveland s letter ue<« .-.»<»»<- * «• ta* * tw* kr«/W| tLXitrij f^r Union at once, whether or not, and roads at all—and not by any means against tbe free coinage of silver ana-rc frem the ham t even asked the consent able, financially to make good has destroyed hi* availability as a of either John Bull or Uncle Sam. roads. J. W. ASHFORD, H. BOTD BeaHir» Toar of World. candidate, and what adds to the in- < Better wait awhile, brethren. There ln vetoing measure« so import- Ashford 1 Boyd. terest of the situation is tbe fact _ _ __________ _. of! Ex-Marñr Daniel _ .. F. ____ Beatty, ire some l.ttl.- formalities that ant to us on the frontier, be certain- some of these gentlemen have been p<>tly»s celebrated Organs and Pi- PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS, must be gone through with first. ly forgets our situation or does not since tbe publication of Mr. Oeve- Washington. New Jersey, has pVBSS O begox consider us worth a thought. We land s letter. *tron;ly in favor of rFturrx-a botue from an extended T hese hide bound high protec can aafelv assure the Governor that nominating Senator Gorman. tour of the world. Read his ad-1 tion republicans who are just now be has not gained any friends by It seem* strange that three dem- vertisement in thi» phper and send shouting themselves hoarse over his act. and if be sees proper to ig ocratic Senator* should cast their f.^ caulc-nge. the little reciprocity treaty that nore the wants of a hard working vote for such a palpable “job" as_______________ DENTIST. ............. Brass O regon . Mr. Blaine has negotiated with class of settlers on the frontier, try that contained in tbe Senate amend- <roi*tu»t< r.r ca<*rr*k thaxi OScaaX ye«:de»re. in lb* Jovn Bobir.non Rraxil. forget that reciprocity and ing .to improve the country, they Y uiidint xi d 1» r’epxred to attend to the ment to the diplomatic appropri* praraieeof dennarrv in all i*s br-XBchc* free trade are synonymous. But mav tee proper to retaliate by ig Teeth extracted withvax pain by aid of ran» tion Wil. which gives a subsidy of As mercury will surely destroy the tbev are all the same. noring the Governor in some time 43.(00.000 to the company, which sense of smell and completely de j of need. as ret only exists on paper, that rar re the whole system when en T he death of Admiral Porter and This section of Oregon is in its propr»se-s to lav a cable between San tering through the mucous surfaces General Sherman, the two last infancy, and if given a fair laow Francisco and the Sandwitch Is- Such articles should never be us'd great commanders on the Union will develop very rapidly. When lands, but they did. It is be- except on prescription from reputa Ude during toe late civil war, re- once we get on a sure footing, our li« red that the ^Hocse will concur t.)e physicians, as tbe damage they unods that desth has been kinder beautiful valley filled with thriving in tbe amendment, at any rate no *riu do .s ten fold to tbe good you Notary Public. to the great commanders on the industrious ranchers, then those democrat sbould vote to do a thing can poasil-ly derive from them, D. L. GRACE. Confederate side, of whom Johnson parties—whether they be legisla-, Brass, ox so foreign to all tbe principle« of the Hail's Catarrh Cure contains no L ab « mecu. <mt«wt MtaxkA. A>.*llrwtk»tA lor liongstreet. Early, Gordan and tore. Governor or whom—that see democratic party. mererry.ard is taken internally, jTJZSg proper to give us “dirt" wilL in Beauregard are still living. Rumore have been flying thick and it ar» directly upon the blood wmySmwu.y eaarw» rw^abi*. ins , the pear future, com«, like a pur- and fast this week about tbe new mucous surface of the svstem. In M axt years practice have given ring cat, striving to wheedle our J. NAT. HUDSON, Secretary of tbe Treasury. One buying Hall s Catarrh Cure be sure people into friendlv friendly relation*, relations, but C A. Snow A Co., solicitors of nat- peoj-le ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. day it was Rrepresentative Cannon, you get the genuine. It is taken rats at Washington, D C. unsur- will find we do not “wheedle worth Office: BURNS, OR. tbe next Clarkson and to-day, it is . internal!y and made in Toledo jriseed succesf in obtaining patent« ; * cent ex-Gov. (“Calico Charky") Foster. Ohio, by F. J Cheney A Co. for all classes of inventions. Tbev C. A SWEEK of Ohio. It is believed that Mr ^F“Sold bv druggists, price 75c. make a specialty of rejected cases ATT©RNEY'-AT-LAW. Harrison ha* determined upon tbe per bottle, bjid have secured allowance of. man. and bis nomination is looked Burns Oregon. In conversation with the business many patents that have been previ FOR SA1Æ. for every day. ously rejected. Their advertise- men in Burns on the subject of is- Senator Quay's much advertised GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ment in another column, will be of j suing t»onds by the Burns selool speech of vindication fell as flat in The Red Front Livery Stable.. at *> url “ ATTOKXTY. building. . _ ........... a< one of Senator _, . . s interest to inventor*, patentees district for a new i school ‘ _ the Senate Blair “ Burní- oposite the Bruxs.................................. O bbgos . manufacturers and all who have t< i. we find some diversity of opinion, , ,educationalharrangues. and be has, ®nrn* bqfel. Mr. Wilson offers Land V uaíms «. and Real do with patents. ^but the majanty reruinly favor a {.0RtD1,. this valuable Lirerv Stable for sale Enixic mal ter prompt!» al tended U*. ............ ‘ new building. lion in fishing l’T<* »" tbe S exatox Quay has at last bro- 1° article it is not our wish The general c’eficiency Uli is thi* * n* distance from town, ken his long silence with a speech ><» « influence opinion for vear »6.000.000. Is it strange and tb« betinesa tbe making a general denial of the » a»io»t the bond*, but if possible that ’ tbe surplus has disapseared? ’» »^mrw i* his reason charges made against him This u> put the matter in iu . true light * .Tbe international eopvrigh: bill **llinF Ti*’e «not a more will convince no one of bis inno- befi-re our reader* I _ . . has been uassed bv tbe Senate with Fai»able piece of property in Burn, 'l’nn£ ceoce Why. if be could have pro previous to th» call of the tbe citiaens ‘ ^.erjU <mendnH.r^ .biehmake. ■*! a.y one fcsiri^ to invest in ven himself in a court of justice Dot; * »pvcial meeting to take steps it* becoming a law at thi* session lbxl kind of property, cannot better guilty, did he not take advantage >“ »*>« matter whether or not we very doubtful themselves in any town. Call im- of the invitation extended him bv -‘bould bond tbe district, we were Mr Harnson and all his e^bi- ^*»«>5 «< »hi* edbre or on Mr W- y. Jorgenson lb« New York Woild and other favorable to putting a second story net. except Secrttarv Proctor, went W itaoo. for vou are likely to lose wealthy newspapers to bring a suit the old building and make it an- to New York to attend Gen. Sher- ‘ ^DEALER IN Stable is jurt what for libel? Crooked people seldom *»cr purpose for tbe present, at mans funeral. Tbev returned to we recomnx-rxi t to be. admit their guilt, not even when * cost of probably $1,000. Such a Washington last night. convicted bv the court. schc me at that time was not toierat- Tbe republican* in the House are ■ . i . . ■ i .. ed. but to tbe contrary nearly every- so much alarmed least tbe wicked W hat cowards be these Con- t>Dt &r*nc<J U WM throwing money dsmocrats should interfere with gressmen. Voting by tellers, the put it m the present build-. their plans during the closing rash House of Representatives, bv a *n*' of tbe session that telegraphic ap Urge majoritv, voted for giving Now a few words to tbe Ux p«y- peal* have been sent to all aleetit Watches and Jewelry, Clocks each memoer of that bodv a clerk crt 01 dmrirt wbo tre direcUT Silverware. I republicans begging them to come at 11.200 a vear. but upon a roH-iutereiUd: Can a suiUble school here and remain until the end of Repairs Watches. Clocks and Sew- call upon th« same question it was Ibou* »» Un* nx,r' , tbe session What they are special ii g Machines. uverwhelminglv defeated Tbe rea- cheaply or at less cost to tbe actual ly wanted for is to pass tbe subside ’ IMF“ First door east of Postoffice. aon is obvious In the first place ~n>r* Vhe U>*n fcnd dlrtnc‘ shipping bill, which ia opposed by Bums, Oregon. th« vote was by acclamation aud lban *n *'rW years betice" Our nearly all of tbe demeerat*. the member» were not individuals rekder» must take into considers- Representative-elect Jerry Simp, recorded, while in the latter it was Uon ,iul leried at Ume- son. and several of hi* Fanners NEW HOME SEWING MA- I TOSSORIAL PARLOR, tell call, and each member's vote fully half paid by the Read Alliance to be colleagues in tbe next CHINE CO.. 7i' Market St.. ROBINSON A MYNATT. Pnor’s was permanently recorded in tbe Couipany, and anctber point fcrooo House, are in town. Tbev are re- „ . , _ _ Francisco. ( *1. eoogreaaional record. i sideration is. - a - good school build ci pi ent* of a great deal of attention , ! Everything in their line guaranteed ing not onlv enhance* tbe value to be done satisfactorily. at tbe capital. Mrs. Grover Cleveland has un of property directly in town, but Tbe Home cotnin:ttfe ao Coinage fW'Tbe only place in Bums you dertaken, in connection with a equally as much or more tbe value to-day reports the free triniwr hill can get baths. SMilCTURE! i of property in th« surrounding number of patriotic ladies, a cru to the House, tat the ger><-ral be- is for the taxpay sade in which she and they are en counuy, but this rv> c~.i .ku ---- l>«f k **ti-» to be that --------------------- its friend» will .________ Penasrtutiv Cured witboutCir.ting ---------------------- ----------------- ------------------ * ---------------- J 1 in — ¡retting it before — *L. er iv titled to the good wishes of every ers to consider. 1 not succeed the R.aîTTiÂ-' Burning or î¥lalir>» Dilating. A A Tw-rA-o. perfectly^ BLACKSMITH. to pay thia tax at this tim« or not? American who love« his country - - ■ painless treatment and a gurreen- House, but tbev intend to try very is the patuL We certainly feel it leed cure 1st -every case, no matter ADOLPH TUTKER - - P bo r’ above all other countries, and be bard to do so bow long- standing. This treat- our duty to admonish tbe citizens , m a poor stick that doesn’t. The Senator Plumb ¿««pairing of get- ment for stricture, of Dr. Bos welt's, ~GENERAL REPAIRING— of tbe district to be careful in mak- oi jact of three worthy women is to !ing *»» up their mmd«, and U do noth- ‘«’ff his^nt re^uttim provdrogfor is the greatest discovery known to the young men and wo in< hastily the TloUtx*' «*'««"« Uw by the Medicine. It dissolves and con»-, pletely removes the Stricture with- men of the absurdity of aping for The taxpaver* of th« dirtrict can tbe Cen- owt anne-vance or pain to the pa- eign customs in talk, deports*nt eaU a sptcial meeun* for th« ex- >ut bB,w>>0 tient. s- -» and dress The campaign was mental service without the formalité DISEASES OF MEN! :>re«s purpose of taking the matter veiled fat New York City bv • «<ir- tof a civil service examination. has ring lecture cn the formative period i into consideration and in doing ev offered it a* an amendment to the Peculiar to their Sex. and not prop er to name here incloding ail these do not vote for or against a measure uf American history delicate Infirmities and Weaknesses you will likely be sorry for after sundry civil appropriation bi’.L It is commented upon rather ur>- tbey dis- 1 ________________ , ____________ . would^shrink from ______ ward. »ratable that Congress did not ad- Coring family ---------- v to -- their - — -— - w pbyrician V We have been told that some of - perm*newtly cured in lex. ti me than the citisens ia this district censure jourt. the day ot Admiral Porter's WV« ever known to Medicine before, tbe Hoard, because the bond» have funeral bv Dr. Rciwvir» “New System of not been sold The board does Probable the nxwt disagreeable Treatment." It rejuvenates the gen- uol deserve to be censured for pos legislative duty ever preformed by , lto-urinary organs and makes weak itively, everything puasible has men stro: g. | Senator Ingalls was tbe presenta been done to dispose of the botsda When possible, it is al wav* best •- tion by hi m this week of the creden to call for personal consultation and •w Th« impression intended by tbe tials of John A. Pefftx. Senator-elect special 'lamination But those auction made at tbe annual meeting to expunge from th« minutes all ac i-eco the of State Kan for the term who cam 4 possibly call, »b'uld write, stating their casefuHv. Med tion taken in regard to tbe bond», beginning March 4. next. or rather tbe remark» qualifying Notwithstanding the almost daily icine sent by mail ar express. sealed free from exposure, to all parts of the motion, were absurd and redic- ukua. tbe Board had no ax to reiteration of the charge that some Pacific euast. Address: where in the neigbborWod of one Wu. A. Boxwtu V D . “gnnd. ro—rqneatly had m a Consulting Physician. >t Taul fourth of the enormous amonnt of tire in putting up any "Job" a trary to tbe wmbes of tbe pvu^l« v pa.d out by the Pen«»n Dispensary Portland Oregon T he republicans InUongreM are evidently determined to make hay * while the sun shin«s. The latest VKDXESPAY. MJIB-'H «. IW1. subside schema is the adoption by w«...r. . the Senate of an amendment to the W.c. »IB». - Diplomatic ApproMfattenbill^raut • F iohtisg B ob ” Kmnedy. of Hg a subsidr of 43.000,000. in an- THE HERALD. ----------- DR. H. M. HORTON Jealer in General Merchan O rison . CASH I A. TIOBBINS, ... Has a Large and Complete Stock of General MerehnwU will be sold to people dirt cheap CASH! Give himTj jumping into a lumber wagon and slopping ove • the *2? the snow and rain, fW Bed rock Price, for CA8H0J? TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTT! W. E GRACE P eofbietob , A Large Assortment af FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Hu just been Reaeived. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COM« Everything guaranteed pure and of the very he PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED CHARLES ANDERSON This House has a wide and well known name, and u mrnt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up fame and renown No pains spared to please | fV*Good table service. and talles furnished with all Burns-Canyon Stage Line, I. J EW itt . P roprietor . MMday*. V • TEE BYERLEY" Everything ic the furniture line always Give him a call before purchasing elsewh*>* JOB WORK. BEATTY S PIANOS JNO W SAYER (■Ki.-ite