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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1891)
O regon H erald $2.60 a Year. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2B, 1891 i the D rewset S aloon fluids under tnicroaoopic analysis down the laws to (he great masses and was showing the students what ef this country, who thought for I E. McKlNNEY, - PsorRtaToa. tion v aiittd ai out i and »'4, hotels TlipC»mm<wlon cauaet! by the Siale* the indications of this terrible mal themselves On l*ing asked by KuUTES, etc , eie., Ynaw red • meut ofc PliyalcisKa Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandiea, ady were. .‘And now gentlemen* • Mr. Cannon whether be was in fa- EXSK.S', I kl, vu» Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when he said, ae we have seen the un | vor of Mr. Cleveland for the next you call on “Mack,” at Drewaey, Hartley county, Or. An unusual article from the Ro- healthy indication», I will show vou Freaidenl, Oen. Hooker replied cheater, N. Y., Democrat aud how it appears in a state of perfect that be did not think that any man re* Chronicle, was recently republished I health,’and he **biu it ted his own on the continent of America will PATEMT8. ! C. A. SNOW tc CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. io this pap-tr and was the subject fluid to the «suai test. As he : ever be a candidate of the detno- rstouls ublto-tod. sud illpwjt basins« HI mi M to awmpily «nd for moderai» taw. of much comment. That the arti watched the results hi« couiiten • cratic party for President of the Our OÜU« ■»« the U. s. Paiaui US«, and <e Cui olHaiu ia I« m time than IboM •emule from Wuhinfton. Saad Model or Drnwins. WaadvlM ». to pu.utabilUj Iraa cle caused even mors commotion ance suddenly changed—his color United State», who is opposed to •Ictauge. audaemnkeuo chugeualc« iMUauC isaaiMued. in IltM-bester, the following from the and eomuiand both left him and in the free coinage of silver. Leading We retor here to the t'AIUtor, tho eaperlulaudeul et Mousy Order' Dlvl.ion, »nd to oOk'iUa ut Uie U. b. raient lime«. For encalar, adrtoa. term», andr»leren»a» to actaal a trembling voice he said: "Gentle- uien in Itoth Houses did not besi- same p.n>< r shows: cUcu« lu your awn Siala or couulr. write to abort attorta». Dr J. B. tienicn. who is well- men, I have made a painful discov- lute to echo the views thus ex .sease of the pressed bv General Hooker, With k.'xiwii not only in Rochester, but erv; I have 1M(1<: tut »er fr« ni it. i • arlv every part of America, kidneys;’ and in In than a year the exception of a few Eastern dem- r J'i THE WORLD. ntiMutiesireuneurpaaRed. ac •• ut an extended article to this pu he wus dead. |Tb< » ghtest indica- ocrats, like Senators McPherson i rxet of any other brand. .bZGKT THE GENU ticultv »hould and Wilson of Maryland, and R' pd li u it^ days since, >.Inch was tion. of ativ khfcev RY DEA ERM GENERALLY. i— ... . ..I, ».* .ink. error rrl- ■>*« ,, ■■ U‘«n>. oT Ji‘w V m -O» r- . u- capri.t . • l OIM*. (I r and Maieh of Pennsylvania, and ■i.m whit St'umeii Certain dr >1 lb. I “You know of Dr. Heiiion’s with the exception of one or two It tumid ! o imp isstblf tn entiiuer- cae*I” pronounced Cleveland men, like ’^7^ IN FOUR VOLUMES. thc enquiries which "Ye*. I have both read and heard Breckinridge of Kentucky and Wil of it ’ ’ i ve licett n.aUe at our oflice as son of West Virginia, every demo A Crest and Wonderful Werk, to the validity of the article, t ut "It i» very wonderful is it not?" crat agreed that Mr. Cleveland had •UNTAI Kl XQ they have been su numerous that’ ‘ No more eo than a great many placed himself, by his letter, out- 2.176 Pages ftn ther iovertigatio:, ot the .-u ject others that have come to my notice aide of the possibility of a nomina 4MB war tlffini-d iieueMary. uh Laving been cured I v the mine tion fur the Presidency on the darn- QNAI. AM» l’ROMI’l With this .'lid iu view h rt pre- niiai a.” ocrtic ticket. C20 Beantifcl lilcstrationx ! ATTENTiON Gi VF.?; T » PA I'- •i-t tntive ot this paper etf'liti on Tnn M ammoth CrwtoFJBOii Ito* b««a j*b »‘You Leletve then that Bright’s Without regard to the merits of « v ; i < f . 11‘tiv ■ < • nit « h i. e «Aut« ut th» nt*aa*a Mr « ENTS. CAVF.AT , FRAGE t'r .{. Ilion, at his ittiiltme, when dl-1'..-e call l.e < tired. Ui.ivt rwal coiniM-iulluin ut I newbdp, pra«ilMi\ uw- the nropoved legislation on the sil u-<ful. « H nk.tlea <1 general. Th* work ia »«b- MA IvS, ctc. Italici otHtiphto in tour 'ar*te nml hanPaotn* ri R ( nil be e:< volumes, C’ tnr-l*iiig a tidal ot 1,174 ra«**. awd "1 know it can. I k ow it from ver qtn stion, Mr. Cleveland's letter f Kcni.inx K..V1U. NO l'EE U?; LE S PATENT iii" ftillpwing interview occurt'd: iapro’ux y P'ust:aictl«itl>G20h«*»utitiilAu*ra*- IriKR. Thtiiisti' «la t»f tlt-l arnj>at e b*en *x|M»nd»<t That article ot yours, i oetvr. my own anti tin < xp< rstnee of thuua- to the Cooper Institute meeting ISSECURED. CORLU SPUND- to alte < Iti» th« mo t c«>n píete, valitabl« awJ B ti"C B- 15 f i ' • tl ti* fui w»rk ft»r tîw» maAMM evt r publish^. It ia their v. rk . i has created quite a Are uiu I h of pr< turnout uereon» who cannot help I ut command the re ENGE S 'LIC/t'ED. a w rk f.r • »• r>body—mar. w< man ai d «shild, U’ t! bi in e'«ry « rcin>Ail«»n < r w«ik In lifr. Tint ■ub ar re* «itti pris' Ural ut Vit y « f twsiity ordinary the Ktatimi'iitH aiout the terril le hi re given up to die ly Loth their spect and commendation of every """ T lume« a ■ c infila- <1 Ih th*M mur. and •«» STODDART & CO., rnit-i» I« th* wt»rK will! kn«»wl»d«e ut «very t the way physicians ami friends.” citizens who admires honorable and t r d. «° fl I'd I" U with uertul hl'>Uatid helpful G13 & Olö 7th Gtrcot, II. V7. condition you were in, and AugRi «tl«H - , that, wr fully b< Ile»« that In «very you were tercued. such iiGtcc to v. It’< h l’sbal fluii It» way it will »««on i a» y ou can "You apeak of your own experi i straight forwrd methods in public [Oppo ite U. S. Patent 013.0,) i li : c<‘U»«' t • I» regard- d aaureftth itaweieht in told. Fi- want of »i-i-ci* w can only briefly ai-,ramar WASHINGTON. I>. C. sustain?” ence, wbat was it?” ¡affairs. It will undoubtedly be 111! ¿¿r I* a am»!* por ion v( i he contenta of thia trvad «afiil'wwR : “Every one of them and many ‘‘A fearful one. T had f«?lt lang- freely predicted that Mr. Cleve UI*T0U▼. Tt!« M * mwoth CYCMMfflt»a ootnptoto Chltjewj, work, hi-00 tei. .(• Jcpaneew, th« j-cn| le ef India, A Maa. Madacaaaws, . ■ • oc IS YOU VJICH A GOOD REVOLVKS *»i* awUiewtij V.-,<or< af (:?<► t trjsttj s Civil War, pr >• Pak.tfu . lot land. B*rww, Pitrmate, th* K*nd«l«h l«l»w4a, brought «o additional ones. I was 43. CO land's letter has tndangered if not uid and unfitted for business for u.c*‘ S-rv'iLF. tirarla, Tartary, Cashmer* and Twnis, th* Aral*. Ni*Hr !1i>i«<r»«»d, w*Hl unn- r».>« «iw/!« c« cf tha VMw-!’♦..«; a .») 0; E‘z.00 Hi«««vy a? »»•«’!•.«. (n nlw-^uty Hr CtdumMia ta Tu- », lie* mita,fonti» Âmcrlewns. Awerleari Indian*. Xryp* %5gUirB SMITH ft WE880N'3 low by neglecting the first and most years, but I did not know what I lost hilt the democratic nomina f I «wnw|<-M 11 Hl pre.yil time . yvMph's -V va .:. •|toiar'< of fiTW<Ml» Irntt ••«! liti». » (unies--, kbra»ln'nns, Norwegian», NpawUrd». »wlew. M.Ü0 4S..Ú I alls«». C't”ka, itu-.lan*. Mbarians, Afghawa. Persian», rineti small tiarn>t:<r>t «»tn:« ia tit* li-amy or ab utUavs. «b.onol-rglc^l ! s.'.’X) LO 0" I IlMlcma, A uatrnllM», BUgarta«», BWIttttt», at« , «.». a. ins e /or •’* simple symptoms. I did not think ailed me. When, however, I found tion for the Presidency. The con Msusrj li MÜ 14.» 0 E:_.uu^aetd ed MAXTTACTIT1IE«. »« th’» «rea» work I* al»* de.»rlb*4 I mOQttAVIIT. Thia ETrHav’.r'rfroMt.tlt’V !’ o T.IrM Af all and and tho UTkt Uiu^ueuf ...1 HiiiMruicd Gw *••» ■••'I prore»»*» of » sinilng. aurwiypta*. »Me Firs4«te>i» '•< th*» U'ii"‘4 1« I’M. I at IT It 1.1 Ct •'ll I- I 1 was sick. It is true I had fre vention which will confer this nom it was kidney difficulty I thought experts. In ca.ibrts Narv.swn, wnt* ru»r.tai’s an-l < a H.'C ATA. .»n-, 11«® hvw. a -d I >onk bi nd i ti r. »«■*■• riigrusiw«. ll»h«i-ra|ihy. piiotagrapki ».I'ro I 43 and 44-1X1. Slujle or pa-ltal i> f M.,•«! < a ‘. i liinanaviz. Sh ii«i-1.«*--c, r,>—m. Wdll ni prit» I"«, plnrn nml.lng, watch making, paper making, »M I FOUF.IUS ADVERTISERS. e'u<e»l »'Ik. Ir- t’ »-eel, glas», china, peritimi ty, ew*,-.. double action. Gaiety 11am- quent headaches; felt tired most there wus little hope and so did the ination is over one year hence, and ftev«. imiimhi Fr.ftkdH.' H -pry Cloy, n.,, t d V/ ii-inr, r.mi tit.oittf ff.t'11 «olii llillK vutir f »'r.xiase rierkes and Target model«. fa■m.tis st»*» «(•< *. ajtboiA, V«*Jt«, gvUBim'L ihu«», «<«•. h ath-r. a'urclt. w. II r> per, tio|-*ndne postal ttetd". poatag« »timi». r;i-o|c». pu.», pene'1», ».eedlee, «nd many *th<r keep our r.aóelBp. B eu UH to the Beat qunlity wronglit t<* the day. of the time; could eat nothing one ' doctors, I have since learned that agieatmanv radical changes cun ■own -t'n?». rii «f Mirich will b* found peculiarly latar«sti»< uxl riacls careitilly Ltapecutl fti.iii, fir’rft .uueui wiih, cur AU!!!( I I. I'VUr. VM.nMa bln««an»« «■. f»;» murtn-wl«»« iu -niiat'ac. for worknuuuthin and stock. Uuri alcd for e F.i. eu bv referring to ihe r ■ rm. r., «venting f n -’.l r.< "*•' I «• •• ■<'•’. '«'■ lUrc««. i L* next;' one of the pnvsician« of this city be wrought in American politics in ta fi-ns day and was ravenous the next:' £n!sh* du rah. lily mid accuracy. IN» 'Biivl- mmu-: li.ctwk rn-iii». I i.d •' «u •:« .e .•<m’ut«I' FOKEKIN i'EClUTCTP. li-terMtln« d<-»rlv«l»ns. •»»«•- L» I. F iF.c4 wp.iU »;ur < ir«« «- L »1 be deceiveti by chrnp wtaHraofc t . • n inniaii^n» AiwsMS»V<Vnir«:K p.alt r eml ►-«» lu d<» trarr I. « ft <• --u’irrr etui p vpsratittn for umrkst of tc*. »oiîlrft, L « <-HU its: < ft on seld for the genuine article. T..rr a: e unro f. It dull pains in my stomach was pointed me out to a gentleman on the course of twelve n nn'hs. ewc.v«-fnl ft w fit »M •: bcok--nl n-,<ia.rr r. ntl:>«, r’u. 7». > clwKoUte, cot »'i B X. lump sugar, r‘c« stii'rm-g«. el*»ue, How i.»u lu u-< >er.r •• r -! ïv .’- ll ;ble aud UanccriiuB. The KiuTn ft waaw-a Kr> We.iRi-i' •frbt.’i eii’J—Ito •« c-tm-lo-u r 1 «'h.v.Hie. m-I glnaer. cititiawu-n. «lispln*. peplMi om-nattitia wine»op’*». It«*- I i Hee. or wife tu l’tCniflli».-.. v i.vshs are tcamiiatl upon the I>nrr< 1* with firm’s rm,! 'ra the n r>rk f »r iy.i r**. b>d u eta I >«na. JM«41.iiie«. an»-, «run■ *. dr.u», rätsln« »•<-. ol‘v»a iudi- luöK;.» pt-roh.i. crtX, rann l or, c»»tor o.l, laptaaa, *W., *tc. r ie, uddr&M and dates «.f patents, aud are gaar« out of order, but I did not think it the street one day, saying; ‘There ever, be that as it may, Mr. Cleve ir/ exun. u< « «¡rduig to kpuie. flHMTttTYTr-RE. 11 re«n(« phv» e t M”«« NATl’KAI. léîtaTOUV. 1nler*»tlnt and Itutrnrilw iinCr^d pei-fecL Jnstat upon having them, t»i «i it to -r-.a • • (all of» {irtAl.1 . «• ■*. i •' I", ns rxibvrc-1 I ;. e • H.uniileti. meant anything serious. Oil) • Un ■ I ci.-tti'i'titc i b» I u-iratlou«. ot i b»s».., y >ur iiraicr cannot supply you, an order sent tout- land in sustaining bis reputation goes a man who will be dead within 1 bold the «•’. ■»t! I.'1« r? ih« Hi««: anci: rtotui hm ilciilicrlus. |ie i' ina. «■ b . a' Hu prit e t, rd«, fi !i «ti I".... ta. wi.ta much utirlou» taiofmattea regard « ro3« hv'lowwi!ln*<**tv**pr'unpc altentf n Avert I r".f T7'.‘7’. t'-»'w”’m|p!i»n-r..e cv» heu b a. life« tiutn i • • vi ts per ing i heir Itfu s-« ■ Lt»hiia. live c&Lilutpie an<l pri<•‘■■»up'Ht apptl«*ntivu. “ The medical profession has been for candor and consistency, bus a year. ’ I Believe his words would >>u a en l n>h<r « •«'■•. t.n pi, w 4 taiou ’ i.a mj Mit.tiiis is ( yearly, or -¿u <enîF, trariBieut, ? \VT. T” ?• ••»•tvnt Pvrt.eeaniA I» »!•* a •*■«« •«• law bjirra ¿ j wr >* on . tne>e inM :■ :u<" tt b.ij d. b.'x.k.t Pin it ■,•'■ " ?'•• ni»y b* » Isoisn l-arver.and bprlagRuld. r.iau* treating symptoms instead of di have proved true if I had not fortu-1 vindicated his right to hold a place noBAFfFH l>. •r .l<’WA-g-•it1 • tid t ••tai r . hi - ' • i i i ! . « v-daiiNtlowa ot th* renarsi lav* bili-m $2 extra charge ¡er in- . rlofiL t d - wru I • r>. ,j i , j * ., t - , • ■ •. r. if « »i-n »'I swawers whteh or* |uf ?. si i. n a Biantiing r'H'-er h i . i ,-n oi ,.-nr«a <t su' j»ctt i. *■’■*• -■•-••• forni» of 'toga! drawasonM. sunites for years, and it is high time ¡lately used the remedy now known : high in the esteem of the American tpyold- •’.««,!. ; ir d 11.. h - . tai h w vek ia run in with T roc-lntlw* • I • I l'lwetrstlon» nf the wtlalug Ot m t m / •.! n i i r nn«k<'>« ^»’* •”,•0 y free. , aalt. **prir, tend, ala*, da aaft people. This is a prize which can it ceased. The symptoms 1 have as Warner’s Safe Cure.” rntMCht nf h m • . <4 twrdl'- I g. ':d.'»ihrr. d.niMMd». frc.iT. pv atl »>ur aitvertlBcniNMfB l*r*e>il»n' . «-Il'-i, 1’ awij he qn'CkaUtar. i La: ó.iir pubii* e. iu>i B, il »’iteli, i«|t: «..!•• tin. .«.Hing h-w tTC* !>LTÎ*1 CF THE KPA. Herein ar* 4»serIhe< sad just just mentioned or ativ unusu-l “Did you make a cht mical analy- not be controlled by any political rha»«-. a-it.d-t, tco«t., | , r, I'iu traici «»•»• tra» ww4.««fwl and beautiful things fewad a< «bv tig i.i i».< a. culmi ; e. i c a .¡¡.e. f b r h. an<I death ani.uu:.< e- bo te i<'the rau th"|l*wl«, Fowma, steUa, fiabas, *M . Ilk*- a) action or irritation of the water sis of the case of Mr. 11. H. Warner; patty. a i»Q i e-rl divide, «ta al flsUtug. *u . «M. MEFir.Y 4"«« «11 t»« »avrd 1» j en 6 tolifi td ae newr. znr ukl y to br'itiy«» t »c ,nli>.» e »T\TI*T!4 Af. A'» MIM EL’ AMF«I’«. W-Ha tats -f t red tu rciigi«»US B.-t ini. ' Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, ex Sher UturntnC-.n l>*rt •« «•» «.•••', channels indicate the approach of some three years ago, Doctor? was ! l.| iwe»i»»t an »vi.* *i u»i«ul and Infermati*«, [ 0.1-i. n. «•< reh U H tiwRH »•«r I',. vevy v.tbh I*sb* pr>p«.H*lon *f American «»it**, area ai-d »nd «I'm r’.mriinet»« «•>ririn# w i.*pnl»1. n »-f th-e ntlvct-»«. *1 thi-Ntat*« and Tentioiie* sad kidney disease more than a cough asked Dr. 8. A. Lattimore, one of, iff of New York, and warn person ■isenar • mho niM-enl a* c? whl-.A I t any bumc tnj nl tho pilneiral t von'ri v-f th. world l»ngth *f th* principad hwrtl!y gwn»«.'^te 11u doll«r« aii'l «CUta. bi’. WORK Prt-Mrn’l I fole «or Hl- yenr., Fredde«« al ataHaMtt*. announces the comittg of consump the anal vista of the state board of al friend of l oth Gov. Hill and ex-1 INVy.TITIflN AXI> I’lvaviu». F nmvkiL'r Intrv. rivera, a-cn an I det» h • » •« *. ’"he- et-» on*"«'» height *f wowaiaiea. ve .ng ««»Tiv U'Ui i-f w it |<ne»nk>»-, «•» 'nnlwif thn Ptwruy h. o- ntotUr « f •••laisl-. et -l v-’o-l'y ef b«-die». baia» *1 m**u- ht i« n ex cored with oeatntfs mm.'’, fr.wr-» »••. I .»etMtwrc, distances from fTs-hlngten ata* tlstsc’viaiit l tPr.n»lA/Pr-<-,t » »••re«s>, light President Cleveland is a guest at tion. We do not treat the cough Health.” settBt/Uubie rates inc »t**l*v Mtw'ilt.o, th* T ’l.■phene. Typ-t Wilier, th« Tj pe f-i.iiNew Yioh.iniaiieifl I pt>i' t-.ehr-«nlngiei>l Mstery •(dt»- e verv ai.d •■ »cs. «..briquets of American Btntee, j.K e s. Pamphlet« Mach'r,.. tbu Uatuiti «ihi.c'c. “Yes, sir.” A pamphlet of information and ab-; but try to help the the lungs. We the Arlington. Despite his age—I feuiaf •Ule*, eta . ‘.«•■'•’I re».u<v-."'eal error«, r* •« « r sp*llln«. p»*- J.: etu’g, ! e 1er Ilea- b , Tim ivoKT.»-1 ctMjd-in «tc^rimtma. I «tract of the law«, showiu< How toZ lomeint ion dite of rip»'-I . Wall fitee*t phva-e-, romimr*» he»a :6i|.. ill tn.nd. ri u »t, • Pari. Y-v»ml • if th* w Me Hra b , Car B. Ti< tecta, ^Obtain Patent«, C'aytut«, Trade/! r'.rlntt» fi»ctt in iiatMvai hi-t*»r,l ureviry •< should not waste our time in trying “ What did this analysis show seventy-five years — the General is ’ ri>’.»y. N>«vr* F I ih* Alt«, F «rt~. Ttotiv w, Vanleo iviitt.Ui.s. Dviigers, Etc. • n'lmt’R. » r • nofth - name» of «tal«», aminf «nomri*» ot «re«« IL Mark», Copyright«, ur.t Tirtitia, ihs * ihAt « < f rtAeri-la. M:«w»ww:’« Cure, Nolwibl work«, rnp'i'itr fl bice. Fii'-lltar qnntailons, of goni*« sod ot W^Addr-. MUNN A CO.jr lo relieve the headaches, pains you?” ! almost ns sprightly as a man of Hil l/t . T. a kin. Gh n, tli« White Meunu:ua,«te., o’«. II iBic dy'n - word» nf famoua teraon-. f*t* of th* Ai-o-rtea, 2BL3Ü1 Broadway, TMiVri.S. TV wrl:*'**’. rrofiatly ir«Mra(a4. rf lh* It*. si >il-.ita»ei lit* gtatat, Iradlttg goveeumeuia ot tb* »«•«■ *•*., Mbfe. New Y.rk. about the liody or other symptoms,! “A set iocs disease of the kid- forty. This is his. first trip to ■. sms '-- -««»mu , |>««-.i|i rf-trau, rh«B a>-4 ••wukii.lai 1 1 to« et«. y n, »’.m-b valrl Tf—-mirr rf •'« < y n*'n’« R'mw» I «■ » v«<MvWjr iRUWAtlnir, InatueHr* wM but go directly to the kidneys, the neys." | Whashington since he accompanied VnitiAbi- W ’k’l -»M Mill»™ I YUU.F.VIU* ”= 1» > »>» 1« «.J 11 »»t A fr»O«l«»"al pnit Of th* triple« treote.1 kn Ihiayr a* work l,nv. h hi » ain *•. 1« ha• An», rt- «»hnoair./ u .fnl awl «-n’art litl« g lrnow| dr —«nqiacaUrj- ab’y ’>r«h ’• *’ «•-• I me« vniwAl.lfh «¥«• ptibll h««l I • an via- t <»r !«<»••*. N » hoira sh*i«M ¥• wW- “Did you think Mr. Waner could the Conite de Paris last full on his ■ •• source of most of these ailments. ’1?. !' I* .■ vrr^-it Hlvie ■•»»•n't »♦ ■ v-iy w th tvanl » th * variiw» parplwaln- «iHaHla* • that «••teF , visit to the bsttle field ot the late ! ana* In wri'tair.« ilmar rMMtxm. by tb .«rm- r »» I houwwi/u in Uwir doily duiiataa l parMtR«, BBte A* “This, then, is what you meant recover?” tluuirs t-• twori iipiore'e tert tai : <r Hmtuativ . JAL DIRECTORY'. when you said that more than one- “No sir, I did not think it possi war. WE WILL sand the MAMMOTH CYCLOPEDIA complete in Four national : half the deaths which occur arise ble.” Gen. 8ickle's mission here is not Volumes, as above described, all postage prepaid and THE EAST OR L................... Benjamin Harri a< from Bright’s disease, is it Doctor?” j “Do you know anything about of a political nature, although he EGON HERALD for one year upon receipt of <3.<K>, which is but 50cts. uevt P. Murton BEST Jamete. BJaine William WiiJÜMUi "Precisely. Thousands of di the remedy which cured him?” ha* been hobnobbing with a nnm- more than our regular subscription, therefore, you get this large and H-y STEEL JvbnVV. S« bie livf valuable work for the small sum of 50 cents. We take pleasure in be Rcdtiela Prvctsjr WIRE seases are torturing people to-day. “I hive chemically analyzed it her of uoliticiuns at the Capitol a >d ing enabled to afford ou ’ readers such an opportunity. By making this Benjamin K lra<-«y Jeremiah M !<Ufck which in reality are Brights di- nr>d find it pure and harmless.” at the Hotel. He is here on legal great offor wo hope to largely increase our circulation. The Mammoth ■lime. Wm H. H.-te* ibtr ; . J .tan Wan* male •ease in some of its many forms.' The standing of Dr. Henion, Mr. business before the District court Cyclopedia, in four volumes, with a years subscription to THIS PAPER gl ITK—OR! GUN - It :s a Hydra headed monster, at d Warner and Dr. Lattimore in th« and expect* to return to New York for only >3.00. i J. N D dpi» • • • I J. il M iK’hsn the slightest »vmptom» should community is beyond question, and tomorrow. The General refused to il. Binger Henne m iLt“ «t s’ *■* •«.»»» » <»» Ky tf* li C.1^ I 1 .ëvlvtster Fenn i.rr strike terror to every one who has the statements they make cannot discuss ¡Mr. Cleveland's letter on I it ’.(.eu. W. Mr) ride . .Phil. Mets« han. R V ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST them. A. e&T OF THE I can look back and recall for a moment be doubted. Dr, the silver question. He is like the! ...J, B. McEIro' UtUuu. R for Lawns, Garten? hrr»t, Rar-baa and Railroads. Flank 1 akvi riiICESl...LVcr;’ K , <i» . F.....«.HTl’AID. hundreds of deaths which physi Hetiiott’s experience shows that * devil and the deep sea ” as regards K a. Hca ;. H i Meati»; ex . /’.ir ; i niv., ikiagi Win. r. P. i I-prd No Magyinir' No / win. ‘i"’ «‘.»t.-u I!»tier N< Ivajre. K ' ) W. at the time were Bright’s Disease of the kidneys is the political destiny of Cleveland l r.. e,. Ti .?.ayer Th« McJKu'lev 5 ‘ * Co., L dìca ^O j IU. cians declared IVDICIAL district : apoplexy, on« of the most deceptive and dan- and Hill. He is friendly to noth, caused by paralysis, M. 1). CLIFFOBD D C uas . F - H yde THE .D heart disease, pneumonia malarial gerous of all diseases, that it is ex- and between the two Sickles cannot D. tt. D ustin tv. CD). ID, UiH.r tuiitu. fever and other common complaints ceedinglv common, but that it can choose. h Twelve Largs Volem, which I see now were caused by be cured if taken in time. ■ The copy-right bill was briefly Whlob w* C.Thv with a Tsar’* UabasrlpSia* WM. 3I114.XX Bright's disease.” considered in the eenat* yesterday to thi*r -.ÿ.r for a Trlfl, Mere than ,W. E. GftA< R O ct Xlsgalar Habscriptlow Tri**. T. H. K obrk TR "And diti all these cares have th* pending question being the COMMUNICATION . a . M c K innon Wtotihi* to 1 tritely liMrr.Mi 11.« ritviikilo« rf tkls A. A. co • ino I ■ niendineut offered by Mr.8herman simple symptoms at first? ” rsiH’V iliirlii» II'. »»ex. rlx ni<>iilliS. ». hiv. s>»4. W. E. ALKMWN •rrSncrtonsls ->IHi » N- - T v* |« li«»s .CH AS. Ml ELL "Every one of them, and might W ashington . D C. F*S. 13, 1891.. to strike out th* word “prohibited” W M. MKKEER win i.l • »o rr. mal le-t l<>. g. r ». » nryminm In nnr sabssnl-« >• • •-« •• "** XV»>rM. et «'Nari.- Ol-k- have been cured as I was by the WK. ALTRO Iff The letter of Ex-President Cleve •nd insert the word« ‘‘sulject to «O», In T-irlFF Lai*- •»« lland-ama Ljli« H um arò. VOW».., T i li a y»ar v» Biil‘»eriplinn tn ibi* timely use of the same remedy. land denoucing the free silver bill the duties urovided by law” so that V!ien I Mt down it was »¡mjirt impossible for me rrrer. f*r x h ’flo »nore ihnu «'ur rejmlai* «nb- 1 1 get up alone, or to put on my dot be«, when I am getting mv eyes thoroughly which recently passed the 8cnnte foreign copies of hooks patented in ftrrJ|.1iou j rie«*. Our great «<«*r i««Bnl>BeribftrB kin I Trovldence *mt Dr. Heuley, with U m c ». s. LAKU ornes: •rlliaii» Miyorr I» r<t»«fi»i<’ biri I c . Charlee ................. J. B. HoxTisaTos ORi: GO .Xi KIDNEY TEA, Io my opened in this matter and think I and wicli is notv before the House the United States shall not be pro I imineduitely commenced Ciextre Wut t!.«i rrentMt noevliat who ever . ..ItAAKUOS kllltt hotel. using the tea. It had an almost T?<* pi li«>r leftre n »rich Itia time baa am helping others to see the facts attracted at the Capitol yesterday, I hibited. but shall Ire subject to tariff l»ii-aculou>« effect, and to the Aston W< B 11 e i.D'.e ihr t I « Bebiched, Rhd hie BorkB «re ob ?» » « m i»« pul. r to-ilar Ui«n «iiiriar ishment oí all the xueMs at the hotel, and their possible danger, also.” bit WetiBw. Then al-ouDil in wit, linmur, in a few day«,I nm bappy to state, I fully as much comment ae the fa duties. Notwithstanding the ate H DIRECTORY. put!"*, i'iiMir^ JrIlue»tion of ebaraeter, that 1 was • new man. Mr Warner who was visisted st mous tariff message of three years sence of Senator Sherman, it is ex tirwl checiij :ioi • oi place« and incidmilB, recummend the lea to all IaT EPISCOPAL CH CUCII as 1 Usee been. dirilhu ne rkilifiiily wn-uKlit iJots. Each his estal bshment on N St. Paul ago written by the same hand. pected that a rote will be reached WIIÄON raator. h«xk {• fi I» wm Ijr in < rcbtiux. No b«>Bieei ould I street, spoke very earnestly: G. A. The fact that Mr. Cleveland in to-day on the hill, •• other measures Le witb« r.U i't « f ib aw gieat ai d remette« es* king bv the paa*«»r in each ei« «'ike. ? «ot lo I mt « leed llieiii ia to bo ui.tli further no lu «• notable the pure food bill, are press Fropri-t or Occidental Hotel, “It is true that Bright’s disease has tended to write such a letter was ir «—at li a in. ami 4 -0 p m G» bt li*-i tii« «X« i*' «l'i'h «• iieo. The» esnta R om Cal. ing for attention. Mr. Regan hns iru 8< hool H« use— al 11 a m •r i > f Jl.-k'ia’ work« which w« offer aa a increased wonderfully, and we find,’ known a few days ago by some of given notice of an amendment, the rwntm» to ®nrs<i'»cdl »r» itr»v-cl 7.30 p tn. Hi •> ,l frr ' ‘ ■ ' '7 11-'-Tp.. i ri a —U 11 a m, and 4 30 p m Tua iwal-. ...Inni.»- i liH ll>s tolto--Ini» ni-u» v ..rfa-, e ell ousat «toeü » pub- by reliable statistic», that from ’ 70 the democratic leaders of th* Sen- ; aruaj—al 11 a tn, and "«¿Op m effect of which will be, he said, to rtf "»aeld). ' i ; «■ to '80 its growth was over 250 per ate and they endeavored to per- j make the bill a clean international n.b—I ••mtr-, » su y < »•<{ BAWUA^Y nuuci AUS CHR13TMA« euade him not to make known hie ' copy-right bill, instead of a bill tc. OAV1D CORWrRFtdLD, cent. Look at the prominent men •TOl'U-3. SOCIETIES. MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, QLIVtt I i vi'IOT AtJD G.1SAT EXPEC They believed . * re P Tot< ' ctIO!1 «• printer». it has carried off, and is taking off views at this time. ‘ NICHOLAS IMICXtLBV, TATION. - - j ’ The House Committee on Foreign THEIMLY TRUE Mil. NO. 77, I. O O F. DOM3SY AMD SOH, T:te ’><>•> OUiUOCiTf SHGr every year, for while many are dy that their advice had been followed lions Hall, every Narurday Affairs »greed yesterday, though •LEAK HOUSE, T U 3 UH J 1 n «ici A LT R A V E L ER, F. M JuRDUN, N. O. ing apparently of paralysis, apo I and the publication of the letter, '• not nnanimouslv, to repo-t to tta- LITTLE DORFIíT, A TALE Or TWO CITIES. MAIUI cat 1- MYSTERY QI» OUR MUTUAL FKIE^D, TLB Z A’JD plexy, ets. Nearly every week the I therefore, came with donbl* fore*. House, with some mollification, the ED »74H J. OOP. PICKWiOK PATER«, pos T xo. *. c. a . a. papers record the death ot some In the afternoon Gen. Hooker, of bill to incorporate the Pacific Cable F«u i ThD «1»oye »ro r itlimif q te^li-’n Ib« m<'>t L»m i ’ i ». -e ib t veto < ver wii kn iRu«l*:-d Wedveai’ay vf ear h rf • otoBiry i «y hr.t.» tw*n > <i|rl»rule<l tu • r- r ».< h k and eamer f,I ilie «•tnii®» t 111-»«’ Hal'.. All Com race« prominent man from this scourge. Mississippi, voiced the general sen Company. Representative Chip ftrarter vit NH«»-, Hcd rid» « get » f DM-ens, wuflsL T«** I» «rw Ai» thofiB-ti «M• i I»-»«»» « I • Ante»• «■ t ■med. ■ 'turca item « ujryinn tu* HdW’l htrfh • I ’’nt fbb’td i itremin# people» t ?; M. M. BEVERLY. P. C. Recently, however, the increase has timents of the democratic side, man wili report th* bill r.r<4 I. ’.ding and a Iiciiinif AdjU MthU-lfi luieinliiy. Hut mow » 'iwí-irf V» t »*» «■** «»f wkolerii wri vs-'iy «*• xte»*i fmtt 1 s » r *1 m in’ «ti’ù»n in tha beote A ll lovers of dog* will find profit HHfttdnnry» Uta* • Xticm» I. >■»•* |»fir*i I wltiifr ^M|«e been checked and I attribute this to when, in the course of a speech ad U»»r and »'«*•*?• «■•1 X**«w* *hs Í Dici PII«’ wnik» Ai A Hy«.*«»* a«l T>gttr«rT*mh lsyapepria, if*'«?» wu «re o ^ a * h*'l L> olí- r '-nr a il««rilA]rw . W ml of À«**"«. la^tMsttion. the general u«e of mv remedy.” vocating the free coinage of silver, and enjoyment in Dr. H. Clay póe»* wLluh oil oan bu «>• .L-«- ••i’h a tea t» p J. Every l*oiu« lu L-rk <»f a«<r 1 Ir-i •Í Ite« fYBAt ww!K • MAILS. i e g Sb«--» Juu ; ye- reJ. B*»» irr , Glover ’ s article on "Tlie Proper Car- are ‘ ‘ Do you think many people he said, there was no man in this »•** »ad r.wrwwtt r»< » • r ft»rea îshr»Mth* simJ J *art»lt«s Bra‘S Fewer afflicted with it to-day who do not country, whether be had held a of Dogs," to he published in liar OUR CREAT OFFER to snlweriLera »■• II HERALD. We will Haftrrtwg fro-i roesy't' its il'«r to Ü*tr w»a w 1! find ■■i «d, postage pre- realize it, Mr. Warner?” distinguished position or whether | per's Young People for Feb. 10th send thesntir.* sM of Di'-kene* Work, as i >M HAATIR1 IXO’J » rto Girr* sel««r. *»-sL f *3 10, whic h is “A prominent professor in a New he had an ambition to hold the j Frank French has engraved for th» paid, and the HERALD for one year, Uj ■•uw««*« at ecsniari«*^ irtty «T the swisiatti Caly 80 cents tin re than the sttbacript. is one of the be ««MISAL ae-« Orleans medical college was lectur same nundier of the Young People highest position wit bin the gill of T» ¡>r. M AWT I It* • LITTLI UYfft grandest premium* « ver offered to sul r i 1st mit bv Registered Cera' D*«r Coa» sink aad B ■ T ing before his class on the subject the American people, lie he of one a boantiful picture appropriate tc Mail, or call al the HERALD office, Bur. s, Orvgou. ■Mdaete n-aete Deas sad bma ftaaf ; of Bright’»disvaee. He had various party or another, who could lav | th* seaeo-j of t?t Valentins, ar *4 a »w «'M W rwu’s yw»»« F or. HAsrrt »»« moins co.*. a. HERALD. X^Xofricl Send uddrest, <> m i. n r inforna-’ EXCITKMKMT IM lUkCHI AXL‘ £!i3REA- Bur latest am! Greatest Premium Offer ! .,.WW WOVEN WIRE FENCING •IRON TONIC (