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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1919)
I II A II N 13 Y I. . O X PAGE SHVKN Saturday, December 18, 1010 . L P J M 13 8 - U Ifl U A I hello! - this is HK Ycvr,i khow your l"."- aud sav!'. "y ,- were'S SICKENS - T vAKT TavORITE COT - ABOUT Hg grt M HELLO! ' Jl oMC . VW SOME MEAT!! W MUCH 1-if AouuIp.jlV -MELLVr4-- PUT T TrtPw. 3L0RCit, 1 DIDN'T HAVCT.MG SURE !! , Oooo GUESS I D BETtER T0Ot?0df?THd V 1 GO AHEAD- THAMKS OfeAR. CALL RIGHT NOW OR MCAT-wiLt ' I'LL. OCT THE. BYE!'. lJJ I'LL FoRGfcT AtlD TUtRG , home -"sasfjS" Kri on sweet v?EV 1 nsfflrT HOME. J V'Ytl Wt&4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS SAURMAN & BRUNEI' Physicians nnd Surgeons Eye Examinations for Gltmsou by appointment when possible l'hone 20 HuriiH, Oregon DR. B. F. SMITH Physician nnd Surgeon Hums. Oregon Olllco at residence, Dr. CrlOlth's for- mcr home. Phone No. H J. XXX. CBflRY I'liyttlclni) nnd Surgeon. Burns, - - - Oregon. Tclephono HI 39 DEIiTOT & DESMAN, Physicians and Surgeons nils augured promptly night onlay 'J'hmui Utirrimnn. Marriman, Oregon U. E. HIBBMRD lubco first thvir 'ut photo gallery liiirti. Oion. CHARLES W. ELtUlS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Practice in the Stato Court and be- t , i., r S 1 -11111 Olllce. Jure tho L.fe. Unit unite. I J. W. Mcculloch Robt. M. Duncan MrCCI.U)CK ft DUNCAN lawyer Ottlce. abovo tho U. S. Land umco, OREGON J1UHNS, HERMAN VON SCHMZ Attorney at Law Contests and' practice holoru U. S. Und Olllce n epeclalty Ollico: Fry Bhlg. "0t door to post otlice Hums. Oregon Oluus. 11. Leonard. ArrOUNKV-AT-LAW, Careful attention given to Colloc tions and Real Ketate tnutter. I'lre Insiirancu. Notary uWia Burns. Obboon. BRUCE R. KESTER AtWry at LaW U4 Office Practiee Land Scr for SU Val; Oraa M. A. BIGGS Atterney at Law I. O. O, F. BWg., Bmb, Oregon 1 TiIeFlrHt HaptUt Cburcn. Sunday school beginning at 9:45, A. M. Proachlngnt 11 o'clock. Evening worship beginning at 8 P. M. Prayer mooting on Thursday ovon ing of each week. Evoryhody is invited to attend tho services. JOHN F. MOBLEV, Pastor. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HOCN3T1 Services nt 11:00 o'clock, The roadlng room in tho church Edifice, is opon ou Tuesday and Fri day from 2:30 to 4; 30 p. m. Sunday School moots on Sunday at 10 o'clopk. Pupils may bo admitted to its classes up to the ago ot 20 years. Tho publlo is cordially invited ,to the Church Sovices aud to tho Read ing Room. ' ' CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS The Niunreno Chtircti. Sunday .School Sermon Young pooplo Mooting Sermon 10 a. m. 11 a. in. 7:30 p. m. S p. m. Wed, Evening Prayer Meeting S p. m. REV. GEO. WARD, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday Borvlcea: Dtblo school at 10 A. M. PrenchltiK services at 10 A. M. Church of tho Holy Fnmlly (Catholic.) Dally Muss, 7 a', in. Children's Mass, Saturday, 8:30 it. m. iMtructlou uftor mass. Sunday Mass and sermon, 10:30 n. in. Sick calls at any time. ' REV. FATHER FRANCIS. O. F. J. Rector. I REV. FATHER THOMAS. O. F. M. rs LAND NOTICES SOTICH FOR PUBLICATION. ' UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Ilttrns. Oregon. November 5, 1910. I NOTICE Is hereby given that Pearl S. Smyth, whose poat-nfflce address Is I Diamond, Oregon, did. on tho 80th day of January. 1918. file In thla ' fluiini siulxnmiit nnd AiidIIch- .......... i n( I tlon, NO. uimue. io I"" "Mi i i. 8U XK.'. . Sei-tloil 2. Towitsllip 1 30 8.. Range 34 E., Wlllametto Mr ! Idlati, and the timber thoreon. under 'the provisions of the act of June 3, I 1878. and aits amendatory, known as I in.. "Timber and Stone Law," at M,, vtiluo as might bo fixed by n P- pralKentent, and that, pursuant to i Bpl,calIollt ,l0 lftm, ttml ,i,bcr thereon have boon npprnlhed, the tJml)or estimated 38C0 posts, at C louts each, nnu tno ianu iou.uv, that said applicant will offor final lironf In Btinoort of hla anpHcatlon and Bworn Htatomont on tho 12th day ' . . IAOA Via f ava ltntlutirr Hoco,vor Bt uurn8, Orogon. Any person la nt liberty 10 pro tect lltia purcnae ooiuiu mij, i Initiate a contest at any tlmo boforo patont Issues, uy filing a corrobor ated affidavit In this ofilco, alleging wliliOi would defeat tho .Oltrry, I""" V.G. COZAD Register. NOTICE FOR PURUCATION J rxryw stateh land office lltirns. Oregon, Novombor ,21. 1919. ! vn'iMfP 1 linriiliv i'lvill tlint Italltll C. Reory, of Milwaukee, Oregon, who, on August 3. 1912. inndo Desert land Entry, No. 002C2. for NWU, Section 29, Township 24 S Rnngo 32 13., Willamette. Meridian, line filed notlco of Intention to mako Final I'rnnr. hv nurebnso under Act March 1 4, 1915, to establish claim to the 'land abovo described, begoro Rogla- ters and Receiver, at Hurns, Oregon, on Ihe 5th day of January, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles V. Reed, Metta M. Reed ot Narrows. Oregon, nnd Ray I). Stahl, Arthur D. Hahn, of llurna, Oregon. V, O. COZAD, Register. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Bums, Oregon, November 12, 1919. NOTICE Is hereby given that Chea ter Mace, of Burns, Oregon, who, on March 25, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 08020. for 8W SB, EVS SB, Sec. 32; SWVi NWVi, WVj SWVi Section 33, Township 20 8., Rnngo 30 E WlllaniQtto Medld Inn. hits filed notice of Intention to mako final threo-year Proof, to es titbllsh claim to tho land nbovo des- crlbod, beforo Register nnd Receiver, at Burns. Orogon, on tho 16th day of December. 1919 Claimant names as witnesses; Arthur Turner. Alex Hanloy. Honry ChrlsteiiBen. und Walter Maussey nt TlnniH. Oreuoll . V. G. COZAD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES' LAND OFFICE Burns. Oregon, November 24, 1919. . NOTICBIa horehy given that Pros- ton DoWItt, of Stintex, Oregon, who. Oil July 1, 1910, maue iion esiea i, ' 1 'i7 wb., ' lntrv No 08781. for Lots 1, -1 3, 4,.M!yi onwi 0 "J inij Soctio'ii 30 Towishlp 23 S.. Rnngo Section IB, Township 21 S.. Range 131 J 0 13.. WlUnmotte Meridian, has filed 31 E., Wlllamotto Morldlan, has filed ."".;, i.,tn..nn.. mnltn Vlnal' liotlco Of Intention tO llltlko Filial throe-year Proof, to establish claim 'three year Proof, to oatabllsh clulm to tho land abovo described, before; to tho land above described, boforo Itoelstor and Receiver, at Bums, Ore gon. 011 tho 30th day of Docombor, 1919. Claimant namos as witnesses: William Sturgls, Mrs. L. Sturgls of nurns, Oregon, aud Charles Frunies, and D. G. Cooper of Suntex, Orogon. Y. G, COZAD, Reglstor. LAND NOTICES Norma for publication Isolated Tmct Public Iiiinil Sale. Department Of The Interior U. S. LAND OFFICE at Hums, OruKon, Novombor 1, 1019, NOTICE Is hereby given that, as dir ected by the Commissioner of tho General Lund olllce, under provisions of Sec. 24GB, R. S., pursuant to tho application of Maggie Llowcr, Serial No. 010020, wo will offer at public sale, to tho highest bidder, but at not less than $2.60 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M on tho 15th day of December, 1919, next, at this oltlce, tho following tract of land: Lot 3, 813 U NWVi, Sec. 1, T. 22 S., R. 32 V& 13., containing 79.54 acres. This tract Is ordered Into market on a Mhowlng Hint tho larger portion thereof Is mountainous or too rough for cultivation. The nalo will not be kept open, but will ho doclurod closed when those present at the hour minted nave oeaned bidding. The poVson maklug the hlgest bid will be ruttlrud to Itnmodlntoly tmy to the Recotver the amount thereof. Aur DFraoHH claiming ndreraoly the above-deacrlbad land are advised to file their olaima, or objection, on or bufort tho time dutiunstud for ale. V. a. COZAD Register NOTICE FOR PURLIOATIO.V irvlTWn STATES LAVD OFFICE lM:RB ,mBn Poland ,Ch,,,.a, M".r UNIT un fcTAihb liA.MU u i ni-ii. wvm 10 0gh, m0lllj 0,i. Can Durus, Oregon. November 13, 1919.! im eit nt my phue. NOTlCI-r Is hereby glvt-n thut. n ll.if..r whniH rnkt-nlh,1,? " .. . ..Hilrua In Hiirnx. Orecoil. did. on tlm Mb day ot June. 1919. flic in this olllce Sworn Statemoitt and Ap- plication. No. 010490, to purchase tho SW'i, Soctlou 24. Township 21 S.. Range 32 13.. Wlllniuetto Mor- Idlait, und the timber thereon, under. the provisions of the act of Juno 3, ,cJ I .......n.L.tnrv lllinwn IIH tho "Timber nnd Stono Lnw," at Hitch value as might bo fixed by up prnlsemont, nnd thut, pursunnt to such application, tho land and timber thtjrcon have been appraised, thd Umber estimated 13C000 board feot at $2.00 per M, 400 posts, at Cc each, and 48 cords of wood at COc per cord, and the land $160.00; that said applicant will offor final proof In support or hla application aud sworn statement on the 17th duy ot Junuury, 1920, before Roglater and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest) this purchase beforo entry, or lnl- tlnto a contest at any tlmo beforo pntent issues, by tiling a corrobor- ated allldavit In this olllce, alleging facts which would dofeat tho oittry. V. G. COZAD Hoglntor NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tmct Public l4tntl Sulo Dcptiitiiieut of Tho Interior UNITED STATES LAND OFFIOE Burns, Oregou, November 11, 1919. NOTICE la heroby given that, na directed by tho Commissioner of the General Land office, under provis ions ot Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to. the application ot Robert J. McKlu nou, Serial No. 0998X, wo will offer at public eale, to tho highest bidder, but at not less than $2.25 per aero, ut 10 o'clock A. M., on the 29th day of December, 1919, next, at this office the following tract of lund: NVi NV5, Sec. 10, T. 22 S R. 30 B.'. W. M 160 acres. Thla tract la ordered into tho mar ket on a showing that the greater portion thereof Is mountainous or too rough for cultivation. The sale will not bo kept open, but will bo declared closed when those presont at tho hour named have ceased bidding. Tho person matting the -highest bid will bo required to Immediately pay to tho Receiver tho amount thereof, I Any persons clnlmlng ndvor3oly i'the above-described land are advised ta tilts tholMlalms. or objections, on 6r beforo the tlmo designated for ,-7 n nnv . 11 wnrriotiit NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Burns. Oregon. November 24, 1919.; suniM la.itereuy gnou u.ui r.. N. Groover, of nurns, Oregon, who. xrrnl nu 1 11 inr .11 ir vnn t lint- w.ii. u u y Register and Recolvor, at Burns Oro gon, on tho 29th day of Decomber, 1919. Claimant namos as witnesses: Nino Molvln. 8. Claud Molvln, B. B. Molvln, and Holou F. Molvln all ot Burns, Oregou. V4 G. COZAD, Register. .0, 1 notlco. LAND NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION NOTICE OK HEARING UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Rums, Oregon', November IS, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given thtit Wll mlnno A. King, of Burn, Orogon, who on July 22, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 08S17, for NE'.i NEVi. See. 32; EV6 V, V NWU. NWVI SBV, Seotlon 33, Township 21 S., Range 30 13 Willamette Mer idian, has filed notice of Intention to mnko Final threo-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above decsrlbcd, boforo Register and Re ceiver, at Burns, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of December, 1919. Claimant nnmes as witnesses: John V. Ilreedlovo, Clyde Mulkoy, Robert J. McKinuon and Robert D. linker, all of Hums, Oregon. V. G. COZAD Register FOR SALE HAY FOR SaLE Oregon & West ern Colonisation Compahy has 10 tons of hay two miles emft of Chna. Mcl'lieeters. and t tons at Oltinana west of Harney for sale ut $18.00 i :tr ton, parties wishing to buy will please write 11. V. Johnson, at Prlnevllle. Oregon. 12-13-20 FOR SALE Pure hrort White Wyan dotte cockerels, $3.00 uach. two for $6.00. Mra. W. M. Btewart. Hunts. Oregon. ll-2tf tf. C. U. VOKOTLY The Robert Oleu iMitcti In Scctlmi -n, i. r,.. u..r?s r.., ir r . tft2l)lU rush. . vI.m. I'.M.utt,. ; For Sale 700 lb. Tubular suction feo j siinrpless Cream Separator, ,v nuwchas Wilson. UOUriy IIOW. Ulltt. Vt IIBUII. k-oii ri vThn James McMauus H' Statu of Oregon as recited In r Lm, i q: 11 n IS t ' Chapter 357, General Laws of Ore F 30 acVesfofTcolod: Kon! 1917. providing for the organlz U. -4 h., 3-u acres. ior uUo, a-(l munagement of Irrigation BARBER SHOPS Trompt sorvico aai courteous treatment will always bo aciordod pAtrout. of tho Burns Kotol Barber Shop. Baths at any hour of tho d,i. O. W. Simmons, Pron. LOST Lost A. M. Prlnglo lost an Elk's charm recently while In Burns or posslblly at tho OO ranch. A sull- niilu reward will be paid If It 1 rmiJht to The Times-Herald! brought to The J "'co- I LOST Steol squuro between the Boil A ranch und Alex Hanley's ranch. Sultublo reward for Its return. GEO. W. YOUNG. 10-Utf. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY In tho Matter of tho Estate ot FJor anco Crowley, deceased, Notlco la hereby given that the undersigned baa filed hla final ac count herein nnd that the Hon. II. C. Levens, County Jtldgo, has set Monday, December 8th at ten o'clock A. M, at hla Qti.ce In Burns, Oregon, as tho time and place for hearing objections hereto. All persona havr lug objections to said uccouut ure hereby notlflod to appettr at the, tlnie nnd pluco abovo named. . TIM CROWLEY Administrator of tho estutu of Flor anco Crowley, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS XfntlnA I., rrtlfrtlt Hint Mm' miller. . . , b ' , , . UI)ointeJd ad- nilnlatrntrlx of tho estato of William . H. Krzlsko, deceased, by the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Hurnov Comity. All persons having lelalms against said estato are hereby j notlllod to present them, duly vorl- ' ""i".. w,w w- " " " ... , nurnoy County. Oregon, wlth- ,n 8,x m01ltg from tll0 dlUo of thla Datod this Cth day of Docombor, LENA YARIEN Administratrix NOTICE IS HhRBBY UIVEN, That the following petition praying for the orgnnlatlon of an trrignton district to uttllzo the waters of Stlvtes River, llnUnn Proolf niul T-'nlnV SlfUcll. Will . bo prosentod to the County Court of Harnoy County. Oregon, ut the t Pntirt L Room of said Court, in minis. Oregon, at Ten O'clock, A. M.. of Wednesday, tbo 7tlt nay oi januury, 1920, Hamo being the first duy of tho regular January 1920 Term of aald Court. Dated Hurna, Orogon, this 23th day of November. 1919. CHESTER DALTON. (Seal.) County Clork, Harney County, Oregon. IN' THE COUXTV COURT OF HARN13V COUNTV, OREGON" PETITION FOR AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT TO U13 PRESENTED TO THE COUNTV COURT OF tmtN'KV COUNTY. STATE OF OREGON. UNITED STATES OK' 8" " ' AMERICA. ON THE 7TH DAY and 30. niZ?V OK JANUARY. 1920. In fownnhlp 24 South. Range 3- TO THE HONORAI1LK COUNTY East. W. M.: 'COURT OP HARNEY COUNTY: ! All Sec. 1. J. 3. 4. 6. 6. Lotal We. the undersigned cltlens of the j, 7, ttmi g of Sec. 7, being the NB United State, roimtltutlng, n mHjor-(0f gee. 7; all Sec. 8. 9. 10, 11, II. Ity of the owner of land within the u, n, 15, 28. f8, 24. 16; EVt and liouudarlos a hereinafter descrllied. NWVi Sec. SO; or who are jiona fide chtlmunta to containing In all 4..0I acre, unoccupied hind under tho lawn ofmort op lwt( acoortlfnx to tha gov tho Uniteil suite, or of the Stato of trnmnt tUrvey thereof; Oregon, all being duly qualified elec-, conformity with tha tow tors un.fer the law of the State ' ,H. Sir the lawe of the StoU Oron for organising Irrigation dU-1' d U"d'r V'T! PBTITION irlu. being desirous of forming an of Oregon, und OUR PBTITlOK- Irrlcatlon dm t not embracing tho laud hereinafter designuK-d within the boui.darli hori'inarter ttvmriiiert ana s.'t forth, and unlUIng the water of tho Silvio Klvr. Foley Slough and Poison Crok for the purpoae of Irrl gutlon and the reclamation of said lands, do hereby petition your Hon orablo Court as follows: That It Is tho purposo of the un dersigned petitioners to 0 ran n I re an Irrigation district tumor nun ny vir tue of the Irrigation district laws of dlstrlcts: and That Your Honorablo Court do pro claim n district as sot forth herein)' designating tho name of said dis trict; dividing said district Into three subdivisions and defining tho boun daries thereof; aud That Your Honorablo Court pro-, ceed, with Huch dispatch as may be under said law to cull an election for the purposes abovo set forth and do , all things nocossary under said law, for the formation of said district. , designating tho time and places for, voting at said election; and Thut tho boundaries and descrip tion of Inud under said district shall he as follows, to-wtt. Ueglt-nlng at the northwest corner SlJcUol 4 rovtmMv j South. Uunge 31 Bust. Willamette Meridian. be as follows, to-wlt: Jn ilurnoy County. Oregon; thonco east along norm lino 01 aces, t mm 3 to N. E. corner of Sec. 3; thonco southeast to S. E. corner of tho NEW NWV4 of Sec. 2; thence, northeast to tho N. W. comor of Sec. ll thence along tho north lino of Sec. 1 to tho N. E. corner of Sec. 1, all In tho same town and range; thonco caBt along north lino ot Sees. 0 and 5 in Township 23 South,, Rango 32 East. W. M to tho N. E.I corner of said Sec. 5; thonco south to I the eatt quarter corner of said Sec: 6 ; thence southeast to tho S. E. cor-1 ner of 8ec. 4 ; thence east on tho line ( between Sees. 3 and 10 to the S. E. cornet of Sec. 3; thonco south to the east quarter corner of Bald Sec. 10; ' thence east along tho center lluo . through Sees, 11 and 12. to the east quarter corner of Sec. 12, all lu tho same township and range, and being to a point on tho range line between ranges 32 and 32 East', W. M.; thence south along said rango lino to tho S. E. comer ot Section 25, Town ship 24 South, Rauge 32 East, W. M.; 1 thonco west aloug the north Hue of' Sec. 3fi, to tho north quarter comor j nt See. 35! thence north to tho con-1 ter of Sec. 2G; thonco west to tho ' ' . . o OT. 1 east quarter corner 01 aw. theiico. north to tho N. E. corner of, Sec. 27; thonco west along tho north' lluo of Sec. 27 to the N. W. corner ( ihhrnof : thonco north along the west 1 lino of Sees. 22 and 15, to the N. W. . - - ' - comor of said Soc. 16; thonco west During Uto cold wcathor car own along tho north lino of Sees, lb and . ors Bi,0Mm UB0 iionfroozltig soluttou 17 to tho N. W. corner of Sec. 17iinml wvoW froz0n radiators. It ia thonco north on lino betweon Socs. ;s0,a n, i,nu,p8i,iro's Garage. 7 nnd 8. to east quarter corner of - ....... m Soc. 7; thonco west t6 tho centor of Soc. 7; thenco north to tho north quarter comor of Sec. 7: thonco wear to the S. W. comor of See. C ; thonco j north aloug west lino of Sec. 0 to , tho N. W. comer thereof, all in Bald , Township 24 South, Rango 32 Boast; thonco wost along tho Bouth lino of Sees. 3C. 35. and 34, Township 23 "South, Rungo 31 East, to tho east bank of tho Sllvloa River, being near tho S. E. comor of Sec. 34; thonco moqiidorlng tho east bank of said river lu n northwesterly direction, to tho S. W. comor of Seo. 1C, said Township 23 South, Rango 31 .East; thonco north along tho west lino of (Sees, 1G, 9 and 4 to tho N. W. cor- ner of Sec. 4, tho plare of beglttiltngr. Thot the land ttmbrowl Wtthiii th a! oo described boumiariea WW prise tha following, to-wit: In Townhlp 23 South, Ran 1 Hast. W. M.: All Sec. l: 84 Md B i N au rt of loU 1, . 3. and 4. Befl. 1 ; part IK "lit. PU, NtnU. NVV H NKtt.RHd all 3m 3. 4. 9. 10. 11. l. i. )ot"s r,. C. 7 and S. of S 21. being an 0r mild section east of U Hlver; 13, NWVi. "Mi H. SWVi and" lot 2 of Sec. 22, being all of said Boctlon east oi sum """ Sees. 23. 24, 25, 2fi, KK NK. NWA, NI3A and lots 8, 9, 10 anil 11 or Sec. 27, being nil of said rgo tlon oust' of said river; NEVi, NEVi NWVi. NEVI SB',, and lots 8. 9. 10 and 11 of Sec. 35, being all of said section oast of said river, and nil Sec. 3C. In Township 23 South, Rnngo 32 East, W. M.: The southwost threo-fourtlm of tho 8W14 and the SWV! SBU . Sec 4. till Sow. 5 und fi; N H anil 13 813 U Sec. 7. nil Sees. 8. 9, 10. SV Sc. 11; SH See. 12; all sees, is, 11, i. , !. .! .10LSV. ,4 "A ns WILL KVEU PRAY. NAMES OF LAND OWNBJU; H. M. Horton Mr. Lydlii B. Browning Tho. E. Browning C. L. Sperling Frank Trlakn Chrtt Berg A. C. Welcome Fred Luuaherg (1. W. Clevonger Mrs. Lola Millar Jack Johnston T. II. Short Frank Shod J. C. Welcome Jr W. E. Huston Owen Mulligan Mrs. Anna Sperling 1). P. Jordan E. R. WllllamH A. H. Gngo Frank D. Sawyer O. L. Shlngledecker Frank Williams J. T. Buker Frank Whiting " C. D. Howard J. II. Bunyard F. L. Swearlngen Paul Howes Harry Howoll Joaae L. Roberta J. L. Taylor Alhort Woeil O. L. Ousch W. J. MoKlunla M. V. Bttok W. A. Wnllaco L. R. Wllfong Ada Wllfong Oscar West Alfred West Scott Hayes 0. W. Clark 1. B. Clark G. W, Plckleslmer T. C. iWlfong Andrew Irwin i Ray B. Travis Andrew P. Hall Terrenco J. McDonald J. M. Swcok & Compauy Schwartz & Budolninn Annlo M. McKluzlo George L. Bovans M. B. Hayes John Back Brick Haanit ad Fred Halnea Ethol Haines A. R. Dyrd Estnto C. A. Byrd 1 Julian Byrd .- Madgo Leonard ) T. G, Howser P. G. Williams Nelson E. Pardee Petor Clemons, Jeuuio Clemens Beret Back 13. 13. Purington J. A. Eberlo P. S. Wltteithlllor Wlttenhlller & Allen IIelC3 FURS ARE HIGH Everywhere trappers ate making big money. Arc YOU one of them? IT PAYS TO TRAP We are paying top-notch pricei. Tiy u fan 1 5 1 you II be well California boyt under 18 nerd no license. Send (or Free Price Liit todny. E. R. Skinner &Co. Box 123 1121 Front St., Saicraucuto, Citif. "1 '