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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1919)
r o v T V o it k CJ () X Saliiiif-iw flerrmlMv j 1UGK K"'!1T w f( p f T : ; . . ... , $M The Gift ff Gifts There is no better gift for the ambitious boy or girl than the gift of saving. And saving is largely a matter of getting started right. That is where you can help. A dollar or more deposited in this bank will start a savings account for your boy or girl, or some young friend. And the pass-book, with its first entry, will makca great hit on Christmas morning. In after years your gift will have repaid itself a thousandfold. Step in next time you're passing. We have something of real interest to say to you on the gift of saving the gift of gifts. A3 l.i tiilTttit art fining forward hi oiiri-lty. i Mr. nml Mm. ff. W. UlRtca have rp turntvl from tliolr trjp to Portland mid other outside points. Itobt. Drlnkvmter wan up from Criuio Thursday, bronkttiR the trail up following tho hlK snow storm. Several drirts nmdo hard goliig for hlrt car but ho followed the highway a part of tin- distance. i 81" r '" mdniaii and family now ,oc-u, riios SteplieiVa renldonco. JAustn It a point to bo away llfrom ii i-.m during tho procosn of inovliiB 1 n v inn tho work to the other members or tho futility. Von Ktnbroo and his mother wero up from tliolr homo In Sunsot tho foro part of this week. Van said It had been very cold down there but I tho snow had not fnllon to any great depth at that time. Court Itoportor Walker camo over from Ontario this week to rcmimo his work In taking testimony In tho tax easo wherein tho Eastern Oregon Live Stock Co. appealed from tho Hoard of Equalization on the findings for their taxes. HriiWr'i Uert MmW win down from his rniieh on Cow Creek tho other day. Ho is kept quite close to tho ranch thoso days looking after his stock and tho ranch. B mm First Bums, Oregon I . . LOCAL HAPPENING, P. S. Welttonhlljor was up from Crauo during tho last of the week. E. N. Nol?on was In town Tuesday after his roall and to do somo trad " lug. Harold and Lester Cawlfleld wero over from their home at Van Sunday. i John Wlnlermoier was down from bis home In Sllvlos valley during tho week. ' Edward Southworth has been over from his Dear Valley homo during tho wevk. Snow drifts are preventing tho usual traffic theso days but wo can stand It so long us wo have some wood. As one prngraphr aptly put It HoliL C. Enos was ovor from Silver tliure nro about 4.000.000 raanons Creek tho llrst of this week making why tho "Uedu" will not control tho proof on his land. It. J. Williams Unltod State). And their nanio is camo over ns ono wltnoM for him and Legion. Dell nibble was another. Tho outgoing mall stago Wednes- Choster H. Smith and family bavo day night didn't get far out toward moved to Ontario whero they will Crauo before it found snow drifts of roslde. Word of tills movo was sent such size ns to dlscourago It and It in this week. Chester and family turned around and camo back to hud beou living at Crauo for a short Hums. tlnio. ONLY S More Shommid Pays JL JLr .1 I "r.ttM. 1 FOUR-IN- HANDS KNIT CRAVATS GLOVES tr SPEAKING OF FAMILY "TIES" If the youngsters wear out Dad's why not give him half a dozen new ones? SUIT I CASES MHwairniTysesa SHIRTS BOWS DRESS CRAVATS SOCKS mtlmtmn Clothing Company E H Censor of tho Klrst National Uank left hero Sunday for outside points on biiNliiL'ss. Ho went from hero to l.nkevlow and expected to go from there by train to Ontario whero lie was to meet some men nml ho may later extend his trip to Portland. A. M. Taylor, P. L. S. Co. ranch man, In charge of the ranches for Oregon, was In town yesterday for a short tltn-. Sir. Taylor makes his home nt tlm Agency ranch but Ii nl most (i Ktuntly mi the move from one will to another all ovV Eum- em Oregon. I The fui'l Munition seems rather ! Iia 1 outside, but hero wo have some wood, that Is soma people have. This shop Is not overly supplied with fuel. I however, and would tako some on bark subscription. Tho thermometer registers minor low inosu nays ior a slim woodpile. Cold weather doosn't make much difference with somo of the truck, men connected with the state high- j way work. Even though tho work on tho highway bo closed down be- j cause of frozen ground the trucks find other ililngs to do and keep busy nt least somo of them do. Wm. Dyram mid his son Charley came over from tho Henr Vnluy ranch Thursday with more cattlo which they will feed at tho l)r. Grif fith ranch Just below town. Mr. liyram btated to friends In this city that they suffered considerably from the cold while coming over. ltev. I). S. Hughes went to Crane Sinu'.uy whero ho conducted .service tliiit night and Intended to go out nil tho train the following day fon Port land whero ho wub to attend an Im portant church conference but the train didn't go nor did it go out thoj following duy uutil afternoon, so tho preacher man camo homo. The way trains are running theso days ho llgurod he'd just about get to Port laud In time to turn around and comu back, o PAID LOCALS. GENTLEMEN w When considering suitable Christmas Gifts for your wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, sweethearts, come to this store and inspect the line of exceptional values fx Pi 5 SILK BLOOMERS, SILK STOCKINGS, SILK VESTS ETC., ETC. MRS. E. F. SCHWARTZ 'Masonic Building 9 5 4 0 i HP he Money Question ML m is one that dominates the home Those who wisely live within an income rarely have to live with out one. There is one' simple guarantee against .future poverty and de pendence, on others, and that is a savings account. As little as one dollar will open a savings account with us, on whicn 4? interest is paid. "No Account Too Small For Us" Harney County National Bank Resources over Half Million Six cylinder Buick Car 1919 model in first class con dition for sale at a bargain. Apply at once. Wm. Farre. Now Christmas novelties for ladles anil children arriving dally at Mrs. E, t Schwartz's store. When sick go to King's hospital. Dost equipped surgery in the Interior and gruduuto nurse In charge. ll-22tf. Order your fruit cakes for Thanks giving and tho holidays now, Call at Page's Sweet Shop and sample thorn, 11-1 ri!K KIIIST NATIONAL HANK OK IJUIl.N'H. CAPITAL AND SUItPLUS UIO.OOO. "THE HANK THAI MAKES YOUK H S $ S ICCOI NTS INVITED. - 1 .W Will there VICTROL A mate. Buy Her a new piecs of PY-RA-LIN Ivory Christmas Books & Latest Fiction of All Kinds All the latest colors in Box STATIONERY LOWNEY'S CHRISTMAS CANDY REED BROTHERS Headquarters for mm. fiAb'K." Keep Prosperity at Home this Christmas. Sports in the Snow GET THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT We have the goods for all kinds of sports if it is to your liking to get the benefit nature provides for you in the great climate of winter by the vigorous exercise needed at that time. SPORTING GOODS Steel and wood runner sleds and skates are on sale here at the lowest possible prices consistent with the quality you demand. Our goods are guaranteed and their service will please you, C. H. VOEGTLY "The Hardware Man" i The Hums Garngo lyis ordered lfte additional Uolco-Light plants for I local distribution. If you contoin ! plate the pun imse of your own light ing plant, see the Buriu Garngo bo fore thoy aro nil taken.- Adv. tf Patlonts rorelvo tho best of caro at the Fircoved Muternlty Hospital, rilK FIKST NATIONAL HANK OP ItUItNH. OAP1TAI, AND SUItPLUS 100,000. "TUB HANK THAT MAKES YOUK $ $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. - - - - - - 4TTc-H S Jk4&L vw; vwn niPLSmi mmms av i i 3& REDUCTION on ALL MADE-UP Millinery Some good Values are shown which will be of interest to patrons 3 We Court Public Opinion ON PRICE AND QUALITY OF GROCERIES . . We established our business on the principle ,Qf, being fair with our customers, giving them full walue for the' mone'ythey leave wftji us. " ' . ' ; We have continued that policy throughout the years we have y been serving you, and we are pursuing it more persistently than ever in this exasperating era of price inflation today. In our efforts to keep prices as near normal as possible we are selling at a closer margin of profit than ever before. But we NEVER lower the standard of our goods. age. On this high plane of commerciality we solicit your patron- We take LIBERTY BONDS AT PAR IN EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE Farmers 'Exchange Burns, Oregon Mrs. Lelah Millar At the Schwartz Store A. OTTINGER, Proprietor N ATE FRANKLIN, Manager j