Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1896)
—We arc glad to learn that Mrs. H. E Thompson is still improving.. —Mrs. Goodman, mother of She has Been a very sick woman, Austin Goodman, came in from and in fact, many of her friends thought her recovery, at one time, Baker City laBt Monday evening. j» tha Foundation of the Wonderful Cures by Hoad’» Sarsaparilla. —Rev. Jones will preach at the doubtful. That Is Why the cures by Hood’s Sar Riley school house, on Silver creek, saparilla are C ubes . th') third Sunday of each month. That is Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures For Sale Or Trade. I —Tom Allen is now general manager, in this county, for the —100 acres of fine fruit land in cattle firm known as the Harding 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene A Riley company. Oregon,! mile west of Spenser Horses — Dr. Cate is kept pretty bus/j Butte. Lots at $400 each The universal good dentistry done and cattle part pay on each lot if by him has gained for the Dr. a the purchaser so desires. For fur ther information inquire at this lasting reputation. office. —Win Waters, our lately elected assessor, returned from his visit to AMarvalona Iliaeovery Free. friends in different sections of the AM OLD AMD W.LL-T k ICD R e MKDY.—Mr«. svrup hu been uaed ’ for Willamett valley the latter part o' Wtndalow’a soothing inLu.of “lothV/ifSTfh eh I over fifty year, by miU_____ *— last week. children while teething, withperfect aucceaa. I . I —The Sunday morning sermons, at the church, by Rev. Jones are very short, so as not to weary his hearers this hot sleepy weather,and also that they may reach home in time for the noon meal. I Rich Red Blood Additional Locals ItaiMithea the child, .often, the guma, allay, all pain, cure, wind colic, and it the beet reine edy for Diarrheoea. I. ple.aant to the ta.te Sold l>y Druggi.t. In every part of the world. 1 Twenty-rtvecent. a bottle, it. value it invala table. Be .are and ark for Mr». Windalow’a Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. I BURNS, OREGON. MRS. R. D. 8CHEIBER, Proprietress. the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum , The Hotels are now under cne mansgrmerit. The proprietress ha. and o.her blood diseases. few equals and no superiors in her vocation. fs Why it overcomes That Tired Feeling, strengthens the nerve3, gives energy in place of exhaustion. That is Why the sales of Hood’s Sar saparilla have increased year after year, | until it now requires for its production t fW“ Parties desiring regular board arc requested to consult the the largest Laboratory in the world. Transient Rates $150 to $2 Per Day. | Landlady. Sarsaparilla I» the only True Blood Purifier proini- nent’yiath0 pubUc today- aure to git Hood’, «nd only Hood’s. Hnnd ’ 3 q I P .¡13 ’!1< €347 r”T lu ” effect. b',T- **" ,n “k* I 2Ó cenia. TONS 0 RIAL PARLOR, ROBINSON A How’s This? BRICK MASON, PIASTER- Xtiv au I WALTON 1 B D McINTYRE, Burna, Oregon. I We offer One Hundred Dollars P roprietors , —The Emmett Index, published Reward for at y case of Catarrh in Emmett, Canyon county, Idaho, that can not be cured by Hall's Ca Everything in their line guaranteed reports in its issue of the 13th inst. i tarrh Cure. to be done satisfactorily. a rich »trike made by James B. F. J. C heney , & Co. Propts., Veneering box, or frame houses almost as cheap as rustic and Blain, in the mining district near f Toledo, O. Bathes at all hours. much more comfortable—makes a solid wall, durable, very warm in the place known as the Willow and .vinter and cool and pleasant in summer. We the undersigned, have known Rock creek mining district F J Cheney for 15 tears, and be Parties not conversant with the Veneering process and want a lieve him perfectly honorable in all —Subscribers to the Burns Times nicely finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr. Mclntvre before finishing with rustic. who e names are not en the H erald business transaction and financially GEO. s. SIZEMORE, subscription list,and do not desire 1 able to carry out any obligations ATTORNEY, to have their names added to the I1 made by their firm. B urns , .............................. O regon . West and Truax, wholesale drug Collectons, Land business, and Kea) ( H erald list will please so inform Estate matter promptly attended to. us. Otherwise their names will be gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin. taken and considered bona fide sub Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. scribers to the H erald , and re ERR a T hicks , j . w biggs . Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- I sponsible for the subscription. C anyon C ity . B urns . I ternally, acting directly upon the Hicks & Biggs —M ¡ hb Ida Roberts, once a resi blood and mucous surfaces of the [ I dent of Burns but noy of Malheur, system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold I [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I and a young lady friend, we have by all druggists. Testimonials free. Offices at Canyon City and Burns Proorietor. not vet learned her name, were 'A. C Worthington Hall’s Family Pills are the best. visiting Mr. and Mrs. I) L. Grace .DEALER IN, last week. Miss Roberta is a sister DRUGS. BOOKS. STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES of Mrs. Grace. We are informed TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. s b M 'i I JOHN r. STRETTO» the young ladies went from here to A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection» CELEBRArEc ruysician <y ssurge^n. visit friends in the lake neighbor Nuts and fruits. hood . A graduate of the Iowa State gW"Mail orders promptly filled. ’ BANJOC, ''ì'5Jr£' WlUnal« Dral'n la All linda«) University and College of Physi-1 1 he Weekly Oregonian and T he MUSICAL A»! ” ISF, Guitta» Banloe. Mnnrfnbnn, Accordrcr.., cians and Surgeons. [ H erald for only two dollars a year. , Ha moni a». «c., all kmj» ot Strino«,. tc .efc. Office at residence in Burns. • NEW Vl'KK. Subscribe or renew at once and se I cure your county paper and the I 1 1 t most newsy weekly published in JOHN F. STRATTON’S this slate Every intelligent read Celebrated Russian Gut NEW YORK WORLD. er cannot help but see the advan Violin Strings tage of getting two papers for the 'I he Finest in the World. The Twice-a-w< eek Edition of the 1 very String Warranted. price of one. We hope our sub- New Yo.’k W’orld has lieen convert-' John F. Slrilton,”^.'*- •crihars will see the point and give It fur Srnu n.r Hl I. 813. 815. 817 E. 9th St. ed into the Thrice a-week. us a call. NIW YORK. Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . I or eighteen pages every week, at the old price of One Dollar a year. Fare One way 17.50. Round trip 115.00. This gives 156 pa|>er a year for One | Dollar and every pa|>er has 6 pages Through freight 3|cts. a pound. eight columns wide or 48 columns | Two days nt ice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches wil ' in all. The Thrice-a-week World be furnished for passangers. H. A. Williams, Proprietor is not only much larger than any weekly or semi weekly newspaper, but it furnishes the news with much greater frequency and promptness. In fact it combines HUNTINGTON, OREGON. all the crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive special features of a weekly. Arrangement» have bee. ade bv which we can furnish th't per and the Thrice a-Week N * fork Proprietor H. M. HORTON, Worldboth for $2 25 a rear. Take advantage of this ofler a .1 get ynur c .... : local —; paper and . the own t TM.-^ « Thrice a-U eek World at this special DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINKS rsto. T he H krai . d . I i i STATIONERY’. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom PIONEER DRUG t« ÎF • Burns Ontario STORE. Stage Line. THE O. C. CO. Sold more goods in 1895 than any other House in Eastern Oregon! WHY? K k c ""1’ ana More Goods for a Dollar Than Ever Before* A FA NCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. All good» lower in Price —Send or call on them. Strictly one Price. ARI . t u 3 »a E j Get Their Prices • J | ’ Fine Wines & Bi A-AVAiEWirtvrNìnwnn. S Hwrv.a i aihì te xn IniwiC L W Car» Dar PII m . . ior >|. -, ■ H ■ <■<>«>. AiMtvss“ A MKEsra.1» ■ WM VlMWAJw» \ur» QU Liquors for Medical Purposes ____ | Prescriptions accurately compounded. • First Class Dental Work Dons.