Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1896)
BURNS, HARNEY OOUNTY, OREGON, JULY 22 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report 1 is a strong udidate to begin with, and that be*wiU constantly grow to w» Denver. Julv 18.— A special to i ¡he pi bi . srf r.) E’KRY WEDNESDAY the Republican from Maniton, Col , Teller wil_not permit the use of, BY says: All of the silver men i w his name aythe St. Louis Populist | Tr. ù. BYRD a SON. I are to confer on the great question (>r yq]ver >8. Pu> LT*.I RS AND PROPRIETORS. i of how best to unite the silver forces • r.*' and bling glorious victory out of SUScCKII TION RATES: ool Was Sold this campaign of the people against ABSOLUTELY i One ear ............................. »2.W 'lx J oiith* .......................................................... 1.00 the gold monomttallisis are now Th-et Mon b'i.... 75 Four or nve buyers were at Elgin, here. The members of the confer H -: ALL CLUB LIST in Wallowa county, last week, and UeralJ M <1 .-arpei Magazine I.’.......... ?.. 5,00 H Weekly Weekly ................... 5.20 ence present include Senators Tell ■'erald i i.i -b.riet i/.rj ei ’ ’ « . remained there several days hut / era!.’ « id Etirpet 's Bazar.......................... 5.2t1 er, of Colorado; Mantle, of Mon I'eraL ‘4 Harper's Young People .. X75 none of thaw were able to consum Manifold Cyclopedia,. ,2.W tana; F'?r«ir. Pettigrew, of South Dakota, al v lume after Vol. I 55 cantai «oh 1 mate any deals with the growers, u ver i «lume, pontage. 0 ee n and Dubois, of Idaho1 Congress- as there wqre no offers made that t.< plea >f all 1 tie a box c workacan be e x • mnn Ilurtninn of m. 1 a n n * W11 in niiT. Mt 'eianre in <he Reading Room. man ii an man, oi .Montana, vvnson, would i nd dee the wool men to part I o ’ Idaho; Burchinal, of West Vir AND with their product. A represents-1 ft -Pr.M ahera if periodicals areaolicited .« VS a • _ mill *11* i , I acné fiubt -ig rati«. a < eTpyoî'Veïrw ginia, and Shafroth, of Colorado, .• tiue of e> the Pendleton scouring ,. R —We file and bind the gar Fn- »Ke land Hon. A. M. Stevenson, of Col- 1 - offered ■ to I I lutter r. ek. of eve-y half-volume, e'><J n<*v and oriereo lU ■ * a lopiea ir aDoitigc aei.t. lorado. • ■ ‘ was on the ground, anu make advances ©n 1 The party got together in the' did not attempt to make any pur looms of Senator Dubois tonight chases. The warehouse at Elgin is 4* s and informally talked over the sit MANUFACTURER OF THE WELCOME TREE jammed full, and some wool is neh »1 äf »2.50 »5.00 »8 00 »11.00 »15.00 » s 04 4.0(1 6.50 12 OJ 18.00 28.00 uation, discussing every phase of i I stored in other buildings Buyers A 5i j.oe 8.00 15.00 24 00 40 00 4 51 6 0C m oo 20.00 32.00 i 4 4 50.00 it, each efferii.g suggestions as how have been bidding ?t Elgin for 500,- i* col. 6 »IX 15.00 28.00 48.00 54.00 80.00 120 00 best to promote the cause for which 1' <• 111 oc 28.00 48.00 000 p iundl i' Wallowa wool, slight | 20 IS 40.00 60.00 110.00 140.00 I 11 are figh in ». shrinkage stly, for part of which ( Senator Ti Iler submitted a di aft Gj cents w JOB WORK iffered, says the Pen- i of an address to the people which d h ton Eaq <t O-egonian. The own ' jt r v 'kv.uZpthm executed with neatuciu tint •patch, «t reifiunabie rate*. ue hail prepared, and Senator Du ers are holding for 9 cents, con | 4*8, Pamphlet» pCB hois also offered some additional sequently Leiter Heada, sales were made. e Hearla, enu, Card«, Tiegel«, mi- a, itatlviif. lUggestione to be embodied in the Dodger«, Lie. The wooE^roui the surrounding kept »regularly on file for re pronunciair.ento. country is about all in now, and >. r. Rowell Newspaper A<1 Senator Teller . stated to the re-1 10 sprpee at.. New York. aggregate** vwy nearlv 8,000,000- present»tive ef the Republican that, i ' pounds, says The Dalles Times I although they had canvassed the' 4L DIRECTORY iwka > - - OREGON. , | situation pretty thoroughly, they I Mountaineer. Keep constantly on hand a supply of tine Liquors and Cigars X ITIONAL: would not Lcjready to give the ad-[ 1C'»? ........... .......... Grover cievelant1 Stockmen Reported Killed. e»- A t. Adlai Steveugji d e s to the pre-s until Sunday -----THEY HAVE ALSO — p •y of Hate .... Ricliar., S, Olney i. rt .»? Treat urv John G. Carlisli evening. It will be quite a lengthy r> ef liter lor Hoke Stnitb Word has just been received from r* ,>f .','rr Fine MONACX Bllliari Tab\o Duuiel S. Lui.iou document and will contain about Hi r Nav Hilary A. Herber: Canyon City, says the Baker City •ry ' Czrii lit tire J. Sterling W.frtot 2500 words, fully setting forth the Juels. » IIurto.H between the iFt W tn. 1. 1 wiiBou 8 iuadon and conditions which.con- Democrat, of a fight ON: I cattlemen of the Izee country and frotit them and which influence G. W. Mcltrlde I > t ' 4 the sheepmen of Crook county, in J. II.Mitchell. | p es ntaction. I Binger Hertnant i They will unequivocally endorse which two sheepmen and one cattle t W. K. Eilig 4. M, idleinau i man were killed. The particulars Win 1- Lord . Bryan and Sewall, giving in detail . 1, R Kin. ala •ter Phil. Meleehai. I heir r?asons therefore and outlin I of the fight were not received, furth- 1 Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of .’ubile Primer w it i | ing wliat they believe to be the best er than that it was a conflict over 1 R. 8. Bean. for the silver the range of the South Fork coun I C. Wolvertoi i line nf campaign J F. A. Moore j forces. They e tch express the hope try Another messenger brings the Jf URTAI. DISTRICT. was ^e same sheep- D . M. I». ( LIFFOki. that, the populist convention at St. | ne'v8 ^,a*' a I4U >7.................. . . C. W. Parriah. men that had their wagons and •»or ut t atlve (R) . O. L. 1'attei«on. Louis ns well as the silver oonven .'teUO therejFisllla-g' Taoki.s And Sporting Good.». I ................ (R)............... A. W.(Iowan lion will indorse the nominee of the I Provii|ions destroyed over 1 COUNTY—HAMM BY : Chicago convention, hue they are several weeks ago. « iige .............. C. P. Rurlieriord. EF”rinware and Firearms promptly Repaired. '.R) H Ki e v • |.ot particularly enthusiastic over ' R) J. C. Welcome ■ I) TA. McKinnon Burns, Oregon. the present prospects from the pop TWO FOR ONE. '■Wil. ■ (D) A . J. McKinnon 4 »e‘ lor .(D).. S.w. Millet ulists None of them will attend 'rimol Siii-.t.ub, .-ndeut ..(D) W. C. Bin! I n«t»> et or ... Ge®. Tregaskia the St. Louis convention.. Send for free sample and judge (D) ( A B. Marke ni»; ! ura (P) ( Geo. Hagey thereby. The E. O. H erai ... d and H A k Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both LAND OFFICI: Senator Teller’s Attitude. one year fur $2. Thomae loner 1 ... A. A. Cowing The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8 page D enver , July 14.—Senator Teller paper, issued each Thursday. has returned to Denver from Mani Largest in size,cheapest in price, STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor .1! - L ’ • in news,all “ ‘ large*typc' _ A - reliable SOCIETIES. tou, where he has been in conference most with Senator Dubois, of Idaho, and plain print, . .. good white paper. If • EPEKAH Degree No. t3. -------- r —r”*” M t u ••. •ry I »t ar.d M Wednesday. ’ i our readers want another live paptr, Congressman Hartman,of Montana, ■.. u. . . .--------- •• Mill 1-e'a McGee !».(». — ■ ’' the Enquirer is that paper. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Ham Motherahead. Rec. Sec’y. g to the couiee the silver Republic* Call or send orders to this office. . _____ ■- in the ------------- l’ - , am* »hail pursue approaching C. ’•V. Burua Ixrdge, No 47 campaign. They have postponed: '■! rt®e~iry. 4 and 4th Thnradav« H M Horton, M. W theii confer* nee until other silver | J w Sayer, Rac'd ..... I - - senators can arrive. They will; Six weeks ago I suffered with a ixypcK. so. n, io o f . almost unable *» 4*0 auijvBv uiiauie ' ’ probably then issue a statement of very severe cold; was Fellvwa Hsll, every 8sturds>. My friends all advised *^ Cou,teoU8 treatment guaranteed. to speak. 1 ______ W C. Byrd. N. <i. heir poriti n Your patronage solicited H. I>. McIntyre, Seey. me to consult apysician. Noticing Senator Teller makes no conceal- 1 ment of his intention to support Chamberlian’s Cough Remedy ad RN EY POST NO. W. G. A. R. ! Bryan for the presidency. He says vertised in the St. Paul Volks and 3d Wedneaday of each 7,5. •I tat Fellows' Hall. All Coinrad» he is satisfied Bryan will make the: Zeitung I procured a bottle, and r ..nding Invited. financial question paramount to all i after taking it a short while was Burns-Canyon Stage Line »thers in the campaign, and that if entyrely well* 1 now most heartily a. mails . elected he will defend himself with recommend this remedy to anyone H. A. W illiams , contractor. avast®— ml : 1 great singlene ’ s of purpose to se suffering with a cold. W m . K eil , Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Ex herind •¡•part* dally, Selby curing a return to national bimet-' GTS --1- - L- - Ave., St. Paul, Mint^ dally. e»rept StagesLeave Burns dy for Canyon City, and interned ats »oi sliani. Teller believes that Bryan1 or ** ♦5. She iuifü-Mt rvafd Republican B Iters. ¡i PURE J. C. Welcome, a SADDLE r juti la.T MAKER HARNESS I W. W. JOHNSON, g I V'lll fS—1—B -.«VUWK3BK I. S. GEER à CO, Hardware and Tinware The Burns Bar city