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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1919)
r t. . PAGK ft WCNI) HULLKMN, BKK1, ORKOON, THURSDAY, FKHHUARY 18, lfl h LIQUOR TO BE SHIPPED AWAY ROBERTS WILL DISPOSE OF GROWING STOCK. JUirRO Quantities of ConlRratctl Con trnlmnd Held by Deschutes County Sheriff to Ho Turned Over to Government Official. . WRITER NOTES BIG RESOURCE conn skks gukat fctum-; fob CKXTKAIi O 11 K O O X I.1KF.S ItOAl) MATUIUAI4 COMMKNTH OX VAST UXUSKI) l'OWKH. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Bond nml the .part of Central Oro- gon which ho wns nblo to visit by auto during his brief Btny hero madn (From Saturday's Dally.' n distinct hit with Irvin S. Cobb. Large quantities of liquor, conns- who lccturcd ,8t , ht nt l0 nlh. cated In Jlend nnd Deschutes county ,ot,0 club ..Woml5r(u,(., wns , by Sheriff S. B. Roberts nnd Chief of chnraclorUnllon ot what no hnd 800n Polico L. A. W. Nixon, will bo turned ncro over to. tho government authorities ,., ,, .,..,. ,... ,. . within tho near future to make up you ,mvon.t oycB bogun q tftp u' Unlimited water power Is going to wnsto. And 1 understand you hnvo MUST MEET WAR BILLS WITH LOAN-GOV. LYNCH To tho Citixans of tlio Twelfth Fodornl Itcsorva District: Tho Fifth "Victory" Liberty Loan is iu Right. Lot uh thank God that it is not juat tho Fifth Loan. Victory means the end of (ho war, tho etui nf loans, tho dawn of peace part ot a carload ot intercepted contraband goods which is to bo sent out ot the state. Tho announcement was nmdo this morning by Sheriff Roberts after conferring with ,'federal ngonts as to tho proper distribution ot tho In creasing stock ot -whiskey held by tho county. It Is probablo tho en tiro shipment will go to California or somo other wet stnto where It may legally, bo sold. In addition to tho liquor now bo ing held here, a considerable quan tity is in tho possession ot Ira P. Holcomb, sheriff ot Jefferson county, according to a lottcr received this morning by Sheriff Roberts in which tho Jefferson county official asked ndvico as to what ho should do with tho spoil taken from tho bootleggers. Mr. Roberts will inform him ot tho policy adopted -hero, and it Is ex pected that tho Madras liquor will also bo turned over to the govern ment. Besides tho wet, goods which will be sent out of Bond under federal supervision, Sheriff Roberts has des troyed several hundred quarts ot liquor under court Instructions. Book-Keeper Now Tells of Troubles Smith Hnd Boon Going Down Fpr Kight Yearn. aln Seventeen Pound By TnUllij; Tnnlac- IU11 "This Tanlac has put mo In shapo to where I havo gained 17 pounds," said II. G. Smith, living at tho Brand House, Butte, Montana, recently Mr. Smith has been bookkeeper for tho Tramway mlno for tho past 12 years' and owns a valuablo ranch at Jofferson Island, nnd Is one of the best known and most respected men In Montana. timber to last for half' n century. By thnt time, wltli proper reforesta tion, n second growth should be ready," ho said. "You hnvo n wonderful road sur facing material In thco volcanic cinders. Why don't you uso more ot them? You hnvo enough In thnt hill near hero to pnvo half tho world, I should think. "What a wondortul sunset," ho ex claimed, as, ho turned to enter tho hotel for suppor. "Beautiful scen ery; a wonderful setting your town has tho plno covered mountains and tho river," was his fragmentary com ment. "It's my first visit to Central Ore gon, and I want to boo more ot It. I'm coming back hero next fall nnd go over this whole country." Mr. Cobb mentioned in this connection that Bend and Central Oregon might later bo- mado tho subject ot ono ot his special articles. "What do I think of your town?" ho snld in response to a question. "I think you hnvo a llg future; but, really, I wouldn't presumo to offer nny suggestions. I wouldn't do thnt If I had been hero for six months. Just ono thing I do want to tell you. Keep tho Bolshevik! and tho I. XT. W. out of horo if you have to giro thorn a frco rido on n fenco rail." JAME3 K. LYNCH Governor. 12th Federal Reserve District ami prosperity. It means that tho market price of government bonds will Houn Htaliillr.u at par or butter. It also moans that commercial, ngri cultural, and indtiHtrial all'aiiH will stabilize, and that tho lIiin-iiiNpired clamor will Wo woro advised that tho war would last through 11)11), probably through 19120. no wo were prepared ior mat; to Hnvo tlono l cms would havo been suiuido. Wo prepared to crush tho Hun on his own ground, and ho prudently quit. It cost uh soma money but it saved tho lives of half a million of our men. Wan money ever bettor npuuLT Now wo hnvo bills to pay, prom ises to make good, our men to bring homo. This will take from livo to six billion dollars, l.t'l uh get ready nnd raise it. A big lank, but tho last, and therefore easy. All to gether, shoulder to shoulder, ami the loan goes overt Tho "N'inety.Hrst" is tho I'ae.ilic Coast Division; remember their achievement., and honor ourselves by living up to it. .Jamks l. Lynch, Governor, Federal llosorvo Hank of San Francisco; Chairman, Mb erly Loan Oenoral Kxecutive Hoard, Twelfth Federal lleserve District. SAFETY FIRST No Camouflage in This Story. No doubt you read our opening sign, unying wo would crush (lie war-lime prices on groccricH. How do these prices compare with what you have been paying? 2i -jolid pack Tomatoes .:..;..'. 20c Juno Peas, per can 17 '4 c Iowa Sweet Corn, per can.., 17'lc 20c pkg. Soda Crackers...,;.'..' 17 'Jc 2 pkgs. Corn Flakes ;....'. 25c 3 pkgs. Soda 25c Red Mexican Beans, per lb 9c Pink Beans, per lb 10c Small White Beans, per lb .'. 12 zc We Have Some Big Values in High Grade Coffee The A to Z Grocery I was willing to try anything thoro wns a chance of clvlnc mo somo ro ller. So I got a bottle and soon won on tho way up hill. I now weigh 14G pounds, which gives mo a gain of seventeen pounds, and makes mo heavlor and stronger than I havo been slnco my troublo stnrtcd. My appetite Is enormous, nnd everything I eat agrees with me, and all tho troublo has disappeared from my stomach entirely. My bnck stopped hurting mo by thotimo I had finished my first bottle, nnd I am nover In tho least bothered with constipation i ,.- . .. ."My Btomach has gfven mo sol""" "",. ir(,ngin una on-much-troublo for the past eight or!?rs hnvo all corao back to mo nnd nlno year," ho continued, "that I , hcn n" work T,ory,d a "nd( fco1 nono was all thotimo taking something. hp '" u: My wlfo ta noy tak trylng to get? somo relief. My food 'J8 Tan,ncA " I an 8uro she. will did not snm tn dliTMt n nil. nn.t I '"" OBWimnB BOOU lO sny lor II was In such a bad shapo that If I leaned against my desk I would al most cry out with pain. I tried going without meats, and lived on a diet ot tho very lightest things, but neither that, nor anything else helped me. Finally my, back got to hurting me so across tho kidneys, nnd I got so tired and worn out that I would havo to lay off somo days and rest up. I was troubled with con stipation and frequent headaches and lost weight until I got down to only 128 pounds. I havo always been a steady worker, but I hud gotten to where I did not feel llko putting In full tlmo, co von may know I was a pretty sick man, ''ttM "When I saw uuout Tanlac In tho papers, I was feelins so miserable too, ns it. certainly Is a wondorful medicine. Hardly a day jfasscs but what I tell someone how It has holp cd Die." Tanlac Is sold In Bend at tho Owl Pharmacy, In Sisters by George. F. Aitkcu, and In Bond by Ilorton Drug company. .dv. use z l! l A.vtw V &t& : """ xfs M tSIeK H? wixtamguw ' u p ' :a jp riu-i ,. wl - m c-. - awx. -v i r uii. nrrrir - rwtw. - ' . - tXZ2:f-m -'N?ftr '" w.:fi A . .ii--r-VH -atXV-T. Cu ?' (-jrt .P sff.1" 1 1, , i? v MfeTtVesse' HX ESirtZ- VI W. xje-. fq1! r:vc? s JfM"' -LJFr. immimBmmBmmmmmmmmm I Ono cent a word It all a llttlo Want Ad will cost you. 3 Iflnl BiKrrlUllir rhnr rwr hui It rrnU for 20 wnnU or In. On rnl ir wonl for ll over 10. Alt cUmMcJ nJvntUliijt trlcUy rwli In mlncf. KOIt HALK. J'Z. ms '5S2S: WiP&zf GXzT- ?t5icsi, "" rr r ?-. . r"ii Jif".'i. ' ii r ?'..' Many a niirccssful man of the futurov wlll look back and thank tho govern ment for giving him bis start with Thrift Stamps. Tho ban); won't tnko a 25-cont do posit but tho Covomment ot tho United States will. Invostlgato. Cut Thin Out It Is Worth .Money. DON'T .MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with Cc to Foley & Co,, 2835 Shofflold Avo., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial packago containing Foley's Honey ana inr uompounu, lor coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills nnd Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold every where Adv. Buying Liberty Bonds and War Sav Ingj Stumps is not giving anything. It's only lending your money on tho best security in tho world. 3 I ARE YOU ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS? -JAMES J. HILT HAS SAID: "If you want to know whether you nro destined to bo a Hucochs or a failure In life, you can easily find out. Tho test is simple and" It Is infallible. Aro you nblo to savo monoy? It not drop out. You will lose. You may think not, but you will lose, as euro as you livo. Tho seed of Success is not In you." i Start that SAVINGS ACCQUNT Today The First National Bank OF BEND "WE HANK OX YOIT, YOU HANK WITH US m iif WIN S3 A WORD BY WRITING A VICTORY SLOGAN Good Victory Liberty Loan slogans aro wanted by the general publicity commlttoo of tho Twelfth Foderal Iteservo District with head quarters in San Francisco. Tho commlttoo will pay as high as $3 a word. First prlzo will bo 30, second prizo 120, and third prlzo, $10. Slogans should bo limited to 10 or 12 words. Send all slogans to SLOGAN KDITOIt, Boom 301, 430 California, Stroot, San Frauclxco, California. Tho contest closos Saturday, March 22. Franklin Tells Where Money Went Lewis B. Franklin, director of tho War Loan Organization, tells tho why ot tho Victory Llborty Loan In tboso words: "Tho money subscribed In Iho Fourth Loan, which wns $1,000, 000,000 In excess ot what wo askod. lasted tho Treasury Department only until tho tenth dny of Docnnv bor, when wo found ourselves again pumped dry. "Tho expenditure of tho Trcai' ury Department, tho actual cash outgo, last Docombcr was $2,000, 000,000. Tho annual rnto of en pendlturo boforo tho war was about $1,000,000,000 n year." This money and more, Franklin said, went to pay tho cost of guns, ships, ammunition, food and equip ment .that never actually got Into tho war but which caused Germany to surrender. Germany's surrender .saved tho lives ot ""00,000 of our boys. A'iot ot tho monoy to bo realized from the Victory Liberty Loan has boennpent nlrcndy. It helped to savo thouo C00.000 soldlor boys' lives. I'roparo to buy, Victory Llborty Bonds. MONTHLY WAR. STAMP QUOTAS FIXED FOR TWELFTH DISTRICT The Trcnsury Department litis nssigned to tlio Twelfth Federal Reservo District the following monthly quotnH to bo raised in War Suvings Stnmps during 1U19: ' January $ 4,200,000 February .v. 4,800,000 March ...,.J. i.,..t. G.400,000' April. .CM.:.!.t:.....:..!iX:...:v. .-. 1 May ;.'.-. .'. 0.G00.000 Juno ...:..X :&:.. 7,200,000 July L 7,800,000 August .'. 8,400,000 September 9,GOO,000 October : 1 0,800,000 November i 12,000,000 ' December : 13,200,000 Total .....l.$90,000,000 "The total to bo raised throughout tho country is ija,G00,000,000. CAN YOU IIBAT THIBT CO lbs. of Dub for7(i cunts. Choice Columbln rlvnr sinett will bo shipped to you If you send 7S cents to the Inde pendent Htnolt Co., Kolso, Wash. 21.(i0-2p FOB SALK PmcIiuUm river ranch", HO nertw. Llttlo l)rchulti rlvwr runs throiiKh onllro phic Abuud. n co nt river bottom pnst'tru niiil liny lund. Thrett room Iiouhv, well nnd dairy house. Nuw, litrgo Imni. Cow bnrn ultli piitoul slesl stun clflonn for oloven cows.Lnrg ma chinery hIhmU, Good fencing. About 2 million tout lino, yellow plno unw timber. Hltuutcd nbnut 38 miles south of Bond, Oregon. This ranch far snlo ut n bargain. Address II. O. Fnwcott, Torro. bonuo, Oregon, 8fi--H-C2p 1)1 1 HALK OH TltADK-Ono of tho host llttlo ranches In tho lllam- etta vnlloy. Consisting of 3C ncrtM well Improved. Good flvu room liouho nnd barn, 80x80. Family orchnrd, with plenty nt borrlos, eta. No encumbrances. 1 ',-i ntllo caht of flprlngllold. Hard surfaced road. Would prefer dealing with ownor. Wrltu or call on Millard TrlpJott, Sprlugflold, Oro. 18-00-2p FOIt 8ALB OH TIIADK Two weun ling colts. Will mnko u 3000 pound team. Onu good dairy cow. Phono 4F2S. 13-C0C FOIl RALl-220 (teres being the 8W4 of SBU. of NWli, of sec tion 30, Twp. 1G, Houth rango 12, unit of tho Wlllnmutto morldlnu. Will soil this property for it small payment down, bulunco on terms. Water enn bo obtained, for Irri gation. DoggCMM ft Company, If I Front Street, Portland, Oro. 00-r.oo IrOIl SALK OH TIIADK--1G7 n. stock mid grain ranch, located In Southern Oregon on tho S. P. railroad nnd Pacific lilghwny, imwlv rniiHlriirlml. Dnn-lirilf lml. torn laud, rest gently rolling. 12f it. In cultivation, balnnco In tim ber nnd pasture, well watered and fenced And .ctohh fenced with wovon wlro. V& inllo to station, on rural routo, Klx-room house, two burns nnd othornocosfinry out buildings, Homo fruit and good pardon. Will consider Central " uregou laud In trudo or good rental property in Bund. For ptr tlcularu nnd prlco, wrlto owner, John U. Martin, 1020 Fourth St., Cottago Orovo, Oro. Urt-lO-nOp FOIt SALH Deschutes rlvor ranch, HQ iicrcH. Llttlo Dcschutos river ruim tliruugh outlro place. Abund ance of rlvor bottom pusturo iiud hog land. Thrco room houso, well nnd dairy houso. Nuw lnrgor burn, cow bnrn, with patent stool stan chions for olovun cows. Lurgu ma chinery sheds. Good fencing, About 2 million tout lino yellow naw timber, Slluutod nbout 38 inllcs nouth nf Bond, Oro. Thin ranch for sulo nt a bargain. Ad dress" 11 .0, Fnwcott, Torrobonno, Oro. A 8G-4il-Glp FOIt BALM Dried prunes, Eleven dollars, Hod Moxlcnu lieans, Nino dollars, Whlto Bonns, Klovon dollars, Ilunrirod pound sucks, transporta tion charges prepaid. Direct to' ronsuinor from tho producor.-r-Garflold Fruit and Produce Co., ' Oarflold, Wush. 45-48-Glo FOB 8ALH Kvorboarlng strawberry, plants, O, F. Jlookor, TumnloJ Oro ao-48tfc. Foil SALK Pair ot small mulos wagon nnd imrnusH, nt tho b yard, V. 8. Wiser, Bond, Oro, FOB HALK -Good grain drill, 10 boon -Roderick Lean, $50. Frank Lumny, near' Grnngo Hull, north, mint of Bund. R440.Cap FOIt BALM Nearly now 10foot Kentucky grain drill. Grass seed attachment. Adolph Kotrniiiu. Phono 10F13. 08-4?ff,0c FOIt HALF 1100 flno wool owes, ynuug nml In good condition; will lamb In April. Wrlto or phono Clnudo Dunham, ltoborts, Oro, 23.47.G0p FOB BALK 1317 Cliovrolot for $600.00. Now tiros and In good running condition. Writo Box 34G, Prlnovllle, Oregon. 88-41. nop FOIt MINT. HANCH 1011 HUNT ICO ncn. Routhast of Bend, Irrlgutml from Arnold system. 40 nrrt undsr cuttlvutlon, 120 ncron fanend. To runt or soil on mnsouublu forms. AddrMiM Chns. I). Bowe, Bounurs Ferry. Ida. 14-00-30 wanti:i. CA8H FOIt CLKAN HPBINO UYK, any quniillly. Want prlro lo'Jv. crod In Bond. Wrlto P. O. lfox I2G7, Bond. Ore. 0Sl0G0o WANTBI) Wo will rnll nnywliom. any place, any tlmo, to look ut your used fu nil turn. Let us know what you hnvo. Wo pay cash. Tho Standard Furniture Co. U7-49tfa -" .f iT.f'ii i. jl .T.r -t mr LOST. LOST Collin nnd nhnphonl dog with dark body nnd whlto bond nnd shoulders. Uan collar with largo ring on It. Finder plenso call Orover Corking, Tumalo, Oro. He. wnrd. 02-4I).G0p LOST Howard will bo given for In formation lending to tlio recovery bf cnltlo branded winged V on right hip, crop nml split In right ear and uiiderblt nnd crop In lufrr Wnttlo on throat. Corking A Smith, Tumalo, Ore, 01-40-Glp LOST Howard will bo given for In formation lending to tho rucuvery oi cniuo nrnnueu ny nK 0 c G ) nip, nuue rbll in each ear left. Buy Gerklng, 00.49-G2p on right mid split in Ttininlo. 8TBAYKD Hod yearling o.n 1 f branded "kIioo" on left hip, mark ed, undor-blt mid swnllnw fork In both ours. Notify Wlmer & Bpnugh, Tumalo, OLro. 44-48tfo I "'" , i- TAKI'.V UP TAKKN UP Steer, 1 yearn old, Hereford. Both ours spilt; un decipherable brand on left hip. Nets Anderson, llund, Ore. 8G-4D-GQp TAKKN UP Ono red yearling stoor. Brand undecipherable. Whlto spot on foroliend, wlillo on bolly nnd four feet, mid end of tall. Both earn split. Bight oar lops. O. K. roomy, 0 miles north of Bond Hedmoml road. G3-48-G05 TAKKN UP Yeiirlliig Jorsoy stoor nbout Jnmmry 1. Brnndod on right hip Inverld Y, with liar across stem. Ownor muy hnvo sumo by proving proporty mid paying tho charges. 8. J. Plorco, Gli miles oast of Bund ut old Griffon mill. I0-48-9P TAKKN UP Ono Jorsoy liolfoi', ono your old, with undecipherable brand on loft hip, mid ono red and whlto steer with no brand or mark, Inquire Otto Kuosomoyor, 0 mlltfH northeast of Bund on Prinovlllo roud, 00-40p47tfo Brand Directory T 1WANK PKHClVAIJj ,MUltH, Orrgon. ., adv.SSRj and A. Hght,slde right ear ornp irlcj? 1st l'Odi wsttlB right hind log, 'Vn V'. " lu T0NM m'tv' Oro adV.lOOo W V I 88-40-GOli