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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1919)
BHND HULLKT1N, IIICND, OREGON, TIIUIWIMV, I'KIIRIARV Ut, J010 PACK 7 fe1 tl TRUCKS ASKED FOR ROAD USE MOVEMENT IH UNDER WAV TO , MAK HPHUCH imvihiww - MOTOR VEHICLES AVAILAI1LE Toil STATE HIGHWAY WORK. (From Krldny'n Dally.) An n menus of making possible Krontnr offlclolicy In carrying out tho good roads iin)Rram In Deschutes county nuil In OroKon, tho Bond Com mercial club In earnestly backing tho movement to Hucuro motor trucks, thousands of which nro In tho pos hobnIoii ot tho npruco production dl vision. Tho moans of iltnponliiK of tho trucks (ih rintl plnunml In for tho mtlo of tho cum to prlvuto Individ uiiln, W. C. lllrdsnl! of llond. writ hit; to Hlutn Koprosontiitlvo Den Hhohlon, pointed out, howovor, tluit thin plan would hrliiK In n compiiru tlvuly small nmotmt of money, whllo by turning ovor tho truckn to tho various states for hlKliwny or othur Ntnto work n vast nmount of Rood would tin douu for tint people mid tho country at Inrgo, jjtt connection with tho question brought up, tho Commorclnl club rd colved n letter yesterday from Ilopre Hontntlvo Sheldon slating ttinl ho would turn tho mnllur over to thu ntnto hlghwny coidiiiIhiiIoii. Tho club, hownvor, In not antlftflod with thin disposition of tho case, mid In nn iiworlng urges Hint It bo tukou up nl oncn In tho legislature. Mr. lllrdnnU'n Interest In tho mut ter wiiii stimulated by n recent con vention with Major Campbell of tho spruco dlvlnlon In Portland, In which tho tinny officer staled that lia wan iituloun Hint tho truckn bo turned oyer to tho slates to nld In road Improvement. THREE APPREHENDED WHILE IN CARD GAME Trio Taken ThU Morning ly Chief of Police Niton Hay They Woro I'luyliiK Solo, Not Poker. (Trout Katurday'n Dally.' Suspected ot vlolntlou of tho utitl-gnmhllng lawn. H. 1', llnrclay, L. V. Ifowell and Dr. J. II. Connarn "3yro npprohended at tl o'clock thin morniiiK by dibit of I'ollco L. A. W. Nnlxou, In ii hotiHo near Kill and Greenwood. Tho throo declared that they had merely baun Indulging In a noclablo II tt It amo ot hoIo, but wcro ordered to report In court at 3 o'clock thin afternoon for henrliiK. Intimation that gambling wan going on reached tho pollen head uartorn thin morning, and Chlot Nixon at onco proceeded to tho holme. A gomo of poker wun In pro gross when ho looked through tho window, ho mild, hut by tho time tho door had been opened, on hln demand, tho money had been nwept out ot sight nnd tho stylo ot play had changed. Ita collected approx imately 100 beforo rotonalnic thu FAMILIES BENEFIT BY MILL INSURANCE Piillrlr for 9-t01t Wcro Carried by llrookn-Srnnlon Lumber Co. for Mou Who Died of 'Mil." (From Friday's Dally.) Four chocks for 11000 nach havo been received by tho llrooks.Bcnulou Lumber company for romlttauco to tho honeflclarlen of omployen who died during thu recent influenza opt douilo, Tho chocka represent Innur unco carried by tho company for tho bonoflt of omployen. Tho foirr omployen who died dur ing tho opldomlo weru II. A, Pearco, William Strnuborg, DoiiRlau Clurk lud Axel Youugon. Thu Pcar'co check koch to hlo family In HuriiH, that for Dnuglnii Clurk to hU mother, 'Mrs. Imogono Elder, ot llond, and tho checkH for William Strunburg nnd Axel Youugon to tholr families, nltjo of llond. Including (Iicho puymouts thu total paid by tho liiaurunco company through tho lumber company nlnco February 1, 1918, on account of Hatha of omployen Ih $12,000, LT.H.MEISTERBUYS LARA RESIDENCE (From Frlday'B Dally,) Rouowod nativity In tho realty markot wun Indicated hero today In s ualo of tho 10. M. Lara house In nolyi) park to J, If. Molator, log- King Huporlntundont lor Tho Shovlln Illxon Company, for n coiiRldorntlon lot $0000. Tho Biilo wan offoctod through tho ugonoy ot J, O. Rhodes, ELECTRIC STORM AFTER SNOW IS WEATHER ODDITY (From Friday's Dally.) With Mix I nchen of iiiiovv coy- orlng tho Rrouud, in oh I of It fallen during tho day, Horn! wit' nossod the rare iipoctuclo of n winter thunder ntorm Into yes- terdny afternoon, Lightning flanhed nnd thuiidor rolled dur- Ing it period of a fjtinrtnr ot mi -hour. Tho oloclrlo ntorm ntnrt- od n fow mlnuteN after tho fall- Ing snow had turned Into n heavy rain. Old Inhabitant ot llond can romembor no nlmllar combination ot weather condl- llonn. Tho precipitation durliiR thu -lant two monthn han been uu- untially heavy for thin time of year, totulliiR approximately three Inchon. With plenty of - nnow mill unmolted, tho ground -In nonked with molHture, nnd vnnt renerven of nnow In tho moiiutnlnn promise mi nbund- unco of water for IrrlRatlou durltiR tho comlitR noanon. Dumper cropn nro predicted. LOCAL TALENT PLAY SUCCESS CAPACITY 1IOUHE AT OYM.VAHIUM KNJOVH PUODUCTIO.V OF "THU Clllli OF KAOLK ItANCII," l"OH IIDNKFIT OF LlllllAHY. (From Saturdny'n Dally.' PlnylnR to n capacity hounu ut thu Ilcnd Amateur Athlotlo club gymim kltt in latt nlnht, local talonl plnyorn, under tho direction of Jay I). Noble, produced "Tho Qlrl of Knulo Itanch" with excellent nuccem. Tho plot ot tho play In woven about a cattle ruHtlliiR eplModo an an Arizona ranch, mid thu ntory ondn with tho dofunt ot tho outluwn nnd tho nuccennful outcome of a throe-ply lore affair. Tho piny wan rIvoii for thu benefit of tho llond Library club. Unusually Rood music wan fur ulithcd durliiR thu performance by mi orchestra computed nf Mm. M. II. Horlon, Mm. Iva Ward, Ale'x. KkrIo nloii, Anhloy Forrent, Dr. It. I). Ketchum nnd M. Ilnlvornon. Tho mombern ot tho atnt wore Jay 1). Noble, KuRuno Fulton, Forn Allen, liny Cnlden, Ted Hoxton, Italpli Cur tin, Mrn. It. H. Dnrt'iind Mm! Amy Noblo. Ilcnd IiIrIi nchool clrlit. In whllo frockn, each wearing tho national cotorn, were the imliora for tho even Ior. . SOLDIER TO OPEN TAILORING SHOP Under the nnino ot .thu llond TalljirlnR company, M. A. Chlnlund will open u drat clasn tnlor shop, with mi up-to-dato cleanltiR and prevaliiR plant attached, In thu north half of tho Loven hIioo ntoro room on Monday. Mr. Chlnlund hnn Jtut boon dlnchnrRed from tho army, hav ing boon In tho nurvlco for thu pant 15 monthn. Ho ban taken ovor thu cleanliiR department ot tho llond Steam laundry, ho nniiounced today. The f BEND BULLETIN . and The Oregon Farmer Both for the Price of One By a Bpoclnl arrangement with Tha Oregon Pnrmer you can secure Tba Oregon Fannor with this paper ut tho price of this Siper alone. In other words, whon you subscribn for YOUR OME PATUll, or reuaw your present subscription, you ors otiUed to Receive The Oregon Farmer .for the Asking 'YBX 0&EQON FA&MER is Oregon's grtai stata fans papt isanjiiii rery wwek and devoted to tka Orogtw farm and tha Ovagoa farm borne, jtut as this paper is devoted to the people a4 to (be ititersU ox this local eoauauaUy. This Opportunity May Not Last Long GRASP IT NOW LAND DEAL CLOSED AT PLEASANT RIDGE PMOABANT ItllHlW, Feb, 12. It In reported that Mr. Nelnon Ihih purcliiiHiid tho Krtuo placO from ItnnmuH I'otnrnou, Mr, mid Mm. J, A. Cliano and dauRhtur ICtta wore Itedmond vln Horn Huturdny. Mm, Cnrrlo JoIiiihou In kcoplm: houna for Mrn, Uomcoo Howard of u ten durltiR tho hitter's nb nouco in Portland. ItnnmuH Petcrnon had tho threnh om tho flrnt ot thu week. J. F. Youiir camo down from near llend Monday to Rut noma hay from Anton AhlHtrom, Mr. mid Mru. O. II. Andornon at tended tho Pratt ualo, near Ited mond, Tuenday. N. I). Wood, tho Rovornmont trap per, In preparlnK to do nomo IrapplriR In thin tielRhborhood. Mr mid Mrn, J. A, Chano and dauRhtur KtU wont to Itedmond Tuenday, Mr. Chanu nttondliiR tho Pratt Halo. Mrs. O. K, Andornon wan In llend on builnonn Friday, Haiin Mlkkolnen hittortliiR hln po tatocn mid nacklux thorn preparatory to MhlppliiR them lit a few days. Con llroeu wan over from Alfalfa Friday nnd Saturday to look after hln nhcop. Mr. mid Mrn. J. A. Cliano and dmiRliter ICtta vlnlted at tho Cray homo Thursday. Anton Ahlntrom In nutforlnR from a nevero cold thin week. Mrs, O. I''. Audernon wan In Ited mond Saturday. Mrn. Wayne Chano and baby camo out on Saturday from Itedmond to visit over Sunday nl tho homo of Mr. mid Mrn. J. A. Chano. Hasinas Putorson nnd Mm, Cath arine Johnnson wero Itedmond vis itors Saturday. Olo IIitiiHon nnd family of Do Hchutcn wuro callers ut tho Mlkkolnen home Sunday. Mr. mid Mrs. O. K. Audernon at tended tho curd party Riven at tho Kedflold homo at Deschutes Satur day tllRllt. J. W. Peterson mado n business trip to llend Saturday. W. II. (Irny naw"ed nomo wood for Anton Ahlntrom tho lust of tho week. Marsh Aubrey ot llond wun a guest nt tho Cray Jiomo over Saturday night. LA PINE PUPILS ARE GIVEN TESTS LA PINK, Fob. 12. Mrn. W. a. Fordham held clRhth Rrado exami nations nl tho nchool Iiouhjo lant Thursday. Ted Povoy of Silver Lake, wan In town Sunday iiIrIH on hln way to llond. Ililllo Van Catlow ban boon qulto nick with tonnllltls tho pant week. Fay L. Howard ot Uortland wan vlnltliiR wltli friends nnd relatives at Ln Pino Sunday. Ho expects to locate In llend noon. Mr. und Mm. a. II. Doming woro In town Sunday. Ocurgo Stoken won In La Pino on Monday, ho hnd been making ncod cd repairs on tho phono line. Alt Shults nnd Carl Wlua wcro In town Monday. Itoburt Covey wan In town nnd took tho Will Iloguo car homo. Tho Manton children nro In nchool nnln after an absence ot about two months. Mrn. Frank J) rooks loft on thu stage Saturday for tho Ilrooks-Scan-lou camp where she will tako enro ot tho Harron families, which nro down with tho Influenza. Mm. Harry Illlcy returned to hor homo nt llend Friday. Mr. and Mrn, C. M. Krdmau woro La Pino visitors Saturday. Cut ThU Out It I AVortli Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut oul thin slip, encloso with Cc to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Avo., Chicago, III., writing your namo mid address cloar ly. You will reculvo in return n trial package containing Foley's Honey luid Tar Compound, for coughs, colds mid croup, Foluy Kidney l'lllo and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Bold every where. Adv. Try n Want Ad. STATE EXAMS ARE HELD AT SISTERS HlHTHItH, Fob. 11, A dobnlo wn held nt tho school house on Tuesday afternoon. In 'Miss ICiippliuhii'n room. Tho affirmative hpeakors wero; Cecil mid Hurl llobhlnn, John Wllsln ami Idulla McAdnmn. Nccatlvo npeakern; Dorothy Taylor, John Allen, Vino Stldhnm, Alvln llrndy nnd Hilda McAdurnn, Tho JuiIkch woro: Vern Kief, Arnold Ilnidy and Oeoro Davis. Tho dubato wan decided In favor of tha ncRatlvo, Mrs, C. W. Allen conducted tho examination at tho school house In tho upper room lant Thursday mid Friday, Ceorio Davis nnd Arnold lirady wroto on all tho subjects for an nlehth Rrado diploma. Margaret QuiberKt Aunlu Clletl and Iraol Har rington, wroto In, spoiling; Annlo Cllett, Iraal Harrington, John Allen and John Wilson wroto In agricul ture, John Allen, Hilda mid Idella McAdam, Vino Stldham mid Alvln llrndy wroto on physiology. Mr, nnd Mrs. J. P. Duckett havo xouo to Chchalln, WanhlnKtori, for u visit with friutidn, Mr. Duckott will return within u abort timo and 'resume hln construction work at tho Tum-A-Lum mill. Mux Wurzweller returned from Portland Friday. Itav. D. K. Stownrt wan a passcn or on tho sIoko Wednesday on his way to Ilcnd wboro ho will conduct preaching services. II. C. Turner, a brother of Mm. M. N, McKltinay In visiting hero from Calenpel, Montana, coming In an tho stage lant Wednesday. Tho reunion botwen tho brother and sinter In tho first In 27 yearn. Mrs. M. It. Orogan and son Dewey wero shopping nt Hlstors, Wednesday, Mrs. Urogan has received a letter from her sou Homer who Is stationed with tho American army in Siberia. P. L. Mead In driving tho stago from Itedmond to Slaters. John Doknu of Clovcrdolo was shopping In Sisters Saturdny. J. L, Davldnoir mado a trip to tho Metollus Snturday to get soma poles to repair his form machinery. Win. Combs and J. U. Fryrcnr went, shopping at Sisters last Sat urday. Forrester Perry A. South, B. L. Tone, Max Wurzweller nnd Mr. Darnes attended tho meeting ot stock Krowora al llend lant Saturduy. Mrs. J. II. Stldham In roportcd to bo 111 with tho neuralgia. P. 11. Davis was sick n few days with la grippe. Mrs. Ilortha York camo In from tho Tone ranch Saturday. Hartley 'Murkoll In overhauling Van Wilson's Ford car. Tho Van Tassel family attended Sabbath school exercises at Sisters lant Sunday. 11. Nortnaglo has sold throo of his Jersey cows to Qcorgo Cyrus of Clovordnlo. Head Tho Bulletin Class Ads. ALFALFA MAN IS BACK FROM CAMP ALFALFA. Fob. 12. Ountnvo Horry urrlvcd from Cnrap Lowls Fri day with nn honorable discharge from tho U. 8. nrmy. Paul Mertncning, and Wm. Horscl wero looking nfter business matters in the Powoll Dutto section Sunday Frank Mcllroom nnd family, Al bort Shults und family, Tom Dealey, Carl Larson nnd Gustavo Horry nl tondod tho piny. "Tho Girl of Kaglo Hunch," In Uend Friday oronlng Lonter Uarber expects to leave for Salt Luke City Tuesday to visit his brother, Jotbo Harbor, Miss Jessie V. Hartley and Gcorgo Hobbs wero calling on Powoll Uutto friends Sunday. Kerry Guuo conducted tho eighth grndo examinations Friday. Tho ap plicants wero Miss Goldlo Ferry, Miss Vern a Shults, Austin Harbor and Donovan Smock. Carl I-urson dollvored a dressed beef to the llond innrket Tuesday. Mrs. Italpli Smock nnd Mrs. Charles Smock wero transacting business In Ilcnd Friday. Mrs. Mary Henn Is homo, again nftor a few weeks sojourn In Port land ami Aoorueon, Wash. . U. S. llushncll and family ot Hob- orta passed through Alfalfa Sunday, on routo to tho Geo. Hobbs ranch ut Powoll llutto, wherq they will reside ror too present. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Angland loft for Portland to soek medical advlco for Mr. Anglaud. Try a llullotln Want Ad for quick results. LEGAL NOTICES SOTICK TO CitHlUTOItS. In tho County Court of tho Stato of Orcgou for Deschutes County. In the Matter of thu Kstutu ot Hugh Peekhtiui, Deceased. The uudurslgiiod having been np. pointed administratrix of tho estnto ot Hugh Peckhum, deceased, notice Is horoby given to tho creditors of said estutx and to all other porsonu having clnlms against suid dc-coasod to present thon duly verified us re quired by luw within six months from tho dnto nt this notlco. to tho unduralgmd nt tho office of C. S.. Benson, No. SCO Wall streot, lloud, Oregon. CAIIMB M. PECKHAM, ' As Administratrix ot tho Estnto of Hugh Pockham, Deceased. Dated this Cth duy ot February, 1911). 49-52o 010117. NOTICK VOH PUBLICATION ISOLATED TUACT. l'UHLIO INI HALE. Dopartmont ot tho Interior, U. S. l.nnd Oftlco ut Tho Dalles, Oregon, January 0th, 1019. Notlco la horoby given that, as dl roctod by tho Commissioner ot tho Uonornl Laud Office, under provl- slons of Soc, 2GG, It. H., purnunnt to tho 'application of Hoth stookoy, Serial No, 010117, wo will offer nt public nnlo, to tho highest bidder, but at not less tlinn 3,00 per aero, at 11 o'clock n. m., on tho 18th day of March, next, at this office, tho fol lowing tract of land; NHt, Section- in, Township 10 South Itnnga 14, Kant W. M, (containing 1C0 acres). Tho salo -will not bo kopt open, but will ho declared cloned whon those present nt tho hour named havo censed bidding. Tho porson making tho highest bid will bo re quired to Immediately pay to tho Itecelvor tho nmount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely tho nbovo-descrlbcd land nro ad vised to fllo tholr claims, or objec tions, on or beforo tho time desig nated for salo. L. A. UOOTH, Ilccclvcr. NOTICK OF I'I.VAIj 8BTTLKMK.VT. Notlco In hereby given toy tho un dersigned that ho has mado and filed with tho county clerk of Deschutes county, Oregon, hln final account nn tho administrator of tho estuto of Loren H, Itobb, deceased, and thnt said court has net Monday, tho 3d day of March, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at tho county court room In Hcnd, Oregon, ns tho timo and placo for tho hearing and settle ment ot said Final account, at which timo nnd placo any person Interested In said estate may appear and object to said settlement. Dated thin 30th day of January, 1919. L. D. WIE8T, As executor of tho estnto of Loren U. ItobG, deceased. 48-Slc NOTICK OF HIIKIUFF'H SALK Hy. vlrtuo of .an execution ot fore closure duly Issued by tho clerk of tho circuit court of tho' county of Deschutes, stato of Oregon, dated tho 20th day of January, 1019, In a certain action In tho circuit court for said county nnd stato, wherein Crook County Dank, a corporation as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against J. K. Myers, Katlo E. Myers, und A. O. Myers, defendants, for tho sum of eloven hundred and fifty dollars, and costs and disbursements taxed at seventy-five dollars, on tho 13th day ot December, 1918. Notlco Is hereby given that I will, on tho 24th day of February, 1919, nt tho front door of tho county court bou'so ln Hcnd, Oregon In said county, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, m Lath, Shingles, Building Mntcrinl, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish N SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Suadrd Sao. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. flUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Iron, Bronze and Semi-Steel Casting for Power Transmiwion Machinery: Wood Pipe Fittings, Grate Bars, Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament at and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND, OREGON. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-1C First National Dank Bide. Tol. 511 (Dr. Coc't Former Office.) H. H. DcARMOND LAWYER O'Knno Building, Bondi Oregon II. O. HLLI8 Attornoy-at-Lnw United Stnteji Commissioner First Nstlonal Bank Building BKND, OKI3GON MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Lawrenco Bldg., Boom 3 Phono Red 2251 Read the Classified Ads: Deachutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, President Most Comnloto. Abstract Plant In Central Oregon, Speolal Attention Glvon to Federal Loan Abstrnots. First National Uonll Ultltf., DEND, ORE,, Cor, next to Alley of said day, soil nt public auction, to tho highest bidder, for cftsli, the following described property, to-wltf Lot eighteen In Mock twonty-flvo In tho town of Itedmond, Oregon,. Taken nnd levied uponxts tho prop erty of the snld J. B. Myors, Katlo B. Myors, and A. O. Myers, or ns much thereof as may bo necessary to satisfy tho said Judgment ln favor of Crook County Hank against nnld J. B. Myors, Katlo E. Myors nnd A. O. Myors, with Interest thereon, to gcthor with all costs and disburse ments that havo or may accrue 8. B. ItOUEHTS, Sheriff. Dated at Bend, Oregon, January 20, 1919. 47-Clc NOTICK FOK PUHMCATIO.V. (Not Coal Land) Department of tho Interior; United States Land office, nt Lnkovlow, Oregon, January 15, 1919. Notlco Is Imroby given thnt Benjiman C. Scott of Ln Pino, Oro gon, -who on April 12, 1915, made homestead entry No. 085C8, for WBE4 nnd EtfBWtf, Section 4, Township 23 south, Itango 9 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco ot Intention to mako final threo year proof to establish claim to tho land ubovo described, beforo F. C. Senator, United States Commissioner, nt Fort Itock, Orcgbn, on the 28th day of February, 1919. Claimant names ns witneses: Knthryn M. Zlerolf, Cecil Holllns head, J. N. Manton, nil of La Pine, Oregon. JA9. F. BURGESS, 47-Clc Ileglstor. NOTICK. Notlco Is hereby given that pur suant to an order mado by tho Jus tice of Peace, Bend district, De schutes county, Oregon, tho following estray cattle, to-wlt: Ono yearling Jersey heifer, branded but which brand cannot bo determined, and ono yearling steer, red and whlto color, not branded, will bo sold at the EIlc Watson ranch, Cb miles northeast of Bend, at tho hour ot 2:00 o'clock p. m., on tho 2 1st day ot February, 1919, to pay tho damages and ex penses of tho undersigned In tho keeping ot said est rays and tho costs incurred in connection with this proceeding, Including advertising costs, said salo to bo a public salo to the highest bidder for cash. Dated this Gth day of February, 1919. 49-COc OTTO KAESEMYER. Pkono Black 1291 LEG A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND --- OltEQON O. P. NI8WONOER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER XJcefiitcd Embalmcr, Funeral Director. Phono JFted 421. Lady Asat. DR. R. D. STOWELL Nnprnpathlo Physician Over Logan Furnlturo Co. Wall Streot Hours to S Phono Red 4BU DR. TURNER EVE SPECIALIST Now Located in Bend Prlvnto OfflcMn Thoraon'a Jowclry Storo. Glasses Fitted $3 and Up