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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1916)
. aw.-iar.l. , yia.-atmao I'.VJH !!. THp HI'XD lll'IXKTIX, Itl'XD, OKI., WI'DXI'SDAV, MAV , 1010. ill i i i J '.,r . ) I I ------ 1 CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. t ---------- -- TUMALO. (Bpecln to The llullotln.) TUMALO, May 1. Mrs. John Coon Mrs. J. V. Snyder nnil Mrs. II. 0. Cnrty wore hostesses for tlio Tllllcum Literary Chili nt their April meeting , last Saturday afternoon. Answer to roll call was quotations from fnm- on woman. Tlio urogram consistil of pnpers on "Noted Actresses." by Mrs. J. A. Thompson, "Tlio .I'riniii Donnns," by Mrs. C. .1. Mock, "A Noted Amorlcnn Woman," by Mri. It. I'. Kllcklnger who chose "Mnry "Plckford" for her subject. During the afternoon delicious refreshments wore served to the twenty Indies fires ent. On l'r'dnv nftornoon Mrs. I. N. Wnllnee entertained In honor of her mint, Miss Mollle Nlchol. The oc casion wiih to celebrate .Miss Nlch vjTs fi.lrd htrthdny. A blrthdny card show-or from (III friends wns the mnln feature of tliu nftemoon. Cards were received from many of her childhood Irlends mid also from n ntimher of her former pupils. Delicious refresh ments were served. tinnier (''reddle Wnllnee, Miss "Nlchol's grand neplioy cut the blrth lay cake. Dainty favors worn pre sented to ench imlv present who In eluded Mrs. .1. li. Couch, .Mrs. Clara Nlchol, Mrs .1. W. Snyder, Mrs. .1. V. Tullar. Mrs .1. X. II (Jerking. Mrs O. II. Xnrrotl. Mrs. W. I). Muck, Mrs. 0. J. Mock. Mrs. ,1. W. llrown, Mm. Thorp, Mrs Darter and Mrs, Marlon. ' MeinherH of the Tunialo Dance CI lb (iii.loyed their monthly hop last Sat urday night. Mrs. Albert tinnier nud Mrs. .1. '. II. Oorklug spent Thursday with Mrs. Mlntn Howard Miss Hazel llrown came down from llond Saturday evening to attend th'i vhtb dance mid spend the night and was a Riiesl of (ho Misses Mock at lllllcrcst. Chris Harry moved his family from Metnllus to the Hilly llrown ranch AVednesdnv The residents of the I'nlrvlow ills Irlct hnve nrK.tiilrtd a Sunday school. Mrs. .1. A. Tlinnvpsoii was elected president. Services will be hoi 1 ivnry Sunday nt 10 o'clock nt tlio school house. I'otor Jensen made n trip to llod monil on Monday for a load of laud plaster. The little dauhter of Mr. nud Mrs. Venko vi srhrlstened at the eliurrh yostordny The school children are practicing for the entertainment to bo g'von at tlio close of school the latter part of the mouth . John Dubuls nrrlved Inst wosk from Salem Mr. Dubuls represent! tile Statu Desert Lund Hoard nnd will make n sludv of local Irrigation iiliiestloiiH this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Dyer worn dinner guests of Mrs. I.. 1 Koouey Tuesday. Hooper Dyer left tho employ of Geo. MHIIcnn Thursday. He Intends lenvlng soon for tlio Dig liend coun try. Mr. Mackintosh of llcnd. was in tho valley Thursday taking lunch .it Mt. I'lne Inn. The hunch grass throughout tins valley Is unusually fine tills spring and all livestock Is showing the of focts of this good pasture. Mollin llonkle Is confined to lmr home with a severe attack .of tonsil A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to The Uond llulletln. HAMi'Tox iirrri:. (Special to The llulletln) HAMPTON Ill'TTI. Airl 2.1. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnsslcr, Miss Alice lltnoklngs or Stnuffer. r.uu Mr. Mc Dowell of Hutfe wore greats of Mr nnd Mrs. Horace Hrooklugs last Sunday. John Williams has been plowing for Clyde Mcodemus last week. Win. Knbertson Is putting In grain for N, S. llrown this week. Miss Carrie llrown called on Mrs. V. I'. Wrn one day Inst week. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Jako Honks were cnl lors at tho Corbett home at Ilonjii m In l.nke Inst week'1. Mr. Cilbbs of Hums pnssed through hero with u truck load of hogs for llond. Tom Ewlng Is building fence for Ilornco Hrooklugs, Mrs. V. I. Wrny accompanied hor tuisbund to Hums Inst .Monday, re turning today. Onbrlol Hantontl Is doing his spring seeding this week. Jake Hooks bought n cow from Mr, Hurrls of Hampton. Jlrs. lle7.oiin Is on tho sick list. A number of friends gathered ,u tho home of Mr. and Mrs. I'red Mil ler last Sunday and spent n very en Joyriblo day. Thoso present wore Mr. and Mib. J. M, Hrlckey, Mrs. Jin llrown nnd children. Mr. and Mth. Uort Meeks and children, .Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O. Whltnker, Mrs. Andrew Mlckle, Win. Hoist, Vie Johnson. Christ Tinner and John Williams. Hurr Hlack and W. T. Harrison wont to Warm Springs Monday. Mm. M. II, Crow Is qulto sick. A. . Fogg was an Imporlnl caller Monday, Mrs, C.1 n. Harmon called on .Mrs, C, A. Hurrls Wednesday. MIsb Ethel Fogg spent Wednesday with Miss Darle Hurton. A. Frame took a trip to P. Hold's edncsdny. A. S. Fogg had tho misfortune to get 0110 of his work horses cut on tho bnrh wire. The following have made final proofs on their homesteads before Commissioner Fogg during the month of April. Evla Varco, Hums D. Young, Philip Cardinal, Merle Xeol ey, CJoorge W. Ynnta, Francis Ken nedy, Osrile King nud Marlday Klnf.'. Tho following filings wcro nlso mnde during April: James' It. Wiley, George Kroblc, Smith Henderson, ImnJIno Klrschke. Christen Tr.erson. John P. C. Krogstead and Harold Tuorson. A desirable bread knlfo free with every annual subscription to The Mend llulletln. C'I.OVI'ltDA',1 III order to nld tho fnrmer tho Ilend Flour Mill Co. has this J ear ob tained Apex LpiiiI Plaster, a scien tific fortlllror. Adv. desirable broad knlfo froo with jvry annual subscription to Tho llond llulletln. .MII.I.M'A.V. fSpeclnl to Tho llullotln) Mll.MCAN. April .10, Tlio friends xif Mrs. Mary A. Itooney welcomed hr tutiirn last Tuesday from a live months' leave of nhscuc" In Portland. She Is much Improved In health. l.nnt wwk Hooper Dyer was drng ged'lw u horse he was attempting to iiiount and was soniewhnt bruised. Karl Powers has Just Mulshed sev eral daH of plowing. Frank Perclvnl, deputy assessor, owner of tho Manx ranch nt the .17 miles )ost, spent four days of last week assessing the residents of this part of the county nud left on Wed nesday for llumstad valley, George MlUlrnu, tho pioneer stock liiRii of the Central Oregon country, left on Saturdav to attend the State Live Stock Association meeting In linker City. It. II l.nndfnro of Powell Unties, -who has been otnplocd on the, Mil llcan ranches nt Hear Creek, came over Sunday and Is working on the .Mllllenu rnnrh here for a few days. John Holland came near dying re cently with marked symptoms of poltnn. He Is supposed to have tak en some pulton put out for rabbits. W. II Gibson nnd wife Sundny.'d with the Mllllenns nnd left for Prliie vlllo lu Ilend on Monday. Mr Glb win was raised In Crook county but lor the past live years lins been foie niHii on one of fbe Miller and I., in mni'liiMi near the Nevada line A very oulo'ublo dance was given Saturday evening. April 21. nt the home of Mr. and Mrs George Power!. Mrs. Mary A. Koonev. who recent ly returned fron Portland, wns the most of honor. Those presentwere Mecsrs. and Moddiimos Cllf Evans, Louis SolHiiorl,. G. W. Cook nnd .. Goodman Mesdnmes A. 11 Norton. Mary A. Uonney, Led Hooney. Illnkh', Georsi' Powers nnd Leo Keller Mis. ses GUiIvh Norton nnd Una Powers. Meters. Heuiile Goodman. Prank and William Spencer, Ernest Der. Karl Powers. Hnrrv Morrison, S. Tausch ir and W. It Lnwrence. Chnrlos K. Gulllford nnd wife nt "HaUov. Oregon, returned from n v'k' irln to Hums nnd vlclnltv nn I vlsltel with the Mllllcsn's Wodn.'s. tlav night, lcnvlng for Prlnevlllo the nei day on their return home. Pofct master P. H. Johnson and wf" 1sve been. objervlUK tho clean ii. lmlnt p" week and Mt. Pine Inn shines attractively In n new coat '( nuMit and nseer applied by Mr. Ed wnnti of Whlttnker. Mrs. Usi Keller nnd children went tto Heud on Mondnv for a visit of n week with her tiuband. M1LL1CAN. Mv L Hill Jnmls-1.1 if Miwr Creek Unite, wns In the val lev Wedneilny looking for some of nU stray horse. niitnlier of MHlloon homostofld nr made bulno trios to Ilend tho Hf ik. Amonc thei wen Units U. Ww. tlahn. Iahi Tnuscher and Cllf Kvn Klwor Dver hn boon confined to alt- home wlih Hie crlpm Mlw Opsl Conownv returned to " home In Hend Monday sfter a )il(Mniil vUlt with Mlllloan frlouds HAMPTOX. fSpeclnl to Tho llullotln). HAMPTON, April 30. - Miss Ethel Fogg visited Friday night with .Miss Lorn Crow A. T. Frame has returned to Ills homestead after spending the winter In Ilend. William TltiiH visited at A. Van Lake's over Sunday. Hurr Hlack returned homo frfoni llond Friday. Newton Wells returned to his homestead Saturday after working for a short tlmo In Ilend. , Tho Enster services were well at tended nnd nt noon a lunch wns giv en served by the ladies. At two o' clock n program was given, consist ing of special music and recitations, which wns enjoyed by all. Dave, Kennedy of Warm Springs was a Hampton visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gulfson and daugh ter and Mrs. Laugfonl of Dry l.nke attended the Easter services Sunday. Clareiirn Nelson of Imperial was si en in Hampton Sunday, Messrs. Hlack nnd Harrison have purchased another loam to tnke tho plnce of the one they sold last week. J P Wllnuot Is holplng C. II Mur ium! rnkn sage brush this woek. (Spe-clal to Tho llulletln.) CLOVEHDALE. April 24. (De layed In transmission) Walter Hoyd mnde a business trip to Ilend Satur day. The vote for n wator district stood two to one against the plan. Mr. Harris of Redmond was nut on Snturday. Mr. Kline mot Mrs.. Kline nt Red mond today. Messrs. Johnson, Van Mntro, Cut lip and llcnrd were all so unfortunate as to lose young stock by bloat last wceK. Mr. Cutllp had n friend from Port land looking nt laud horo Inst week. A birthday surprise was given to Muriel Kdmnndson lust Friday night. E. L. Will (Iron hauled his feed mill to Redmond Friday, having sold It to Mr. McMlcklo ofrfhnt plnce. The program Friday night was, song by chorus, recltntlonB. Fnv MM. lor, Mrs. Waldron. Jlrs. Wnrd, Lil lian Van JIntre, Clyde Ducket and chnrnclor song, Fny Jllllor nnd Gen eva IllVotts, Tattler by Jlrs. Wal dron. Llttlo Xovadn Tucko had the misfortune- tcr bronk her leg while' tin; family was on the trip to tholr home stand nonr Narrows. At the water meeting lu Slaters last Wednesday, Jlr. llrewer of Port land. Mr. Upton of Prlnevlllo. Mr. Hunt of Lower llrldgo nnd .Mr. Donnln of Sisters addressed the meeting. The Sisters until won according to results. Clydo Johnson wont to Sclo last week, returning Just lu tlmo to veto Saturday. Mr. and Jlrs. Van Mntro entertain ed Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Jllllor nnd family, Jlr. nnd Mrs. Waldron, JIIss Gibson, Dona. Wnyno, Alvln and Esther Cy rus Sunday. Jlrs. Wnrd rend Easter services at the school house, music was given uy a chorus of young voices and recita tions by Clifton Ward. Jlr. nnd Mrs. Altkcn of Sisters wero visiting In Cloverdnle Sunday. Jlrs. Wclso's mother. .Mrs. JIary Cyrus, visited her Sunday. E. L. 'Waldron has rented his Clo verdnle farm to W. W. Vnn JIntro nnd will leavo soon with his family for his old homo In Walla W11II1, Washington. Jlrs. Viola Cyrus nnd Hnrrv Cv rus of Prlnevllle wore Cloverdnlo vis itors Sunday. A deslrnblo brend knife freo with evorv annual subscription to The Ilend llulletln. MMMMMBIBMVMB1H0MH -HJSUTUT UVTUt HOIST TXS KW rttnFlOIIDMlii a I nrpui ", i,Lrn ft- t.i 3 MzW 8 j? j? J5? J2? The Flour witH a Guarantee Your Grocer Han dles this Brand Be cause he KNOWS POSITIVELY- FANCY PATENT JK IKND, OKI '' - (I) That the mill Hands squarely back of each nnd every sack produced. (U) That people today are demanding more sanitary methods In handling table products, and that the sack used as a container for Deschutes Spray flour fills that demand. (:i) That Deschutes Spray Hour makes LIGHTER, WHITER RRKAD. Spray flour makes IlETTEIt (4) That Deschutes TASTING DREAD. (.T) That tt Is made In Ilend from In Crook and Jefferson counties. products grown soi.ii nv AM rsttocr.Ks. thy it. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KKOENEhT. Presldcttt-Jlinagor 1IKXD. OREGON POWELL Ill'TTE. (Special to Tho Bulletin; POWELL BUTTE, .May 1. .Missus Linn Moore and Josephine Jlancenu with Otto Pauls and Alvln Kiggs nt tended the minstrel show In Redmond on Jlondny night. Molvln Foster nnd wife visited with Jlrs. C. H. Foster and the Shoberts one day Inst week. JIIss Tlnla Montgomery was glv-jn a lilrthday party Wednesday after nooji at tho Allen Wlllcoxon rest do 11 co. Jnck JleyerB Is on the sick list this week. Ora Foster nnd fnniily visited nt tho Osborne homo Saturday. Jlrs. J. JI. Shearer and little daugh ter Ituth wont up to Ilend Saturday night to visit a week with Mrs. Shear er's parents, Jlr. and Jlrs. CharleJ Orewllcr. Jlrs. Heaves Wlllcoxon came down for the big dance, returning Satur day cvonlng. Jack llowman nnd Ross Dnvls enmo in from the rond camp and spent tho week end with home folks. C. C. Jlontgoniery spent Friday nnd Saturday nt home. JIIss Irono Allon of Prlnevlllo spent tho week end with her slBter and brother nt the Powell Ilutte rnnch. E. A. Hussott went to Prlnevlllo on Friday evening to nttend tho musical recital, returning Saturday morning. Jlrs. It. iL. Moore and daughter were business visitors In Prlnevlllo Friday. Jlrs. I. Michel and sons Arth ir and Sylvan accompanied by tlio Jlls ses tin Knox nnd Pauline Trucsdale motored out to tho .Morse homo on Frhjay evening for dinner and then attended tho dance In the new com munity hall. Tho Jllsses JInud and Ruth llren n nn and Harold Chnrlton wero guests of tho Hnyn girls nt their rnnch home Friday evening, nil attending tho dance. The coniiniinlty hnll at Powell Hutto wns oponed Friday evening with a grand ball. Tho hnll w,is beautifully and artlstlcnlly decorat ed and presented n gala appoaranro to tho visitors. The music wns fur nished by tho Prlnevlllo band and 'o cal talent. Jlr, nnd .Mrs. J. R. Rob oris of Rpdmond led the grnnd mnrch. It is estimated Hint fully 100 wero present. About $320 wis renlUed townrds pnylng for tho hnll. JIIss Pettlgrow visited nt the Wells homo Friday, nttendlng the dnn-.-o lu tho evening. Sho returned to Red mond Snturdny nccompnnled by Jlrs. Wells. Jlr. Lnmliort will prench his faro well sermon In tho community hull next Sunday nt .1:30 p. 111. Sco J. Ryan & Co., for farm land lor.ns. Adw ' CANDIDATES ARE THICK AT POWELL BUTTE DEDICATION Coinniiuilty Hall Opened With Dame Attended by Many IHilldliiK Elected, by Local Organization. The new community hall at Powell Ilutte was dedicated Friday, night by one of the biggest crowds ever seen at a community gathering In this section Over 350 pcoplo were pres ent, In-Iudlng mnny of the candidates for nomination for the vnrlons coun ty offices at tho coming primaries. It had been the intention of the manap rs of tly; nlfatr to give each candidate a chance to sny something to tho nudienco In tho early part of the evening, but with so mnny pres ent tho plan wns given up nftor only a few had spoken. Chief among those wore V. A. Forbes, candidate for Republican nomination for rep resentative, who urged 'co-operntlon between the Powell ilutte section and Ilend In tho construction of tlio rond between the two sections to be. used by the farmers in marketing' their products here. Resides Mr. Forbes the candidates present S. E. Rol: De Arniond. C. Carroll, It. I). Ket cliuin nnd J. T. Lucky, J. H. Manor and W llrown, II. J, Overturf, R. E. Jordan nnd T. E. J. Duffy. Tho new building wns erected by the Powell Ilutte Co-oporntlvc Asso ciation formed under tho act of tho 1913 legislature. Its olTlcers are J. F. Rice, president, George C. Trucs dale. vice president, CnrI Saunders, secretnrv-trensurer nnd directors three with A. II. Rhode nnd E. L. Gitcrson. ,s .ur. or ,, o m.......h.. N , tobacco Mn r? : ' M,?d0Xl?rBnd Spar Head In the wholesome Mtiifao. licrts, . II. trtz and II. II. .!; , .vt,. A most complete list of seed for Spring sowing has been obtained ,iy the Rend Flour JIIII Co. Every snek thoroughly cleaned so as to leavo nothing hut tho Inrgo plump berry. Sco our ndvcrtlscnicnt. Adv. MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND, .Mny 1. The cattle market opened for the .week rather bIow. An usual pulp fed steers brought $fi. No change In (lie rate on grain fed stock. Cows, heifers and bulls wero very scarce, nlthoiigh thero wns no chnngo In prices. Tho first California grnss stuff nrrlved today. Cnlf receipts nro continually increasing and prices nro very good. Hog' receipts wcro fairly good The. bulk of sales were made at $9 and $9. or, sonio of tho choicest bringing JO.lfi and $9.20. Tho market closed strong. Shcop nro boglnning to niovo a llttlo moro freely, although the receipts wcro only 300 head. All classes nre tn grent 'demand nnd top prices nro still being rcnllzcd AS GOOD AS A CHEW OF . "SPEAR HEAD' That Means the Supreme B i gree of Rich, Luscious Tobacco Flavor HO OTHER CHEW EQUALS IT Nature varies the flavor she puts Into the different grades of tobacco leaf and the best of all is the flavor of choice red Burley that pleases you to miRhtily when you chew Spear Heal The delicious fruity flavor of a chew nt Head Is a revelation In iV man who has never chewed or whohu! been chewing near-good tobacco. For chewing is the one way to gtt all the wholesome, healthful, appetUhi; flavor of the tobacco leaf providing you chew a high-grade plug like Spear Head. tion it iivcs. You'get more savory sweetness in a chew of Spear Head than in a whole ritnrr nt nrdinarv tobacco. And you get it in its purest form lj for Spear tlead ts made amid the most wholesome surroundings, in a great, new factory that's kept absolutely clean and sanitary. Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, pure chew. Such a chew cannot be obtained in any other tobacco than Spear Head. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. Keeping 1'p To The .Mark. "Spilng fever" '1 not always a Joke. If you feel dull and sluggish, tl'od nnd worn out, surfer fiom back ncho of woak back, rheumatism, sons muecles, stiff Joints or other Indlci tlons of kidney trouble. It w'l pay you to Investigate Foley Kldne Pilli. Thoy nro highly recommended ai prompt nnd efllclont nlds to health. Sold everywhere. Adv. w STOP! " And liicstlgntc our prlcesj beforo buying your groceries AVo can save you money. i P. B. Johnson's Mllllcan, Ore. Tclcptiono -JB BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. pry Factory Wood t n This wood is the trimmings from sash and door cuttings, . is kiln dried and planed and requires no cutting . or splitting. tried once used always 'Rs 0 ORDER TODAY PROMPT DELIVERY Bend White Pine Sash Co. Phone 441 1X39? i&j&-