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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1916)
&(hR30ltkUJ VMA r ZV1 12 Tfr 13 IX2.TIV BE3TK -EJ . KIJ-Trjsf'lT lFW J 11 MZ If L OFFER 10 LEASE HOLD MEETING NEW MIL LINE SESSIONS TO OPEN TO-IFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE HOTEL ALTAMOXT Menu J .' rmu is, mis. rd- V , it You ought to give your taster wan Cr- iMtat a u& He Xfii. Ttwto & ' ?ciaa. robe some serious consideration. 4 w. MORROW P IS PROFFERED j?1 SSgsgr-T ftfigBSSsS" ' ' II 4'1 I ,4. ,. ll'f ' fl I :H '-a ' 4 a i t ' Jd 'ri n ;"f f it M' 'H h i i V'Wiwl MlLo la rtHtfr J HWt W Tw f tartra't tvl.U'M X&M-A.r7 Wrt iM AM t (' ii W WW . C. $ Ciy 7 TWr t Krxo Jj-rr 4 tor tumrji. Ci. 7. Xfft. lMfatf IAI.VSKK. SJ. Zir t LsMM-. JtU4 . ort CM? TTtoa XJfe of m k. ' Rr OrT. ' i ' KuH ? , - . l-Tt. ; Apr ami Vat C". ArM f Ttt wm) vtM4w of tb l-- WtOKTIf; Ar It. - '.I;:.2?. .""" WMM 4MMUM w3 mW.- ; M..MM1. AI'KIJ.SS. fett fc ffeft vortesfcK toaaorrvw " aNtfaa, t - vaaa. Ma fra . xti iu a . SMfw; I t h- WHk A'rf OrnM2KgM( limlUf Ik MM AJ.-ft CU Mtf i fan. X. ' Jm V- MMfir riWMt for Ofc JSK mrmm n &o r A mJl t f 1.& AtAA f mn-r hit ixmi vttfe 4W ( 4 .r Ht frf M WJmm M ; A f ffUrf C A f Pf-i4 'fi M4bf- f . ;j ;P j; Tm ' t u tmrmUOt a f fr m -' v '"j If.' fUalMtotr .'. ik t mnv MK 9mKn it4 - xvm't ttmm4 y ifc .-r It Jm n t 0: C. Wrfc. f )-f ;.. 'rr- iwplttwl fr !:'', tk Nte f wmmmm wmnmmn n nfcv np- mf pum to ro 1 r f4RMI MiMMMfy Of f Wti. ' l'ftkrm. of mmnm to act tko MMCtotlO. fcftll. fs0 W m4 He- Orur Yzrtt4. firm TWt. Ctt Htm Bem4, am n rra rv Pi44tmg. ! Griffon Clothes W to ! J 1 : J" txf iM4 ot Hh tlM ! 4R. SiSi ty JL7 N Wsl . T4 otea f?l moMi mitro4 -fo tkt- of u Miiaor u4 4o-; M4C OB lb i'il!tr Of tfc ettjr to Mrfl H hum. St, far W nprmi:. , m Prtamttn U mm r t imw ctloi ( OroiNi tkM ao imU4i Ttm ralMttoa of tkr dtr U Mrir mmmN of tk tettora from tfc !. Tfc kslMfawr of -. rJ- R)to. 'Miroa. IffWir vk. FraK Li of Moaoa wt Jtftr vi tta DroMlaa V'tal-. Fouooaa. rraak kolJa. hbx Gmrxtt it Crmum m4 C'-', I Maw of ( bom mo raaiHu. i New- Special - t ? .rx Clotk two ateac 4tH'mz. W'' rjir- m. i j i - Midi in 5Ptlij kka. fMatfoa witr. Mt aatMloa. oarotiaMrwt. Mkmdr mhtfti. r'f)tc ! r)c lhurlr t'A 'K herotloaal. arte41caf. w-tiwi. Jt. J. T frow . t'riiUy Horrrfft' fjttbal. r'll lf. fOW of '.s'a'al'tM. -bfb Kr art of Uk aaa-tt'-? aoav it loox, tHfrtrn diMmm 'tij Miftwi'tH. tMrvotloMl. "Jmwk; MlMior.v. Mlaa (Vi(ir, wow ' MOf);, Mr Jlkl(. ,tl. I'thhty Ktxrtlnic. iMrvrttonal. b !, 4MtlMl hmrmmn, W O Kot, of MhAtmthA. , .Hrtliifil;!)". 'lli 11 Vxr Viuv,mtn-t it A. WiMHir. 1:-I: '8riil for TMW. JO J-II.0 "HooorliiK tb -t- 11:-H:I -lafMrmal illontwiloti. I1;I-1J: (IH iHMr. I::- HIM, HMUrN. !:-: "HaptlalN hnI iilac. Ikwt,' O. C. Wrlb. X:-t:)k-'Wbr u hmmn In aowi iif tts milium OniUtrn lor ml. tiotl" t:0t)':XQ - riNnaelNK Ik t). A. :tM;0- Confi(rtiU!4 on Mfllllat JWK pto cHfa with tn i vmt Ut i) Km m. i:0ti toltHHIIt. ro4 wU KtiHilr luettnnt ta rl- aloa. tlMr Htr to aot raiani 4, iimt tk rallroa4 will iooa man; Mor iMtoolo a4 mfh mum boatiM Tko tUmn lMn&t ('mnptmy k oraettnllr Kr4 lit bIM a larn' aawatfll Prlacrlll m mmm m tb rallto4 h L.alH and UMr 4oT4oiavit of tlx Ooy lrrlrtloi IMrtct. 4 Jol, wtll maim lb eltr tin; tor of a Mt )!( f)tit4tK Mtloa. .Mtiilil l'jn HmxmiImI. ALL NOW LOOK TO PRIMARIES, CaiSaad ttvm Vuvt M i S I $25.00 carofriHis 1 a 'ESSS 1 poJMieaaj caal4t- Dom aaat! )4prlM4 oa tb ollot. j With Urn 4lU to thfr NimiV '-r-mti NatkNMl eovwtioa to 4t fc.jr from tbf ut- at lrr a4 two irotu oat of tb tbrA Cowwlu il- uUr. I'J eaa4Mato ar1Md. Tfcr arc It rmmK ta lb Uatn at lara. fMir la tit Wrmt rflM W.a (m ---, .n 4- " -vans r r A RMMr of r-prtthrHi Iron tb Sotr dIMrtct aad aiae lo tb TmmmI lirlaic bo"i wwu la tb Hfy tblril. laat wawk 4 ihrc to no oU tbat TUt IV.-raU mnM ftCt an'eoo.l lb bot win r4llr rttt m aoon m MMif of rKiKatMi to the 8L I-oato ; ol n UV the eMarT eeavnilo. Klcht ar a4rant In i ltl Mtloa to pat tarw ia tb mar-, th xato at Ytv., tbra In the F1r k'' rttJKrlt. thf In th! StJ jm! four Tb'rr- to a allKht 4MtUm on tho.ln th ihlrd. , part of mimi of ib MmNdliB lol l'fur-.i- aiiu I'lie. jhato the rity -ontra-t tlur niktl nt Tb f'rKr-olri. who arc Uff-! Mff.otHfralH It mm4r tbj MNNtolpnl (ror.iM) m nJ flv rfc,j,ta to the Na-, , ll, lat aarfa to aot iinmmutm anl tloaal on'ntloii. two trtm th Hit:' win aot, wnnUicttt to &ly tbo n atmetloN of l)i rMnl. The 4lpoftliiN or ih" (Mxtpl aa nown or thHr ot on ih bOHfl to- Ml. tC IO OIKf, will f-OH)J;- Ul balldlaa of tb railroad at lh car lloat ftooalhlit uuinwiX. AVML'2S KASTHK Easter Suggestions of Servicable Character for Ladies U'ltll, l KASTKIt r.W.lf I'Ult U'AltlM.VTK. Mat ltd to llrhy Ivch all r-K-lt(tid ntniral funit eounlr warmntx and all ttn-l cotuuy hlich nehool warraata ar ihII(1 for imvroerit. UAI.IMI I.. JOKOAV. Al. p County Trcaaiirwr. AT 'I III! f'lirilf'lIKH, .Ml!lllllllll. In aoNNwiloN with tint I'mmIoh mt vkW at tbN Xnthoiltol i-biiteli h TbHMUlMjr ftVWMllIK lht HuLtlirNHMt ul lh lird'a Hpiir Hill lm wiIiiiIhIh terwl. On Cool I'tliluy at X i. w., Ihit will m a ipvi'lal NurvlcH torn NMNU'rallnK tb iliwlh of Chrlat. Wtfy. HwilfaHfl, paainr f Dm 1'tnaUf IwlaN hurh will (iiomcIi hhiI l(. Kar IH upcNk (in "Tint Htvii ItflliKs from tint Ciiini." In Dim fVafilHK Din paalor will iirimcli on llio i limtniiiiinilnl aclo t'Altll l' 'IIIA.NKS. Wk wlah to (bank oxr frlnil for lb ayntMclXr awl ali'nr abown I on at Iho wwrlal (if our aim and brother ItayiiKiml. ! MM. A XI J MIIH. I H HOOT j Tf. lAin.V. i "llerruii(t," from Jocilyn. (i(nlnrd. Wolo Jr. Heoil "O lAtrd t'orrm.1 Mo." Iliuiilttl. l Mr HoillnH I "Hi- VVmm DimiiIhihI," (rum llamlnrH Mtwilali. fNbeU. ' What Tli I iik Ye of rhrtol l'wtliT" On Ifcttiiitr iiiuriiltiK Ht II h, ij Ihnre wtll b'l HaiitUm unit re rliI(iH or iiieiiil.nm Keruiim mill' Jijilt: "CIiiIhI'm I'oer ul llitvlvul, or IHo (JerlHliily of ilie lliurrieil(iii " In Die eveiiliiK Hie tlilrd In lint xnr BMin on tlie jirudlHiil "ii. Hnlijix't "lluiimr Mini lliiiiiMlck, or lint thiul TrwitNltlon " Tim imlillit to lordlal If iNVlled In tli M nirvlet. "Cuiniral .Murcli. Mm. Chutdn. Hay l'i cmi in We moat I'liriltftllr exlend h we. r u to the atltirl iill'.u- lo Horb'i IIM , anil mi)tiy our r vlaat Nail Nmda. ThayMlll i loltowa Muudar arbool hi Hi m m MHDld worablii Ht Mm. in At Dili aarvloa We will leleliralw Ihe Hi i i Uttlla of liaptlam and Hie I .mil m ktip Bf, altar whlnh we will iiien llie doom i( the elm rili iiml will receive niKiubaia lute her fotiiiiniiiloii At lb evaulMM aaiYlett lint Inlliiwltia tiri. uraw, lu roiuiNftliiii with Dm limine. eHtltliel "Tim Mft ill .Iiiniim In Mrrlt luru. MHalf uml Arl," will lie rwnlnr ed. Mulu '. Mm I'Mrknr "Ooiuh Until Ale," IIiihiIoI'h MitalMih ol .Mm. iKiwall "Unlit uf llmi viim," (IiiiiiiuiI Qiiiulall "S'Uy Uliaiiliarito 'lliidr riucKa. iNalniMniiiMl Nolo, "Tin IWorul riMlilmny." Iliimlal. Holu Mm. I'arker "I lMord Hie VijIid im "y." Ikil6 Mitt. Ilniiklim ' I Think VhtM ,1 Hwil tlio hi'I ljUiry nt Old," Wtial Vlullultolu Mm. Ward Qiinrli'tt. "IfOW In tli(i,Jlriif lie l,nv" Qimrti-u, "O JiiiRThou Art lnd Ihk ' Hymn, "Kiivlur Avuln to Thy Hoar Name." Iiialnuniinllil Mrn Day "llulleliijah Chortin," from llunilitl'M MihuiIhIi. In view of tint (ixpurfmi nttnrhcil lo tlito iiroHrum hikI Ihe letiKth of tlmn eiimmtnil In iritinrntl(in. we will re aelve a ller orferlnK nt the uvtmliiK arvlre . c llnrtratifi, punlgr A denlrahlii lireud knife freo with eery aunual Rtilmci-lptlun to Tho Mend llulletln. I'OU VOUIl NIIXT Hl'IT Sto DICK TITo Tailor All KlndM i.f n.l.WI.MJ ANH I'lllISSINO Phono lllnck 1181 at larice iad one from each Coagrea iloflal4to'rlet, have Jttat the rilred Number of raNdldatiw. OreKon i entltlod to nd five lc lora f prcaldent and viae praldeNt, ami rantilnic for their reapertlvo par ly nomlnailona at Ihe coming pri maries are aeven Kefinhlleana, five Hemoraiii and five J'roKreaelven. Kelther W C llawley In ihe pint dtotrlei, nor X J SJnnott In the re onil illitrnt. have.anjr opfexltlou. In ihe prlmarle or K'tonral election for Itofiuhlfrari or Keneral election lor Knpubllran In Conreali. In the TJflril illatr'at. I'omiirlidnic Multnoniah ropn ty, k(inpr, C S. MoArthHr, Inwn iMtit: V. V I.lltlefluM und A Av. l.tVertv will vie on the l(eniilgnn prliaar 'allot for nomination The winner lll compete with John A Jeffrey. Henwtrrat Mr. Jeffrey haa no piMiition In the prlninrlex With no cAndldate for Hernorratlr nowlnatlo'i for flecrntary of State. X-I)IK.S SII.K WAIST J IHIKS KAVsKIt AMI I'HOKXIA' SII.K llfy-K ui)if;s utsr, kavski: whitk ii.k nuK KAHIKS XKW SlfiUT AXH (JITIXfJ HATS KAIIIKS SII.K IXHKH.SKIHTS i?;i-"o SI to SI.U" ', T.'c, .St und SI." . .!, Ifil.l.-i and W.tM) fJur line of lio for men. women und children Mnnil nt the leiy lop ic uulit). The Ilrottn Shi OniiKin) diof. t III meet jour every re ulrement for eor and leik I.KX UP HAV KOI! ISKXH (YIMKS K.T TIHItSHAV. If joii nel mi) tiling In the line of workln: uppaiel for the ikthsIoii we have it. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING CO. BEND'S LEADING FURNISHERS FOR EVERYBODY. the rate ltwen Hn W. OIott In c inlient and Charles H. Moorea. for the liepulillcan nomination prorate te le one of the InterentlnK faaturat of the campalKn. There were no other filing for thin office today. for the Kepulillean nomination for J otlee of the Supreme Court, Frank A. Moore, preaent Chief Justice, and fieonie I. Hurnett. Awtoalate Ju tlce, have no competition, either In the prlmarle or the Novenjjier elec tion. VoMlro Wllaon'i name will Hand alone on the Democratic prlnlary bal lot an a candidate for nomination for proaldent. hut the vice presidential nominee. Thoman It. Marshall and Klllott V. Major, of MIourl, will vie for preference John D. McMickle. iree::t Ualr and food commissioner, ban no oppo sition for the Republican nomination nor In the general election. The Republican primary ticket will contain the names of nix candldatei for Public Service Commission lu tht Knstem Oregon district. The winner will receive the appointment of the place on tho commission made vacnnr by the resignation of Clyde II. Alt.lil wn, according to Uovornor Wltln-combe. Good Eats Quick Scrvlio Cleanliness Variety nt tho- Little Brick Restaurant, OPEN NIGHTS rafts nsjiiNG 01i "(,ns rLJ Consider these they will go a long way to make your Sunday a real dressujpEaster Jfen are appreciating that ae are right up to the styles being offered in the cities. We find men demand only the bestand ire Bill meet that demand in every detail. P-N D 1 Tr. . i ui cmaegee-jvincaia Clothes Remarkably well tailored cults wide variety of patterns and fabrics. v c can nt you to your teste. Stn to siiT... unltt M K ' ( J Complete Stock of Fresh Fishing Tackle. A Full Stock of Fresh and Staple Groceries. Fresh Shipment Each Day of Green Goods. A New Supply of all Garden Seeds in Hulk. A A A Faint Stock consisting of 72 different colors. First Grade Stock of Garden I lose & Nozzles. PLACE W11KRE YOU CANT BUY HARDWARE, DOORS AND WINDOWS AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE. F. DEMENT & CO. Xi mm I H i r im ." : i I i I SHIRTS Wo can satisfy every demand. In this department we can offer a wide assortment. HOSIKRY. If you want to belect hosiery from tho largest assortment In town you will Und It at our stora wo eorry only Oiu best grades. SHOlis Packnrd shoes have nu peor for style, lit, comfort, eervlc. looks. TIRS We are catering to the men who want a large variety In neok wear to nick frcm. FRENCH'S ANNEX Workiagmen's Clothes Kt'r) thing that the woiklnu'inaa utvil. iilwujs in -tlKU. HATS we iinvt a fine gel npilng and summer ectlon of new HARDKMAX II.VTS" coming In this week, w'o wont you to look them over before you select your Easter hat. A. L French 'i lien's Furnishings K J . ..Ml MlMaattilaflaHHaiHaHaH ?3?fmu221 w -.... -L iiy'