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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1916)
- -; -1 TUB IlRXn IICLLET1X, IIEXD, ORE., WEDXESDAY, APRIL 10, 1010. TARE fl. u w V une. t. Shearings v- , (Yntrnl Oregon Climate. The cllranto of Ccntrnl Oregon is delightful nt nil seasons of thu year l,Mt especially attracttvo Just now. With bright Bunny tlnya nhel cool nights the cllmnte is nil that could bo desired. Crescent News. Taxes jure Paid. County Treasurer D. V. Harnett was in town Tuesday and deposited $35,800 In the Sladraa Statu Dank. He also left f 10.000 with the bank at Metollus. Tills money is the flr3t half or tho 1MB taxes. Mr. Harnett stated that nbout $10,000 more would be turnqd over by Jhorlff Hlack uy May 1st. Madras Pioneer. Club Elccti. A. 11. Howninn; Dr. Rosenborg and Kred Ilolscber nie the newly elected directors of tho I'rlncvlllo Co miner- nrl Olub nnd with J. H. Upton and E J Wilson will form tho oxecutivu u aril.--Crook County Journal. Priucvlllo Awakes. nd rrlnovlllo, too, Is awake. She lu., an Irrigation unit project and i.roposes to tnko care of the flood vaters whllo waiting the construction r the big dams for the reservoir situ. Hue has llvo crews of surveyors at ork on that Irrigation project which as only formed Inst month. She hns oted railroad bonds to construct i 'ranch to n point on tho Oregon Trunk near Hodmond, with only ono onpusliiK ballot, and is making ready o start conatructlon work on her allrond. She is boring wolls for ar i"lnn water and getting flows. She j mi tho map for tho National Hlgli v ay fromi tho Columbia river to tho f'allfomln. stntc lino, oast of tho Cns 'f.des. All of this lias been brought about by got-togethor meetings. Sll ver Lnko Loader. fniidlilatcs on .loll. I'. H. I'olndoxter, democratic enn dldato for nomination for sheriff, Wlllard If. Wlrtz, district nttqrncy, anil cnndldato for re-election on the democratic ticket and county superin tendent of schools J. K Myers, were La Pino visitors from I'rlncvlllo on Tuesday. Mr. Myers is tho Repuhll- can candldato for re-election to tho rfllco ho now holds. Tho gentlemen wero hero on business but they car ried a good supply of nulls and wins to repnlr broken political fences If necessary. La I'lno Inter-Mountain. I'lan Bugenle CoiilcM. Tho Lndles Aid is planning to hnvo a fall exhibit of home grown products nnd n Bugenle contest. A gold ring will bo given to tho child, not undor fix months, nor ovor two years of age scoring the highest. A prize Is alto to bo given In a domestic science con test. Fort Hock Times. Divided mi Irrigation. Tho peoplo of tho North Unit nro divided in their opinion ns to the ad visability of final .ig an Irrigation district. The IrrlgntonUts firmly I Hevo that tlioy nro engaged In a great wcrk; nnd Hie formation of a district means great financial success end tlu I'tilldlng of raHiiy homos worth while In thu country and Brest proiperltv In tho towns Thoy flrnlv believe this and many other xood thlntrs about tho results of forming r dis trict. Thoy havo a thorough right to their beliefs. Deechutos Valley Trib It In; All kind of Improvements nnd ' lldlng going on In Bond, but the labor supply Is said to ho fully enunl to tho demand. Jefferson County Record. Our Bread Basket. Bend papers are claiming ft popu lation of moro (linn 3,000 for their rltv, and what Is moro seem to prove tho statoment. Wo trust the report Is truo, ns Itodmond, having the ir rigated farms, must supply the bulk of tho feed for theso poople.- -Hfd-mond Spokesman, Snow Still Deep. E. n. Storer nnd Troy Beaver, two oiing homesteaders In tho Crescent muntry, wero nt tho Hotel Chrisman Saturday night, enrouto home after a week's unsuccessful soarch for beor la tho Bc.ivor Marsh end Klamath M rsh sections, says tho Sliver Lake Lf cder. Eaulppod with a prck horse, rb' ng ponies, food., guns and ammu nition, thay loft tholr homosteads thh side of Crescent a W20k ago Sun-1 "er 8 !?' Thoy flret tried to make It to, welcome, , S " -aver .Mnrsn uy louowmg tne norm bne of tho Wnlk-r range hut snow drifts, 7 foot deep In plucos, t Cor nl eprlngB, 1C miles eouth of Cres cent, forced thorn to double back and so through tho nras to Klamath Marsh. Thoy found no slcn of bearj on the trln but report million" of ducks and geese at tho marsh. Che aucan Press. Protect School Chllilren. Measles, scarlet fever and whoop ing rough are prevalent among school children In many cities. A common cold never should he neglected ns 't weakens tho system so that It Is not ;n "Oidltlon to throw off more i?as diseases. Foley's Honey Jar Is pleasant to take, acts contains no opiates. Sold here Adv. Kvery. i -iz"j47 er's For farm land tervlce. Adv. loas bco J. Rynn ..r.., What sh Thought, much?'' ' ''llrKla,s "'""'' wr house "Terribly. When I entered and saw cvurytliiiiK npsidu down my first thniiKlit wni that .llm bad come botne unexpectedly and dimmed Uls clothes." -Detroit Tree Press. , Neea. llnsuand-Now. then, what are our needs 7 Wife-Well, tbe bouse need, painting, we are all out of kltclicn utensils, the illnlns room rus l thread bare, the bathroom must be decorated. e snnpiy nan to order clothe. Judge. 8UU1C Aloa .rreadom. She I'd like to know what you had before I married you H Well. I bad n night key. anyhow -Itostdu Trniierlpt, Halley's Achievements, ndmnnd Halley was a very great man. lie Was not on'lv the tlrst In urn. diet correctly the return of u comet, that which N now known by bis iinine. but nlso-bcfore Newton had announc ed his results to any one arrived at tho conclusion that tbe attraction of gravitation probably varied Inversely as the siiuare of the distance. While these and other Important achieve ments of his mo well known, it seems to linvo been forgotten that Hallev de vim! it method of determlnlm? tin". ni?.. of the ocean from chemical denudn tlon. Indifference. "Which do yon jitufer, summer or winter' "I've no pr?ference." replied Mr (Jtowcher. "It U Just as depressing In Hie Whether I lltlt ill n nrr..'nriiM,iii f my time reading about thu hottest lay ever or the coldest day ever." Washington Star. Heavy Hearts. Mr. Hacon-There. what did I tell you? This paper says the average man's heart weighs from ten to twelve ounces: tho meriiKc woman's from eight to ten. Mrs. Hncou Of course men's hearts weigh more. They are a good deal harder. Yonkers States- man.' Thorough Understanding. -"I presume you understand an auto thoroughly" "Thoroughly-that Is, I know when It won't run there Is something tho matter with It." Detroit Freo Press. Four chairs nt your service nt tho Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv. Information for, Women. Housework Is trying on health nnd sticngth. Women nro ns Inclined to kidney r.nd hladdor troublo rs men. Aching bnck, tore Joints und mus cles, blurred vision, pufllness undor eyes, should bo glvon prompt atten tion. Foley Kidney Pills restorol healthy action to irrltnted kidneys and blndder. Sold Bvorywhero.. Adv. A. F. & A. M. Meets second nnd fourth Thursiliiv nights at 8 o'elock. Mamnlc Hull. J. D. Davidson J-cretury. Visiting .Members Welcome. II. A. SI MeetD Ilrst and third Friday nights 1 1 S o' clock. Masonic Hall. 'Isltlng Members Welcome C, K. H. Meets second and fourth Jl o n d u y nights at S o'clock. Ma sonic: Hell. Mrs. C. M. McKay, Sec. Visiting Members Wolcomo. $P 31. W. A. Meets first and '. I,lru mosuny uignis at yvW o'clock. Sathor's Hall. B. E. Ilunnn, Clorlc. Visiting Neighbors Welcome, K. of P. Deschutes Lodge No. 103. Meets every Wednesday night at S o'clock. Saher'3 Hall. Visiting Members are Welcomed. L. M. McReynolds, K. or R. & S. I. O. O. V. Bond I)dgo No. 218. Meets every Monday night at 8 o'clock her's Hall. Visiting Members If. I. JlcKlm. N. U P. Welder, Secretary. ! LODGE DIRECTORY (5i it I MD I), of It. Bend Lodgo No. I second and fourth Friday 8 o'clock. Satber's Hall. 08, Meets nights at Visiting Slembors Welcome. Mrs. Ethel I. Fleming. Secretary T. P. II Meets first and third Friday nights nt 8 o'clock. Sather's Hall. Visiting Mumbors Invited to Attend. C. W. Thcrnthwalte, Sec. r Thursday at 8 y0&. o'clock. Soth- Hall. Visitors always Welcome. Cbas W Ersklne, Secretary. ....iilfflF&rMfifV.. P. O. I. Des- T- 1f,if'"'-'a .ho.os Aerie and VIP ..- JZ;v. 204 . ,luJek,v i -"S&vt&T7 Meets every I THE ROCK 0RH.LER WouLooMevunr 'JpSSa 1YOU LOOK IIAPOV ru.u ,r vn.i DO A OOOO DEAL Of KMOCMMO '-' v -- TSW IT S a glad day for a tobacco chewer when lie finds y-IJ GUT Chewing the Real Tobacco Chew, new cut, long shred. Knowing how much it means to his comfort, a man takes pleasure in telling his friends about it, too. You don't have to grind it away. The taste lasts. "Notice how the ilt brlngi out the rich tobacco Uite " Mae fcy WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Sqaire, New Yoib Cily England's Oldust Dorough. As Hallsbiiry Is well known as Fa rum, mi Is Buglaiid's oldest borouch. Barnstaple, ns Itariim. which mny have been tbe Itomnn name of the town. According to old memorials, "the old name of tbe town was Abertawe. be cause It stood tjiwanl the mouth of Taw river." Tbe Saxons changed It to Berndcnxtnplc llnriiNtnple appears to have been represented In the Wltenngc mot or Anglo-Saxon parliament Thus It Is one of the oldest boroughs, if not absolutely the oldest. In the kingdom. Its brondcloth manufacture, once an Important Industry, has now died out, but there are manufacturers of lace nud gloves, large cabinet works, tan neries mid potteries (Itarum ware). London Globe. Study of Synonynfi. Little Dulclo was asked by her teach er to define the word "whimsical." "It means 'odd.' " she replied. "And now," tbe teacher went on, "please writo n i sentence containing the word properly ' uecd." Hesitatingly tbe little tcn-ycnr-olil took up a pen nnd nftcr a moment's thought wrote. "There are two kinds of numbers whimsical and even." THE SHOES WE WILL BACK WITH OUR. GUARANTEE Nnp-ii-Tan Work Shoe $2.75 and up World's Work Shoe $2. 75 to $5.00 Foot-Sehul'.e Shoe w $3.75 to $5.00 'Village School Shoe $2.35 to $3.25 For all purposes these better wearwill look can buy for R. H. LOVEN I - HEAL KSTATE PIKE IXBUIAXC'H IXVESTSIKXTS C. V. SILVIS 1 11 I . BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AINU J1I Y FKUFJJ.K1 Y I)TS POIt SALE IX EVERV ADD1TIOX IX IIEXD PIlOPEItTV HANDLED POIt XO.V-ltESIDEXTH. TIMIlEIt IIOUGIIT AND SOLD. L OPI'ICE OltECOX STItEUT r- Ixxiorhf M Ha vie fftmnnnv I wniui if, uutiu vvuipuiy I INSURANCE FIRIJ PLATfi OLASS AUTO.MOMILU LIAUILIIY IIUNII ALCIDIi.M Phone Red 1621 Temporary Olllce Opposite Bulletin llldg. . lisfsr ir LLemens m- ! DEALERS IN B I ' ift,l ' FURNITURE fo&EFmh ot.i fTT" o rErHHp ranges Wmmm s4 " A.. i?41'iiafc ... --i gKtimtmbmtr ' on mmiakE PAYMENTS MM&StOA TRII'LETT BUILDING JffiiSiifcES3rf BEND. OREGON Jg QUILLS THE. GOOD JUQGE ) lYOUR MONOa Tur urn r. ' -.Y . ' "- "''" '"OI .. . CHFW I S TI'mTO A deslrnblo bread knlfo free with uvorv annual subscription to The Bend Hulletin. Seo Edwards for good houso paint ing. Adv. Seo Edwnrds for paper hanging. AlIV. Shoes will better than the money the Millview I II ' I II M ! WILL OPEN III I II APRIL 1ST IN i Carroll Building GOOD BOARD AINU KUUM& - II REASONABLE i give you any you . i I BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ItOUBllT II. GOULD Civil Bnglnccr Hcnd Oregon W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. I). 1) B X TIST Ofllco Over Po8tolllco Bend, ... Oregon DR. J. C. VANDEVERT Physician nnil Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 n. m.; 1-j p, 7-9 p. m. Sntlier Untitling m.; W. O. MANNING, D. M D. Dentist. Ofllco In First Nntlonal Bank Building Tel. nil lleud, Oregon W1LLARD II. WIRTZ L A W Y K It Prluovlllo, Oregon. C. 8. BENSON Attorney At Ii n w Bouson Building, Wall Street Bond, Oregon, VEKNON A. FORBES L a w y !: it First NattonnI Bnnk Building Bond, :-: :: Oregon W a e o n o r s. v o u n a Civil mill Irrigation Engineer, U. S, Mineral Sun ej or. Boom D First Nntlonal Bank Building I J. B. Bell A. W. Sims CltOOK COUXTV AHSTKACT COMPANV (Incorporated) Successors to The J, It. Ilnuor Abstract Co., Prluovlllo, Ore. Ahstrnctn Insurance HEX!) PLU3IIIIXG AND IIEATIXtJ CO.MPAXV Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating WALL STREET DR. It. D. 8TOWELL Xupriipiithtc I'liyMi Ion Ovi r I.'ii-.iii 1 iiinltiiii- t'o A all Strut Hours -i to 5 Phono Iti'd IH- C. P. NISWONGER, Bond, Ore. IXDEKTAKEIt Llreiihi'il Emhiilmcr, l'limrnl lilrertur. Phono Red 121. Lady Asst DR. J. H. CONNARN D !: N T I S T Ofllco In Father Building. Ilouri. 0 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. II. II. Do A H M O N D LAWVEU Oregon Street. Boud, Oregon II. C, ELLIH Attorneyiit'Uuv Unlteil Stntes C'liiiimlHsliincr First National Bunk Building BEND, OREGON DR. A, A. Ill RRI8 .N'nliiropiilli DlB"nrea cured without tho uso of drugs or surgery by tho nat ural methods of hi-Mlng. Ofllco Suther Building I tend, Oregon Tel. Itliick t!71 DANCE Every Saturday Night At Sutlii-i-'H Hull Under Now Management, With New Orchestra IIEXD TO IIROTIIEIIH AUTO KTAfii: Leaves Bond TueHday and HaturdayH II. I). (lffiri!i!, A Kent Offlce at George'B Barber Shop . m r C. E. HAMILTON Writes Fire Insurance Phone Bl.clc 451 DRY WOOD FOR SALE Sanitary Barber Shop Will (llvo You Better , Barber Service SAM ELDER, Prop. Iho Dalles Sanatorium THE DALLES. OREGON i FORMERLY DR. GEISENDORFER'S HOSPITAL KtoiwMicit iimltr the iii.m.ii;cmtnt of l)H 1MAI4 Dry Lake STAGE LEAVES DltV LAKE WED- XESDAV AND SATlltD.W Ill-n'PI'.XIXC Tlll'ltSllAY AM) Sr.VDAY Leave orders at the Universal Garage at iiiij rcr.w MI.AT MAPKI.T. FREE DELIVERY Gilbert b Son H. P. SMITH I'ltin and Omnnd.ljl PLASTERING ALL WORK GUARANTIED J Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WOKK rock or dirt I1ASEMENTS STREET WORK, ETC. Lr ofdrii l J. A, IIASIKS OITICE Oirgon Slice! HooflnK of nil kinds, Hcfiairinir promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor GuttorlfUTi HpoutlnK, Cornicea und Skyll(;hU. We are in a Position TO IH'ILD A HOl'SK, AC 1 1 Hill COUDINO TO THE PLANS OF THE PURCHASER. WILL BUILD SAID HOUSE TO SPIT THE BUYER AND SELL IT FOR 20 OF PUR. CHASE PRICE CASH. BAL ANCE EASY SI O N T 11 L Y I PAY.MENTS. II HOMESEEKERS LAND CO. Illlll I) l MIMIt.-U M j 1 1 ihi "-"i iiiii iiiiii i WiiiIi' 'ttJ BUY YOUH : Groceries I! i r; i II j a Hi I i i M i