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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1915)
fe ir i 1MUB 2. TIIK IJKXD, UVU.imS, BESn, ORE., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1015. CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. -- Tl'MAM). I (Iron. V Kadden. ci.ovi:itn.w.i:. (Special to Tho Bulletin) TUMALO, Sept. 20. A burlesque dramatization or Sir Walter Scott's "I.ochlnvar" hy the ptiptln and teacli- urs of the town ncliool, a solo ".My ' their respective homes, Queen of Dreams" hy Nell Kay, a recitation "Ilrunlnrd's Remorse," hy Mrs. Goodwin, and an instrumental eolo hy Francis Hall were tho prin cipal numherH on tho program given Haturday night at the basket social. The Bum of $14.25 was cleared for the benefit of the churcn. Tho fall term besan on September 13th nt both schools In the Tumalo district Miss .lames Is principal and teaches the higher grades In the town school. There Is an enrollment of 12 pupils In her class. Miss Mly Iihb IC pupils in" the primary grados. (Jeorgo llrenner, of Orogon City, Is tORchlng this year at school No. 2,i In tho Couch neighborhood, hour teen children are attending there, I'alrvlow district school has an en rollment of 17 pupils with J. A. Thompson as teacher. All who wish to make reservation for space at the Fair hall can apply to J W. Ilrown. Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Mrs. Alhort Harper and Mrs. Jess Harter enter tained tho W. S. I,. Club at their monthly meeting on Friday after noon. Mrs. Hymn Caily was ap pointed secretary to finish Mrs. John Cunningham's unexpired term and reports from the soliciting commit tees were heard Aftor tho business meeting rofntshmonts were served by tho hostesses. Mrs. Orlflln and children returned on Tuesday from Ilermlston, where they visited relatives for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs (' J. Mock entcrtaln od n number of llend friends at din ner on Sunday Covors were laid for Itev. I. like Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. William O'Donnell, Mr. nnd Mm Joe lnns nnd Mrs. (Icorgo HrosterhouH. A number of the church peoplo en joyed a picnic dinner on the Island aftor stvIcs on Sunday. As A. O. Wnlkor delivered his last sermon that I'sy, the dinner was In tho nature of ii farewell to hi in About 50 .eopl- attended the far mer's meeting on 1'rlday night. Court ly Agricultural A. K. I.ovett Intro duced Dr. Hector Macphorson who wis the principal speaker. His talk (limit mainly with tho systems of marketing omploed by the Oanlfih nnd other European countries through their co-operatlvo societies Myron Cady returned Thursday from tho project camp near Mrokon Top. A. O. Wall-er spent Sunday night nt tho J. W. Ilrown homo. Mr. and Mrs. Knickerbocker and children of llend spent Sunday after noon at Itlllcnwt. Mrs. Id ! Couch had an unfor tunate nccldmit Snturdav In which she was hurt qulto seriously. Mrs. White of llnnd Is visiting her Sarnts, Mr. and Mrs. Silver at tho tar ranch. Miss Marv Thninnson spent Sunday Malting at the l'arks home. P. Wray and Miss Elva Mc- 15 and the following officers elected: Jonn Holland, director, 10 nu ine un Mrs. Aug. Muetze and daughter and Miss l,ydle Klopflclsch left Wed nesday for Hlchland, Washington, where thoy will visit relatives a few weeks, after which they will go to (Special to The Bulletin.) CL.OVBRDALB, ' Sept. 20. Mr. Caraon Is sick In California. Karl Qrube has gone to Mend for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrlx and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cutllp Sunday. Clorerdale school has 32 pupils, and all the grades except the second. Stacking Ie about done In this sec tion with far more and better grain nnd hay than was ever raised here before. Blvln and Dean Van Mot re were rounding up their young stock the last of tho week. Tho Heard thresher will be In this section by tho 25th. C. Johnson went to tho covo Wed nesday and returned Thursday with a load of fruit. Mrs. Templeton has suffered the week's Illness Mrs. Templeton has suffered tho past ten dajs with a felon on her linger. Tho large crowd felt well paid for attending the address given by Mr. ffPhnpnn at tlin aphnnl finnan lnat Saturday night. It proving most In teresting and Instructive. The speak er was accompanied by A. B. I.ovett. Cloverdale Council will mee Friday night to formulate plans for concert ed action In regard to tholr display nt tho Sisters fair, also to discuss their Interests nnd obligations to the noon expired term of O. E. Heathman, who moved from here a lew weeks ago and Vernon Clevenger, clerk. John Holland and W. A. Hahn drove to town Sunday to transact business. Vernon Clevenger. the newly elect ed school clerk, called at tho Davis home to get the school record books from Mr. Davis, who has been clerk for tho past 2H years. Mrs. Matney Conoway and children Opal and Oscar, visited ut the A. D. Norton borne Sunday. Louis Hall and sereral of his frlenda were out hunting a few days Inst week F. O. Klger and Miss Ruth Con oway were visiting friends Sunday evening. j. Goodman and son Jay spent the Jewish New Year at the Frank Her- wlu homo, coming home on Monday morning. Mrs, John Holland and children, Mary and Joseph, spent Sunday at the n. B. Davis home. Mrs. James Meatson called at the Holland home Wednesday afternoon. Harold Davis drove down to visit friends Sunday In West end. A. T, Shaver drove through hero Monday enroute to Mend from Hamp ton. Geo. Roberts and wife were call ing on friends Sunday. Mr. Roberts drove out from Mend 'Saturday to spend the week end with his family. Vernon Clevenger nnd wife nnd Mrs. Roberts drove down to P. M. Johnson's Saturday. H, F. Dyer was a cast end business visitor Saturday. Hooper Dyer drovo down to visit his father II. F. Dyer Sunday fore- Tumalo fair, I'otnto Show and Coun ty Fair. .MIU.IO.W. (Special to Tho Bulletin) MII.UCA.V. Sept. 19. A spoclal school election was held nt the Joseph Holland spent Friday and Saturday with Murton Davis. Cliff Ream Is plowing 20 acres for Horace White. John Holland Is plowing end olenrlng 10 acres on his homestead. H. B. Davis has Just finished plow. Ing 20 acres for hts father II. B school house Wednesday, September ' Davis and has nnother 20 acres to LOST CltHKK. (Spoclal to The Mull. tin). LOST CRBBIC. Sept. 1 1. J. H. 1 linen returuud from his trip to lloud Monday. two Merewr and Pnrry Hnrtoon wr tnirrlml at tlin homo of the groom Sunday the 39th of August. Ili. Curlwtt parformsil the marriage ctwmour Thalr many friends wlnh thm a Icing, prosperous and happy IK. R. W. Meat Is getting In bo quite n pedtrlnn I la walked home from atlvar Crtwk last Saturday. CUrtmce Hmltli caino home from ltml Inst Tuaaday. Archie Smith Is working in a lum br in'll n-ir lioiiil. Mra. J. O Perry returned from n trlti to Portland last Wednesday. P 8. Davis loft -lost Friday on n trlii to Itaml Urn. S. J Hubbard will sou Cecil and Mian IC. McUaohnrn drovo over to Flfa lust Saturday and returned ttuuday. WIiHh tlioro thnv wero the HMtMta of IIik McKnoheril home. At the Huerlal school meeting on ilottdwy J. IC. Hiullli was chosen dime ter (wr the remainder fo tho year. After thu election them was a hot time. LOTS LOTS LOTS m a i i ) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm --m SPECIAL! HAMPTON IIUTTK. (Special to The Mulletln.) HAMPTON HUTTK. 8opt. 17. Mr. llozflim ps gone to Silver Creek to gut some hhoiI rye. HorKCK Itrooklnes purchased a cow from Mm. C Smith. Charley Davis or Stnurrer passed through hero last Thursday on his war to llend. MIm Alice MionkluRH nnd Mrs. Oraet) llnsslor of Htauffer were up Friday fur HupplUw ut Mrooklngs storo. Mr and Mm. A. M reglstorod at the UrouUlngrt Hotel last Tuesday being on tholr way from Murua to He lid. Mr. Corlwtt U out to Mend for sup- pile. Mm. Mrlrkoy was up Friday on ImstnwM. N 8.""lrown was a visitor in this i 'dully UulttV. Mr. and Mm. Mart Monks and ohll lr.n. Mrti. Muatt and daughter Viola, Mini Ml a.ydla Kloplkilnoli were VKMita of Mra. Fred Millar last Sun day J M. llrlckoy wna up today to got freight which thu trucks broiiKht as far a llronklnga Station. A few friends 'lathered tit tUa Ml' home Monday nlKlit In hou or of Mra Muatto and MIm Iydln liluptlelwh. Tho ovenlnK wns spent In timing wud tuuiTe anil nt a Into hour bo ortNtm with fruit nnd cakes wiiH KervtHl- Thuso prusunt woro Mr. nnd Mra J. M. llriokoy and son. Jim. i ne Mrs Jim Urovro nail ohllirn, Mr and Mm. l'rod Miller nnd ohll- We are SELLING LOTS nt less than HALF the price asked in other Additions of equal dis tance from the business center. Lots 40X105.. $60 for Inside, $75 for Corners Lois 50X120 $75 and $100 for Inside Loto 50X125 $100 and $125 for Corners S.j. 00 Cash and $3.00 Monthly, 0 percent interest. Mr. Householder, cheaper to buy and build than to pay rent. Young Man or Young Woman, it pays to put your money in Heal Estate when you buy right, YOU CAN BUY RIGHT from me. J. A. EASTES plow before commencing seeding. G. F. Hoover of Dend came out Saturday to demonstrate a new car to Mrs. Geo. Mllllcan. Frank Spencer calfed at A. D. Norton's Sunday ovenlng. Mrs. Vernon Clevenger called nt the W. H. Ream home Sunday. Sarah Davis and Mary Holland wero at the Cook home Friday. A dance wns given at the Dr. Rosen home Saturday night which was well attended and enjoyed. William Todd came out from Mend Tuesday and returned Sunday. Mr. Todd has about 35 acres planted to potatoes and expects to plant about 100 acres to spuds next spring. P. R. Johnson made a trip to Mend Thursday and Eric Hasteland camo out with him. Mr. Hnstelamd has been employed in Mend for sev eral months past and will now stay on his homestead. G. W. Cook Is plowing nnd clearing on hts claim. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and daugh ters passed through hero enroute to Mend Wednesday. Trnnk Spencer nnd Mrs. L. W. w If St OH YOU TRAVKLKRt When in need of a bed, a meal or a feed for your team or someUtlng to mako your "car" go, STOP AT P. B. Johnson's 28 miles from Mend; Mllll can P. o. Also grocerlos, lunch goods and phone. ::rfS Ruth Conowny called on Mrs. Louis Glcss Sunday. Farnk Spencer and Mrs. L. W. Schmorl wont to Mend Thursday in tho Johnson car. PINBIIL'llST. (Special to The Mulletln.) P1NEHURST, Sept. 20. F. W. Swisher made n trip to Mend Satur day. R. H. Mavlcy loft Monday mornlg for Prinevlllc. The Pinchurst pooplo attending tho basket social at Tumalo Saturday night wero C. H. Spaugh and family, Mr. Maker,' Miss Ruth Maylcy and Mrs. Goodnln. Mrs. G. W. Snyder nnd Mrs. I,. H. Root called on Mrs. George Couch Sunday afternoon. C. II. Spaugh nnd famllv wero guests at the McAllstor home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Styles wero Tumalo visitors Sunday. Mrs. A. H. Reed went to Mend on Thursday. William Root snent Sunday after noon with Lester Snyder. F. B. Dayton threshed hay for Mr. McAllstor and G. .W. Snyder last week. Master Wavorley Mawley. who has been visiting Mrs. Mrown of Tumalo, returned home Thursday. Mrs. McAllster wns n business call er at tho Snyder homo Sunday morn ing. Mr. anil Mrs. PInkstaff called nt tho Coucn home Sunday. Miss Ruth Mavley went to Tumalo one day last week. Mrs. F. V. Swisher and mothor-ln-Inw, wero out to Sundny school Sun day. Mrs. C. If. Spaugh and Mrs. L. II. Hoot attended the ladles meeting held In Tumalo Friday? U. H. Root and F. V. Swisher havo been pnpcrlng tho school houso tho past week. Mrs. Styles called at tho Snyder home Thursday nvcnlnc. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Snyder mado n trip 1 9, llend Snturdav. Ethel Snsdor cntortnlnor Ruth Mayley Sundny. 5CriM0 Went t0 Dcnd r morning, l'OWKMi 1IUTTB. (Special to Tho nnllotln) POWELL MUTTB, Sept. 20 1 M ' J. F. Rice was hostess to tho'poun Mutto SoroslB Wednesday nfternnS nt her home. An nverair,, n was present and nil enjoyed the ttm Immensely. Mrs. Rice, aeslsted I u Miss Mabel Allen, nnrva.i .... .' ments previous to ndjournment v.X nesdny, October 13th, l8 the ne.i meeting dnto nnd an nil day sei is planned with Mrs. Guy Sears . hostess. " Rnlny weather delayed thrcshb. tho first of tho week. Mr. Dunn too, ed his machlno Wednesday from Mr Gibson's to Mr. Mooro's however and has been busy threshing Blnce. ' Lloyd Dussott wns n Plnovllle . Itor Wednesday, returning homo on Thursday. Mllly Wilson's place Is nssumlne qulto a metropolitan air with Its nlf. ty little garago which was erected the past week. Clyde Mooro Is hobbling around these days, the result of having cut his foot with nn axo, nnd although knocked out for somo sorts of work ho is right there when It comes to sewing grnln sacks. Frank Hayn returned to Portland last week nfter a visit of several weeks with his son A. W. Hayn, and family, and with numerous frlenda. Dr. McPhorsMi of tho O. A. C., de livered a very Interesting address on tho sublcct of marketB and market ing nt tho Wilson school house on Thursday afternoon. Ho gavo some valuable Information regarding the marketing of butter fat In Oregon at the present time nnd nt tho same time ho assured tho dairymen of his confidence In n brighter future for their lino of business. A petition Is being circulated In the Shepcrd district for tho purpose of holding n meeting on September 30 th to determine whether or not the school house Is to bo moved, This question has long concerned the patrons of that district and will ho (Continued on page 7.) EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. IS" Hulled Barley and Shelled Corn TOR. CHICKEN FEED 4 Use The Now BEND FLOUR MILL CO. DESCHUTES SPRAY and TRUE BLUE The lending brnnds of patent flour. Ask your grocer for them. FEED Large quantities of Shorts, Bran, Hoi led Oats nnd Barley on hand nt nil times. SEED Seed Wheat and Hye in several varieties. Mail Orders solicited. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KltOKMIKT, Prcstdent-Mauager. WHY PAY RENT? ftSLZiSZiSLSiS. 5!S 5! 55? ?& 5S r?$ SIS $& r(r Zm ?nCfPw IS THE opportune vl $ me snce e avent f ?'. - . . e railroads for you to pi it build a home. Why delay construction until it will cost you 20 per cent more for the same building? The far seeing man is availing himself of the opportunity of securing labor and material very cheap. We have the largest list of Resi dence Property in Bend. Come in and let us quote you prices, and you will soon decide that you can not afford to pay rent any longer. Bend Park Company OREGON STREET 1