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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1915)
The bend Bulletin -K -K iiHxij, orhciox wi:ixi:siay aktkrxoox, khptkmm'ii sa, ioib. in. r moore granted 8 months more LAKES LEASE PROS PECTS ENCOURAGE rmmotor Tnlks In Largo Figures, Hut Kvcii If Ho Palis, Htnto Is 9M,. 000 to flood by Transaction Economy to KtuhllMi licit). T (Special to Tho Bulletin.) SALEM, Sept. 20. At n meetlnB Saturday tho Desert Land Hoard again granted extension of tlmo to Jason C. Mooro in which to begin actual work on the Summer and Alicrt lako project. Mooro la given eight months moro nnd Is obliged to cut up nnothor in securities, making $25,000 In all which. will bo forfeited to tho atato If tho promoter falls to get tno project started. Dollars wore discussed by tho mil lion and water power, conversation nlly speaking, was bandied about In 100,000 horso power chunks by tho Now Yorker In Btntlng his enso to tho Hoard. And when ho finished, as no ono olso seemed to have any propo sition to maKo, nna tho worst that can happen will bo n $25,000 Incre ment to tho state treasury, tho Heard gra itcd tho extension. Money Kvlricnce of Faith. Thoso who hnvo observed this caso closely doclnro that tho outlook for real development scorns brighter thnn ever before., Thoso who oro putting up tho $2M00 ovlriontly think so. Mooro declares that somo $20,000, 000 will bo required to establish plpo jA lines and reducing plant to handle T Hie schomo upon a profltablo scalo. Sodium nltrato, obtained by nn orig inal procoss, Is tho product sought. Mooro claims that somo 1C0, 000 horso powor will ho required to op erate n reducing plant that will pro duco 100,000 tons annually, as In tended. Ills original plan, ho says, contemplates the development of ox tenslvo water power sites near tho mouth of tho Deschutes river, but this development has been forestal led, temporarily nt least, by tho with drawal of lands by tho Government. "It Is true that In sovcral ways It would bo moro desirable to establish tho roductlon Blunt,, at H.on,oy uald, . 7.flT MoortiTo a reprosontatlvo of The Hullotln. "I have seriously consid ered such n stop, nnd Investigations nre bolng mado hy thoso Interested, Tho problem would bo to assemble thoro tho needed 150,000 horso pow er. This largo nmount cannot bo developed adjacent to tho town. It would bo necessary to create this power nt sovortil points along tho river nnd bring It by wlro to Hond. Perhaps this could ho arranged." Would Ho rroiioiuy. It Is known that Investigations to this end nro In progress. Hy estab lishing tho proposed plant at Hond, tho great cost or n plpo lino somo 1G0 miles down tho Doschutcs would bo eliminated. In this connection, those who maintain that tho wholo schomo Is chimerical nBk why It would not be more economical to transmit elec tric current to tho lakes, where tho Plant could then bo established, than to undertnko tho vest!)' costly schomo of pumping tho waters of tho lako (Continued on Inst pago.) CONSIDERATION The Child with htr Peony 8lug Otnk The Small Hoy with his Small Change The Lady with her Pin Money Savings The Small Man with his Small Roll The Big Man with his Big Roll ARE EACH ACCORDED THE . SAME CONSIDERATE ATTENTION AT THE DESCHUTES STATE BANK BEND, OREGON The Bank of Personal Service B. FERRELL-President A?V.KS,,,ll5llATIVB ,x '" nuXnt "fml Theatfc Monday night 1 writ Rhodes saw an undo whom ho linn Slot seen for many years. Ho nl o saw his uncle's homo for tho first time, it was all In the film of "Tho Gentleman from .Mississippi," which was taken on the plantation of Mr. miotics undo In Mississippi, tho uncle appearing In one scene. Tho film Is providing tho means of a sort of family reunion, .Mr. Rhodes' fath er having seen It In Oklahoma. NOUS, COLLINS ID IS. HOWELL IMPOUND GUILTY Indictment Against Dr. Gonnnrn 1)N- inlsKcd Appeal 1 Will bo Taken Wcnicr Caso on Trial Today. Dr. C. Roa Norris, John Collins nnd Mrs. Ethel Howell wore found guilty of tho chargo of contributing to tho delinquency of n minor by a Jury in tho Circuit court lato last night. Tho separato Indictment ngalnst Dr. J. H. Connnrn wns dis missed without any trial. Attorneys for tho threo defendants will tnko an appeal from tho decision of tho decision of tho Jury. Pending this thoy nro confined In tho county Jnll. Unusual Interest has been tnken In tho caso both on nccount of tho promlnonco of tho pnrtles and tho nature of tho ovldence. Tho trial begnn on Saturday, tho caso golni? to tho Jury after eight o'clock last night. Tho Jury was out only half an hour. Dr. .Norris nnd John Col lins wero represented by V. A. Forbes Wad Mrs. Howell by II. 11. Do Ar mond. Mr. Do Armond nlso repre sented Dr. Connarn, whoso Indict ment was dismissed. District Attor ney Wlrtz nnd W. P. Meyers ropro sonted tho state. Present Indications nro that tho court will bo In session for tho rest of tho weok. Tho crlminnl caso against Jim Wonvor, charged with assault on Mlko Drnglch, Is on trial today. Weavor 1b represented My N. Q. Wallace nppolnted by tho court. V. A. Forbes Is assisting Dis trict Attorney Wirt In tho proso cutlon. It Is posslblo that tho grand Jury may bo called again to consid er tho case of V. L. Hcathmnn, bound ovor In Judgo Enstes' court on Fri day, on tho chargo of passing worth less checks. Hcathmnn was taken to Prlnevlllo Saturday, A civil caso of local Interest, J. Edward Larsen vs. James Ryan, will bo heard later it; tho week. Upon a domurror to tho Indict ment, the caso of tho statu of Ore gon vs. Jim Wonvor, chnrgod with assault with a deadly weapon upon Mlko Draglch In Draglch's saloon August H, wob dismissed this moVTf" Ing by Judgo Duffy. No tnrther ac tion will bo taken. OLD KOLDlKltS TO MEET. Tho old soldiers' reunion, origin ally planned to bo held at Tumnlo last Sunday, Is to bo hold next Sun day, Tho affair will bo an all day picnic with an address in tho nftor noon on Abraham Lincoln by Rov. II. C. Hortrnnft. All old soldlorB. both Union and Confederate, nnd Sons of Veterans, nro invltod to nt tond. DOXATKS HIS PRIZES. To assist tho work of tho Ladles Library Club and as a mark of his appreciation of tho sorvtco It Is ren dering the community, II. F. Dyor, of tho Milllcan homestead section, has turned back to tho club tho prlzos won by him at tho recent flour show. Mr. Dyer took sovoral prized with his dry land exhibit. Ho was In town on Monday and nt that tlmo request ed Tho Hullotln to announce tho re turn of tho prizes. E. M. LARA Cashier i IN LUMBER ARRIVES FOR SHEVLIN Mill It Xow Ready for Machinery Will Tnko Secrul Montlus to In-Rtnll-7 llroolw Temporary Pinner ltojuly Mess llouso Is Hullt. Tho passage of another weak of local mill construction has brought tho Shevlln mill to tho point whoro machinery Js bolng Instnllod, At tho Ilrooks mill site, across tho rlvor, tho removal of rock preliminary to construction continues. Duo to the non-arrival of material work on tho Shovllu plnnor wns not started last week as oxpectod. Ma terial Is now coming, howovor, In quantities nnd, according to present plans, tho plnnor will bo begun noxt wcok. Thirty car loads 0 tlmbor have arrived recently, this morning olono a shlpmont of nlno cars of tim ber nnd roofing hc'ug received. At tho mill tho roof is on nnd mill Wrights began on Monday to put tho machinery In place. This work will tnko sovoral months, Tho walls of tho power house, adjoining tho mill nro about half way up, eight brick layers bolng employed horo. Tho laying of rails on tho logging road continues. Toiupomry Hiillrilngs Put l'. Tho tompornry planor for tho Hrooks-Scanlon company wns finish ed last wcoK nnd tho machinery has been moved to It from tho old mlllj or Tno iiemi company, it is expect ed that tho plnnor will bd In opera tion this afternoon. Tho company Is nlso building n tompornry mess houso nenr tho'bptir nnd on tho bluff nbovo tho river. In connection nro n few bunk houses nnd n cook houso. It will bo operat ed by Frank W. Sullivan of Seattle Uecauso of tho lack of accomodations In town nnd tho desirability of hous ing Its men near their work tho com pany has found It necessary to tnko this stop. According to Oonor I Man ager Koyes, It 1b only a to: pornry nrrangoment to be ended na xjon as conditions warrant. ' IUT1B0ITUE PUNTED Xcnrby Lakes aro Stocked -PIicon. auU to Arrhc Tomorrow. Tho work of distributing trout from tho local feeding ponds has bo gun, sovornl thousand having boon tnken out to nearby lakes In tho past fow days. Yesterday 2000 eastern brook trout wero taken to Twin lakos by II. W. Skuso, D. V. Mcintosh, C. M. McKay nnd J, C. Rhodes whllo previously, Intorested Sisters people took trout to Hluo lako, SuttloH Inl'o, Trout crook and tho Motollus. It lo oxpectod that La Pino peoplo will take fish to Paulina nnd Knst lako, 5,000 bolng available for each. Other game nows of Intorest Is thnt 48 phoasants from tho Htnto game farm at Corvallls aro to arrive tomorrow morning to be liberated In this soctlon, 12 each at tho Sttfuloy ranch, A. O. Walkor's, Goorgo Jones' and II. J. Ovorturf's. Warden Mc kny requests that all who seo thoso birds report tholr condition. I i 6!jS&3!6365fe33tl3jt33S655fe!fe335trr A COMPLETE LINE or CARPENTER TOOLS 3 AT: Bend Hardware Co. Tho Company tlmfput the "Wtinr" In Hurclwur IF YOU DID NOT.GET A CATALOG CALL FOR ONE; COMPANY SEEKS 10 C. 0. 1. OFFICIALS A1EET SETTLERS, M First (lathering at Deschutes Paiscs Peacefully and Control crsdes nro Untied To Continue- Plnn "" 1 Question of Solon Considered. Tho plan of holding directors' mcotlngs nt tho company's ofllco In Deschutes has been decided upon by the Central Oregon Irrigation Com pany ns 0 means of bringing Uie com pany and tho Bottlers Into closer re lationship. Tho movement Is goner- nllyj'hailed as n stop In tho right dl roctlon and ono likely to bo of far reaching Importnnco In bringing to an end tho feeling of antagonism that haft nlways existed botween tho two pnrtles. Reports of tho first meeting under tho new nrrnngomeut, hold In Des chutes on September 11, Indicate thnt It passed off peacefully, for tho most i.nrt, nml thnt nlthough only n fow settlors woro present tho treatment thoy received satisfied thqni thnUtho o Ulcers of tho company nro sincere In tholr present endenvors nnd will go n long way toward making tho movo mont successful. Apparently tho on ly llnro-up nt tho meeting wnn caused by tho well-known nntngoulsm hold by most settlers for General Manager Howard. Tho tendency of tho other officers, howovor, wns to keep Mr. Howard In the back ground, resulting In Tree statements of their cobob by tho sottlers nnd In ono "or two In- stnnccs, Immedluto settlement of tho controversy. Company Henri Xollro. In calling tho meeting tho company sent to all settlors a notlco reading In part as follows: "Tho directors of tho Contrnl Ore gon Irrlgntlon Company, fooling that It Is for tho best Interest, not only of the compnny, but for tho wntcr users under tlo Contrnl Oregon Irrlgntlon Systani, nnd In order to prnmoto n closer relationship between tho com nanv nnd tho water users, have do cldoa to hold UlrpctorB Meetings nt tho Company's officio In DescluUca'nt stated periods. At these mcotlngs nil complaints will bo hoard nnd nnilc nblo ndiustmont of thorn attempted Tho wntor users nnd thoso Interested In tho welfare of tho segregation aro cordially Invited to attend thoso mcotlngs. Any suggestions tending to tho betterment nnd wolfnro of tho svstcm nnd Its usoru aro urgently ro attested.'' With each notlco thoro wob nlso sent nil explanation of tho mainte nance fecB chnrgod by tho company, Intended to mnko dear tho necessity for tho payment of tho fcoH nnd tho uecB to which thoy nro put. AbIiIo from tho Individual grievan ces of n fow of thoso who attended tho Saturday meeting tho chief sub ject of dlBCllsslou was tho question of sales by contract holders or por tions of tholr lands, nnd tho attend ant questions ns to responsibility for maintenance fees In caso of snlos, and as to water deliveries to sub divisions Bold from ono original tract. This matter wns fully discussed nnd a statement hearing on It wilt bo ft i ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft given out by tho company In tho near future. Many settlers who hoped to attend tho meeting woro unnblo to do so because of harvest work. It Is ex pected, however, that at Inter meet ings, with harvesting over nnd tho success of tho first meeting fully ap preciated, n largo number will bo present. SEND LOCAL COUNCIL OF BOY SCOUTS FORMED LAST NIGHT Step nro Taken to Assist Scout Mas ter II. C, Hnrtriinft in Currying on Work for Hoys. Alii In Mm Imv nrrmt wnrlf lmlnf- TTono by Rov, II. C. Hnrtranft hns boon pledced by local business men who mot Inst night to form n local council. Tho mooting wns proceeded by a short demonstration by somo of tho scouts of tho things thoy hnvo lonrncd In their work. Offers to Join tho council nnd as sist in tho work woro mndo nt tho Commercial Club luncheon on Satur day when an tipnenl wns mado for support for Mr. Hartranft. On Sat urday It was pointed out thnt tho scout movement wns most desirable for the boys of tho town, but thnt nt tho moctlnc hold on Thursday to crento nn Interest In tho work, onlv four men woro presont. As n result of this ntntoment and n short talk by Mr. Hartranft 15 men volunteered to Join tho council. At last night's mcntlnu n constitu tion was adopted nnd nfflccrB elected or follows1 president, Dr. II. Ferroll! vice presidents, I), 10. Iluntnr nnd R W. Sawyer trenBitror, C. S. Hudson; secretnrv, H. J Overturf nnd scout cot'unlplsonor, P. C. flnrrlson. Tho boy scout work In Hond linn been cnrrlnd on B'nco his coming hero bv Rov. II. C. Hnrtranft, pastor of tho Presbyterian church, who has tho nnpolntmont nB scout mnstor. Ron ort Innes Is assistant scout funster. Meetings nro hold every Monday night In tho Presbyterian church, thoro hnvlng boon 25 boys In attend nuco nt tho Inst meeting. Tho tnombors of tho Incnl council presont last night woro, J, P. Koyes, II. J. Ovorturf, A. C. Kgnn, A. M. Lara, C. S. Hudson, D. B. Hunter, R. M. Smith, A. L. French, C. 8. Short. T. II. Foley, 11. W. Sawyer, and Dr. Ferroll, UECEPTIONJS ENJOYED Mirny Attend Pnront-Tenelior lit, cut Held on Friday. 'Tho rocoptlon given on Friday nf tornonn by tho Hond Pnront-Tor.chor Association was ovor 100 'mothers of school lahlldron nnd oth era Interested In tho work of tho as sociation. The Commercial Club room was prettily doenratod for tho occasion with cut lowers nnd tho rues nnd furniture from tho rest room. At tho back of the room n ten toblo was prepared. Nttu comers to tho city woro wot coined by Mrs. O. A. Tlioraon, prcBl dent of tho association, and Invited to Join In tho pnront-tonchor work. Following hor remarks two numbum woro given by school chlldron nnd tho remainder of tho nfturnoon was spent In general conversation. Tho committee In chnrgo of tho re ception Included Airs. V, A. ForbnM, Mrs. Robert Ciinnlnghnm, Mrs. How nrd Roynolds and Mrs. N. O. Davis. MAXV ATTHXI) DAXCH. A largo crowd of Hond poplo wont to Tumnlo Inst Saturday night to at tend tho dance given thoro undar tho mi8plcc8ot tho Html band. Tho band will glvo a dauco at Tumulo tho night of tho West Side Fair ii) The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C COK, President I!. A. HATKKR, Vko- 1'ioiUleiH C, H, HUDSON, fnslilor Capltnl fully paid - L.1,000 Surplus J5,000 Itl'AL HAXKIXn HIHtVICK. Regular bank loans: Wo aro prepared at neatly all times to make advances to reliable parties for tholr requirements. Wool nnd sheep loans: Wo aro XOW prepared to loan monoy to shoop men for tho purchase of sheep. Wu aro now prepared to advance you 10c per pound on nil wool you store In thu Warehouse at Hond, at 8 per cent for either 'JO dyn or six months. Bhoep men do not hnvo to hell nt present prlea unless thoy wish. Tho monoy Is ready for you. Wo nro XOW prepared to malty loans on cattle for six months, for feeding purpose, hut not 011 rango or she stuff. Wo nro XOW prepared to mako loans on good farm lands, with good water rights, 110 iimttur whiirn looHtod In Central Ori;un, thu hlifgor tho loan tho hotter, pro viding thu proposition Is a good ouo and will stand clos ot InvusllKstlnu na to valiifM and tit It. Wrlto us for luformutlun. Hunk hy mall and sacuro our ei vices. ir FIRST NATIONAL RANK OIT REND m ww yp notwp "QCjti? Hrjtia' S2 LOSS OF SEAT IS PRINEVILLE AFRAID OF BEND Commissioner lllnnchnrtl Hvpccts Ac tion Certain In 101(1 Won Actlvo In IjiikI Grant Conference nt Salem Looks For Railroad. (Spoclal to Tho Hullotln.) . SALEM, Sop. 20. Crook county wns represented nt tho Land Grant conforonco hold hero Inst weok by J, F. Hlnnchnrd, county commissioner. Mr. Hlnnchnrd wns active In tho work of tho gathering and placed tho coun ty on tho map nn ono of tho onst-of-tlie mountnln counties with a- llvo Interest in sfato-wlrio affairs of ciuiSo quonco. "It wob n good conforonco nnd n fnlr ono," said Mr. Hlanchnrd. "F.von, If nothing olso had been accomplish ed, It wns worth whllo to hnvo n puh llo discussion of nil phases of snch nil Important subject. It ncomn to 1110 tlovomor With) combo deserves rom mendntlon for calling tho gnlhorlng together, and certainly under his di rection ovory Interest wns given full and fnlr opportunity for n hearing." When shown tho story In Inst week's Hullotln, relative to the pos sibility of u Prlnevlllo railroad, Mr. Hltinchnrri oxproReod tho belief that such 1111 enterprise must come soon, "Wo'll bo dollghted. of course," snld Mr, lllanchard. "Just an wo who try to stand for tho wholo coun ty Instead of ono portion of It only hnvo boon plonsod nt tho splendid do. volopmontfl thnt recently hnvo como to Henri. Certainly Hond Is to bo congratulated nnd has n big future.'' When nsk'od about presont oast sldo fooling concerning county divis ion Mr. lllanchard frankly Bald that the sentiment ho hoard most was n fear that with Ha great growth Hond would tnko tho county scat awny from Prlnevlllo. This fear, ho stat ed, wns voiced by many who had led In fighting last year's division movo mont, and would mnko It an easy mnttor to got tho required cnst-sldo votoa nt tho next election, provided ' reasonable 1'oumta.rlon warn entail" llBbod. Together with othor promi nent onst-Blriera, ho sooniod to tnko It for grnntod that division wus prac tically a certainty In 191C, Ill'VS IXTHR-MOrXTAIX. Whon In town on Monday William F. Arnold nnuouncod Hint ho hml bought tho Intorest of Alfred A. Ayn In tho La Pino Intor-Mouiitiiln nnd would rnnow publication of tho paper In October. Mr. Arnold was tho editor of tho Intnr-Mountnln prior to Its suspension last spring, nnd linn always been actlvo on beliulf of tho Interests of IiIb community. HHHUCHI) RAITS (HVI'.V. Announcement Is mndo by tho (), W. R. & X. of reduced rates to Red mond from points between Tho Halloa and Henri on nccount of tho Crook county fair. Ono and ono third fores will bo charged for thu round trip. Tho stiles dates nro be tween Octobor f .nnd 0 with return limit Octobor 11. - -.- ,ymwp KJS t$mP&J&ZP qhk7 J ( xcur-sjciju ifcn' a r .1.1 1 11 1 -fc" --. rrn