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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1915)
The bend BULLETIN Vol. XIII. ' . JltiXI), OIIKGOX, WKDXKSDAY AFTKHXOOX, J CIA" 21, 101.-,. K XO. 20. fr f .' IE OF ORDER 0 COMMISSION IS OPPOS ED TO COMPETITION Frank J. Miller of Public Service Hotly finys Interpretation of Itoccnt Decision In II. W. li. & I Co. I Cone My Proponent Incorrect Having been advised nf the recont ui'tj by tho proponents of the Steldl .V Tweet ftmehlse nf the order of the Public Service Commission In tho Mend Water Light & Power Co. caso as an argument In their favor, Frank J. Miller, of the Commlslson made this stntomont: "If such Interpretation Is being at tempted, It is not justified. Of course tho Commission cannot tako part In any commercial disputes, and it nover will, for our duty Is to rogulato all public service companies without prejudice. Dut I am free to say that tho Commission Is united In being ab solutely opposed to competition In eloctrlc service In small towns, with tho gonernl public good as the first consideration." . Mr. Miller then callod attontlon to a copy of a lottor written to Tilla mook city authorities by tho com mission soma" tlmo ago covering a situation very similar to that now ex isting In lloud. Extracts from that letter follow: "For tho reason that the state has supervision over service as well as rates and can compel reasonable nnd adequate service and reasonable and Just rates for nil public utility com panles doing business within thn state, wo can see no particular reason I for competition, especially In small cities nnd comunltlcs. Uccauso tho public service corporations are sup posed to bo entitled to a reasonable return on their Investment, wo do not'bellevo that tho public should bo burdened with return an duplications of Investment and tho territory of an existing public utility company be Idvadcd by a competing company when tho utility already In oxlstcnco can bo required to servo tho public wherever tbcro Is" a sufficient de- mand, and for theso reasons wo hnvo dlscouragod competition among util ities wnero incro is nusuiatciy iiecoa slty therefor. "This commission, however, Is not given authority to Issue n certificate of public necessity and convenlonco as is dono In many of tho stntos. and , charg0 of tho B0Vernment nBineor provent companies from compotlng ,ng work 0I tho Columbia rlvor, Wlrt with ench other for such aorvlco as Mnor A t. Hugglns, R. J. Ilragg may be demanded of them. Wo bo- nd c ,,p Davg, Jr.. of Portland llovo that reasonable restrictions nt Tue8(,ny nlBht , I)ona Ienv. . i. "-"u "' "? " uuuiuiuj uo wuu uiuu iuiuuub uu .via.., .Ai.ii.llllnn .na. .lift Ikll.flnH ' UIIJUBl Wl'lllIUlliWII IUI IIU UIIIUVU eventually falls upon tho public. Ono nf tbo other nf thn rnnmntlnir com- 'panles Is absorbed or falls and tho f stronger competitor In tho end con trols tho situation." "It Is stated In our order." added Mr. Miller, "that somo J47.C00 ofver camo to Bend a year ago and the Hend Water Light & Power Com- pony's Investment is In excoss of the Immedlato requirements, We simply i liave not allowed them a return on that amount. Tho Investment, how-' ver. undoubtedly Is a lso ono, nnd later nil or tho properties Involved In it will be usod In giving sorvlco. INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST YOUR OWN CARELESSNESS Even though you might never have a fire or thieves enter your home, n paper mislaid is often times lost just as irretrievably as if it had been burned or stolen. When your valuable papers are in our vault you" KNOW where they are and you KNOW they are safe. You can lease a steel box in our vault with a non-pickable Yale lock big enough to contain all your private papers, for $2 a year Can you aftord to be without this insurance? The Deschutes -Slate Bank Reckoning that nmotint In, at the present volumo of business, the for mer rates wore not excessive. We made tho reductions basod on tho company's actual Investment less tho $47,500. As matters now stand It seems to me Mend has most reason able rates, ntul vn hnvn nnvnr linnril nnV COmnlnlntn nlinilt thn snt-vlxrt it lias ueon the history of utili ties evorywhore, and especially In 811lall towns, thnt ennililnnHnn nf competing plants results lator. And mere is nnotner phase; when a small town nllowB competing companies to sharo Its electrical business, tho pos sibility of later reducing rates Is practically romoved. For Instance, with one company, as tho business grows with the growth of tho town, there Is n llknlllinnil nf rntn rnilnn. Hon. Uut with two Investments, and tne double capital Involved, possi bility Of Rlipll flit tiro rniltixtlnnn la practically eliminated." PRESIDENT WILSON SIGNS ORDER ELIMINATING UNDS Xcnrly 150,000 Acres in Pnulliin nnd Fremont Reserve Thrown Open Areas Xcnr Silver Luke. PORTLAND, July 10, According to an announcement made by the Forest Service President Wilson 19 day signed an exocutlvo order, mak ing an elimination of 143, C8C ncres, a small part of which tapatcntcd or private land, from tho Pnulinn and Fremont National Forests In Central Oregon. Tho area eliminated fr6m tho Fre mont forest, comprising 30,014 ucres, a small part of which Is patentod land, llos south of the town of Sil ver Lnko and both ens; nnd west of silver Lnko in Township 28 nnd 29, Ilango 14, 1G and 1C East. The lands are rolling and rocky, and covorod with a scattered stand of Juniper, a tree of little timber valuo. Tho Innds comprising tho Paulina elimination, 113,072 acres In extent, a Binnll part of which Is private land, He east of tho Walkor ranee of mountains nnd mostly between tho rango nnd tho Bend-Sllvor Lnko stago road, and nro more particularly described ns In cluding portions of Township 20 8., Kongo B. 10, 11 and 12 East; Tqwn Bhlp 27 South, Rango 9, 10, 11 nnd 12 East; Township 28 South, Rango 10 and 11 East; nnd a small patch In Township 28 South, Rango 12 nnd 13 East. These lands uro covered with n scrubby stand of lodgepolo plno, which Is not of much value for timber. Tho lands remaining In tho .Pnul- Inn Forest will bo added to tho Dos chutes and Fremont National Forosts anil win no aaminisiereu irom uona and Lnkevlcw respectively. COU MOltllOW IX IlKNIt. Col. J. J. Morrow, who has been In ing early this morning for Klamath Falls by automobl o. htovkk i:ni:cTi:i cashier. Myron A. Stover was elected assis tant cashlor of tho First National Dank at a meeting of tho directors of the bank this morning. Mr, Sto haB boon connected with tho bank since last fall, recognition of his abll- y "ringing rapio promouon. ai the same meeting It was decided to make application to tho Comptroller of the Curroncy for an Increoso In both tho capital and surplus of the bank. BEND HOSPITAL 10 OPEN AUG. DRS. COE AND FERRELL IN CHARGE Modern Institution Will Accomodate 0 Pntlcnt To Cnro for Injuries at Bhovlln-Hlxon Mill nnd Cnnitm -Knlploy Two Trained Xuraca Tho now Dend Hospital, under tho direction of Doctors U. C. Coo and D. iFerrell, will bo opened about; August 1 nnd when tho rcsldonco formerly occupied by W. E. Ouerln Is remodoled, tho Institution will havo a capacity of 30 patients. The Interior of tho structuro has been reconstructed and will bo mod ern nnd up-to-dato In ovary particu lar In order to give the best posslblo sorvlco to patrons. It will havo 12 roams, af which six will bo private rooms, two wnrds, stock rooms, oporattng room, dining room, kit clion nnd spacious sun room which will provide for sunshlno and serve 0,8 n rest room for convalescents. Overlooking tho river with tho mountains ns a vista, tho hospital Is Ideally situated and tho broad porch facing tho west will offer ploasant views for thoso ablo to enjoy out door air. Within tho noxt few months tho building will bo heated with hot and cold water and Doctors Coo nnd For roll now contemplate tho erection of a heating plant to supply this com fort. In order to caro for Injured em ployees of Tho Shovlln - Hlxon Company a contract has beau signed by this company under tho tonus of which nil Injuries to men In Its em ploy demanding hospital attontlon will bo accomodated In the now In stitution. Speedy means of trnns poittnR mon from tho mill nnd camps whoro Injuries occur to tho hospltnl will l'o tuken to Insitro linmodlnto treatment. First aid methods In tho various camps will bo carried on ef ficiently under Instructions to facil itate operations nnd caro 'upon tho arrival of Injured ones nt tho hos pital. Opcrutlnv Room Modern. The operating room will bo mod; ern In every detail to afford patrons the host attention through scientific means. It will ho finished In whlto. enamolod wood work nnd tho floor will ho cemented with ovary monsuro taken to Insure sanitation mid cloan Uncus during oporntlons. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Donovan, grnd.- uatns of tho Dollovuo Hospital In Now York, and recently of Iown, will arrive soon to assist Doctors Coo and Ferrell as cralncd nurses. Roth Mi1, nnd Aire. Donovan aro experienced nurses, hnving sorvod In tho profes sion for several years. "From tlmo to tlmo ns conditions warrant, wo expect to make additions nnd such remodeling as will render our work most effective," said Doctor Coe, "In ordor to glvo tho best pos slblo servlco and offer every conven lonco and comfort to patients. Tho Interior will soon bo complotod and much of tho furniture has already arrived for Installation," Prior to opening Doctors Coo and (Continued on last page.) $ Hay Carriers JjK JacKson ForKs 2! Wire rVope 21 2 Manila Rope '! $ Pulleys and ForKs j Mowing' Machines Binders and Reapers and Binder Twine AT: Bend Hardware Co. Tho Company that put lha "Wear" in Hardware IF YOU DID NOT GET A CATALOG CALL FOR ONE BOARD. LIKES. LOCAL CINDERS BELIEVES THEM GOOD ROAD MATERIAL 8. liciiMm nnd Party Spend Sunday Hero on Trip Over lllglnvn) May Itecomnioml Stnto Money for tho I,uvn Unite I toads. (Tho Oregonlan, July 20, 19ir.) Knthuslastlc over 'tho possibility of building good ronds with tho vol entile cinders found In this soctlon, tho advisory bonrd of tho Stnto High way Commission, consisting of S. nenson, Leslie Uutler and J. 11. Al bert, accompanied by Stnto Highway Engineer Cnntlne, loft horo carljt this morning on their return to Port land. They expect to rench Tho Dalles tonight. With thorn wero A. A, Ilosenthnl, of tho Portland' Press Club, and Clark Williams, of Tho Qregonlnn. Tho ndvnntngcs of theso cinders as a road material was first pointed out to tho members of tho board during their stop at Klamath Falls, but It was not until thoy reached Bend thnt thoy found streets nnd ronds on which they had been used, tho mn torlal having been put on horo In tho summer of 1914. During their stay tho members of tho party mado n caroful Inspection of the rondB so treated and visited tho pit on tho side of Pilot Ilutte, near town, from which tho cinders nro obtained. As n result of tholr examination. Including ono cindered street which hns recently been oiled as rin oxperlmont, tho board and Mr. Cantlno were ngrood thnt a scorning ly deslrnhlo material had been found to solve tho question of road build ing In this section. Tho party arrlvod In Ilend Sunday, coming by way of I.a Pino and Cres cent, whoro thoy spent Saturday night on their way through from Klamath Falls and Crater I.nko. A delegation from Ilend, Including Coiinty Commissioner Ovcrturf ond Manager Wallaco of tho Tliulalo pro ject, met them nt l.ava Hutto, about tonnnll-s from town, whero another deiibsl' af cinders exists. , loiter In tho day Commissioner niiTncbnril camo ovor from Prlnuvlllo and nn Itiformnl discussion nf tho ncods of tho Crater I.nko routo fol lowed. From Ilend tho party expect- od to go to Culver to moot ofllcors of Jefferson county court nnd Com mlslsonoru Ulnnchnrd and Ovcrturf, of Crook county, and If posslblo, County Judgo Springer, who Is living on his Jefferson county fnrm. From Culver tho Itinerary cnlled for stops In Sherman and Wasco counties. Newspaper reports of tho proposed $10,000 bondl ssuo for a system of stato highways as outlined by tho bonrd on tholr trip through tho Wll Inmotte nnd Iloguo Illvor valloys precodod 'them horo nnd pledgos of support were rerolvod from all with whom the membors of tho party talk ed. For several of tho party tho trip to Crater Lake wan tho first and tholr delight In the wonderful spec tacle wns unbounded. As a result of tho visit of tho board to this section a yd their study of the possibilities of volcanic cin ders as a road material It Is expected that somo recommendation will be mado by thorn for tho expenditure of stato funds on the Lava Hutto road next year, Tho members of the board unanimously agreed that It was tho weak spot in tho road to Urater lako and accordingly needed attention. The board was mot at Klamnth Falls on Friday by a delegation from nond consisting of Robert 11. Gould, M. L. Merrltt, D. M. Davis, Rarl 11. Houston and It. W. Sawyor, A. J. Kroonort giving tho uso of his car for tho trip. BRIDGE OPENING IS DELAYED BY NON AnRIVALOF MATERIAL Hnlls Wilt tto IjvIiI by August I and Structure lit Cko Soon After Mill Supplies Arrive In Ilend. Dolay In tho arrival of material will inalio It Impossible to run tho first trains ovor tho now brldgo to tho Shovlln-Hlxon mill by noxt Mon day, as was recently thought pos slblo. Halls will bo laid by August lr howover, without fall and the brldgo openod within n fow days af tor. Completion of tho dam for tho logging pond has also beou delayed recently by tho discovery of tho ox lstcnco of dlfforcnt conditions In tho, rlvor bed on tho east sldo from those on tho west side. On tho onBt sldo work It was found necessary to go ono and n half feet lowor for the foundation than on tho other side, which has hold tho work hack. At tho mill slto ovorythlng Is In rcadlnoss for tho beginning of con struction of tho mill, which now waits on the nrrlvnl of the builder. Already thoro havo been delivered on tho ground threo carloads of ce ment, n car of lime, 200,000 .brick and four cnrloads of Itimbor for tho main doors of tho saw mill. A con tract has beou lot locally for 100,000 feet of lumber for tho mill. On tho logging road tho survey work has been dono for six miles nnd threo miles of tho road hnvo been graded. BIG WOOL DEAL CLOSED ICIsnimi llmthor.H, lloNtoiiIIny 2111,. 001) Pound Lot. Of tho 250,000 pounds of wool put up nt auction Juno 2fi at tho store rooms of tho United Wnrehouse Company, offers for which wero re jected by Kellers, 210,000 pounds hnvo boon sold (his week (o HUtinu lliotliors of Ilostou, shlpmont being mndu from lloud Tuesday afternoon. The remaining 110,000 pounds will ho stored In tho wnrohouso nwnltlng tho arrival of buyers this week, rep tesontlng eastern nnd const IlrniH. Those represented In tho salo wero Pnt, Mlko nnd Dan Anglnitd. O'Kcufo llrothors, Jnck O'Koofo nnd Ilnrry Ahreud. Tho salo was mado In tho vicinity of l.akevlow. According to A. M. Prlngln, man ager of tho United Warohouso Com pany, tho price paid by tho ICIsman llrothors ranged between 19 nnd 20 cents. AHOl'MKNTH AIIK FIUID. Tho argument on behalf of tho llond Wntor Light & Powor Co., In tho mnttor of pending electrical frnnchlso was filed with City Record er Kills on Monday. Tho frnnchlso and tho opposing arguments will now bo printed for distribution among tho voters. Tho election takos plnco 011 Monday, August 9. The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON 1 . j V C C'OK, IVonldont K. A. HATIIKH, Vlco- I'roitldoiit C. H. HUDSON, ('ashler C'upltul fully pulil - W.00O Surplus eW.OOO HICAL HA.VKINfJ HKIU'K'i:. Hegular bank loans: Wo aro prepared at nearly all times to make ndvances to reliable parties for tholr requirements. Wool and sheep loans: Wu are SOW prepared to loan money to sheep men for tlio purchase of, sheep. Wo nro now prepared to ndvnnco you 10c por pound on nil wool )ou storo in thu WnrolmuBo at Ilend, at 8 per rent for either 90 days or six monthx. Sheep 111011 do not hnvo to sell at pretont price unions Uioy wish. Thu money Is ready for you. Wo aro NOW prepared to make loiiim oil outtlo for six monthH, fur feeding purposes, but not on rungo or she stuff. We are NOW prepared to make loans on good farm lands, with good water rights, no matter wheru located In Central Oregon, the bigger tho loan tho bettor, pro viding tho proposition Is a good ono and will stand clos est Investigation as to values and title. Write us for Information. Hank by mnll and secure our services. XKHj TEb FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND ---- - DIRECTORS - - U. C. (ok K. A.Satiiiju '' H- Hudson O. M. I'ATTKIlSON II. t . IM-is CRATER CREEK ID AID TUMALO LOAN FOR PURPOSE IS AUTHORIZED '' At Meeting Yesterday Stnto IjjuuI Hoanl Takes Action Which WIU KcMilt lii Completion of IHvoj nloii Which Dcgnn Lost Year. ( Special to Tho Bulletin.) SALKM, July 20. At Us mooting today tho Stato Land Hoard author ized tho loan of not to exceed $fi00Q on Improved lands In tho Tumnto projoct with vested wntor rights. In dividual applications will bo uctod upon nt onco. Lonns will bo mnda on n baBls of not to exceed $ 10 por" aero. Oovornor Wlthycomho, who la onthiiBlnBtlc concerning tho project slnco his recont visit, strongly urged this action, expressing grent confl-" donca In tho vnluo of tho Innds and their desirability as security, This inoanB that tho settlors who will got the lonns will nay tho money In nt onco on tholr Tiiumlo contracts, Then, In turn It will bo oxpendod for finishing tho work of diverting tho wntor of Crater crook Into Tutnnlo creok. With this nddltlonnl wator Tumaln crook, dcsplta tho abnormal ly light flow this yonr, duo to HtUo snow fall, will not only ho ablo to cnro for nil Irrigated Innds, but nlso will supply an oxcess which can bo UBcd In filling tho reservoir nnd In mending tho leaks which havo delay oil tho completion of that portion of thn project. ' Knulpmont and supplies to do tho Crator crook work aro 'nlroady onf hand. Probably more than three quartors of tho fi,000 will bo spout In labor, assuring much employment. Tho work probably will tako about six weeks and will hogln promptly. Tho flaw of Crator creok Is about 0 second foot. Tho present abnor mally light flaw of Tumaln creok la about 120 foot. Tho combined flow of 180 second feat, would fill tho reservoir In nhout 00 days, If It nil could ho uaod for thnt purpose. Delays havo bean experienced In mending leaks In tho Moor of thn rosorvolr, duo to lack of water with which to work ovor them. With the Increased Jlow nay nnsilrcd., engin eers say thnt thoro Is every reason tn hellovo that tho leaks can bo moaded satisfactorily, nnd enough water se cured thereafter oaslly to fill tho res ervoir for tho next Irrigation sensou. In Its nlllclnl notice to Mnniigor Wnllnco tho Mould ntntcH that Bot tlers niiiHB file ludlvldunl applica tions, each to bo approved by M. K. llrlnk, of Piliinvllle, tho Hoard's ut tornoy for Crook county. wiNNint m:avi:s ioh faiii. Marin llrnsterhoun, the winner of tho First National Hank's trip to the San FrnnclHcu fair, lonvnH today with Judgo nnd Mrs. T. K. J. Duffy, of Prlnuvlllo, for thn exposition. Tho prize of $1 GO wuh offered by tho bank Inst yonr for tho pupil In tho llond schools who, In tho yonr to roiue, showod tho best record In schohushlp and earning capacity. Miss llrostorhous won tho prlzo by conscientious work In school nnd In earning money by baking and soiling broad. Htm 13 1 j w ' B. FERRELL President E. M. LARA Cashier v "ecr "xw "Q3P "qsf ?' ,'? "!c; ff ''Irt.v en "jgU-( iZrc