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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1915)
PTtinB saLM 1 JT THK BKND BULLKTIN, BHNQ, ORB., WKBNB8DAY, JUNE 80, 1918. rw.WilltW JWTTTJJl, -PIGE 8. BEND BRIEFS church no-ticks. Church of tlio Brethren. Services cnch Sunday near high school building. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. A cor dial Invitation la oxtondcd to nn. Ira 11. Fox, minister. Union Churches. July Jth. First Church. (Moatlnc Id. Richardson School house.) Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching ser vice ni ix a. m. l'astor Wigmore will deliver a patriotic address on the "DutlpS nf n PhrUMnn Ilnl.lnl I' A full attendance la urgently enjoined uuu iuu cuugrcganon are asKca to bring flags. Second Church. (Mooting at the Orange Hall.) Sunday school at 2 p. m. Third Church. (Meeting at the Arnold school house.) Sunday at 2 p. m. Preaching service to be tak en by Messrs. Slack and Edwards at 3 p. m. No collections. Ensor Wig more, Pastor. WITHYCOMBE IN SPECTS TUMALO (Continued from page 1.) Deschutes. Sunday school nt 10:00 a. m. Ser mon at 11 a. m.t by Ilov. Williams. Lecture at 8;00 p. m. by Itev. Scott Subject, "The Situation In Europe" J. Scott. AMUSEMENTS. Dream Theatre. Photo plays ovcry night at 8 o'clock. Bond Chautauqua. July 2 July 7, ' Lectures, musfbl'and lnctructlon, Season tickets $2.50. Ptifji In ltiiinitlit- Charles Carroll, who recently opcn-J oa me "Midway, a cigar end con fectionery store, on Bond streot has recently put In a new soft drink fountain. S. P. & S. system under whose es cort the party made Its trip from Portland. 'J duelling on the resources of Ccnliitl Oregon Mr. Wilkes sold that lumber furnished 2C per- cent of all the freight carried on his com pany's lines and agricultural pro ducts another 2$ per cent. Doth of these exist here and a big new boom Is about to bo given the lumber In dustry by the erection of a large mill. "Dond," said Mr. Wilkes, "Is the on ly town on our linos where a mill Is being built and whoro a single length of rail Is bolng laid." Following Mr. Wilkes, remarks were mado by Insurance Commission er Harvey Wells, Socrotary of State Don W. Olcott, Industrial Accident Commissioner Carle Abrams nnU At torney General George W. Drown, making tlio number who had to lenvo for the night' train. Mr. Olcott nmuslngly described his feelings on tho recent addition of twins to his family and Mr. Drown spoke In a patriotlo vein urging that the present was tho time for true Americanism and patriotic thinking. After the denarturo of theso guests V. A. Forbes spoke on Irrigation con- SIGNS FOR BALK. "For Hint," "For Sk," "Booms io Let", "Housekeeping Rooms," "No Admittance," "No Brooking," etc, etc.. Placard printed 1m targe type on neavy Bristol board, lti cent each, tees m qBwiuucfl. See Edwards for good house paint? ing. aov. TO TUB RESCUE To Sleep Well In Summer. Slight Inflamatlon 'of the bronchial tubes causes a distressing cough and makes sleep Impossible. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound stops that annoying ttcklthg and relieves the racking, tiring cough. Good for nil coughs, colds, croup and broichlal affections. Patterson Drug Co. Adv Use Self-Ralslng Deschutes Pan cako flour. It Is always fresh and a home product. Adv. ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little Want Ad will cost you. DU5INESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ItOUKItT I). GOULD Civil fp Engineer m nend Oregon Tho Now Dend Flour Mill Co., Is now manufacturing Deschutes Self Raising Pancako flour. Ask your gro cor for It. Adv. Inspection Is Imitcri. During Chautauq'ia week every body Is invited to Inspect tho plant,' o( ine sew nenu Mour Mill Co., no tweon tho hours of 9:30 and 4:30. Just oponed. A now meat market. Give us a trial. Gilbert & Son. Adv Start Carpenter Shop. A now carponter shop has been opened by Albright & Doll, formerly or Seattle, In tho Gummy building, formerly occupied by the McCulston grocery. HEN XV, OLCOTT. Clean up and paint up. wards. Adv. See Ed- Opens New Ofllces. The Dend-Klamnth Auto Stage Co. hns opened an ofllce In tho Log Cabin saloon building on Dond street. To provide quarters a portion of the rear room has boon set off, a largo window put in and a door giving access from Dond street. Use Deschutoa Spray Flour. Whit er and bettor than ever. For sale by The New Dend Flour Mill Co. Adv. To Give Dance. Under tho management of Carl Jensen a dance will be given In Bath ers hall on Saturday evening follow big the close of the Chautauqua pro gram. Everybody Is Invited to attend. Do You Know. Thnt Myron II. Symons, the new Jowoler on Dond street, alio operates a Jewelry store at Seattlo, Washing ton, does fine engraving, diamond setting, and all kinds of manufactur ing Jewelry work In his own shop? Ho has bad fifteen years experience on tho finest watch and clock repay ing. You will now And the First National Dank clock on time. It has been repaired by Symons. He also carries a fine line of up to date Jew elry of the finest quality. Every ar ticle guaranteed. Adv. dlttons in this section. Mr. Forbes pointed out tho differences In tho situation on tho Tumalo project from that of the C. O. I. Co. and expressed the hope that somo solution for tho difficulties of tho Intter might bo worked out by tho co-oporatlon of the settlers, tho company, Mid tho Desert Land Hoard. Guy Lnfollotto told of early ex periences hero boforo the town of Dond existed. Ho said that ho had seen the town grow from noth ing and he felt that as Prlnovlllo's Interests wcro naturally different from Bond's tho two towns would naturally pull apart. That was why he was for county division which 'ho expected to take placo soon. 'The "fish courso" of tho program. according to Tonstmaster Hudson, was provided by the spoeches of I, N, Flelschner, C. F, Stone and Frank M, Warren, members of the Oregon who faiy; ii ni DOE&fp GOOD If WUlfff EATS ?? CHICKEN DINNER 25 CENTS I jj2M. Every Sunday and I I WWJy. I I TT will save roar Uan, but jrou most , , , , I ot wit much Urn s.ttlo ur rou rurnubed Koomi in I band t work Connection. I I LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICQ lib ll.J Cl I 1 l.alV f -.. ' Ic dcuu aieam Launury. h e AND DRY CLEANING SXjIivl JWIS. P? . i Mat Uoot to Ureim I nuiie. I Put Your Duds IBJ II In Our Suds" IL,, .'1 I LLLLLT J1 ifflB ' I . W m Gai Sim (WttsBBgL CtninnUntt W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Offleo Over PostoQlco Dend, ... Oregon Dlt. K. ItICA NOItltlH Physician nml Surgeon OOlco Sathcr Ilulldlng Microscopic and X-rny work Tel. Illack 271 Hours: 10-12 a. m.i 2-4 p. m, 7-9 p. m. WILLARD II. WIRTZ LAWYKR Prlnovllle, Oregon. C, 8. DENSON Attorney At' It a it Bonson Uulldlng, Wall Street Dend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Dank Ilulldlng Dend, :: :: Oregon Kitchen Economy With wood or coal waste heat. Too much or too little for best cooking. In hot weather too much heat coming out into the room. With a good oil-stovc no waste heat or fuel. One burner or four low flame or high a slow fire or a hot one. All the convenience of gas for every home, all the year round. New Perfection ... Oil Cook-Stove For Btit Rmiulf Vm Pmdrl Oil Better cooking, flame adjustable to Just the degree need ed for roasts, for bread, for pastry. No odor. Does not taint the food. A cool cook and a clean kitchen. Ask your dealer. See demonstration, Talace of Manufactures, Panama-Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (C.llfornl.) Dend GEORGE S. YOUNG Chll nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. S. Mineral Himoyor, Room G First National Dank Building J. B. Doll A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J, II. Hnnor Abstract Co., Prlnevlllo, Oro. Abstrncts Insurance DRKSSMAKINa Mrs. A. P. Ballard With Mrs. S. Mcintosh REND PLUMBING AND HEATING COMPANY Sanitary Plumbing Stoam and Hot Water Heating WALL STREET Rami Concert Friday Evening. The regular Friday evening band concert will be given by the Dend band at tho corner of Nevada and Wall streets. HOUSE FOR SALE. Seven room house with good base ment and all modern conveniences Is Bend. Addresses. W, Richardson, La Pine, Oregon. 12tt library Club to Olve Supper. Tho Ladlea Library Club will give s cafeteria supper fcturday evening beginning at S o'clock, on the lawn on Wall street directly across the street from the Chautauqua grounds. Should the weather be Inclement the eupeer will be RtYM la the Conner eUl Club rooms. Those attending the ebautauqua will have an opper- taaity of assisting the public library by attending thw supper. xx, Thonpsea, Secretary, Use True Blue Flour, Whiter and better thta ever. For sale by The New Bead Flour Hill Co. Adv. ffl&& ,r", ' " S I BBSSSSSSSSSSSsVvsSSSSSB -n sssssssK " l$k :'' tssPiWi BSSSSSBSHfit JBSSV ' fS sbbbbbsbbhE sbbbbbbV ' - iSffi? - KfiHT' M :: nlllllllHssV sssssssHI ' Headquarters for CoramercUl Mea CJectrlc Uthted Throtitheut Special Attentlflflto TraaslMt Travel THE BEND HOTEL Oood Rooms Free bus to and from Irabu HU9H O'KANE. MANAaan BEND, OREGON flood Ateals All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of here PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER AND CONTRAC TOR WORK GUARANTEED R. V. SMITH - 1IARVKY WELLS. Te Preserve Your Health. The kldaeya are the great health Miaiwt Shauautlua. baekaehe. beadaeae, sore auseles, MioT jtta eesse when the awaey are em e or der and fall to proMir filter the btoed, Foley KWsey PlllC'toae up tired and dlcea4 kWars, baatsu iMMkfcefee and stoii .! (HMurbtag bladder troubles. Patterson Drug Ce. Adv. 8m Kdward for pVr haagteg. Adv. Fish and Qame Commission. Mr. Fletsebaer told of bis first trip to Central Oreffoa 30 years ago and Mr. Stone said. In the words of a story be told, "that a man who atat sen Bead, 'slat seea nothing," Mr. War roa promised assistance of the com- Mission la soe4Bg that thl set(oa was supplied with fish and game. County Commwsloaer Overturf Im pressed oa hte hearers the need for bigness ana tor overcoming i-eoai prejudice la working for the best la terests of the county while Hejreso- tatlve Wesley o. Smith dlsetalaed any of the ersdH for tbe pasaage of the Tumalo aet, twrlng that the spir it wad uaaBlmlty of tba people them elves taMd It. A brat of possible railroad activity In Ceatral Oregon was glvea by U. P. Putnam who paid a tribute te Gov. eraer Wlthyeombe and his desire ts do nothing else la oce but "make good." Ooreraor Wlthyeombe' speeeu was the soaeludlag eae of the even lag. He eboe4 the patriotic stl meU of Attrar Qweral Browa aa4 touched on the situation la which the United fKatee fouad Itself today. SpeaklBg of leeal affair the goveraer said that It wm Impoastble to uader- Mttatate the power at such uaaal- mlty saad eathuslasm aa he fouad here. The saute Baity, he said, sfeeuld VVVVVtVVWVVVVVVVtVVVVA HOTEL AlTAMONT ewaaaHBai JL JtkTBmm-mSISammmnmmmiXmum PLEASANTLY SITUATED TWO MINUTHS WALK FROM POSTOFFICB OOOO ROOMS, OOOD MHAL8 OOOO SBRVIC8 IN BV8RY WAY NOTHtNQ BBTTOR IN BfsNO. COMB AND SEE. wvwwvvwvvvvww i rr The Wright- is Bend's Leiding Hotel , WHY? I MU A irisiirnnf fitillrHniT anal su Wn Vfl M M Is shoroughly aaedera av f'mPirWBSjVt w WM WKsBP ) aiWr J0OJ FHOM 80 CBNT8 UP AW vrvBSsav Wm ns WvIbp sawriamv Tf Ibsj v TUB WHKfHT HOTBL 0 AiiimHiriits ti all IiferifT Ptiifs For Summer WEAR get a pair of WORLD'B WORK SHOES WE alto havo the agency for NAP-A-TAN Shoes for men and boys. R. H. LOVEN The Shoe Repair .Man Bond Street Bead, Ore, DRAYING Bead Hauliag Co. R. N, PALMERTON Wood for Sale Office with R. P. Mloter Otfle phone IIUcW fid Resldeace Black 4i ItoofinK of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering. Spouting, Cornleee and Skylighta, II. O. ELLIS Attornoy-it-LniT Unltetl Suiea Comuilmloner First Natlonat Bank Building BEND, ORBGON II. II. D e A ll M O N D LAWYER Oregon Street. Bend. Oregon DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Omco In Sather Dulldlng. Houru 0 to 12, 1 to C. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. O. P. NIBWONOBR, Bend, Ore. UNDHRTAKKR Licensed Rnibalmer, Funeral Director. Phono. Lady Assistant. " - DR. R. D. 8TOWKLL Nnprapnthlc I'll yU Inn Ofllco ovor Miller l.timler Co. Wall Streot Hours 9 to S Phono Rod CI MRS. BERNICK 1IALLKY FORRKHT Teacher of Piano nml Volco Homo Studio J. E. Engebrefson Plumbing and Heating Dend, Oregon 117 .MINNESOTA HTRKIH INTIMATES CHEIillFULLY FURNISHED JOBBING PROMPTLY DONE Fraternal Societies . I, O. O. F, nend Lodge No. Blfl. Regular meeting Avery Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothers cordially welcomo. L. II, OLESS, N d. OEO. P. QOVE, Secrotnry. mmm Guaranteed Used Aluomobile Oh Eaty Payments SraJ tt Utl ( frUn i JpxIlltilUn J.W.LEAVITT&C0. PORTLAND lei aLhJaaaaaaH ' B sHI I T Baaaat IsmXaaaaaaaVMawM ewruwtmmY. THIS IH YOUR HOTEL and headquarterM uhen iu Pordand-lf you are illserlm. Inatlng. Iteration cAtr of tha city, arrvke uwsee4i rd, rates ns lour as tho hw RATICH TO YOU -BO Itooms .... .. SOU Rooms wlttt bath. .Ue loo Rooms with bath. JtOO imrvfi outside roeuM, Rath ., Extra person la room, achWttAMiI 44TC.C&A iPMmvw '&k "MONEY" The mint makes It and uadar the terms of the CONTIN'HNrAL MOKT. OAOE COMPANY you can sure It t e per eent for any legal purpose on approved real estate, rjrms easy, tell us your wants and w will et- operate with you. PETTY A COMPANY Mil Dealiatu Uulldlng DvMvrr. Colo. saaaaaaaaBuleBlauavi O'DONNELL MOTHERS kM M v1. -& f- 1mA a tttWifcm M the C. O. I. Ce.l i THE WRIGHT HOTEL UNION MARKET areblims. His tr atablttca ws to Juc eMl, A uew uwst narkat. srv hie saattMueuta well aad be waa WnP W Wl lff jMjJW11""