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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1915)
,M 7 thk sum! iwLTinyiwg.on.;wnXBsDAr; Jitfwe ao; i9i& BEND BULLETIN lotlnTttntg-thl week: n statement made onTelialf of Mr. Stctdf. (Published Every Wednesday) & me r ".k - 1 OEOItQB PALMER PUTNAM Publisher ' nOIIERT W. SAWYER j'"' Managing Editor 7SAn' indepondont nowspapcr stand ing" or tho Bfitmro deal, clean tiusl' Dees, clean politics and tho bent In terests of Rend and Central Oregon. unq year. . J 1.60 BIx months 80 Three months GO Thb Po'rtland Telegram reports the purchase of 40 logging cars by "the Shovlln Hit & Company" for delivery nt "endr Or." You cannot take tho be out of Ilend And furthermore this Is not tho end, It's Just the be ginning. $A11 subscriptions nro due and PAYAJILE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mallod subscribers and If ronownl Is not mado within reason able tlma tho papor will bo discon tinued, I'lonuo notify us promptly of any ohango of address, or of lalluro to ro- celvo the paper rcgalarly. Olhorwlse 'We -will noi bo responsible for copies missed. Make all checks and orders pay able to Ilend llullotln. STEIDL SHIES USE WEDNE8DAY, JUNE 30, 1015. "HELP THE CHAUTAUQUA. ..Forty citizens of llond lost wln- iAiialetin,l n friinmntv tn nnv Sl2fift (o'nMinutauqua company for coming hero with Its ontcrtalnors for six days tn July. Tho money was to be raised by tho sale of Benson tlckots for tho event. The deficit, when tho sale closed on tho oponlng dny of tho Chautauqua, was to ho mado up by tho guarantors. That Is tho agreement mado by thoso 40 muii. Tlioy mado It for tho benefit of thn wholo city and sur rounding country Thero Is no prof it In" It for them oven though tho salu exceeds tho required amount. Any money loft nftor paying tho chautau qua company and tho expenses of tho nffnlr aro plodgcd for tho support of n Chautauqua another year, rnoy havo simply guaranteed tho necessary amount to bring tho ontnrtalnmont hero for the iilenHiiro and Instruction afforded and tho business advantages to bo domed by tho wholo city. Wo think It hardly possible that tho peoplo of Ucnd who did not sign tho guaranty want to soo thoso who did "stuck." It Is to tho Interest of nil to mako tho affair successful that ! may bo repealed anouier year ana In tlmo co mo to bo an ovunt having its regular placo In tho Ufa of tho city. Tho noxt two days will show, however, Just what the peoplo do want and wo tru4t that It wilt bo to filvo every bit of belli they can. And horn Is u thing to think about, Tho sum of tho slnglo Admissions to tho chautuuqua Is $5.30, while seas on tlckots, up to Friday noon, cost only $2.50, WHY WKST WENT. Itl.ta. bo regretted that nx-flov-ernnrt West did mot remain In town fortlio. mooting on Monday night at which Senator Chamberlain denied that the United States had over mado any offer of oo-operatton with tho Btato of Oregon far the completion of tho West unit or any other Irriga tion project. In kcoplng faith with tho North canal Investors Mr. West has made every offort possible to seo thoprrijoct through and It Is largoly duota'lilti letters omd statements that tho opinion Is so gonornlly hold that tho. offer of corporation was mado. It ".would lib Interesting to hear from tho senator and tho ex-governor on tho Biilijoct on the same evening, Porhaps Mr. West roalltcd that and thought It best to tnko the train. 1 THE NATURAL ROUTE. Tho Lakevlow Herald says: "Many tourists from Portland, Boattlo and other northern points going to and from tho fair nt San Frnnclsco pabs through I.nkovlew and with a little, advertising and road work wo could attract many' through from Crater Ijikn by wn.y of Crescent, I .a Pino and Sllvor Lake. This Is thn natural and most direct route for such a trip." llond Is not mentioned, hut we should worry, because If they go by Crescent and Lh Pino tho tourists will tako In llond also. Tho Herald says It too In spite of Its road fllrtn. tlon with Bath,' Hill. 1 i Says I,ov Water Mnl.cs Xi Dlffcrcnco In Production of Pimcr, Tho following statement In con nection with the existing electrical franchise controversy has been mado by Mr. Stehll. "Mr. C. A. Ilrown, president of tho IJorid Water Light & Power Co. In his statement to tho public, with ref eronco to tho Bteldl & Tweet fran chise, published In The llullotln last wock gave tho Impression that he would buy nil tho electricity that wo could furnish, nnd leaving the peo ple to believe that such an orter liau been made to us. To gtvo such a statement to tho voters at tho pres ent tlmo Is unfair, to say tho least, end Is nothing moro nor less thnn a subterfugo to get votes against tho franchise. I wish to sny, that al though Mr. Drown was hero sovoral days last weok and had every oppor tunity to see mo or Mr. Tweet and mako us such'an offc If ho had It to make, ho did not even tnlk to mo or to Mr. Tweet, nor did Jio mako mo or Mr. Tweet any proposition of that or any other kind, then or at any other time, cither verbally or written. If there Is a demand for electricity hero to tho amount we can develop, over and nbovo what the (lend Water Light & Power Co. can develop with tholr plant, nnd tlioy want to buy nnd ro-soll ours, then what Injury can bo dona tho public by giving us tho frnnchlso and let us sell the elec tricity; especially so ob Mr. Ilrown admits Hint we can furnish It chenpor than they. I want It distinctly un derstood that wo havo not sold out "In an Interview In tho Portland Journal or Juno 19, also published In this weok'a llullotln, Mr. Ilrown says, In effect, that wo have mo power. To rofutu this I only need tn point out to you tho fact that, nlthbugh tho river Is about ns low now as at any tlriio In Its history, our plant, with only ono unit Installed, Is running ovory day nnd furnishes tho Ilend Flour Mill Co, 120 II. P., runs our own pumping systom which requires about 3S horsopowor and turns back Into tho rlvor 22G K. W. and still has several hundred horse power go ing to waste Very good cvldonco of soma power. If wo havo no power when tho wator Is low, how about the II. W. L. & P. Co.? Our dam Is In tho samo river, about 1 mllo bolow; wo havo a 33 foot dam and tho I). W. L, & P. Co. havo a 11 foot dam. Why wo Rhould not have as much power ns tlioy whon tho river Is at Its lowest Is rather hard to flgiiro, especially when thero Is no wator tnkan out between tho dams, oxcopt tho North Cannl willed wo havo tho use of at any time wo seo fit to uso It. "As Is well known, the city coun cil wont thoroughly Into this matter before tho frnnchlso was passed, nnd dasplto the hard light against It mado by tho II. W. L. & P Co. they pass ed It by a vote of 5 to 1. "The passage of our frnnchlso at Do You Evinrude ? M Get one of these llttl Motors lor your r:w bout or canoe. . Btee est Values in Silk Hat;s that has ever ueen known in Bend -i " ' i' T. M. O'DONNELL Ajfent I Spend Your Sumner on I lie Water ! XTRA r. nouses Broom a: T i We are selling for this week only the Coolest Hat that has ever been on the market. It is pure silkf light on the head, keeps the hot sun out of your eyes, arid. is made for the man who cares, at only 50c 4 M 2arli V 4 Sewed Extra Quality Chautauqua Special 20c Biggest Bargains . Always at Warner's tiih variety, store ' . We are able to do this only because of the num ber we have purchased and we must sell the entire stock in the next six days. Come in and see them at our store, and if you buy one and it is not every thing that we claim it is we will refund your money. ' REMEMBER the person who hns the grent est amount of Cash purchnscs between now nnd July 1, will get a Free Chautauqua Ticket. R. M. Smith Clothing Company LEAR.N THE WAY tho coming election moans cheaper lights, cheaper heating and 'choapcr power for manufacturing purposes," Uso Solf-Ilalslng Deschutes Pan cako dour. It Is always fresh and a homo product. Adv. Describing road signs recently put up by Prlnevllla Inert on the Hum Jllll highway tin Crook County Journal nays: "On qach.tof them there Is a Mack arrow and a rod star pointing tho autolst to the road that wilt tako him to California 90 miles quicker than any othnr route." Ninety miles sandier and dustier and moro barren, too. Why, not spend n Uttlo tlmo In Oregon and wo somo of tho streams and forestsT wimmJ.Wr SgisiBi'M.W1 ili'Jf nUiiimiML0iM?aiXk ) During Chautauqua weok If yoii want n cool shower or 'bath drop Ira to the Metropolitan on Oregon street. Uest barber shop In town". Milliards and pool. AdY, CiaSHirii:i) ADVKHTIHI.NO. LOST AND POUND. WANTKD. Our Pastry and Bread is fresh daily and sold at the following stores: AMERICAN I1AKERY. Wall St., Opp. P. O. McCUlSTON'S. Oregon St. McCLlNCY'S, Bond St. SHUEY'S, Greenwood Ave. Soda Fountain Supplies as good as the best. - All Fruit Sundaes 10c. Fresh Fruits and Confectionary at the lowest price. American Bakery WALL. ST.. nEND WANTKD Koom nnd board In private family. Imiulro at llullotln olllce. 37tf WANTKD Listings of Irrlgatod or dry land, stock rnnencs or grain ranches for Portland or Willamette valley property and cash commhistorf from one to five pore cnt. John", Fer guson, 601 Qorllnger building, Port land, Oregon. 13t( FOll HUNT. "Why should tho town of llond ho punished by liming ton state QtllctuU dumped lu her midst In one dayT Oregon Joufn. " Yes. And A, United States Senator nnd nn nx-'goVonw right aftor Wo can stnild (ho gaff. Nick Slunntt is boIme: ta ho In Klamath Palls on July Fourth. Why Isn't there an effort inadu to Ket him hero for a "fow remarks" cither go ing or coming Our, congressman Is well worth knowing better, and we can say too same of uenu to .Mrsiu not. . ILPIU In accrdnco wth ts announced policy im giving beth 4de. of .thn frnnffililut MtllmVAMV Aalftl minor FIUB, WFE. ACCIDENT, pitk mass, 1UI.K, BUUKTV 1IOND.S. CENTRAL OREGON'S Leading INSURANCE Agency REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $60 to $125 HEIGHTS ( TEfeAlS: $5 Cash and OPOKTI.A $5 Monthly H ft' lKRIOATiN) J. A. EASTES IAND8 AjHPKCIAIiTV i FOIl KENT Small three room house In Kenwood. Apply It. Q, Lr.mborson, office on Dond St. 17-I8p FOR rtKNT .Thrpn rnnm fnnllah. id house with light and water. In q ilr at tho Metropolltrn. ICtf FOIt KENT Thrco furnHhod rooms for light housekeeping. Close In: .Inquire O'Donnell's Market. Htf LOST Thrco . final proof notices bolonglng to Harry A., Ernest a., and Florenco Wares, all of IMvcrs, Ore., some placo around Hond with the fol lowing serial Nos., 090G7, 09066, 090CS. Finder plcaso return to II C, Ellis. 17p FOUND Ilrown nicic, about four years, old, whlto stocking hind legs. branded E on tho right shoulder, VWi paying Ctf. Ownor can have seme by costs. Apply iiulletln omco. LOST Party who found a pair or pint Thermos bottles In black loather caso please return to Mrs, A, M. Lara, for reward. lBtf LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN $100 to U00O amounts. Address, Uox 2CD,; Uend, Orogon. --lBtf FOIl SALE. OP on OrfleM Stf t MsKt), ft OKMOON FOR SALE Small counter at tho Coxy Restaurant. 17tf FOIl SALE Fifteen head of milk cows, 1 thoroughbred llolateln bull and 10 head young stock. Address John Tucke, Cllne Falls, Ore. 17-18p FOtt SALE Several good high crnde dairy cows; also good' gentle sa'ddle- pony. It, W. Knickerbocker. GUf, 18-20C FOIl SALE Piano In good condi tion for less than half price to trade fdr stock. Call on or address O, 'V. ftMlYk, llond. Ore. 16-I9p 1 FOR SALE Five room wodcra bungalow, new and complete Easy terms. II. M. Abbott, P. O, box 91, llond, astf FOK, SALE 1000 pound mare, harness and cart for sale, ilend Oarage, I lOo FOIt SALE Good horse and hug sT. Apply American Hgkery, 9tfc FOIt SALE Team horse, weight 3000 pounds or will trade for 3H00 pound team. Nixon. f Htf FOR SALE Two relinquishments In the faruout Summer Lake, valley, fine soil, good climate, Ideal alfalfa land. Tho tendcreat fruit awi vge tWe grow here In abuadawss Good Hooka uf artesian water, trow 76 to 4A fet. Sarfaco water 8 ft, Prl ttoe each. Call or write A. B. Oert soa, SMr Ijisc. Oregon. Ittfc FOK 8AIJC Farm, southwest side PwU 4. : acre, 159 nHdr M l BM-SJ Mt K J IrmH tm m SUPERI) APPOINTMENTS In the way of plumbing that Is our specialty. Wo can lend ele gance and sanitary precaution to tho homo. Our opon work plumb ing Is ant artistic accomplishment in Itsolflhato onforms with good tasto entirely, Itjeosts no moro to beautify tho plumbing work, and It Is a source of pride cyer-after.- J. E. Enftebretson Plumbing anil Heating Minnesota Htreet Head, Oregon "V fk&SyfflllrDt& sVIssissw4vIIv7JsSSnsF im-' Marred Surfaces Made New A scarred or scratched table, or a cnair on which.tho UK ttH'' c. f."l-u ur raicnea taoie, or a cnair on which.tho, 1 ' finirfi is marred, or any woodwork where thc.'finish it ; ihi t wliatyou would like, can be made new with.1" ' " rXirt ACMEQlAUTY VARNO-LAO n .also Mod for floors. It will stand hard wearV bfcausc it made from the best floor varaish. Varao 'i Lac not onty renews but it also stains and vamklieat'' oaeapphcation. Wi can chanee oak or nin-to ' maJiogany or walnut or dark oak fiaWi, or any of "iki - expensive hard wood finishat Anrl ,v , a 14 vmiVMn An it- ,..,1C 9 J lv uu. ,, . ... u 4k j UU4SC11. n2?rJO0ic:? "Hom? DccoradnR" tdteyoa htm ky" all kmda of home painting at trilling coat. P v5v, JK tor a tree copy. x i 'KmmmmmmmL t A V j.jV f- I' ""LflSSSSSSa BttU! fWaet MkM. J-l i jPmwamm.jxiakys iawt iwwfe 3ew vmr 7 v. H TWsrWB sWVrWrV