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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1915)
PAOT? 2. the bulletin, bend, obe., Wednesday, siav id, ioib. iv I in i - .J-i i T K ..! I& 4 CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. TOL1LO. (Specie: to The Bulletin.) TUMALO, Slay 1". Last Thurs day evening a large crowd of friends surprised Chauncey Decker and his bride at their home north of town. Cards wero the chief diversion of the evening and at a late hour Ice cream and cako were served. Seventy-one guests enjoyod a most pleasant time. Mrs. J. N. 11. Gerklng, Mrs. Frank Dayton and Mrs. Carl Match enter talncd the V. S. L. Club at their regular monthly meeting on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Marsh read ii very Interesting paper "The Tutnalo Times" which caused a great deal of amusement. Duslnewi of Importance was discussed after which refresh ments were served by the hostesses. The pupils of the Kalrvlew school district will give a program at the Tumalo hall Friday evening, May 28. The admission will he IS and 2G cents. A large number of Hcnd people pasRcd through town In autos on their way to the field meet at Red mond Saturday. The home ball team was victorious again on Sunday when they played the Redmond team at that town. The game resulted In a 8 to 11 score. Five cars of loal fans went over from hero for the game. Miss James, who has taught the Knlrvlow school the past ear. has boon engaged as principal of the Tumalo school for noxt year. The school board was fortunate In secur ing the sorvlces of Miss James as she lias the reputation of being one of the best teachers In Crook county. Mr. and Mrs Frod N. Wnllace and family went over to Redmond Satur day to attend the county field meet. lira. Hyron C'mly, Mrs. John Cocn, Jam Hnrtor and Stilla Drown also took In the event. Marsh Aubrey roturned onBt Sat urday from Uescbtites where he has been staying the past fow weoks. Mis. J. A. Thompson nnd daughter Mary went to Redmond aSturday. Arthur Flu la has gono Into the trapping buninu. He has caught uvur SO eoyotos this spring. The local team will play n return Wawie of ball nt 1 1 end next Sunday. Most of the farmers havo all their crops In now and tho rains of the past week ought to assure good yields. visited the school Friday afternoon .Albert and Wesley McLouth made a trip to Gap and Duck creek ranches, Miss Hazel McLouth spent the week end with Mary Stauffer. There was no Sunday school Sun day morning on account of the hard rain. Norval Drown was a visitor In the valley Sunday. Welcome rains have been visiting the valley for the past few days. IIAMITON. ALI'.W.I'A. (Special to Tho Iliillotln.) ALFALFA. Mny H. J. J. Cham bers Ii.ih sold his place near Alfalfa und moved to Portland. J. Hoguo Is farming tho Chambers plnco this season. Frank Cowling nnd family havo moved to Rend after making final uiof on their homestead. A. O. llarbcr has moved to tho Oo'rgo Telherow homestead. Curt Mullor has mado final proof on hl hnmpMrad P. C. Hardy was In this neighbor hood In n't week looking for hay. Joo D. Townscnd nnd family of Powell llulto woro visiting In Al falfa a fow dnys last week. Frod Ames of Apacho, Oklahoma, itrrlved In Alfalfa last week nnd Is visiting his imcla A. O. Walker. The many fine showers the last fOw days have been most hoartll) welcomed by tho farmors. Prospect woro novor hotter for grain crops In this section and alfalfa Is looking flno. Mrs. A. O. Wnlkor wan In Ilond Inst Monday evening and was formal ly received Into tho Ordor of the Kas tern Star, having domlttod from Loveland, Colorado. II. 1. Doaly, who had charge of tho Alfalfa school last winter, made n trip to Tumalo recently nnd will probably teach In that locality noxt winter. , II. L. Malonny and family formerly of thlr place, spent n few dnys hero recently visiting tho Ferry, Pyntt nnd Hardy fnnilllos. ('has. Hrlckson nnd Krnest Luthy vpetit a few days In llend last week C. II Doaly and sons report a 00 tun' rout crop of lambs from a band ol (no thousand range owes. I. II (irnliam Is reported to havo Mild his ranch known as Roilllold Place, located on mllo north of Al falfa. Frank Itnhargo has roturned to Vrlnovlllo. II. L. Drown of Cloverdalo was lie hi last week looking after h's rnnrh. From horo ho wont to Cali fornia. Tho It. K. (Inerln family expect to lonu soon for Portland. (Bpeclal to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON', May 13. Mrs. M. H. Crow and daughter Evelyn, spent Thursday with Mrs. Luclnda Black of Llrard Creek. Misses Florence Hunting and Darle Burton spent Sunday at the Harrison home. J. O. Whlttaker nnd wife have gono to Bend where they are expect ing two carloads of cattle next week. O. O. Drogsvold was in Hampton Friday. Tho Strceter homo burned last week, all of the contents being con sumed. Tho fire was extinguished but nothing was loft except the shell of the house. J. O. Whlttaker bought a team of horses from Jlmmle Brlckey one day last week. On account of the Inclemont weath er many wore disappointed by not getting to attond the surprlso party given Newton Wells Saturday even ing. However, sevon wero present and report n good time. Wm. Splelman and Ole O. Drogs vold spont Thursday on Hampton Butto Floyd Phillips has gone to Bend this week. Mrs. Snyder and daughter Edna of Dry Lako woro In Hampton Inst Fri day. Floyd McN'ett has gono to Bond this week. J. P. Wllquet Is pulling brush this weok. Harold Fogg spont Saturday with Geo. Wells. MlftsM Florenco Hunting nnd Dnrlo Burton spent Tuesday on Cougar Unite. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hunting aro In Dend this week. A. T. Shaver was In Hampton on Tuesday. Mr. Haver has conio out to his homestead. here on their way from Buck Creek to Bend. T. C. Ewlng took dinner at the Brookings Hotel Sunday. Miss Eva Michel visited with Mrs. Horace Drooklngs Sunday. Fred Miller and Clyde NIcodemus cleared 20 acres of sage last week. LOST CREEK. NTAUITIllt. IIAMITO.V BUTTE. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) HAMPTON BUTTE, Mny 12 Miss Alice Drooklngs nnd Mrs. Graco liars lor of Stauffer visited nt tho Drook lngs' homo last Saturday and Sun day. E. L. Cook Is burning sago brush this week. A number of friends of Mrs. J. M. Drlckoy gave her n surprlso May S, It being her birthday anniversary. A sumptuous dinner was spread and everyono had a good time. Mrs. Brlckey was tho recipient of soma nlco gifts. William Hanloy registered at tho Brookings hotel last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dutzoln start ed for Union, Oregon, today. They wont on their bicycles nnd will go by tho way of Burns. Thoy expect to return with a team nnd wagon, also soino stock, Mrs. Ida Lllllo Illggs of Arizona, who visited with Mrs. Cowcn of Lost Crcok passed through hero Sunday on hor way homo. A hunch of sheep passed through (Special to The Bulletin) LOST CREEK, May 10. Mrs. J. Hosch was the guest of Mrs. John Perry Saturday and Sunday. Al Low came back from Bend and expects to make his home with his sister. Mrs. Overall. Jim 8mlth, Fred Overall, H. Kins man and C. J. Stauffer were recent visitors at Bend. Tho many friends of V. D. Harris tendered blm a pleasant surprise last Saturday evening. Mra. Lespcrnnce stayed with Mrs. Stauffer during Mr. Stauffer's ab sence. Mrs. C. C. Washburn and son, Lee, and Mrs. S. W. Best nnd son Charles wero Rolyat visitors Saturday. They took dinner with Mrs. J. O. Perry. Mrs. Hassler and Miss Alice Brook ings were week end visitors of Mrs. Horaco Brookings In Hampton valley. V. Schreder of Rolyat was a busi ness visitor In our valley the fore part of last week. Misses Opal Smith and Mary and Nellie Beit were the guests of Mrs. Lespcrance last Saturday afternoon MILL1CA.V. (Special to Tho Bulletin). MILLICAN, May 17. A picnic was held on Pine Mountain last Friday by the school children, their parents and friends. Althought tho weather was rather dlsagreoablo a very large crowd attended. Swings wero erect ed for tho little folks nnd many games played by tho children and their oldors. A bountiful lunch was sorvod nt noon. Tho school children recited vorses and sang during tho afternoon. Among these who were there besides the children wero Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Klin gen, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Roonoy, Mr. and Mrs. Mllllcan, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morfett, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Conowny, Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Powers, Misses Braun and Rooney, Messrs. Todd, Hall, Hnstelond, John DavlB, L. W. Davis nnd L. V. Heath- man. Mr. Todd took several pictures of tho party beforo leaving for La Pino. An Impromptu danco was arranged for nt llarnoy Conoway's by tho pic nic party after returning from the mountain and whoro thoy danced un til broad daylight In the morning. C. Evans and little daughter Her- nlco drovo down to cast end of tho valley Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Rooney and Mr Hasteland and Miss Rooney drove to Pino Mountain Monday. A bouncing baby boy arrived at tho P. D. Johnson homo Monday. Tho little homoitcador and his mother aro doing nicely. W. D. Klgor visited at Norton's Monday. Miss Ruth Conowny has been quite III tho past week at tho homo of hor brother hero. Barney Conoway camo back from Bear Creek Monday. A, T. Shaver passed through horo enrouto to Dend Wednesday. V. A. Forbes and wife camo out In their auto Friday evening to the Mnrkel homestead for Miss Gertrude, D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION for IS years The Standard Skin Remedy Instant Relief for all Skin TrA'i PATTERSON DRUQ COMPANY 5mm ffcw ihJ Mfc I rlL Fmn (mtvJt (Rpcclal to The Bulletin.) STAUFFHR. May IS. On account of tlio rain Sunday the Hampton ball loam fallod to appear on the Lost Crvnk ground. C J tflaulTer arrived from Bond Holiday bringing In seventy hundred v lih foul miiall hnrsM. Mr. Overall has had n screened ti.irrll l.lllll illltaft Iihp hntltta I- -,. ....... ,.... .... ...... v , HtiVttml of tin ymiiK folks of the' villi'v lmd n picnic Saturday neir Mr llrowa's plae In Pltwimnt vallev M1m Allf Brooking and Mr l II I Ussier dravti oor to DriHiklniis Saturday, returning Sunday. 1 1 wiry Kinsman watt on the sick )ii last weok. PMtf Stauffnr come over from Chi iK so vullev Sunday. Orn Heard earn ovr after bis thrilling miiaklae to make repairs Wr harvMl. Lloyd Moreor will start for llend WvduwdMy. Mr. A t Marcer will ,n iiiaay Mm. Kea H V nt ind O 8. Davis are iKittlnie hi I'ii'm ! Wilt's plar In t'llll'M' "' Mr r i'Ti'in.' I terne U lalt iiik Uh. suuiffor Uil weok. Mrs. Bet, Mrs. Onrgla I.oipr .uuf, Mr. Jhwo Smith ami Jewel DELUXE TOURS to CALIFORNIA Expositions Oregon Trunk Railway Ami the Trlple-Scrcw, Sl Deck Puluco of the l'aclile SS "NORTHERN PACIFIC" (Length RSI fwt. Ileum UI feet, SkhnI a I Knots.) Hulling from l'lau'l, April lr-lil-'J.V'.t), May tt-7.11.13. Kpcrlnl hto.inior Train Uac Porthuu! Ii n. m. Arrhor. I'luwl rJiUO Luncheon u Ship. HU'iiuutlilp Arritti .San l'mm-Nco :l:o p. in. et Day, HOl'XD TRIP r.ltrS TO SAV FltAXCLSCO From Urml, :to Day Limit . . .' .$11,10 Xlnciy Day Limit $13.13 1 urrviMitiiiing iuv rules to Nut Diego und Iam .iigelr wlili cholro of routes. miuiii or Min 1 riuirwro. I'urllculrtrk iif Agents Spokane, Portland A .Soitttle, Oregon Trunk or (itvut Nor them nr Nurllicin Piulllc lUlla). it. 11. atozii it, j. 11. coitiurrr. A, II. P. A.. Agvnt, l'ortlaud, Ort. lleml, Ore m1" .fcl", LSv r3-'Ui.l 4 ru A a -'iiiiIiWAfnTij who returned with them to Bend the same evening. Mrs. Sherman McCracken Is ex pected out Tuesday to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Heathman. A large drove of sheep are grazing on Pine Mountain. They belong to D. L. Mcintosh. William Todd called at Mllllcan ranch Saturday. I. L. Owen and his mother came out from Bend Monday with a load of supplies for their homesteads. Horace White accompanied them. Mrs. Curry is staying at the P. B. Johnson home nursing the young son and mother. Harold Davis caught a runaway pig for I. L. Owen Saturday. A number of the homesteaders from here will be leaving for Prlne- vllle June 1st to work nt haying. A. A. Gllmore arrived from Prine- vllle last week. John Holland and Mr. Bahn were vlBltlng at the Hall cabin Sunday. Louis Hall expects his father and mother out hero for a visit June 1. I'LALVVIKW. (Special to The Bulletin) PLAINVIEW. May 17. R. Z. Da vis has been on tho sick list for tho past week, but expects to be able to start up the mill In a few days. .Mr. nnd Mrs. George McCal ster arrived home on Saturday from Port land wnero Mr. McCalllster hes been under tho dotor's caro for the past month. Mrs. Lulu Van Tassel expects to leave about May 20 for Portland nnd Vancouver on an extended visit, ex pecting to take In tho Roso Carnival while there. John Lltchenstern was In Bend on business last week. In Bend last John Calverley was week. , , The Plainvlew Bchool ended last week after a very successful torm with n good program after which a flno dinner was served. Miss Smith left on the afternoon stage for her homo nt Madras. C. V. Sllvls from Bend was In tho Plainvlew country last Sunday with men looking at land. The crop prospect In this commun ity Is tho beet In several years. Mrs. Lou Pulllam was In Bend last week. PLVEHURST. (Special to Tho Bulletin) PINEHURST, May 15. O. W. Sny der has been busy planting potatoes tho past week. C. H. Spaugh was a business caller In Bend Tuesday. L. H. Root made a business trip to Deschutes Tuesday. Mrs. Gilbert Dietrich and Esther Dietrich called on Miss Edna Root Tuesday afternoon. F. V. Swisher went to Bend Friday afternoon. Miss Margaret Mock was a Bend visitor one day this week. A. II. Reed Is getting his ground ready for planting potatoes. Louis Dietrich and mother wont to Bend one day this week. Miss Ruth Bayloy spent tho week end with Miss Carol Dayton. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Snyder nnd little daughter Lcnoro went to Bend Saturday. Miss Ivy Snyder cnlled nt tho Swisher homo Sunday. Violet Spaugh and Esther Dietrich wero the guests of Miss Edna Root Sunday afternoon. Mrs John Styles and Mrs. Earl Updike were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Swisher Sunday afternoon. Myrtlo Spaugh spent Sunday night with Bessie Snyder. C. H. Spaugh was fishing on tho Deschutes river one day this week. POWELL HUTTK. (Special to Tho Bulletin) POWELL BUTTE. Mny 17 Jag. per Perry left Wednesday for The Dalles to bo near Mra. Perry who was taken to that city recently for medi cal treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon en tertained a fow neighbors at their homo Tuesday evening. Ross Bussctt, tho local ditch rid er, Is making his rounds on a motor cycle now days, having purchased the cycle formerly owned by Fred Brown. A numbor of women gathered at tho homo of Mrs. Reaves Wlllcoxon Thursday afternoon and showered her with numerous household neces sities. The ladles passed a pleasant afternoon, Mrs. "Williaxon nerving sandwiches and coffee boforo leave taking. Now that tho R. F. D. Is assured everybody Is busy ordering matt boxes and making tho necessary prepara tions for the starting of active ser vice. Postmaster Johnson has taken sixty-five ordors for mall boxes which ho Is providing for patrons at cost, these boxes aro Cx8xl9 Inches in size and aro recommended by postal nuth. (Continued on pago 7.) W GF.T OUT of tho rut. It's only a. habit to do nil our trading at tho larger towns. Let us spend our monoy at homo whoro It will do US the most good. REMEMBER a 26 cent phone messago will transact n lot of business and savo DOLLARS. P. B. Johnson 1 h MILLICAN, OREGON. dffi EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY Real Estate We Control and Have For Sale, at the Be3t Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business arid Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World Known Companies LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE OfKc nn,i a. Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants, BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash.