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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1915)
J' '.J I ' V, The bend bulletin - .$ r "t Ih l '"1, Vol. XIII. 1II3X1, OltKGOX, WKRNKSDAY AFTKRNOOX, MAY 12, 11)15. -X NO. 10i- 4 V. I WHOLE COUNTY B PR1NEVILLE OFFERS CONGRATULATIONS GLAD W jCl OJrillctln Obtains Statements on Hen- .cllts of 51 J U Const ruction Front Kelly, Rob-jon nntl Attkon Hcd- liiond People Gluri of Market. Not only In Dond, but gcnorally throughout Crook county tho news of tho now mill has been rocolvod with pleasure, as Indicated by the follow ing statements written at the request of Tho Dullotln. From II. 'A. Kolley, president of the 1'rlnovlllo Commercial Club. "Prlnovlllo, Oro., May 11, 1915. "To the Editor of Tho RuUctln and People of Rend: "Perhaps no creator boon could come to tho community as a whole -and to Bond In particular, than tho building of tho big' Shovlln-Hlxon lumber mills within Its limits. That tho wholo county will bo boneuttod by having such n large Industry started In Its midst.' thero can bo no doubt, and that Bond and its dltlzons who have looked forward, so long, nnd who hnvo so diligently worked for Its accomplishment, have Just causo to bo jubilant. "It Ib a dovolopmont unprecedented In Crook county, nnd ono for which the wholo community should rojolco, and though spoaklng Individually, as tho president of tho Prlnovlllo Com mercial Club, I feel safo in saying that tho great mnjorlty of tho peoplo "of Prlnovlllo, as well ns tho commer cial body have nono but tho hearti est good fcollng8, for tho present ad vancement of Dond and its cltlzonB, That thero Is n growing tendency throughout tho county to nsslst and promoto enterprises though local to soma portion of tho community, Is manifest, for not lator than last weok tho County Court, which If selfish community Intorost woro controlling, tho extenslvo booming privileges granted on tho Deschutes far lum bering purposes might not have ma terialized. "Thoro is an over growing feel ing, and ono which should bo encour- cjtcwl. thnt to !iok ono part of -tho county or its citizens rodounds to tho benefit and advantage of every other portion. "With tho coming of tho mills nt Dond It will mean for that city an Increase of population anywhero from 2C00 to 3000, -which will mean a greater domand for all kinds of ma terials nnd foodstuffs, which should bo for tho grontor part supplied by . tho ranchers and farmers, of tho community, nnd which can bo dono ' only by groator production and do volopmont which fact should act as n stimulus to all forms of Industry, with tho result of a largo wealth nnd an added increase to farm values. When It is roallzed that we aro several hundred mllos from .tho nearest distributing centers, and -with a population doubled as It woro with in n fortnight,-with bright prospects of contlnuod growtli, it might well bo considered that a distributing point is urgent In our community. "Viewing ontorprlso from any angle, it cannot but bo a lasting benefit to tho community as a unit, and with tho INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST YOUR OWN CARELESSNESS Even though you might never have a fire or thieves enter your home, a paper mislaid is often times lost just as irretrievahly as if it had heen burned or stolen. When your valuable papers are in our vault you KNOW where they are and you KNOW they are safe. You can lease a steel box in, our vault with a non-pickable Yale lock big enough to contain all your private papers, for $2 a year Can you aflbrd to be without this insurance? The Deschutes State Bank ---..-....----- COXaitATULATIOXH Congratulations to overy loy- nl Rend Rooster who has stayed with tho ship. Now that a fair - wind Is carrying hor to deserved prosperity, my only suggestion -- Is not to rock tho boat too much. After all tho mlllB I havo built -- In Tho Bulletin It seems hardly fair for someone else to got out tho final extra with tho good nowB, but I nra satlsflod. When John Hynn made tho announce- - - ment I could hear Dick Smith - yell with Joy over hero across tho mountains. PUTNAM. . . . .. development of tho lumber Industry, It means an Immedlato development and extension of tho railroads, tho growth of all industries of the coun ty, a payroll anywhero from $40, 000.00 to $60,000.00 monthly, which will add greatly to tho monoy In cir culation In our Immedlato commun ity. "Uend bolng geographically situat ed, of course will reap tho direct nd vnntngo, but Crook county nnd any of the cities thoroln will enjoy an indlroct advantage. What qould bo more satisfying to any community. "Respectfully subnilttod. H. A. KELLEY, Pros. Prlnovlllo Commercial Club." From Ouy K. Robson. From Ouy E. .pobson, prcsldont of tho Redmond Commercial Club. "Your telegram of tho 11 Inst. rolntlvo to tho establishing of n largo Baw mill nt Uend recplvod, nnd bog to ndvlso that wo aro very much nlensed to learn of tho erection of a plant of this character, and which wo understand will employ a largo num bor of men. Wo believe thnt any In dustry located nt nond or clsowhoro In tho Deschutes vnlloy, which will furnish employment for a largo forco of mpn, will bo of direct bonoflt to tlio ucumond uiamci nnu in nu;i wiu cntlro Deschutes valley. It will mean a ready local market for a much lar sror nronortlon of farm products rais ed In this vicinity, which conBtltuto our largest factorB of support, nnd In this wny It will undoubtedly provo to be a direct bonoflt to this com m unity. "Wo wish to congratulato you up on tho finnl realization of this long expected development. Vory truly yours, OUY E. pODSON. Pres. nodmond Commercial Club" From Redmond Spokesman. Tho following stntomont of tho way In which tho news was rocelved by tho people of Redmond Is kindly fur nished by tho Redmond Spokesman. "Tho announcement of tho early construction at Ilond of tho Shovlln- Hlxon sawmill was rocelved by Rod- mond IniBlnMs men nnd cltlzonB gen erally with satisfaction. "With tho mill employing GOO mon, as it Is claimed it will, tho pooplo seo an opportunlly for tho disposal of a largo portion of tho farm products grown In tho Redmond district. This section being a puroly agricultural ono, it Is pointed out by tho business men In tho city and farmers In tho immedlato vicinity that tho moro in dustrial institutions that can bo ob tained for Crook county tho raoro all classes of cltlzons will bonoflt. "In an Interview with business mon boro tho expression is unanimous in congratulating Dond on securing tho new mill that will manufacture in the neighborhood of olghty million feet of lumber annually. Tho mon necessary to do this will havo to bo fed and tho Rodmond district will bo tho broad basket for tho necessary supplies. "When nond gets ready to celo brato tho occasion, on tho oponlng of tho mill for business, n largo num. ber of tho Rodmond people will bo (Continued on last page.) - I WILL BUILD IN Will Begin Construction of Saw Mill Within Two Weeks Site chosen is on West Side of River Above Bend Company Mill To Cut 80 Mil-, lion Feet a Year and Employ 500 Men Announcement Authorized Sunday Reprinted from Tho Dullotln extra lssuod Monday morning, May 10. ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THE 8HKVI.1N HAW MIMj WOUIjI) HE UNDER CONSTRUCTION WITHIN TWO WEEKS WAS AUTHORIZED HY JOHN E. ItYAN LAST NIOHT. THE MILL WILL HE SITUATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE DESCHUTES IN SECTION SIX JUST AHOVE THE SITE OF THE PRESENT MILL OF THE UEND COMPANY, AND IS PIjAN NED TO CUT HO MILLION' FEET PER YEAR. A ROX FACTORY WILL HE OPERATED IN CONNECTION. OF THE SITE TO HE OCCUPIED HY THE NEW MILL, APPROXI. MATKLY ACRES HAVE IIEEN DONATED HY THE UEND COMPANY WHICH, WHEN THE MILL WAS FIRST PUVNNED, OFFERED TO (JIVE A SHE FOR THE PURPOSE ON EITHER SIDE OF THE RIVER. IV THE TRANSACTION, W. D. CHENEY HAS GIVEN TO THE REND COMPANY, 10 ACRES ADJOINING THE REMAINDER OF THE SISEMORE PLACE ON THE EAST SIDE. WITH THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE MILL CONSTRUCTION COMES THE STATEMENT THAT THE SHEVI.IN SYNDICATE HAS PUR CHASED THE ROGERS, OR HEND T1MIIKH COMPANY'S HOIiDINGS ADJACENT TO REND THEREHY ADDING SOME ilo.OOO ACRES TO THEIR HOLDINGS IN THIS VICINITY AND ASSURING SUFFICIENT TIMRER FOit THEIR MILL FOR YEARS TO COME. TO GIVE THE NEW MILL ACCESS TO THE RAILROAD A SPUR WILL HE HUILT CROSSING THE RIVER iY A 1IRIDGE TO HE Hl'ILT HV THE RAILROAD COMPANIES JOINTLY. ALL LI'MHER SHIPMENTS WILL HE LOADED DIRECTLY ONTO CARS AT THE PLANING .MILL, DOING AWAY WITH THE INTERMEDIATE HANDLING. OTHER RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION WILL RE HY THE COMPANY FOR liOGGING PURPOSES, THE CHARACTER OF THE TIMHERED AREA ON WHICH OPERATIONS ARE TO HEGIN HEING ESPECIALLY SUITED TO THIS FORM: OF LOGGING. To Employ BOO Men. Whllo ar. yot only estimates can bo mndo it Is safo to say that employ ment will bo given In tho mill, tho box factory nnd In tho logging op erations to C00 mon, who will re colvo nn avorago wago of $3.00 pir dty. Tho monthly pay roll, then, figuring 20 working days to tho month, will amount to $39,000. Es timating that for each man employ ed thoro will bo an addition of thrco to tho population of tho city from trto mill nlono gives an Incroaso ot 1G00. Increased employment in other lines ot buslnoss croated by tho mill growth will add still othor hundr6ds. To. tho.rnilronds tho mllLnrlll mean an addition In traffic probably doubl ing thnt which they now havo. Cut ling 80 million foot In a year and shipping tho wholo cut would moan that over 20 cars would go .out from llond dally for 3CG days. Halving this and putting tho shipment at on ly 10 cars a day means an increase In yardage horo and'addod population on tho railroad end alono. It is understood that as soon as mnrkot conditions warrant tho ca pacity of tho mill will bo doubled. Much Lumber In Tributary. Immediately tributary to tho new mill and owned by the Shovlln syi dlcato will bo sonio two billion feot of timber. Cut at tho Initial rato this will supply tho mill for over 25 years and moan millions ot dollars paid out horo In that ttmo In wages alono. Tho flrrl operations will be In tho so-called Johnson or Deschutes 1ini I'i.t (,'r.mrnny trnct about six mile? south of tovn, Hero tho logging road will be put in nnd tho logs broi.iht LAWN MOWERS AND Grass Catchers Hose and Nozzles v; GARDEN SEEDS AND Garden Tools Deep "Well Farming' Implements AT: Bend Hardware Co. The Compnny that put the "Wcor" In Hardware rtuvn to within nbout ono milo ot town whero thoy will bo put In the river to bo floated tho rest of tho wny. A franchise for this uso of tho river wbb granted by tho county court nt Its meeting last weok. Halo Mndo In January. Tho first Intimation this yoar that thero was any unusual nctlvlty In connection with Deschutes tlmbor np poarod In a nows article In Tho Ilul letln on January 13, when it wns ro portod that Mr. Ryan had successful ly negotiated tho salo of tho Johnson Prlnco tlmbor to tho Shovlln com pany. Later, on Mr. Ryan's return from Minneapolis, ho stated vthat It was tho .intention of tho now owners to bogln milling operations this year and In an intorvlow glvon to Tho Dul lotln ho said that tho mill would bo built In tho vicinity ot Rend, For a number of weeks thoroaftor negotiations woro bolng carr!6d on in connection with tho nnnouncod lnfon tions of tho purchasers, all details, howovor, bolng hold confidential un til planB matured. Tho Shovlln Visit In April T. J Shovlln of Minneap olis, tho head of tho purchasing syn dicate, whoso foresight and ontor pflso bad soon tho merit of tho prop osition .presented by Mr, Ryan when tho purchaso was mado In January, visited Rend in company with a num ber of advisors and associates. In tho party, besides Mr. Shovlln, woro his uncle, E. 0. Shovlln, of Portland, J, E. Nichols, M. Kelloy and T. L. Mc Cann of his Minneapolis odlco, and a (Continued on last pago.) 2l!!rr Supplies RUILDHRS COMING. Howard Dea, of Minneapolis, who will havo chnrgo of the construction of tho Shevlln - Illxon mill, will nrrlvo Krlday morning. Paul V. Eamca, assistant sec- retary of tho Shovlln, Carpenter & Clnrk Compnny, of Mlnnenp- oils, will nrrlvo tomorrow to nsslst Mr. Ryan. A party ot railway engineers from tho ofllco of A. M. Lupfor chief engineer of tho Oregon Trunk, will arrive Friday morn- Ing to mnko Investigations for tho spur nnd bridgo work to tho now mill. SLIDK CAUS1CS RKLAY. Duo to n slide of earth nnd rock cm tho main lino botwoon Tho Dalles and Hood Rlvor tho O.-W. R. & N. train duo here Inst ovonlng did not nrrlvo until about two o'clock this morning. At tho point of tho dolny highway construction around Mitchell's Point Is now going on and n big blast yes terday started tho slide. ROGKRS IIHHK SUNDAY. A. R. Rogorn nnd W. A. Durst of Minneapolis arrived In town from Klnmnth Falls by nuto on Sunday, nccompnnlcd by II, K. Johnson. Thoy left for Portlnnd on tho night train. Tho Rogors tlmbor adjoining town has recently boon acquired by tho Shovlln-Hlxon company. RAIMtOAD MKN HKRH. R. I). Miller, tralllo manngor of tho O.-W. R. & N. and J. II. Regal, nowly nppolntcd bnggngo agent of tho compnny nrrlvod horo Friday night on n gonornl business trip, Mr. Mlllor spoko of tho expected coming ot tho Shovlln mill wlUi pleasure ns meaning n groat deal to Ilond. RATH HH.VRING IS ON. The hearing on lliu rates ot tho Dond Wntor il.lght &. Power Co., Is I. ring hold this nftornoon, Chnlrmnn T. J. Cnmpboll nnd Frank J. Mlllor of tho Railroad Commission bolng horo for tho purpoBo. Tho hearing will probably contlnuo on Thursday. LITTLH HUSINHSS DONH. In tho nbsonco of President Koyos VIco President Floyd Dement proBld od nt tho meotlng of tho Commercial Club at tho Pilot Ruttu on Saturday. No bimlncaa ot Importance camo bo foro tho meeting. Tho luncheon on Saturday will bo nt tho Wright. ASSOCIATION TO MKRT. Tho Ilond Paront-Tonchor Associa tion will nieut nt tho Hold school on Thursday, fatcrnoon at four o'clock. At this tlmo tho reports of all com mittees will bo presented' and ofllcorn elected for tho coming year. All mombors and othor Intorostod aro urgod to attend. KNOAOKMMNT IS ANNOUNCKD. Tho engagomont Is nnnouncod of Miss (lortrudo Mnrkol nnd P. W. Roasloy. It Is understood that tho marrlago will occur In Juno. Mis Markol Is now nt hor Mllllcan valley homestead, being expectod In on Fri day, Mr. Uoesloy was an nsslstnnt englnoor on tho Tumnlo project. Ho Is now atSunnystdo, Washington. CROWDKD OUT. Lack of space provonta mora mon tlon of tho meotlng ot tho Tumnlo Improvement Association on Satur day than Is given In tho Tumnlo cor respondence. Tho resolutions adopt ed will bo printed noxt woek. MKKT AT HKHMOm Tho annual county high school flold mOvt and declamation contest will bo hold at Rodmond en Satur day. Th) Rend band will famish music an' It Is oxpoctod thn n largo number will attond from horo "einw i The First National Bank OP BEND, BEND.OR.EGON I. U U. C. COE, President K. A. BATHKR, VIoo- President 0. 8. nUDSON, Cnshlor Capital fully puld - 2.",000 Surplus 125,000 Arc rui to the If you aro, obtain a supply of our AMERICAN BANKERS TRAVEL ERS GHEGKS. May bo cashed at Banks or H" tols without discount or identification. TEe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND 3 DIRECTORS VS" V.C.Cav. K. A.Satiikr f. H. HmtanM ixtf BEND REJOICES OVER ILL NEWS CELEBRATES MON DA AFTERNOON Auto Pnrndo, Rami Concert nmft SpcJiUliif- Draw Many Forty l'raP Machine In Line Stores nro' Closed For Important Krcnt. - Monday was a day of rojolclngjnj; Rend. Knrly In tho day tho 'm&' nouncomont wns inn do In an oxtrn Itmuo ot Tho Dullotln thnt tho Shov lln-Hlxon Manufacturing Company would, within two wuoks, begin tiu construction ot a saw mill ot 80 mil lion feet per year capacity, and om-'. ploying COO men, nnd that tho mill would bo located closo to town. Al though tho nows hnd long 1con os pected, tho definite authorized state ment ot tho pinna ot tho now com pnny, bringing certnlnty whero beforo k had boon hopo nnd expectancy, was . received with Jubilation. '" Tho fooling of tho day was best oxprcsscd In tho words of John K. Ryan, "Wo'ro all partners In thls,y overy individual in town realizing thnt tho nows meant something real and dollnlto to him nnd that Road's prophecy was nbout to bo tuinilod. In tho nftornoon nil business houses closed whllo n procosslon ot It! automobiles, hoadod by tho Ilond band, paraded tho business Btrocts; llnnlly stopping nt tho lawn hack of Tho llond Company olllca whoro a band stand hnd boon oroctod during , tho day. Hero speeches woro mado1' and Bolcctlonfl played by tho band", tho oxpectntlon being thnt Mr. Ryan ' would bo back from Tho Tulos lu tlmo to bo callod on. Unfortunntoly tho auto which had boon sent for him did not got in until JUBt nttor tho affair was over. Kxtrn In Issued. Authority to mnko tho nnnounco- i ' mont was given to Tho nullotlu by . Mr. Rynn it 81.10 Sunday night. 1111 working III' Tullft5fc0"Ull night ThowT' Dullotln wns abto to issuo nn olght ' pago extra early Monday morning, giving tho nowH to tho public Hun dreds of copies woro sold on Mondny, largo numbers of which woro sont out of town, thoro having boon, accord ing to Postmaator Ford, ovor two full anckfl of tho oxtra number sont out from tlio post ofllco. Tho paper was mailed to all local subscribers. As was to bo oxpoctod, local real rstato business boennio nctlvo fol lowing tho announcement, many donls which had been ponding whllo awaiting tho news being closed at onco. So far as can bo learned no reul ostnto prices hnvo boon advanc ed on account of tlio iiowh," and In ono tract, In order to mnko quick sales, prices havo boon materially ro duced. Two looses aro roportod, N, B. Oll liort hns taken thn stonvon tho cor nor of Ilond and Oregon ' streets, whoro ho expects to opon a grocery and mont market In tho nnnr futuro, nnd J. M. Jacobs has rontod tho Dos chutes hotel property on Minnesota streot from J. II. Onolll. , rymnnr Fair? W ra ) . T I V B. FERRELL President E. M. LARA Cashier O. M. I'AlTBltSO.V H. C RUUIH ffW 2tf: ?&&?&&WK iff k iff i!Mrf Kr & mP'imi