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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1914)
Till? IIKM) 1IULLKTIN, 1IKNI), ORE., WKDXKHDAY, OOTOIJER 2, JOM. I'AflE It, ROBERT A. BOOTH SPEAKS t Republican Hcnnlurlitl Cmidhlnto In II mi id Hero Thliimliiy NIhIiI, ' UoliorL A. Iloolh, Itopubllcnn ran illdnlo for Unltail HUiton lionntor, lipoid) horo' Thursday nvoiiliiR, nftor ' u two-day's vlKorotin rniiipuiun 'n Crook coii)it)' Dnrlnit Ii In (our ho mldiobnod niootlnKM nt l'rlnorlllo, Mndrnn, Itodmond, Blstors nnd Lnld law. Ho was Rcoompnnlod by J. II. , Hell, h, M. Iloohtoll, Cnroy Foster, Ijudjto llrlttk, (luy Lnfollottn, II. A. Knlloy, llnlph Jordan nnd Mayor ,, Clifton of I'rlnovlllo. Whlln tho mooting tioro nocossnr lly wns ourtnllcd bocuuso Mr. Iloolh ,t linil to tnko tho 8 .10 train, a full houso bonrd lilin rt tho Coiniiiorclal Club Rooms, whoro ho npoko nftor 4 Hr .TH HOIIEHT A. HOOTII participating In tho chlckon dinner '.jutrved by tho Methodist Indies. Ho wns Introduced by II II Do Armand nd mot with a hearty reception. Tho candidate remarks woro d- llvcred with oloquoneo, and through out ho refrained from any of tho par nnlUloa which thui far havo dlrUod I ho ttnto cnmpnlRnltiK, on both sldos. I llo laid tho blamo for business do- i proMlon uton tho Democratic tariff, rcforred to tho Panama tolls action ( "aj unstntoamnnllko and untruo to p-rty plodcoi," and told his hearer 1 that by placing- tho Itcpuhlloans back ' In power prosperity would roturn. FOWELL BUTTE visitor nt liomo, rotttrnliiff to I'rlno vlllo Huniliiy. "Mr. and Mn. Alien Wlllcoxon nt londod a dnnco In I'rlnovlllo Krlilny ovonlnir, koIiik down with n party who nutood ovor from Itodmond. Mm. A. W. Hfiyn wan n visitor to I'rlnovlllo Saturday. Hbo was no compnnlod homo by Mis Gladys nnd llnxol who camo out to tnko In tho Hohson dnnco and vlilt homo folk.. J. A, UIkrh nnd A. W. Ilnyn nro hnulliw bnlod hay to Redmond whoro It In being en r rod for shipment lo Ilond. J. J. Olmpinnn camo out from Ilod mond Humlny for a brlof visit wltn liomofolkH. Tho dnnco Hnturday night la re ported an a success, a largo crowd was out nnd n Rood tlmo had. Molvln nnd Orn Foster woro busi ness visitors to I'rlnovlllo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. MoLend nro Into ar rivals to our section, having arrived from Ellonsbtirg, Wash., last wook. Iboy nro nuronf of Mrs. Mlllor nnd will llvo near their dniiKhter on tho Tom May place. Thoso poopla Hlilp " ped In n nurnbor of fine dairy cows nnd some blooded Iioks and thoso will prova valunblo additions to our nl- ' ready extonslva llvo stock Industry. (Tho McLood's will Mud a hearty wol- romn from our people. Hnv nnd Mrs. W. A. llynr of Hod I inonil woro Kucstn nt tho Humphroy I homo Rundny. Mlns ilnrrlett Wlllcoxon wan a ruest at tho Morso homo Hundny. Krod Drown Is enjoying a duck hunt nt Crnno I'ralrln having koiio jup (hero with n pnrty of Itodmond hunters Inst Thursday. H E. Hlutperd and Iivd Ilussott persecuted local Jack rnbbltn to tho tunc of 03 scalps Hunday. Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon and Harriott woro Ilond visitors. Mr and Mrs. Henry Young and daughter Thatma, woro visitors at tho flufsett homo Hnturday and Run dny The Youngs aro soon to loavo for a prolonged stay at Vnncouvor nnd this Is their last visit till their roturn. My a misprint In Tho Ilullatln last week an nrtlclo relating to tho Indis position or Mrs. Holland tho Wilson school toachor read misunderstand ing. A largo crowd listened to nn excel lent sermon byllev. II. O. Perry. Dis trict Huporlntendond of tho Methodist church last Thursday evening at tho Wilson school house. N. P. Alloy wnnt over to Opal City Monday, where ho has contracted tn build a barn for his brother-in-law, John Haxton. tn fow dnyn nbout town Inst weak, j Mr, Ituthoiford lino roturnod to his I homo In Portland, 13. W. Konnnrd, tlmokoepor at camp No. 8 has toft for Hoattio. Camp No, 0 has closod and Mr. Hponcor Illddld. tlmokoepor nnd on glnoor thoro has loft for his homo In Portland. (Contlnuod from psgo 3.) miles of well-nigh trapassabto roads Into Kood shape to haul over, for fear they ll want ua to glvo It back again The amount allowed would jiiit hr. nbout buy tho powder needed lo make thn grades that should be mado hero, While tho men oxpect lo do ' unto most of tho work duuo hero, 1 hoy cannot forget that many dollars havo bean paid for work dona on roads that needed working far loss i than fhoio hero. Davn Travis visited In this neigh Itorltood last week I Van lllnlr. little son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Irvln lllnlr of Itodmond, Is vis- ,. Itinic In tho family of 1. W. lllnlr. Mrs. A. D. Morrill and Miss llorthn (ioodsell spent tho day at Mrs. Joo bhonri'i last woak. v Mrs. Carl lllnlr Is expected homo noon from Portland where she has iieen visiting tho past fow weoks. POWELL Ill'TTK. Oct. 20. Fall wheat both on tho Irrigated and dry I Irnd Is coming up nlcoly, being ben- otltted considerably by tho rains of n wcok ago. A bunch at Indiana woro rampod In thin locality last wook, thoy woro looking for work In tho potato field 1. A. II. Rhodes, new houso Is com- liloted. ooutrnctor Alley turning over the keys to Mr. Ithodcs Thursday. XI lio hounn, a story nnd n hnlf framo. js a !l o Improvoment to tho place. l A. Hiissutt has finished sowing ' nhoiit 1(0 noros of ryo. (loo. Hobbs tolls us (bat ho has scodod something i d AAA AMitjia ntl bliiat ! iim l uiui uv nvivn ui 11111 niu-m Hint ui'i Ifiii U'anl tf tt ntlnv liinpn Inir isrttft 1 11 if .1 JJrrop of ovor 300 aoros of wheat. Kvlilontly tho dry farmers aro put ting In a largo aoreago this fall. Mrs. N. P. Alloy was hoatoss to 11 woll nttondod mooting of tho Powoll s llutto Horosls Wodnosd(iy, when a MORI onjoynoio Hiieriiuuu wn iiuiwuu. Dosldcs momboni, Mrs. Alloy ontor- tulnod Mrs. It. L. Mooro, Mrs. )1. A. HuiMutt, Mrs. Mitry Drown nnd Mrs. Ilouluh Oroy Holland. A dollghtral it two course lunch served In Mrs. Al loy's hospltnblo mnnnor' was an on- iovnlilo feature of tho nftornoon. tho ' hostess was asslstod In serving by Mrs. L. J. Alley and Mrs. duy Bears. O. M. Charlton wont to I'rlnovlllo ' Thursday for a brlof visit with Mrs. Charlton and tho boys. J. P. Dohorty hna boon a guest of Hooves Wlllcoxon for tho past sovor- ul days. t Itov. Cook will prcuch at tho Wll- Hon school housa tlunday Immodlato- lv following Sunday school. His text t will bo n sort of continuation of tho sermon ho gavo n weok ago at tho Kdwnrds school houso. l M. A. IIusBott flnlshod a clstorn for Tom May last wook. , Paulino Truosdalo was a wook ond LOST CHKUK. Doonar's Repair Shop Doyarmond's Oarno Illdff, DOONAR wlM FIX IT mmmMMMMasnanmmmm (Special to Tho Dullotln.) LOST CnKKK, Oct. 1B.W. T. I'ownn was a buslncoa visitor In Den J during tho past week. Dr. Hr-ed has gono to Portland for a Ave month's leave of absence. Mrs. iLcsprlnro and daughter-la-law, of Chicago havo taken up n homestead . Hon DoWIlt built their cnhln for them. 0. II. Mehrer Is iclvlng the school houso a coal of paint. Archlo and Ilecco Smith, who havo boon working down near Lakevlow, havo returned homo. Thoy wero ac companied by tholr cousin Kdgar nnd Chsrlla Htnvens. Fred Overall started for He ml lat Monday. Charllo Htovens accompan ied him. Mrs. Hassler has boon on tho sick ItaU J. Hasch returned from Itend last Tuesday with a load of provisions. 8. W. Dost went to ItoWnt Thurs day to meet his mothor of Coucr d' Alono, Idaho, who has co"mo to mako them an oxtonded visit. Ii.II)iaV. (8poclaI to Tho Uulletln.) liAIDLAW, Oct. 20. A number of il.nldlnw pooplo wont to llend on a shopping tour Thursday Inst nnd rc tnnlnod to sea "Tho Perils of Paul ino" at tho movies. Among them woro Mrt. F. N. Wallace Mrs. Ilob ort Hlmpson, Mrs. Adn Lundbnrg, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hnrtur. Mrs. 0. 13. I'toss, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Cady. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J Ooen nnd Noll Itny. Mrs. Marsh will take hor Sunday school class of girls on Picnic Island for lunch, nftor servlco noxt Hunday. A nurnbor of ducks havo been shot nrnr hero of lute. Ono of tho most successful hunters Is Bamuol Loo. son of Prof. I.eo of tho Itldlnw school. Mrs. John Btylea has roturned to hor homo nt tho hoadgntos, aftor spending two or throo weeks in town with hor fathor. Mr. I'pdtko. Mr. nnd Mrs. Karl I'lulyko spont n fow dnyn In Iildlaw last week. Mrs. Marlon has returned from hor trip to Fort Dock whoro Mr. Mar lon Is In business. Mr. Ilnrpor was In with a load of flno hoof last Wednesday. Miss Huth Dayton wns In from hor homestead a fow days last wook. Mm. Al- Hanson hna moved back tn tholr homo In Laldlaw, aftor n short residence In camp. O. Laurgnnrd mado A business trip to Baloiu last wcok. It. A. Dooth. candtdato for U. 8. Honator, mado a short visit to Laid law Thursday but did not dollvor tho addross ho had announced. Thoro was n rousing mooting, for county division at tho church Hntur day nftornoon. Lnldlaw pooplo nro nil nnxlouH tn o thonioasuro go through "O. K." A. 0. Wnlkor hna been In our neighborhood tho Inst ton days work ing on county division. Mr. MoISwan of Itodmond wns In italdlaw ovor Sunday nnd helped In tho choir at tho Union church, nlnglng "Lend Kindly Light." Two or throo small tablos aro good od at tho 8unday school for use In tho classes. Any one who hna nn ex tra one to spnro will find tholr do nation highly QPPreclatod, For the benefit of thoso who havo no Sunday school books tho lesson for noxt Sunday Is announcod as fol lows; "The Arroat nnd Trial of Jesus," Matt. 20: 67 to 68. T. A. Rutherford former cashier ot the Laldlaw Dank & Trust Co., and Mr. Donahue who at one time was In tho newspaper business here, spout MIIjUCAN. (Special to Tho Dullotln), MIIjMGAN, Oct. 20. Louis Hall drova to Ilond Monday. ICrlc Hcntoland was n Ilond caller Thursday. Gertrude Markol was a visitor nt tho P. D. Johnson homo n fow days tho past wook, Mrs. William Noams called at tho Goodman homo Hunday. Mrs, A. I). Norton .visited at tho Goodman home Hunday. Mrs. Ilcrwltx called on Mrs. Honma Sunday. William Iloams has boon soodlng on the Itogars' nnd Hatch claims tho past wook and will pood for II. I". Davis tho first of tho noxt wook. Tho 8ku-Ko-I,cok Klub hold Its second meeting of tho year nt tho Owon's homo Hnturday. October 24. W. II. Klgor and wlfo nnd K. 0. Klger spent tho past fow weeks vis iting relatives nt Christmas Laka. Mrs. W. D. Klgor nnd daughter, Mrs. (Hess, loft for Portland tho pant wcok whoro thoy went to consult an oya specialist nlwut Mrs. Klgor's oyos. Hue has boon having considerable trotiblo with hor oyut (ho past fow months, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Allen woro Dend visitors Hnturdny. Word has boon rccnlvod by frlonds from Mrs. Ada II. Mllllcan who went to"Kugono to attend tho Federation mooting thoro. Mrs. Mllllcan Is hav ing n delightful tlmo visiting with old acquaintance. A. D, Norton Is soodlng ton acres for Miss Zolma Drown, lion Goodman camo out tho past wcok (0 rosldo on his claim, Louis Goodman wan a business col lar In Ilond Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Norton wero In Dend tho past wook. Mr. and Mrs. (loymour and chil dren woro callers In our vnlloy Wed nesday. Mrs. Smith called at tho Glnder homo Thursday. Hteaks and chops n specialty at tho Coxy Ilestnurant. Adv. 31-3(p NOTICK OF HIIKJtIFF'H HAMJ. DY VIHTUK of nn oxccutlon and ordor of sale duly Issued by tho Clerk f it.A fMrnnlt rVmrf nt ttlK nnnntv nf Crook, Btnto of Oregon, dated tho sotn any or uciouor, iimi, in a cer tain action In tho Circuit Court f'f n hi rntintv nml Slntn. wheraln Goorgo R. Uarklay recovered Judg ment against nainun uorww 11. Grant and Mrs. Jessie Osborn for tho or Seventeen Hundred Eighty Bovoti nnd No 100 Dollars, principal, Why you should VOTE FOR Booth Republican Candidate for United States: Senator Ar yon better off now than yoit were wider a Republican administration? Are yon satisfied? If you believe in tfee firinciples of the Republican Party, if you are convinced that these principles are best for tbe Coun try, then prove i by voting for your standard bearer, Robert A. Booth, Repub lican candidate for tbe United States Senate. Yott know tbati under Republican presidents tbe people of the United States have good times. You know that under Democratic presidents you have Democratic times. Remember the prosperity under Mc Kinloy, Roosevelt and Taft. Remember tho conditions under Cleve land and Wilson. The issue in this campaign is not one of personality. It is not one of non partisanship. It is a question of whether you prefer prosperity under Republican snlmiistratk)A. Do you have enough work? Are your wages good? Is your business what you want it to be? If you are satisfied with present con ditions, well and good; if you beliovo that tb present situation is better than under McKkley, Roosevelt and Talt, you know what to do. The way to bring back prosperity is to kelp elect a republican Senate. Tbe Re pubNcan candidate fat Oregon is R. A. looth. This is a RepubUcan year. Vote the ticket straight. (m AfrHtiMM-, RipUicH Stile Catnl CiamMee, Ufmti H!, radari, Oregu) Interest and coots nnd attorney fecn, on tho 21st day of October, 1014. Notlco la ho'o) glvon that I will on tho 28th diy ff Novembor, 1011, a', tho North front c'oor of tho Com t houso In I'rlnovlllo In said county it 10 o'clock In tho nftornoon of said day, soil at public auction to tho high est bidder, for cash, tho following described property, U-wlt: Lots Ono (1) nnd two (2) In block twonty-ono (21) of tho original town slta of Dend, Crook county, Oregon, as por tho certified plat thereof of record In tho office of the County Clerk In and for said County and State; and also (ho NW of NV ot Section No, 27, Township 17 Houth rtnd Jlango 12 Kast ot tho Wil lamette Meridian, excepting however, n parcol descrlbod as follows, to-wit, beginning at a point 427.07 feet south and 49S.03 went of tho northeast corner of said tract, and running thence South GOo.02 feet to a stake, tbenco west 777.86 feot to a stako, thence North 349.12 feet to n stake, thence north 4G degrees 48 minutes east 204.20 feet to n stake, thence east 247.32 feet to n stake, thonce south 280. feet to a stake, thence east lGC.r7 feot to n stako, thonce north 280. feet to a stako, thenee east 1C7.CC feet to tho point of be ginning togethor with tenements nod nppurtenances thoreunto belonging or In any wlso appertaining. Taken and levied upon as the prop erty of tho said Dcrtha it. Grant nnd Mra. Jcsslo Osborn. tho abova de scribed property, nnd I will sell tho sama at public auction, or as much thereof as may he nocsary lo satis fy the said judgment In favor of George It. Darclay against said Der- tha II. Grant and Jessie Osborn with Interest thoreon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. FItANK BLKIN8, Sheriff Dated at Prlnovllle, Oregon, October 27th, 1314. Dy W, B. Van Allen, 34-37c Deputy ttomont nnd entry by any qualified porson. A strip 30 feot wldo off tho west sldo of tho NBU 8R14 nnd tho 8134 NE'i, extending from tho southwest corner of tho NU'A SKVi to within 30 foot of tho northwest cornor of (ho BKYt NB, Section 26, T. 20 S It. 10 B W. M 1.82 acres, application of William It. H. Wil liams, No. 701 Andovor Stroot, Se attle, Washington; List Sup. 0-002. A strip of land 30 feot wldo off the west sldo ot tho SBVi 8B Hoe. 20, T. 20 it., It. 10 B., ,91 of an acre, ap plication of John A. Perkins, Dend, Oregon; Sup. List G-8SC, Tho N4 NK, tho BB NB, Bee. 25, T. 20 8., It. 14 B 120 acres, applica tion of Mrs. Bmoll Oak, Darlow, Ore gon; List C-1381, September 23, 1914, C. M. Druce, Assistant Com missioner of tho Goneral Land Of fice. 32-3SO IIE8TOKATIOX TO ENTOY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL FOIIEST. Notice Is hereby given that tbe lands described below, embracing 122.73 acres, within the Desebutoi National Forest, Oregon, will bo subject to set tlement and entry under the provi sions of the homestead laws ot the Unltod States and the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat., 233), at tho United State land office at The Dalles, Oregon, on November 30, 1914. Any settler who was actually and In good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, baa a preforonco right to make a homestead entry tot tho lands actually occupied. Said lands wero listed upon the applica tions of the persons mentioned bo low, who have a preference right sub ject to the prior right of any such set tler, provided such settler or applicant la Qualified to mako homestead entry and the prefer ence right Is exorcised prior to Novembor 30, 1914, on which dato tho lands will be subject to sot- NOTICE FOU riDLIOATION. Department ot tho Intortor, U. S. Land Offlco at The Dalles, Oro- icon. September 21, 1014. Notlco Is hcroby given that Ooor&i II. Wcndorff, of Dend, Oregon, wb 1, on April 29th, 1911, mado Ham t toad Entry No. 08816 and on Novem bor 29, 1912 made additional Homo-Mi-ad Entry No. 010800, 'or SWU, 8,NW and VfV, 8Ei, Section 3, Tcvnshlp 19 South, itusge 14 East, W'.llametto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mako final threo year proof, to establish claim to tho Jand abovo descrlbod, be f oro H. C. EIKi, U. 8. Commissioner, at Dond, Oregon, on the Cth day ot November, 1914. Claimant names aa witnesses' Frank Mosscngale, Austin C. Darter, Charles Korakls, James V. Miner, all of Dend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 30-34 c Register. (Roofing of all kinds. Repatriate promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TlNNlNQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttering', Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. j) E8TI3IATES CnEEUFULLr J FURNISHED ' J Jobbing Promptly Atteadcd To J i J. J. RYAN ! Plmkiflg and tkaiitg FHONK 451 it - 117 MINNESOTA BTREKT The Wright- Is Bend's Leading. Hotel WHY? ' a fl It Is a fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern v It is comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS FROM OO CENTS UP Tho Tfauts of all are satisfied vrcll at THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL PFNTHAI OUFGON' FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, . ,y!fZ . PWTK GL.SS. AUTOMOI Leading INSURANCE Agency rile, suretv ronds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLAl $3Monthl ' J A CaCTCJGI OfHce on Oregon Street A. JCZ 1 JCS REND, I.J OREGON V I Itoadquarters tor Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout i THE BEND HOTEL ii Special Attention to I Transient Travel ; ' Qoe-4 Rooms v ; Fro bus to M4frelUataa HUQH O'KANE. MANAOKR BEND, OREGON Oood Meals All arWKemeHts made far perseoc X deskwg to go south Md east of her ONE CENT A WORD is all a little wttnt nd will cost ypu.