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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1914)
TAGR 6. Tim nr.Nn iu'm.ktin, hk.nd, ohk wkdnkhuay. avouht an, ton. u COHY SAYS REPORT UNFAIR WOULD REJECT NORTH CANAL OFFER "For Onco IcN Is Ailnilttrtl to 1ms ltlplit, or Xcnrly So In Statement to Dc-crt ImiuX lkuml C. O. 1. Co. Says llnglnccni Wronjj. Although a statement by tho C. O. I. Co. on the Reclamation Sorvice report or tho North Canal was nrs Bontcil to tho Desert-Land Hoard at ItH meeting on August IT no copy was available for publication last week. Having published the summary from tho engineer's report on the North Canal The nuilotln this week jirw Bents the Company s stntoment both ns a matter of fairness and to make a permanent record of the controver sy. Tho company's statement is as fol lows: August 16, 1914. Desert Land Hoard, Salem, Oregon. Dear Sirs: We havo tho report of tho U. S. ' Reclamation Engineers on the North Canal lands. We offered the State or tho Gov ernment or both about 36,000 ncros of our project under the North Canal for $300,000.00. Wo wero to com plete certain concrete lining at a coat which would mako the amount to be received by us about $250,000.00. The offor was contingent on those who completed the system delivering through the North Canal 30C cuble feet of water to the lMIot Ttutte Can al, n distance of about 1 H miles from the Intake, 114 cubic feet to the Poir ell llutte Canal, a distance of about IS miles from the Intake, and also water for 2200 acres of land lying under the North Canal system, which liad been entered. Our offer was made in response o a desire of the Land Hoard and of the cltliens of Central Oregon that the lands be developed more rapidly than cur moans had permitted. We made what wo consider a low olfor. one leas than our cost by about $17i.00.0') and one In which wo sacrificed tho chanco of recouping our past losses: ,,V ?h iTnlnnro SSi-nA So WrtrW Jffnod or-p ind &h inf.M lS K ,.lm 1 ,h.r ? , nablo us to complete other por-.j, but ono which would pcrjnit us to a . , .:. .... i w- --.-, I i-. , .Iwi'lil render It Impossible to fulfill nnnulfShi11'1 obllwlloni both to Us creditors after preliminary conversations with Ij 8oU,orH tho examining engineers; and while no policy oo to price was agreed uon Ifoth before and during the examina tion the following Ideas wero devel oped: That n fair price should 1ms found and that liersonal desllre to get n lower price would have no bearing tn the xbattor. That In viewing the project as to our proposition ot maa-1 log tho deliveries mentioned. It should be treated aa a whole. In other words, there are about .' irrigable aeras In the whole proJ-r'. 36,900 of wMleh were to be transfer red; It wm MHoorsUxxl that the :r, -ooe acre wculd have to share r.r ably tbe total cost of HJO.Oi") en Thin ooet sum Is not disouted in ih sngtaeon and was made, upon the request of the examiners, in arrord anee with the ideas recommended l.i the report of the Commltteo apix'l i ed by the American Socle tv of Civil ' Eaglneora to Investigate and report on a ldn "' 'laatitn of public utll- ities properties. Instead or the report being bttol on these Ideas for determining coat. ' It is based on the narrow view r, cost or reproduction or only a part or the work, whleli Is theoretical and does not equal the actual cost of that part not disputed In the report, by $38,008.00. No provision Is made In thereiwrt for conveying the 114 eub'c feet of water to the Powell Kutta Canal, one of tbe most important things for which tbe North Canal was planned, and which Is neeoMary to relieve tb. fentrel Oregon rSnsl In the trH. tlon of lands sold In the Powell llutte district. The report allows the company $60,008.09, but If provision is mad for tbe Powell Dutto lads at tl--rgt figured by tbe Reclamation Se -vice, it follows that tbe Cjmiiar , would turn ever tbe work alreadv parforiHsd and iy a sum of money ' tn addition. I ' Among the Ineonststenelea of the ranort we call attention to the fart tnat tn tbe estimate of cost allowed ' to the Company for laterals ii.oo Kr KDre ih UHiirmi, wiiiih lur in oainuain of oompletlou of like work by the i.aeUunatlon Servico $10.00 per acie Is allowed. Attention bt also ealled to tit point that In allowing for all over head ohargas In the oatimate of our cost 10 tier eont was sllowed, while n the cost for completion by the Rec lamation Service 26 per cent was allowed for jrlnaerlng and coiitln geneiea. They may claim that con tingent allowance was It. per cent, but they out off contingent cost which we actually expended of $35,000.00 Furthermore, their allowance of 10 per cont for overhead in cost of com pletion ooly Included engineering It is auggeatad In the report that the North Canal Dam ma be oi-d tor n diversion of a large amount r water for tba reclamation of lands i tho Madra country; no suggestion ! made that in such event those lands bear a proportionate part of the c st or Uio Dam. although such idea 's applied to tho Company in the case or the Pilot llutte Canal and the 2200 acres liorotoforo sold. Wo presented a detailed statement of the oosts or tho North Canal lands showing $420,990 90. which Is ad- mltted by the examining engineers to bt legitimate. They clnlm to have estimated t fair prlco to bo pntd to tho Company for Its work, in reclaiming the North Cnnnl lands, but havo only estimated what tho physical work would cost if done under jrosont conditions. Thuy liiuo omitted from thtU ostlmnto tho cost of tho Company of soRrcgntinic those lands, ami holding thorn Intact; the cost of holding tho water rights through its contract with the State, and making a Carey Act project pos sible. Tho overhead charges, nctu'tl cash outlay and value of these frau chtsos Is entirely Ignored. Homo- stead, or desert entries, numerous wntur tilings and other Interloping nets would have so smeared ami In volved tho situation that It would now be very oxpenslve if not Impos sible to reclaim thesn lands ns n whole or any considerable portion of them by a single Irrigation system ex copt for the outlay tn this respect 'which the Company tins mndo, and therefore a sutmtautlol allowance for those expenses should have boon add ed to tho cost of reproduction. Our opinion based on a number of year's experience in that country is that the allowance of 60 per cent for losses of water in operating the sys tem Is excessive and we fall to see the present necessity for budding a $200,000.00 dnm at Crane Prairie as proposed. Wo have made an exten sive survoy or that valloy and havo estimates that an ndequnto dam can bo built there if ever necessary for $36,000.00. It is probable that the reduction of Canal losses will obviate tho neces sity of any dnm at that point so far as the North Canal lands are con cerned. Jt would, of course, bo val uable for tho reclamation of other lands. Tho report Is unfair to tho Com pany. It does not deny that our costs wero correct or necessary, but does not recommond their payment u part as asked by the Company. It doos not provide for the relief of tho Powell llutte Dlstrlot. It does not offor sutllcJent to repav the Company for its outstanding lia bilities on the North Canal Dam and Canal so far as constructed, much less to provide any additional fundi with which to complete the other parts of the system. It does not meet the situation of Krclaroatloti in Oregon In a broad and fair spirit, and tends toward tho further delay of the expenditure of any part of the Reclamation funds rightfully belonging to the State of Oregon In the hands of the t. K. Reclamation Service. The report of Mr. Lewis. State Engineer, cornea nearer to being fa'r than does that of the Reclamation Kngineers. but he doos not provide for the relief of the Powell llutte lands. The company U not asking for any- ' !" U!tabTo. It has not t,n,wl " wHIInknwii to com- promise: but as a business proposl- cnnn0. 8CCont nn -' h t uon cannot accept an oner tnat Vory truly yours, CENTRAL ORE IRRIGATION CO- liiPiilli alBBafc.'JL'LLPSi'-aSffl mmm m mammaaisasaiswmasaiaamaBsisvrji xwMBifiWiMHPaBWBwiagwp?iajo7ye( TiataBtMiwwffBBWKiasfrje)) tinKit rw gBrfgwlP'iwwwwiiilP3!t &Z SS IBB8WlWWMJPWPW&li&B8w Z siig s mm i. i u i s tgrnmssv wtox tw 'tfrmnm; Eiiiiiilirl iB If il-SB y E V mm iMm iglRMIII '11111 1 II Pi 11 IIII I en Water Light 6c HI liiij liilliiiiliiilii wer i llliliiiPliSiSIl mmm I II m m mi i i M im 1 1 M ii ililiS II III ill PI MlLi m K i I liliiiliiiiiiiiiiNiiPiiiiiiiiiliiy m r &fa SSSllliiiliiiliillilldSiiSiiiiiliiil Hi liiiiiliiSii n II I ikd ran ammm a nw ars n n am n s a s sk JiKi Ji (opt ' ; ww i 6 wisti wa i!)i wu& mu u SSBlSSSSSSf iSESEffiSBSISISffiSSIffiS BBBBBfflRBfeffliSfflBfflBffilB HSiHBffiSBHfSssi ' DAIRYING IN (). A. O. KXI'KUT, WHO M.IK IXVKHTKMTIONH IIIIIIK lHT U'NKK, WUITKS MOU.NI ADVK'IC TO LOCAL DAIUVMK.V AT Till-: UK- gilKMT OK TIIK lU'LLKTIN (H)OI COWH AND (1H.N. UHOl'H lKKDINO AUK DKHIHAIlhi:. Professor ltdwnrd 11. 1'ltts, nnlmal and dairy husbandry oxpert of the Oregon Agricultural' College, spent last week Investigating dairy condi tions in this vicinity. Tho llullcttn requested him to wrtto nu nrtlcle dealing with dairy eoudltlous as he enoountorod them In Crook county, with suggestions K.i oow raisers, llo low Is tho article: Dairying Is an Industry that should eriwt a In ran ttroitnrtton nf the eresi a large nrononion oi toe Interest farmers of Crook county for It pro vides a means whereby most of tho hay and other crops grown can be marketed at good prices. The Industry Is Identified with good farming practice as It encour- ages diversified farinlnw and rotation or crops and also retains on tho farm for return to the soil most or tho fertilising material contained tn the crops grown. Thus the soil Is built up rnthor than depleted. All progressive, permanent and accumulative agriculture Is depend ent upon the conservation or soli fertility. The keeping or live stock is ostentlnl to the best and quickest development or tho farm and or all classes or rami stock the dairy oow Is far In the load as regards the roturnt secured from a given amount of rood consumed. The low prices ror butter rat pre vailing during the past summer have tended to dlscourago many dairymen and much talk is heard or selling out or or going into the raising or her cattle. On moat farms no i-eater mistake ! could he made for It would bo a sti oacRwaru. .More dairy cattle are needed rather than fewer and where good cows are kept and correct meth- od or feeding and handling praetlc 'ol dairying has lmld. It Is the man who sticks to an Industry and seeks to Improve methods who wins and not the one who Is continually shift ing. There is (treat need throughout the country of better cows, better bulls and Improved methods of feed ing and handling. There la a greater variation In the producing ability of different cows than Is generally realised. Often times the best cow In the herd will yield three or four times as much as thft K0t rtn.1 tl.U On tllO feed. It Is therefore or groat I. tnnco that the actual yield or cow , tho ,I0ri! ,,t, known. same Impor c" Most . herds contain some "bosrdora" or cows that do not pav the cost or reed I )ero iiiewj weuuuu uui uio ueru would at once become more profit- able. The dairyman should dispose II P53 Ik while they LAST A Folding Ironing Hoard With Every Electric Iron At the regular price $3.75 The Hoard Cannot be lUtttorcd, The Iron Is Gunriintt'ori I'ortner. CROOK COUNTY of nil cows not coming up to tho dell nltu yield or buttur fat. ProlU comes not front tho number of cows kept or tho amount of fat sold hut front Income In excess of expenditure. Only such cows should ho kept ns poahhsh i (no nimuy or converting food eco nomically into milk. Pure-bred bulls from cowb giving lnrgo yields should bo used. Too much emphasis cannot ho mndo here tor me nun mourns inn miiK proiuiu- I lX.Tntn hli. ft, "!?, "iL0o!l 'rll,uto lo ,,lH tn,rltnce and WHSS1 .,..,., ... tmssM them on to his daughters. Instanoea nre not rare whore the yield In n herd has been doubled through the use of n superior s"ro, A "scrub" sire will as surely havo the opposite effect and decrease tho yield. A few good cows, well fed niul cared for should be tho rule rather thim a larger number of Inferior ani mals, getting scanty rations and In different enro. As the basis ror it dairy cow's rations there Is nothing iieuer man niraita. it is rich in protein, a milk stimulating rood and good returns are secured by tho use or this rood alone. It Is not n perfect ration, however, and better results will bo secured f some variety Is given In the ration Roots, corn sllngo, oat hay and grain can be used to good advantage. Sweet clover Is being tried In some parts of the county and gives prom i of being a valuable addition to lh Itst or roods ror the dairy cow. Com that Is estimated io yield tn 10 tons to the acre has been gniwn this yonc. The slln preserve this i""t '. ..,'."" "'"... VTr"V'!m. ",n 'tr .'" 1"Z1..I. n" L" ,".nr. w.n"B fed In connection with alfalfa liar given splendid reoulta. The Mtur will prolwhly am more corn raised and tho alio In general use. Tho dairy row needs lo be red lib erally. A scantily fad row will prove a disappointment, no matter how good her breeding and she should be handled gontly and quiet ly at all times. It Is the opinion or the writer that dairying will boeorao one or the lead ing Industrie or the Irrigate! f. tlona or the country and that It wilt prove a large raetnr In developing Its retwureos and adding to lis wealth. Tho great needs are: lletter eows, ennnrsl nan nf tiitrn limit l.nlta from lilglt producing cows, liberal fowling. eo-olierutlvo aollluv. chlnn nnt, KBMWare. 8kui0 jard. giardai tWQWWPPWl wnro Company Adv. Rend Uutter Is Host on Dread. BDfflffi9nSflBB BIB MMMlmMMMlV THE LIFE CAREER "Sclifnlliig In youth thoiiM tnvsrliililj ! nurciru m iimmr ixmaii m inr iwii w i nt tlir lrl iPiinnnl titcmmtluii tur it UcMl)l"l'itiutmte W idiot ThU U Dm MUtlnn ol III Willi Pnrtyltth School Venr Opens SEPTKHBER 18th, 1914 Write Inr HIiKtiatfd ico pn llniilt let, "Mill I ll'l CAKM'lt." mid lot C.ita Ior niiiliilnliiR lull litfni imitliiu Dtgtt Couutt- AOHICIM rilNP t Agronomy, Anlmnllluslmiidty.Ditliylliiv tmiulry. Poultry I liistMiiuty. Ilorll.iilturc. Aurliiiltiuc (or ImiIicik I-OKIS1KV, 1.0(11 UNO l:NOINItlKINO IIOMH liCO NO.MirS: OnmcdkS.iftKclJonirdlcArt, liNniNM'UINO: kIMrkal, Irtleittleii, lllRhw.iv. Alnhsnlcnl, Clicinknl, .MIiiIiib, Cer.imkv CoMMIiMUI. PlIAUMACY. INDHSTHIAI. AUIS l'ii.iiiiriMMi-ARrlfullmr( Dairy lug, Home MiiUpf"' Conine. ImltiMiMl Arls. 1-ureMry. luiMnrs Slmit Coursn Sii,stlnf Jmjio-I'uiio, SWIiir, Volie Culture. Fmiitm Rutin.. CMe ty Mail fie AJJirx rillt KIIUISTHAK, (Iw.T-IMnSO) OiiivIII, Olnnn m ' W. T. (Irouue, llopklnlou, N. II., writes tho following letter, which will Interest every one who tins kid ney trouble. 'Tor over a year, Mrs. (lreone had buon mulcted with n very stubborn kidney trouble. Foley Kid ney Pills done more to complete her recovery than any inedlulue sho has taken and I feel it my duty to recom mend them." Patterson Drug Co. Adv. Refresh )otire!f with a cold drink Full pints nt 6 and 10 cents Ameri can llakery Adv Uitt BRICK WORK I linto built I'tvry brick lioiioe In llonil erected by contract. WORK TIIK iii:mt. PltlCICS Till: I.OWIWT. NATIMFAtTIO.N AHSOHTKLV ftUAIUNTKItD. SAND FOR SALE The beat obtainable nt llm loiteat prices In large or small iiiiitill(lex. I linto the (iiilto pilillege for amid In nil O. O. I. Coiupany ditches. JACK TANSEY The New Perkins Hotel PORTLAND, OllKCON cxtciitis to you h coitlial invitation make this hotel your lifHtlfiuiiitci-s. THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND REFITTED. HooiiiKwillioiit l)Kth$l.()0 niu! tip. Hooin with privHlf Imlh $1.50 nnti up. LOCA TION CENTRAL. REST of SERVICE. A RESTAURANT WITH FOOD AND PK1CES MIGHT. C. II. S11AEER, MunitKtr Building LUMBER, w The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. 444444A4444i44444444444. Wenandy Livery & Auto'Co, NEW AUTO TRUCKS Will bo put on butwflun Bund anil Sllvor Litku April 1. HHND-LA PIMK $2 fl() IIKNIVI'IIPMONT $4.00 HKND-KORr HOCK BBND.SILVMI LAKI5.. ?.Q0 Reasonable Rates will bo c)mr.ri( en nil J3x)roH mid KuKKatro. CASJFORiA CMTtJ,aTP"'l'WT"1BTtmlwPUILUUl(r itI'derto Coinpatvy CALirOBiiiA CHURCH NOTICES CIiiiitIi of tin llietliioii. Rervlnm ouch iilteriiuln Huinlav ; t the M. 13. I'liuicli nt ti p. 111. No nu , vices next Hiintlity. I'reHtijteiliiii, , Tho nmiiliir him vices will be hold next Hiiiuliiy morning nt It o'clock, Tim thoinu of the morning suriiion will bo, "Tim (Inmtent (lunltis." This service will he preceded by the 8iiu day school it 1 1 1) o'clock. Thu oven lit K service will bo tho lust of l prvsont Union services 11111I will i.n hold In the Methodist Mplsr-opal oliiireh. II. C. Ilsrtiiinft, pastor Ciilliollc. Theio will bo services at Hie Cath olic church at 10-0 Sunday. Ibipllm. lllble school 10 it. in. Preaching service 1 1 o'oloult. Union Young Peoplos' numtliig 7 p. in. In the Methodist eliureli. Union presclilim service in the Methndlst church nt i o'cliKik. There will he a Union prtn er iiioellng In the llnptlst church this, Wmlnusdny evtinliig, led by Rev. II C Hnrlrniifl, beginning nt K o'clock Subject, "The Mnstei piece or Ood ' KIO.NM FOR HAI.K. "For 110111," "For Hnl," "Room lo l't", "llouNckccpllig Rooiiin," "'o Aillillttniire." "No Miiioklng," Hi-., etc., Placard printed In .large t)n on licnty brltoi iMiuril, Ifi rcnti emii. Icon In qimiltltle. Ilulletlti Olllit. 1 SIT Cllnihtxl It's a laxative, or course- and Hi" ulciHit hot weather drink oii etc lasted Fliishea thoroughly, niul pleasaiillv, too. F, ('. Coaler. mi cuse. N. V , says- "Have ud la live for l' eara but llila Citrnli has got everythlnk else bent H mil Try It 1'atieraon Drug Co. Adv to Material M. SHINGLES