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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1914)
The bend bulletin. Vol. .Ml. M iii:ni, oiinoox, vi;i.i:hiiav aitkhnoon, aioiht jw, mm i. NO. 21. LA quote It 1 in In piirt, You will notice ho HponkH of iiloknrliiK. Ho la light for tlio iWmpIo will hlckcr and ntamp tholr foot and kirk up u ntlnk llko n hilly Koiil, u ml tho mnro Kntaofiilly I'rlnnvlllii kIvoh up In hor old (ho Imltur for her. Tlio tiuolutloii FOREST FIRE LOSS IS LIGHT LIES HELPLESS, RIS LEO BROKEN which la tha only efficient way to find tho bullet In n enra of thla kind Tho (K bona la hndly ahattored nud tha floali full of particle of Ikmih. Th (mtlonl haa Htiffyod groat pain and undoiilitedly will ht laid up for h lonK 1 1 mo. Thoao attandlnK him any ho oxhlhltcd line nerve from tha flint. cnD iuii niuiomt i LEGISLATURE UIIIJIUI rotlowN. (I (ore fnllowa tho lutlor prliiltid In Tho lliiltutlii IhbI nouk.) 1 G V INTER-MOUNTAIN IS IN FAVOR OP IT J'opor Point Out DlMuUiiiitiiKCH of I'roMuit HKunilirti mill llt'iitilll of (Miiuiu Oliitli'r of Coat anil fnlllt'lllttlltO I I) I HI' II UN (III. A growing antliueit III favor nf county division la apparent lit tha U Pine efiiititrr. hihI Mom the number or atuiiHUrw the pall tutu vuwiulltwi U niiiMlnliiKKiKl thn opinion llrei' fil everywhere, It In fair to say Hiat lha t.rrllfiry thereabout ta praetle all Kulti) fur the. mnva, Ibnldeu the , far greater conven ient of Imvliux.H comity seat u tin at able, tiJoao lit baud nail the hope of waiving far more for the tax money wintrlhutod, an argument In strong favor In tUa I.H Pine country, nrrnnlliiK to rualdmtu tbora. la Hih uaaurance thai n rwapaatable rtwrtli MNll Willi ll riHMl t'BII be built ami maintained vln I.ii Pine when l)ea rhutaa county cornea Into odttenea. Aa It la. no Mtirli road la poeelhlo, with Prlnevllle working peralatonlly for lha north nnd aouth route through that (ohm. dleregardlHg tlia loajcal anil auportor claims of tbe weal aide communities. The I .a Pine sentiment la wall ok pressed In the laat Issue of tbe Id ter-Mountaln, which cenlaloe tha fol lowing: "8Hilmenl In rogard to MiHntr " vlelnu la running high at ihla tlma nd Ih II rut question that Neighbor Junes uta to Neighbor Mmtth tkeae lnya la. Mow tin you like uia boon ttarlea of our naw county?' "Than tho nnxl remarks are eemo Ihlnc llko theeo: 'It will bo flue, -won't It, hIihii N county court house oh ur aide of Ihla nlil earth? Do you know, wo havo Ihhm In tlia haMl of figuring on a tan dn'a camp ing trli on going to Prlnevllle from tbla part of tlin eoiitily to way our Uum HUI iraiiwtet uthar laiwl wut tara. What I can't uitdnrataud la why wo hna tat thla county dlvlelou matter drag along all those years. Tba combined expense In one year of our people In thla tunl of tho Crook founly empire la going to anil com litR Com Prlnevllle on lnal luattata would tiwllil n matcnlntt-Ht court bona, pa official aalarlna for a car ami tiuy and malutalu a county NUtoinohlla. Anil for ail thaaa x for yaara. In addition U our roaular taaca. a hava't lot a tlurn ad thing to allow, not ran a raaoar. laid atatpm or Indian raada. What la thundar lacoma of all our lax mon at. anyway? That higher taxaa' talk of I'rlHavtlla can't run oar im tha iiaonla raaltllnK Ik tha tarrl tnry rotunrlalnK tho nnw count laa, lr lha aanto raaaon that Riwln did not uani to loa Cuba and tho l'UII Ipldnat, I'rlnavllla will nut wqut to loaa (ha naw Uaacbiilaa and Jaffaraon counilaa.' "A taxitayar, wiilliMf lha ilatlnw IMnunor, hltf lha anfka ao QiiarHtr on tha head thai w ara hoIhk to vis ' ,, , - - .. ; txTHaar Sireick Ae Vmuo Thoro nro two wuya of HlrotttliliiB your lpoQjiit"' wrojig way nnd a rlBlit Nvny. , You nml your wlfo onn pull on It from omionjnif irylii uutll tlio loiiu aufforiiiK Py onvolyiio KaHPH for hroRtli'.. Thnfa thu wrong wuy. Or you nnd tlig hutar hnlf onn got rlBlit down to hriilq taoks nnd work both ondtt ukuJiihJ. llto mlildlu bo auccosafully that your luotno will atratch o 11 lionltliy liunlt nqcount with tin. Thnt'u tho right wn Tn' lU , Deschutes State Bank I 1IKNI), OHKOON. ROAD IMPROVEMENT FROM . TOWN PROGRESSES Oircinwioil (linilo Ik Itciiiiivcd mill ,tv Itoiito Opcui'il, Willi (food (liiiitca mill .No I lock, lilted to IUhii Cici-U mill Mm iin ItfiiuN. Thn runt! Iiuprovaiuant work on (Iramittoud uvaiiiio. and tha o poll In of tho uaw itind otiat aloiiK tho aouth alda of I'llot liiittu, la pruKraaalnx ntplilly. I 'pon Ita eoinplatlou lloud will hatu u now and Kroatly lilinrovad antrnnca from tha oaat, ronnactlni dlrontly with tha llanr Croak ami 1 1 n ma roii (In. TIih (trada on (JraanwcMiil. Juat -ynnd tho city llmlta, haa iiaon altm Inatml, and from thara to tha lollU tha work la about complatad, oxeapt for tha clndnrlng. Alaiut two waeka' work will ba raiilratl to (Inlaw tha How road at llm Imao of tha hutta. W. II Muy 1 1 ft a liaau In dlracl charaa of the- work, with County Com hi la alonar It. II. Ilityluy auptfrvlalnK H- Thia uaw ruuto tnaka n atratuht road tlua at from town to tha Mg- raawtlOH and tha matrly roailn. It la aoiiiHWlml ahortor than tho proaoul roada. nml far aupnrlnr in (Kilnt nf KrHdiai uiiil In froadoiu from rocka and turn. Tho coat of tba work un dHrtakati, liicltidlnK aunia that w.ia duna juat north of town, la about $7,000. protmiiiy fa.oon or which wont for labor. Kroui tha elty llm lta tha now work axtonda aaat alaiui two tnllaa. ClndarlHR tba rond wuat from the hutla will bo dona, but probably the llonl louche will not It kIvoii tba work until tliore la a wm rain. FLOWER SJOW SATURDAY .Miuiy KutilcN nml Mmiy I'rlca for Aiiiiinil I'lorttl Kxlillililiin. Tlia annual flower alio. Khan un der the auiplcea of lha Ladloa Li brary Club, will be held Ihla Katurday cominaiirliiK nl 2 p. in. Thla soar the llean hulldlDK haa bean aaleete'i for Hi" oxhlbltlon. In nddltlun to the many prlxaa IMtwl In The llullattn roeantly. more hava baon donated alneo. iiiukliiK tha .r.x Hat tho larKeat nud imaU at Iracllre ever ofTor.-il for tho ahow. Tha oxhlbltlon thla war promiaea In It by fur the baa', both In point or oluine and In variety of ontrlaa, )at held Unrc. ' --.., DurlnK the afternoon rofreahiHenta will bo aorvotl by the ladlea, and thera will he inualc. Many cut llowara ami pollwl ploHta will be on anlo. Tho JutlKoa will be V. I). Ilarnea of Ultl Inw, Mra. MorehoHaa ami Mra. ataarna. A COHUICtTION. An unintended error waa made In tha flRuraa prlntad In Tba Hutletlu btat wak abowUfc Die amounla raut ed for tfaueral wiuatj purtMiaao in tba pat year. Tba error occur red In tba ttvuraa for tha year lull. Tba correct figures are aa followa Por eoiintv Year M Ulnae 1'nld State (lim'l I'uml 1D07 ... S. JH.9B0 f 3B.SIB 1908 ,.. 9.1 1I.68S -tO.SOl 1U0B . .. 9. . 17,181 61.7ID 1010 ... 7.1 1)1,071 11.318 1911 ... 7.9S (30.B99) 74.SUI 1911 ...17.45 1I.S7!) 1&8.S07 1D1S ...H.BO (nM.Jl) 1H8.187 Tlia mlllaBa fur 1911 nml 19 IS did pot Include tba Mato tnx aa In all otner ycara.' Income fe BUT FIOHTERS HAVE BEEN BUSY llliii'M I line .Mciuit HiiiployiiiPiil lo .Mmiy .Mun Ilcio tunl lhciulltiire of Aliout Hll.diio In U'tiKcn - I'lica tiro Itcmlllj llauillctl. While atHKHarlna: laaaoa are leault Imk Im loaa favored Umber araaa of the Northwest through foraat Urea, the Central Oregon waatara white Hnu bell haa Ihmiii rowarkHhly inr luiiata. for luaUtnce, lr. R. Poreat Rupervlaor Merrill and J. II. llnnor head of the Contra I Oregon Klre Pa trol AiaHHilatlou, atate that the com hlnetl Urn loaa lu (lovfrnineiit nml privately owned Umber under their Jttrladltitton oerlnlnly ' tloaa not ox caod n.100 while probably 11000 would cover; It. Thla la due to two caniea. The Drat la the character of the limber lamia, which make thatn notably tha heat lire rink In the country- Indeed, practically no lire rlak at all for the pine Umber la very open and rroo from amnll growth and iintlarbriiah, at that audi Urea na do occur are Krnitiid Area and eaally handled. And aeoondly, the nateiuatlxd fire nalit- Iiik inethoda of the loreat feervlct. the Aaaoclatlun and the Mtate, with talephonfta nnd looknuta, etc., provo moxt eltlclHtit In handltiiK the work. .Mmiy Knuill lllnt'i. However, I ho laat ten dayi have been tho bualeat over aeon hero. M far aa foreit llnnt are concerned. Tha wnoda are oapoclnlly dry, there are many camper and huntera and "-event I IIrIiIiiIhk atorms Imve added their quota to the blnxea. The Koroat Service handled altout to firm durinK the I nut ten daya, and the Aaitoolntlon reports 19. All thoaa have boon widely acattered. With one oxcoptton the flroa In the Itevurvea huvo not oxeemled 320 acroa In area, tho ItuHtea of merchantable tliuhar have been very alight. Moat or the tiro tllfllcult to handln haa boon In black Jack thlckut Rrowth, whore ho commercial dnninKO wna dono, and (he effort wna lo get the blaxe umlor control beforu ronchlnic valuable tlm bor. Ouo Rood trfat of the flroa haa bean the employment of many in mi from Hand Supervisor Morrtlt re IMirla thai he line up to 84 men, bo aide the regular Kervlre omployaea. Mr. Ilanar haa hired up to 60 men While the final llgurea are not yet obtainable, thla meana that In all probability at laaat leon dava work bare Intel tlone and paid for. or. at an average of $1.60 a dav. cloaa to $3,000 will have been paid nut to local lalmr. Iiaalde the amount ex pended for aupplltMi. Ten of tho National Koreat flroa warn ao amnll Hint the regular foreo handled them readily. Ten othora tequlred vruwa, aunt out from hern. Tho larKoal flroa wore dlatrlbutod as followa: Three small one near Odell lake. 1 near Davis I.ake, 1 larger one aoulh- (Contlnuetl oh laat page.) HAVE YOU New Big ame Guns? CALL and Let Us SHOW the Latest in . Gundom Hunting Season is Now Open BEND HARDWARE CO. THK COMPANY THAT l'l'T Till J "WHAll" IN HAHDW.UU-J. , PRED GILBERT SHOOTS HIMSELP AtoltSont Montlii)' tit Citino I'rolrle llnrM! IIhcIih, Automittlt! I'bttol IMrc MclptoNM l,ntl In Trnckctl li' Ikutr, Tin fiiU'iitnl by Hull. GltAtflB IMWIItlK. Aug. 17.I'retl nilbort, nm of K. O. Gilbert of Beotl. whii aorloMaly hurt here tbfa itHiru Imk. whan hie Baraga awtomaUe pta tol wont ok IwDiHt when hla homo ba jCMU to buck and one altot autarad bla loft Ihk alMMit olght I lichee altove the knee, plardnf tha Iwne and making a had fracture. Than the boy drag ged hltnaelf nearly a mile, and lay there from about ten o'clock In the incirriltiK until after five In tha even lux, when. O. W. H. IHley heard hla cat la andr necued him. When found, any a Hilar, a amall hour had tracked tho blood trail up to about 40 yards of Gilbert, and an ugly- hull on the other aide seemed on the point of goring him. I.aor. lliler tracked up and killed the bear. (lllbort loft Httnd laat Thursday. aoootniHuiyjBK some aheop herders He had camped alone near the loot of tho ('ramie, and waa starting home whon the trouble occurred, a couple of mlloa east of the Hanger station on the upper Ilcnd road. Ills horse, a Knen cayusc. hncaina frlRhtened at something, and huoked. Gilbert carried n Hemlncton rifle, atul In n holster was tlio nutomatlc, a 32. Apparently the safety was not on the latter for It discharged twice before becomlnK cloRRed. Ono shot hit tho rider full In the upper leg, and the other, seemingly, severed tho cinch, for saddle and rider were thrown off and tho horse disappeared. Thon the Injured loy iiiBnaRed to crawl about threo quartora of a mile, to tho etlRe of tho I'ralrlo. whoro lie gave out. Ho lay there nil dny, un til llnnlly, late In thn afternoon. Ills crlo for help wore heard by Hlley, who la stationed at the Cow Camp and was aolnc o the Station. Hller took the boy to the Station, whence Dr. Coo or Haul was Cum innntul by phone Pr. Coo and N. O Gilbert In Walter Coom'ni car, ar rlvetl ahortly nftor Ion o'clock, and Gllbort wna given ( tomiorary treat ment and droaalng at the HattKor Sta tion, where Forest Guard Usher and Hanger Oney assisted. At that time It waa Impossible to remove tba bul let. Altout oae o'clock tbe return jour, aey star tad. but a abort way from tbe station tba car mired In the mud, sad Ob Hlley with a taunt bad to be requisitioned from tbe Cow Camp to pull tba car out. Mullet Not IK-atesI. Dr. foe and oung Gilbert arrived here yoaterday morning, and hc pa tient waa Utkon to his father's home lu l'srk ailil'tltm. Later In the dar Dr. Coo made a complete examina tion, nnd again thla morning, but haa been unable to locate the bullet. Ha bollavea It Is somewhere in tbe knee Joint. Tonight Gilbert will be taken to Portland for N-Kay examination. SEEN THE , HUNTING SEASON CLOSED Governor's Action Cnusctl by I'lrc Klxk rVocal Nliurods lu Grirf. localise of the many forest flrea, and the extremely dry weather Gov ernor Wost Katurday proclaimed the open hunting season closed until further notice., Thla action waa tak en because the great number of hun ters In the woods was eenaldered su added fire menace. Aa coon as god rains come the open senaon will Im again declared. The edict came close to home here, and threatofla to eoll the outJag of at laaat one parly. State District Game Warden Clyde McKay, with A M. ;rlngl and W W I'aulknar, left early Monday for a hunting trip. 1h tbe afternoon I). M. McKay received a telegram from tbe atate author! tlea for hla eon Clyde, announrfng the closed aaeon and Instructing him to take suitable action to enforeo It. Mr. McKay senior got Clyde on the phone nl Helalnga and gave him the message Unfortunate aa tills Is, It meana that the party will be unable to hunt, unlaes a real rain should corno while they aro out. which auto matically. It Is understood, would re open tbe season. NO TAX PENALTIES DUE Treasurer Jordan Declare TIiom; Who 1'nld lluir In April Kxcmpt. ' 1'HINBVIM.K, Aug. 19. County Treasurer Italpli Jordan. Just return ad from I'ortland. announces that hla office will not collect penalties on portions of taxes for thla year now unpaid, provided full payment be made by September first, and that half payment waa made in April. Circuit Court decisions Is Lane and Multnomah counties, where effort waa made to collect. penalties on un ited! taxes where half waa paid in April, hold that audi aetlon la Illegal: (list Is, that If ono paid half his tax In April, the other half could go over until September without penalty. A one iter cent penalty was tho amount Involved. However. If all taxes are not paid by September first, a ten per cent penalty then accrues, with one per cent a month thereafter. SlIllM'IXG OIT HOGS. Thqnka to a new tariff Just put In to offect by the O.-W. H. & N. a sort 01 co-oporatlvo carload of hogs will start from horo Tuesday for Port land. The new rato makes It pos sible for shippers at various points along tbe line to combine in making a car, and was placed In operation at the suggestion of 1- M. Foes. In this first car 40 hoga will start from Head. aod at Redmond the balanca of lb car will be filled. The local skin ners are It. II. Orawa, Cola E. Smith, and 15. H. Row. Many ear- loads recently have been shipped) from tha Powell Itutte country. ritup stam.uv i.osmt. Plra, originating from sparks from a foraat fire, destroyed the Stanlev Smltb lumber mill near Hood Hlver last Wednesday. The loss Is placed at $120,000. of which $90,000 is said to be covered by Insurance. Fred Stanley, president of the C O. 1. Co., and well known bore, waa heavily In terested In the property, being a half owner, it la understood. Ihe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON U. C. COE, President K. A. SATHKR. Vice- PiWdeM C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully jmld $35,000 Surplus . - - - - - tS4,O0Q TO TRAVELERS: The American Bankers Travelers Ghecks are not now issued by the Banks, owing to the war. If you are going away secure one of our LETTERS OF CREDIT which may be cashed at Hotels, Banks and other places without identification, Sums may be obtained on thern as needed, saving the danger of carrying currency, and buying drafts. We do not make any ohargo for them and you will find they are very convenient. .AN. PtS TEo FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS WEST IS CONSIDERING THE STEP L'nlca He Changes UN .Mind, Will Cnll Imw Makers In fijicolal Ses sion on December 1 to Deal Willi Irrigation (junstlonH.' A special seaeloit of tba letdalatura to deaj with Irrigation and oiber donations la to be culled by Govaus&r Weal for December 1 aecordlng to re port from ftalem following the meet ing of tha Desert Land Hoard ffiore on Monday. This, at least. Is the Governor's praseet plan anil will be carried out unlasa he changes hki mind before tha tlma for the call cornea. Tho announcement was made at a meeting of tho Desert Land Hoard called to consider tho Governor's proposition to declare forfeited all Caroy Act projects that are In default on their contracts with tho state. Tbe motion made by the Governor had no second and 'so did not oven eomo to a rote. The affairs of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company came In for con alderable discussion aad the posltW taken by State Knglncor Iwta In regard to patenting certain Pilot llutte lands was argued by all. Mr. Lewis stood firm In his decision de clining to make the necessary certi fication of reclamation until the com pany was ablo to deliver 1.8 acre feet as called for by Its contracts with tho settlors. Although no reason has bean an nouneed for Governor West's sudden activity In Irrigation matters It la understood that tbe chler cause la the report on the North Canal project of tho C. O. I. Co. which suggests that only $110,000 should bo paid to tho company for tho project In case It Is taken over by the Heclamatloi Service. Tho company's offer to tho state was to turn over the project for $300,000 and It Is reported that the company officials now assert that they would never accept the amount suggested by the government engi neer. In this connection an amusing side of the r4tuatlon Is pointed out in that when tho company officials learned that ffhly $S0,090 hld'teen recommended as the proper amount to pay they Immediately began to say things about State Engineer Lew Is. blaming him for the report. Later thoy had to take It all back when they found that this finding waa by a government engineer nnd that Lewis had filed a supplemental refwrt recommending the payment of $165. 400 lo the company Dor Ita S'ertk Canal property. $111.(168 mnro than tbe government investigator recom mended. The summary of the government report Is aa follows: Summary. For convenient refer ence tbe principal findings with re spect to tbe North Canal Unit and tbe propoaAla of the Central Oregon Irrigation Company In relation there to are summarized as follows: The total area of project Is CS.OtS acres, of which 55 per cent or 3C.000 acres, la Irrigable. The per acre coat of the completed (Continued on last page. M wt'fw any w ei W d3 U. l COE E. A. SATHBIl S. IlODSOJT O. M. PATTKKSQN II. C. EfcWS .1 J fffFN fl&? flilF tfsF QM0 CCP KJ CCP QG2 JSSSrV !$& &3i&jJi &j$h$jx