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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1914)
the bend bulletin. , Vo. :yi. DKNI), OUKflO.V, WKDNKHDAY AITKItNOOX, J I'M' , Itfll. NO. IB. u l. f. t i i i ' 1 i BE S MACHINERY IS BE1NCJ SET UP llullrr Sinking to llogln Nett Week Plant li Completely Kqulppcd mill Can Produce over I !(() Pound Dally T 1 1"' Product tntcr. Willi (ho ronorcto floor alroad Mid In Hit quarter, lit tlio ten Jilant of tlio llond Water Light & Power Company, nml tlio machinery now be in (i i' l mi li In xneoled lliHt life -creamery will boRln to mnko Imttui lv tlit middle of next week. An already announced lliu machln ery for tho creamery arrived last Vfcnk nml since Unit limn every effort linn 'x-iMi made to hasten Jin Installa tion J i:. KiiRnbrotaon In naslmlug II A MorKciulorn, (ho butter uiakot In the work. Tlio plant will Htnrt ant with a complete equipment, Including n Mirier, ii 400 gallon rlpenur, n ISO pound churn. butler cutter? printer, worker mul tlio iiicary cream con, Jam nnil pall. With thU oullt, tlio plant rnnnliiR full capacity, will pro. Iiimi from 1200 to 1600 pound of lniUer dally. Tor the present thu creamery com puny will ilovolo Itaijir to tlio produc tion of Imttnr alone, letter, when tint hualnn on n Mrin footing, It 'Xi'tln to tnko ram of thn mrrs nml other prnittieo raised ly thn fariiiFni. II A MurRQiistorn. tho butter mak t who with tho directors will havn charge of tho plnnt, had four yunm xperleiirn In tho creamery business la HllnoiM boforo comlnR to OroRon. FnllnwItiR that ha took n spoolnl course In huttormaklng at Corvallls, nnlRliliiR In 1913. BESERV0IR0fC0NGRETE Company Itegln lixtcimloti of PIjmj IJnn to .Voir Kite. Work on tho now water tnnk to ho reeled liy tho Mend Water Light & Power Company on tho Hend View property hit begun nml will bo hur rlcil along with tho expectation, ac cording to Mnnngor Foley, of ooiii Dialing thu whole work hy thnJlrslof AlUCIIKt. On Momtny n crow under M. J D.inlnlnon began digging n trench In which niuo will bo laid rroni thn prcacnl mains In ICenwood to tho roji vrvoir alto. About so tnon aro ox pwtwl to he employed In thli work mid hm iw hi n hh the pipe li laid ho tlmt water ran he delivered fit tho hIIh. construction of tho reeervojr will u I. Hun According to the llnal titans the reservoir will he of concrete. nMMi:itl.L CLVH LCXCHHOX Tho reaulnr lunclitxm of the Pom iiierdal ciiilt will txt hld on 8atur tl) at th Wright llotol. It ia x lKiid that ImtHtrtant tiHtHM will Im likan up at thu HtMtlitK. STAItT I.O.J AfTO Tltll'. Kdwnrd I'. Onmho and V. W. Jon tartd thi tnornltiR In tho lattor'a Tord ear for I'ort Atklnnon. Wlaron. Kin. Mr. Joiih' honift. Hnrotitn thov taiKH't to atop ul Ytillowatonn Park. Tlnr ko hy way of Hum, llolxo, and liuttp- Tho itpproxlninto dUtanco to li rord la over 2000 miIIob. CREAMERYTO DPDHTED d5heiin Go Jkwy froiii Honao vlicre you arc not known, pvold a!l rcjsard to your funda by carrying AMCRICAN BANKGRS ASSOCIATION TRAVCLRS' CHGQUGS 3 ' Thooe cheques are equally useful In America or ioroau. iney tatmtry the holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants, who accept them at face value in of accounts. They are not available to finder or thief, if lost or stolen. 9 Let us explain the system. Deschutes State Bank ' J , Successor to the Dic3iutw B.anWS t Trust Gowjimy '. " ,v I - PEND, OREGON. t. WllSBRBsaSlBBSK-BBSWiSJSBBBBSBBBJSJSlSSSi ''i . D.FBimfcLU i'rea. MUST GALL PHONE NUMBERS NOT NAMES, HEREAFTER I'Jonrcr Conipiiny IHnlrlhulcn Snw Dlirtlorlci to Hilhftrrllicra Will Ho luxiidt Hciiiliinunll. "Ilollot Contrul. ' "Numbor plcflno7" "(Jlvo inn Tho llullatln." "NumhorT" "I said Tho llullbUn." A little cioinly. "NuinhorT" Htlll awootly. "I aald th " "Hut," tho Central cuU In, "Vou have to Rive tho numbor. Look In thn new dlroetory." "Ohl" Thou allonco, whllo thu nuhvcrlher pawa throiiRh tho dlreo tory. "Woll, Rtv mo 66." Thnt'a about what wilt happen for the tlmt fow tlmce nfter Friday, when thn lMunoer Company docs away with calling by namo and Central will un ly rIvo connoctlon when aaked for by number. Tlui now t'hono dlrrctorloa, printed by Tlii MullMIn, Imre lmn dlntrlb. tiled to aubirrlbera. Tho hooka havn forty pocea and nrn hatidaamely Rotten up and with atibatantlal cov era of Rruy cover paper. Many Hnnd murchnnta havo advertlned In tho di rectory. MantiKor I'apo iilaua to la. Mile a new directory nbout every alx tiiontlia, no that It will bo kept thor oughly up to date, MORE 1HD RUMORS ThU Tlnio The Concern TcrrelKmno I'rlnetlllr, HUtcrx and Iledmonil. AIoiir with the tiaual dual of aum. mer, thoao uaual aummor railroad rntnora aro onco more flutterlnK atnotiK our nolRhbora. Thla time tho rumored railroad -connect Torro- l.onno and i'rluovlllo and Hedmond and Kirtora. It M rwnortcd that n amall Knir of aurveyorit, Nupixidcdiy Urngon Trunk einployeea, are working between Tor rolKinno and rrlnevllle. aottltiR Infor rtmtlon about a pollilo route for i road to tho county aeat. According to private Information, even th rrlnevlllo committee ha abandoned hone of tho Motollua route, and now an effort la to bo made. If tho coat la not to heavy, to prcaont the railroad with right of way, RrauliiR and term Inala, If they will do the real. Tho other rumor la that right of way has been aecured for a Hill elec tric line between Itedmond and Bla '.era, Tho father of this report la I. W, Qray, the Itedmond repreaonta. tlvo of the Ori'Ron-Wnahlngton Colo, nlaatlon Company, holders of tho old I. and Orant trnc'a. It I pointed out' that In tho paat other repreientatlvea (if tiUa.orRanUatloii have "announc i I" rallruada to I'rlnevllle and ela'e. where that havo never got on tho in a pa. LIBRARY MEETING TUESDAY I'limorNlmiv I'Iiiiin Will Ik IIUniMMfd Money to be Turned In, Tho lidle Library Club will meet neat TusMlay, July H, at 3 o'clock In the Ltbrar). l'lana for the annual Flower Show, w!tleh l to Ihi given next month, will im iUscuimhhI. Any one uniwIiiR a Hew variety of plant or Ikiwer, which haa ttot been namnd for prliM at the Plower Sliown In previous years, la roquMtel to aond the name of tho (lower or plant to the J.lhrnry or to Mr. O. 1. Putnam. All tho Indtoa still having fundi on tho calendar ayatem for tho Li brary, aro requeatcd to leave the money with tho Pretddont. Mian Cole man or the Treasurer. Mrs. Thomp son, us soon n posalblo. trouble in for travelers payment ,F. O. MINOR, Beo'y Asnivrv. www wnpwmtf-' ljJWiB Mi I ,ry mA ii iff y3r?t?ggag'trvti-i ,-i . isiCS-' ' JssssssssT WCp S SE mrs, Mcintosh oets ' FIRST prize For Out of Toiru Kntrlci M. O. Coe KecuriMi Premluni Many L'nlquo and lfandotno Flout art 1I pUyel l'lour Mllf U Hecond. Tho Fourth of July parade was the blRKent kind of a aucociw. Tim floats woro good and the entrlos many. For town entrlos Mm. Molutoah's float won first place and tho Itend Million & Warehouse second, Out of town, Montello Coo captured first placo and M. H. Miller of Harper sacond, Tho cash jurltca totaled 130, and thn Judge wero J. J. Klein, L. J, Cody and Joint Cuiinlnglinm. Tho band plnycd througliotit the long route, with 1C piece, and here aa oliewhero during tho day added sroRtly to tho enjoyment. C. W. Krtklno and Mia Lola Me Hay on horaobaek lesd. Then canm tho machines of Dr. Ferrlll and O. C. Henkte , vrth soldier votoraiis, and after them Chairman Kaitea' cnY, with Chief Koberta In tho Imck aot pulling nlong by a cord hla little Ixiy in a decorated go-cart labelled 'Pinched fon Speeding." Hend Indite 889 of the Frateraal llrotherhood had a handiome float, and thu Hend Hardware' exhibit wjs a real pump pumping; real water" Peto Lehrman had a forge, Honnott'a was woll represented, tho Ijiundry was there and Hkuso entored a sure enough camplnR scene, with tent, fire .and all the rest of It. Tho Hrfck Yard Ponies," woro In thi parado next, and Montello Coe, out-of-town prlio wlnnor appeared aa the real thine In rubea, drlvlnc a aliiglo homo In a rig piled high with vego tablea, aorao of which ho threw at the audience. It. M. Smith had a good float, tulnc a pair of big logging wheels, and Mannhelmera showed something new In the line of glided donkeys. O' DonnoU'a auto truck was arrayed n aauaages, and Harney hltnaolf ofllolat ed at the chopping block. The Hend Milling & Warehnuso Company had 4 flour exhibit and the Hend Company a huge tog. The Hend Inaurance Agency was thoru with a big-float ad vertising their Inaurance, tho llond Sign Company had an amusing float, tho American Hakory toted a vat loaf of bread and the Patterson OrtJg Company n huge iottle, a doxen feet or so high Then ramo the winner, the float or Mrs, Melntosh, m "double decker" af fair with many pretty little children In white, with rtnitoa and greenery. Hather wa well represented, th Hend Hotel bad a Ids decorated ear. and A. L. French was there with an entry. Tho cars forming' the rest of the parade wore owned or driven by then following: H. K. Folton. J. II. won andy. Frank Dibble. H. C. Bills, John' Stcldl, Floyd Dement. O. 8.' Young, li. Auatlu. M. S. Miller. Mr.' Arnold. C. H. Hudson. George Hoover J. M. Judd. A. O. Walker, F. R. flarrtf. J. Purlin, W. D. lloso. Wm. Mnhntriy. C. I. HdzqIi, J. MoMlaVlo and two cars entored by the Pilot Unite hotol. Haying E WIN M I 7 .srJSw fl Sy3g J 'i3tP' Cn' r - w ni s nr i r r . . w-v xs. x ,lakes. Mowers, Binders v r.3pd Reapers and Repairs for the same. Also a complete stock of Pipe, Pumps and Pumping E(ijr Bend Hardware (So. E SEASON CATTLE ARE FATTER THIS YEAR IVIccw for Ilccf roful nml Increaan In Itolli Cattle nnil Hliccp Notably Heavy Wool Price Itent In Yearn and lforc in Demand. That Central Oregon stock 'men aro having one of the best season's In recent years, so far a price and condition of stook Is concerned, Is tho statement of (Joorgo Mlllloan, ono of Crook county's oldest stockmen. "Tho winter haa been nn excep tionally good one for cattle," said Mr. Milllcan this morning. "Them has been abundant molsturo and good grans. It Is-safo to say that cattlo aro at least ten per cent fntter now, proportionately, than at a similar dato In recent years. Tho Increase also ha been exceptionally good." As the prices for beef aro excel lent and the demand steady, thu means, of course, good Mmcs for the cattlemen. Tho oxcent ona ly hlch price for wool and the big clip this spring Have llkewiie forced prosper Ity on sheup men, and as the condi tion, or these men haa much to do ifWltlt Renoral local prosperity, the out- iook in encouraging. t In the sheep Industry, too, the In crease this year haa been notable. Ac cording to reports, tho Increase of W. W. Drown' bands has been nearly 100 per cent. Of course. In both cat tie and sheep tho total output Is smaller than In tho old days before the ranges were broken up by set tlers. Mr. Milllcan also says that prices for horses aro Improving, especially for heavy horses. A demand for Central Oregon stock Is coming botn from California and tho Palouse grain districts. Mr. Milllcan owns close to 1000 head of cattle,, and a great number of horses, all on range near Milllcan, nomo thirty miles southeast of Hend. WOOL MOVKH AT WAHKHOUHK At tho United Warehouae about 200,000 pound of wool have already been received this season, of which slightly moro than half has been shipped. Kvery pound has been sold and at good price. In fact, tho buy ing was no brlik in advance of the wool salo dates that when the sale time cumo nothing was left to be sold and It was called off. Tho Won andy Company says It has about 200. 000 pounds more to come from the south, this to be brought In on thn new auto truck of tho mail stage line. Just plncod In operation. XKW MAKOXK CIIA1TKK. Monday night n chanter of Hoys I Arch Masons was organised here. The only other lodge of thts advanc ed degree In Central Oregon ts at Prinevllle. Clyde McKay wan elect ed H. P.. J. I). Davidson. K.. O. Lanr ganrd. Scribe. The member of the w lodge aro: J. D. Davidson. C. M McKay. O. Laurgaard. C. S. Hudson. II. A. Millar, U. C. Coe. II. J. Over turf. I A. .NMxon, C. M. Itedfleld. A. D. Lewis, O. K. Moon and L. M. Fas. ItOVAL XKHillllOKS DAXC'H. The Royal Neighbors will glvo a dance In the Hean building on Satur day. Admission &0 cents. Tools SI OH FREIGHTING FROM HERE TO WALDO LAKE IN CASCADES f ii i 4 Atom Hi-othcr nro Hauling Jvtilp iiicnt to Project 7.1 Mile DUtant at , H ii rn ml t of tlio Cascade. Considerable activity nl Watdo Lake, In tho construction of the dams and plant of tho Waldo Lake Irri gation Sc Power Plant, Is on for the summer. Already a lot of material and equipment has been freighted in from Hend, and Aune Hrotlier. who have the contract, say they expeet to handlo between 60,000 and 80.000 pounds, far mora than was freighted in last summer. Waldo Lako Is about 75 miles southwest of here, and directly at the summit of tho Cascade moun tain. Its Irrigation project Is on the west side of the range. Yesterday several loads started from here for the lake, one being a good sized gasoline power boat. The routo Is la Crane Prairie, on tho other side of which the roads arc so bad and the grades so steep that on ly half loads are taken. Tho project Is of material benefit to Hend, for ex tonslvo purchase of supplies la made here. LUMBER DEMAND BEHER Carload n Day U itclng Hlilped and Outlook Krlglitcr. Tho outlook for local lumber, so far as eastern markets is concerned. Is' considerable brighter than It has been for months, says Manager J. P. Keyc of tho Hend Company. J.ast week n car of lumber was shipped each day, and already enougn orders havo come In to keep this rate of shipment up for the next ten days, while It Is expected that future or ders will make it necessary to get on an average of more than a oar a day. The price alo Is atlffenlng somewhat. IMMIGMTIOJUGENTS HEBE One of Them I Aireted for Fishing Without Llccrutc. A party of four Immigration agents of the Great Northern Kallrond were here Thursday, looking over Central Oregon so as to Iks able to dlroct home-seekers to thla section when they return to the east, The party comprised W. E. French, of Ashvllle. N. C, F. H. Iteeves. of Oklahoma City. H. E. Dryer of Kansas City and C. P. Price of Knoxvllle. Tenn. They were entertained nt the Emblem Club nnd J. C. Ilhodes and Dr. Fcrrell took them our In cars. While Mr. Dreyer was making an rmateurish effort to fish In front of the Emblem Clubhouse the others In tho party, wishing to havo some fun al his expense, got Game Warden McKay to slip up and place the fisher man under arrest for fishing without a license. Dreyer took It all serious ly and was on the point of paying a tine of !B when the hoax was ex plained. lU'MPI'It CHOI'S IX XOHTHWKST. Accordlag to careful estimates of the grain crop in the Pacific North west states, this year's yield will be well above the avorage. as It Is throughout the country, and the fin ancial returns will bring some $51. S60.000 to the farmers of Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Insuring what appeara an unanswerable argu ment for prosperity. The estimate Is now for 6"., 000. 000 bushels of wheat, far In excess of all former records, and 13,000.000 bushels of barley and 1G, 000. 000 bushels of oats. OSXIMI The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C. COE, President E. A. SATIIER, Vice- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - $86,000 Surplus 8C(QQP vLv To Homeseekers: Parties contemplating taking Home steads in the new lands just eliminated from tije Forest Reserves, should bear in mind that Bend is the closest Banking town to these lands. We arS making a special effort to be of service to new people coming into Cen tral Oregon. . . . Gall and See s)b and arrange-your fi-' nances, so you will not have, any trouble in-having your checks cashed. f ' ' g ' :'- TSk FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of lifcND DIRECTORS PLENTY OF FUN HEREON FOURTH CELEBRATION MAKES Bid HIT Largo Attendance, flood Weather, Fine Program and Excellent Man. agement Makes Head's. Enter tainment Happy Event lor all "The bet Fourth of July celobra tun any Central Qroxon town ever had." That's v, bat cvorybne who cams ti Hend said Saturday night, with-12 hours of Independence Day good times behind them, and Judging from the appearances of the town all day tho opinion was both slncero and morited. It was a safe and sane Fourth; not n firecracker or n cap pistol was heard. It was an orderly Fourth; thero wero no disturbances, no drun? kenness, and everything went off smoothly and on schedule. Best of all, It was a Jolly Fourth, and all' hands from the smallest kiddle, the oldest greybeard had his fill of fun. v Tho town was crowded. FriJnw Redmond Along 160 people came.dft, by train and tho otht.n by auto. GoojL representations were present from" Madras and other town to tho north, rj Laldlaw was here In a body and sov? eral hundred men from the Tumalo Camps, most of the Alfalfa folks came In with their ball team, sm.iV. nearly everyone from tho nelghbbt Ing district was here. yt The weather wao perfection; greyi and cool In tho morning, sunny and bright all afternoon. The parado was called by many the best ever seen la n town of this site. The cats were plentiful and good, and certainly no plensanter place for a picnic lunch eon could be found than on the cool, green lawn when everyone gathered at noon. Bend won the baseball, and a huge crowd watched tho game and enjoyed it, for It was a lively con test. The snorts went off well and late In the afternoon the log rolling (Continued on last page.) HOLE WISJRAP.SHOOT Wllklo Get Crook County Champion ship on (lie Fourth. The trap shooting contests, held early in the afternoon attracted much Interest, and while tho Central Ore gon Championship was being shot off several hundred pcoplo watched- This event was won by Frank Dib ble, or Hunts, who first tied with Charles Thomas of Crescent, each with 21 birds. The Crook County Championship went to F. J. Wllkle. of Rend, and Bowers won the free-fo all with ten straight The entries, and their scorea. are as follows Championship of Central Oregon--F. Dibble 24. Ho were. 21. SI. J. Main 21. Wlmer 21. Laurgaard 19. Wllkl 22. Skuso 19. Walker 17. Knutsen ?? Hllsbcek 11. Cady 22. Slyers 13. Rob erts 18. Chas. Thomas 24. nellah.SL Championship of Crook County Laurgaard 19, Slyers 16. Roberta 21. Palmerton 13, Wlmer 17. Cady 22. Hellah 21. Slain 16. Knutsen 17, WIN klo. 23. C. L. Smith. J qrig f if ft "V U. c Con; E. A Satiikr o. 8. Hudson O. M Patterson l II. c. uh$ r IV r .aHMaatVSBSBBBSSBSSSlasnsSBfJBMSSJSJtiaSSJSSJpnBJSHBMJ w. aswiry 13. M, LAHAf CaaUlor. ? DIHEGTOnS, B.'. Forroll. F. O. Minor. E. M. Lara re)