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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1914)
The bend bulletin. c vol. xir. IJHNI), OHKUO.V, WKIJMCHDAV AFTKHNOO.V, MAY S7, J 01 1. NO. J2. J u 1 ii I : CELEHT1 IS : PLANNED HERE MULY FOURTH PLANS T"7 ARE MADE a Masquerade Cm-nltiil on KlrroU In livening Ik t'mponril tu Ono Altriic t ilon Mnnjr Aiuiifcliijr livciil To ll Worked up My Committee. i i' A jtontlmcnt long forming Hint i -this yonr llond should linvo n Fourth of July celebration same to a bead lit n meeting InHt night, when It wnii tooldml to nrgunlto a ilny of enter- , trtlnnwmt hero. For two yonr In on I people who have- desired to colu hrato hero havo bowed to tho wishes ( of oilitir communities, and now Hint Redmond nnd Prliiovllto both havo hud their Inning It was decided tlmt , thin mmihoh llond win entitled to a Celebration. 'At meeting tntit night nt tho City Council room preliminary pinna wore liciniMid nnd alepa token to get ft n'orklng comtuUWo. After dUcua- ' Klon It was voted to loovo tlm no I no tion of a general committee, prnb nbly of five mnmboric, to Mm. K. 1). Molntoili nnd J. A. Haiti'. Mr. Molnlonh Inu been most notlvo In iiroiiNltiK Internal In tho proposed oololirntlon. In nddltlon to tho reg ular committee there will bo an aux iliary committee of wo in on nnd aov- irnl RUli-eointiitttnci to hnvo direct charge of dlffnrimt events. Tho plana, no fnr as they hnvo pro- grossed, contemplate n general Kood tliuo throughout tho dny. A hose Uall nnino will bo arranged. A get together luncbonn, probably on the lnwn by thn rlvor aido, In proiiORml. , Tlmro will bo foot races. hiiiiHiroua nitd serious, some homo races, n greased mln contest nnd Rlmllnr fun produelng events nnd several shin at tractions, audi n n tennis tourna ment, trnp shooting contest, onnoo races, etc. In tho evening It In pro posed to hnvo n masquerade foto on tho streets, tho bnnd playing nt n ventral Kilnt. fornilnic thn huh of an out-door carnival. Thn chief apon orn for tho celebration hnvo canvaaa- od tho town pretty thorouRhly nnd ro ort n generous aupport. Advertising matter for nnlghttortnc , communities U being prepared nnd will bu annt out nt onco. HAM COI.MNH HICK, Ram Collins Inat week wna taken nerlouily nick with heart trouble and had to bo ruhod off to l'ortlond Fri day night. He I now at thn Conva- ftaittiSvPt Homo. In a Momawhnt Im- TOV4(tlooji(mio but allll with hi heart nnd liver giving hi in dlitre. , John llio la thoro alio, Hlmllarly nffeetod. TK.CIIHHH AUK LKAVlNfl. Tho llcnd tonehera nro departing on their vncntlona. Mies Cowlea nnd MIm Ilyron left Hnturday for their hninfi In Illinois nnd Mnachuetta. lloth will bo back noxt year. Ml Holme left for Wlironaln Tuoadny, and will return, n will Ml Hldtiur, who alnrtod for Nebrnaka Raturdny. Tomorrow MIkh Huntington leave for CnHtlo Hnrk, WnihlnRton, nnd nf tor n vllt nt thn Vnndevort ranch Ml DnlNon will go to Illlnol. Rat urdny night twelvo of tho teacher hnd a "dutch troat" party nt Mra. HorrliiR. where y-ou ore not known, ovoid all rcard to your funda by carrying Q9tiu ooAwar AMGRICAN BANKCRS ASSOCIATION TRAVCLCRS' CHCQUeS These cheques ore equally useful for travelers In America or Abroad. They identify tho holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants, who accept them at lace value in of accounts. They aro not available to finder or thief, if lost or stolen. Let us explain the system. Deschutes State Bank Bucccssor to the Desckubes Banking & Trust Comjwuiy 1IENI), OltUOON, B. FERIIELL, Proa. F. O. MINOR, Soq'y, j E, M, LARA, Cashier. DIRECTORS.' B. Forroll, F. O, Minor, E. M, Lorn POSTAL HECEIPTS GROW Inspector Horn In Connection With New Ruling for UkuI OIllco. Whnt nrd bollovod to bo tho hut Ntopn townrd rnlslng tho loonl poit o'tlco to ancond class wiib takon Inat wook by r, T. Whltnoy, pont oflloa liiRportor from Portland. Tho rocolplo of tho office for tho yonr undlnR Mnrch 31 woro aurflclant to plnco the odlco Hit tho ItlRhor Rrnito nnd Mr. Whltnoy, on hi trip of Inflection which linn Just andod, linn checked up tho nffnlra of tho of. flco propnrntory to aubmltthiR hla ro port to tho authorities In Wmihlim ton who will tnke tho final notion. Tho Rrowth In thn hualnMR at tho llond olflco Iidr boon atendy nnd con aUtont for thu pnat throo yonra. Ho cnlpta for tho ynr ondlnR March HI, 1013 woro 10572, for tho .next yonr 10821 nnd for tho year ending lout March 18,117. It la underatood Hint Mr. Whltnoy, In addition to report Iiir on tho tiMtter of receipt, Im Rent In wordx of prnlho for thn Ron nrnl condition and conduct of Him local o(rioi). CREAMEflVJEETING Qucullon of Mnrlilncry nnd n Ilutter Mnker Xmr Up. Tho adjourned mooting of thn creamery orKiinlxora wnn held on 8a urdny nftcruoon In tho Commorclnl Club rooniR, nlout 20 fanner nttond ItiK. Tho commlttoo npnolntnd to rolled tho Bubacriptlona roported im.,,. i, ti,n imn..,rV i,, ttitn i.n.i t,U.n , K,VInM,V. TUV ,M, lioon received up to that two nnd the director of tho crenmery woro npitolnled to receive the bnlnnco atlll due, nnd nlo to olclt nioro cow. Through tho aocretnry. Is. I) Havp in aim, tho company I now looking up tho nuetlon of machinery and alo In Investigating butter maker. It I expected Hint n butter maker will bo ho re for tho mooting to bu held next Raturdny at 8 o'clock. All Riibiorlbora and other lntoretcd In tho creamery aro urged to bo proiont. NEWSPAPER AT STAUFFER KiitrrprUIng lloinifitrnd Country To llmo I'libllcAtlon of It Own KiMin. Tho pnigreRitvo entorprlio of tho homelead country to tho nouthenat, which build aohool and found commercial club, a well a turn a aagebruh wnata Into cultivated field la nbout to take anothor forward atop. Out at Htauffor there la to bo a nowa paper. C. J. Htauffor, who lives at tho pottoftlca which boar hi name, Is orrmnUIng the new project, which will he known a thn "Htauffor Kn terprlio." equipment for a Jlttlo plant lias iieon ordered, nnd It will tio ntnrtod Romo tlmo In Juno. The paper will bo a weekly, probably publUhed on Monday, and will bo de voted to tho new and advancement of the big homeatend country which aurrounda Ita plnco of publication on all aldoR. and whoio development la of bo groat Intereat nnd benefit to llond. Htnuffer la 18 mile south eat of Hrooklng, In Lot Creek ynlley. Mr. Htnuffer, who I a U, B. land aoinnilsilgjicr, la an oxporlencod printer. JACOIl IHIH DllvS. Jacob Hlla, tho eminent social worker, died ycatorday nt hln auminer home nt llnrro, Mnas. HI Ron, John, wna n llcnd resident for several yenra, flrat serving with tho Forestry Sor vlco hero nnd lnlor on game warden. A month or moro ago ho throw up his Htnto job nnd dtuippearod. Ac cording to Portland paporn ho 1 now ngalu In thu Korottry employ In Port laud. trouble in payment VeJwJj?-" MiBlBBBBV 1-I 1 Mil miw uiWiBVdlJ drVZjBsSlS'J'Pt- bIIhbbbbbibbJbbiIIv iT S Eli ROLLED COUNTYROLLER BEGAN LAST WEEK Completed Hectloim Hnvo flood Ap- pcnriifico -Different Mntei'inlH to he Tried an Hinder County Crow AIo Acllvo .V'jrtXtWif1, Work on tho buvlnoi ntreota of tho city In currying out tho plana mndo boforo "Uood Itoads" day hna boon Rains; on In full awing for tho InHt 10 day nnd It I iiow poiribla to got an Idea of tho way tho atroota will look wtmn tho work I compluted. Karly last week tho county road roller camo Into town and began at onco to roll down tho clndorn Hint had boon aproad on Wall Rtrcet north of Oregon. Tho cinder were flmt wot down thoroughly nnd when tho rollor wan through tho street had a very good nppenrnnco. Dlverao opinions n to tho Inntlng Jmiiiy or mo aurmco were nonru on different aide, however, and on thn quality of tho aurfneo were honrd on ,,. ,..., . ,- .,..! i..HIili. """ ","", '" ."" - I ",c no,'la of yWan Hio aurfaclnit material aro holm; tried. On Oregon atreot earth has been mixed with tho cinder to servo n a kort of binder whllo on tho lower end of Wall nnd llond atreot tho roadway han been plowed nnd crown ed with n scraper preliminary to put ting tho cinders on. On Wall street between Ohio and Minnesota It is planned to mix clny with a light coat of olndor and then crown with cin ders. llotwoon Minnesota nnd Oregon the cinder will bo, placed with tho Idea of Intor trying out oil as a binder n projtoged by M. J. Uanlclaon aomo tlmo ago. In preparing Wall atreot for tho cinders tho cross walks hnvo been torn out nnd tho earth scraped nwny from tho curb with tho result that ladles dressed In tho present stylo bvo as much dimcuttr In crossing tho atroct as their sister In larger cities havo In getting on nnd off atreot car. County Crcvr Iluny, AIo. In nddltlon to this work in thn city tho crow under Supervisor It. M. Kldor haa recently movod Its c&nui to a location on tho river Just below tho county bridgo nnd from them will work on tho connection with the Laldlaw road. Tho city boiler and atoam drill havo boon moved out to tho ixrtnj near tho Heed planer wherc a dgQb?"tbhe cut through and the work was begun yesterday. WOOL OUTLOOK IlUIfJHT. Dun' Trado llovlew contains tho following optimistic report on tho wool outlook: "fluslness In domestic wool la re stricted hy tho small supplies on hand and the high prices asked by holdlera. Light receipts of now domestic aro of fored attd lolling at firm price. Most of tho current business I In mport ed stock, which meets with a brisk demand. Tho now domostlo clip Is being absorbed, largely on contracts In advance of shearing, and most of It will havo passed from tho control of tho growers earlier than usual. Tho outlook Is considered favorablo an consumption Is expanding, storks far from oxcesslve. and the oltuatlon strong throughout tho world " SCREEN DOORS Screen Windows Screen Cloth Screen Hinges and Springs and all Housecleaning ne cessities, including O-Cedar Mops and Oil. Also Colol liquid gloss, the wonderful flirni-. ture polish. See window display. BEND HARDWARE ' CO. l' i TIMBER OWNERS ARE ORGANIZED FORM FIRE PATROL ASSOCIATION Alrendy 500,000 Acre of Central Oregon I'lne ImmU Hare Holered Organlwtloii to I'rcvnit I'ofinl Ja Itlllty of Kut tiro 1'lre Los. Organization has been effected of n now nifloclatloti to combat fire In timber throughout Central Oregon. It la known as Tho Centrnl Oregon I-'Iro I'ntrot Association, and ha been Incorporated, with headquarters at llcnd. Tho officer elected aro as follows: president. It. W. Wit more; vice pres ident, John K. Hyan; cc rotary-treasurer, J. II. Hnncr; directors ft. W. Wetmoro, A. It. Itogera, D. F. Drooks, J. I;. Ityan. I'. C. Garrison, J. X. Hun ter and J. II. Honor. Mr. Haner will bo Uio working officer, and will con duct tho nffalrs of the organization. Already owners of 600,000 acres of tlmbor lands have entered tho as sociation, and fully 100,000 moro aro oxpectod to bo Hated. The area em braced by tho organization Include practically all the timber In Crook county, and Lake and Klamath court tie north of tho Indian Reservation. Last year thero were sovoral smaller co-oporatlve associations, and theso all have boon amalgamated Into tho now organization. Under tho atato law timber owners aro compelled eltthor to supply adequate patrol for their holdings or pay tho atato to do the work. Hy combining all in terest, and handling tho work on a business ban. It Is expected that not only will economy bo eir.nwl bu also that a very high state of effi ciency In preventing fire loss will bo reached. As It is, the flro loss In tho open Deschutes pine lands, whero there la practically no underbrush, 1b al most' a oogllgable quantity. With tho work of tho association, with or ganization and ample funds. It is ex pected to wlpo out any possibility of appreciable flro loss. Mr. Honor will dorpto all his time to the work this summer nnd will be on tho move throughout tho terri tory, making his hoadquartors, for tho most part, nt Ilend. which was al so selected for tho headquarters of tho Association because of Ita cen tral location In regards to the tlmbor. A leaflet describing tho work of tho Association, tho by-laws nnd a form lottcr. Is being mailed to every tim ber owner. 1IIOII IMIICK FOK WOOL. J.C Houston, of Roberts, was In town Tuesday. He has Just finished lambing. From 12G0 ewea ho got 1120 lambs. Ho says that this Is tho best soaaon bo ever experienced In thla or any other country for sheep. The grass haa boon excel lent, the winter mild and tho price fair. Ho contracted his clip at ICo dollverod at the railroad. Last sen Bon he got but 11 cents. Ho vt'U shear at tho railroad on tho way to tho Bummor range. Princvllle Jour nal. NOTICE TO ODII FELLOWS. Second degreo work at tho next meeting. Monday, Juno 1. AH vis King members nro lnvltod to attend. ICE PLANJJS BUS? Wholesale HblptnenlJi .Made to I'oinf On Ihillroad. Tho first wholesale shipment of Ico from tho now plant of tho llond Water Light & Powor Co. were mado last week, one car going to Madras nnd another to Itedmond. In ordor to mako theso shipments the plant was taxed for a short time to Its full capacity, loading tho officials of the company to consider tho Installation of another unit and it Is possible that this atop may yet bo taken. In that caso an additional room would bo added to the present building for tho use of tho creamery as proffered by the company. Officials of tho Seattle compaay who furnished tho machinery for tho plant havo recently Inspected tho plant and hnvo been enthusiastic In their praise of tho quality of Ico that is being made. According to them tho Ico la of an exceptional quality duo to tho fino water supplied from the Dechute. In tho northwest they say there Is only ono other stream to comparo with tho Des chutes in the purity and quality of water. CLARK RHODESJO MABRY Monroe, Wnjihlngton, Olrl to Ilecomo Mr. IthmtcM on June X J. C nhnrfpfl la In lin nn Juno 3 to Miss Ellen Fleming of Mon roe, wasningtoa. sir. Rhodes loft Saturday night for Seattle, where he will spend moat of the tlmo bo foro the wedding, which will take placo at tho homo of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming. Mr. Rhode mot Mlaa Flnm(nr aomo flvo years ago when engaged in railroad work there. After a wedding trip to San Francisco Mr. and Mra. Rhodes will live hero, mak ing tneir norae in tue Hlo&a cottage formerly occupied by the Goulds. Mr. Rhodes Is local manager of tho Ucnd 1'ark Co. CHECKINGJP SURVEY If. C. Mcserrcy of Portland Kxamlnc Dcnchutcs Lumber Co. Holdings. Concluding the Investigation of tho timber lands of the Deschutes Lum ber Co. begun by cruisers reported to bo in tho employ of tho Weyer haeuser Interests, M. C. Meservey, of the Lumberman's Engineering Com pany of Portland arrived In town last Week With R. Rlatinrnr. nnrl wont out to tho lands under examination. .No information la obtainable as to the meaning of thla additional survey hut It Is nnilnmtnnl thnt It la tr .ha.u up tho results obtained by tho cruis ers who finished recently, Mr. Me- erroy is Known as a logging expert who has esneelnl knnwlndi'n nn Mi- aiiDjcci or logging railroads. His visit, coupled with the statement mado by S. O. Johnson on hla recent visit to New Orleana and reported In The Bulletin. lead to the belief that Important milling news may be ex pected at any tlmo. REVISED RU.EH DATES. The following revised list of wool "iv. iwm hub levvuiiy uecn issucju. Pilot Rock. First Bale, May'Slat, second aalo June lDtb; Echo, fllrat sale May 22: Pendleton, flrat aalo May 23; Hoppner, first sale Juno 2. second sale Juno 26; Shanlko, flrat sale Juno 4, socond sale June 19, third aalo July 9; Daker. flrat sale Juno C; Ontario and Vale, flrat aale June S and 9: Mauplu, first aula June 1C; Madras, first aalo Juno 17; Con don, flrat aalo Juno 23; Joseph, first sale Juno 30: Enterprise and Wallo wa, flrat sale July 1; Rend, flrat salo July 7. TUe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C. COE, President E. A. SATHBR, Vice- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid Surplus - - - - To Homeseekers: Parties contemplating taking Home steads in the new lands jus.t eliminated from the Forest Reserves, should bear in mind that Bend is the closest Banking town to these lands. Wo are making a specia effort to be of service to new people coming into Gen tral Oregon. Gall and see usf and arrange your fi nances, so you will hot have any trouble in having your checks cashed. L TE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND "- DIRECTORS U. C. Cob E. A. Sather c. S. Hudson O. M. Patterson ij. ". Elms TO DIVIDE THE COUNTY IS PLAN PETITIONS C I R C U LAT INO IN NORTH END To Vote on Question at Next General Hlectlon I'rppoMd New County Jo Uo Calhxl Jefferson Vote of 1003 IS Voting I'rrcincts. . , Tho plan for tho division of Iho county that has boon nnder discus slon In the northern end of the coun ty for some tlmo past has recently assumed a definite shape and. It Ja understood, petitions aro now being circulated asking tho county court to place tho question on tho ballot to be voted on at tho general election to be hold In November. According to a rough draft of the petition, recently printed In the Ma? dras Pioneer, tho portion of Crool: county to be set off to form the new county Includes the 13 voting pre clscla In tho northern end of the county, covering everything, roughly speaking, north of township 14. Tho nsaio proposed for the new county Is Jefferson. Dy a tabulation recently mado it appears that tho registered vote 'a the proposed Jefferson county Is 106S as against 2873 In the rest of the present Croolc county. Other com parative figures aro aa follows: Tax able area, Jefferson 990,720 acTej. Crook 2,310,706. aaseaament 1912-, Jefferson 93,272,244, Crook ?9,G39g S81. Thero are 34 voting preclntUr left In tho old Crook county. "f To obtain tho desired1 division the voto In tho now county must be W per cent In favor and 35 per cent In favor In the balance of tho county. The proposed petition Is as fol io wa: j-m To tho Honorable Court of Creole County, Oregon: Whereas. It appear" n be expedi ent and desirable to form a ner county to bo known as Jefferson county out of that portion of Crook county lying north of a line begin ning at the uontheoat corner of town ship 11 S. Rango 19, E. W. M.. and running thence In a westerly direc tion along the township lines to tho northwest corner of section 4, town ship 12 8. Rango 16 E.. W, M., thenco In & southerly direction along the section lines to the southwest cor ner of section 33, Township 12 8., Rango 1G E., W. M., thenco In a wes terly direction along the township lines to the southwest corner of town ship 12 8., Range 15 E., W. M.. thence In a southerly direction nIon the Township, lines to the southwest comer of Township 13 8.. Range 1? E., W. M.. thence In a westerly direc tion along the Township lines and a continuation thereof to the westoru boundary of Crook County, Oregon, and Whereas. Tho proposed Jefferson county has pronorty of an assessed value of moro than two million dol lars and an area of more than four hundred rquare miles, and a popula tion of over twelve hundred, and.' Whereas. Crook county will Mre In the territory remaining arterjlef ferson county Is cut off an areoof over four hundred square miles and (Continued on lost pace.) J25.000 818,000 "nr 4QMV W